package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.svg; /* This file is part of ELKI: Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures Copyright (C) 2015 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Datenbanksysteme ELKI Development Team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import java.awt.Color; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Locale; import javax.swing.text.html.StyleSheet; import; import org.apache.batik.util.SVGConstants; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import; import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGDocument; import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGLocatable; import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGMatrix; import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGPoint; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.logging.LoggingUtil; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.MathUtil; import; /** * Utility class for SVG processing. * * Much of the classes are to allow easier attribute setting (conversion to * string) and Namespace handling * * @author Erich Schubert * @since 0.2 * * @apiviz.uses Element oneway - - «create» */ public final class SVGUtil { /** * Formatter to output numbers in a valid SVG number format. */ public static final NumberFormat FMT = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ROOT); static { FMT.setMaximumFractionDigits(10); FMT.setGroupingUsed(false); } /** * Hourglass object. */ final public static String HOURGLASS_PATH = "M.35 .2 L.65 .2 L.65 .3 L.35 .7 L.35 .8 L.65 .8 L.65 .7 L.35 .3 Z"; /** * Hourglass style. */ final public static String HOURGLASS_STYLE = "stroke: black; stroke-width: .01; fill: grey; opacity: .2"; /** * Throbber path. */ final public static String THROBBER_PATH = "M.5,.25 a.25,.25 0 0 1 .1766,.42635 l-.0589 -.0589 a-.1766 -.1766 0 0 0 -.1178,-.2835 z"; /** * Throbber style. */ final public static String THROBBER_STYLE = "fill: #3d7fe6; opacity: .2"; /** * SVG color names conversion. */ final private static TObjectIntHashMap SVG_COLOR_NAMES; /** * Key not found value. Not a reasonable color, fully transparent! */ final private static int NO_VALUE = 0x00123456; static { // Build a reasonably sized hashmap. Use 0 SVG_COLOR_NAMES = new TObjectIntHashMap<>(90, .8f, NO_VALUE); // List taken from SVG specification: // SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("aliceblue", 0xFFF0F8FF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("antiquewhite", 0xFFFAEBD7); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("aqua", 0xFF00FFFF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("aquamarine", 0xFF7FFFD4); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("azure", 0xFFF0FFFF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("beige", 0xFFF5F5DC); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("bisque", 0xFFFFE4C4); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("black", 0xFF000000); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("blanchedalmond", 0xFFFFEBCD); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("blue", 0xFF0000FF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("blueviolet", 0xFF8A2BE2); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("brown", 0xFFA52A2A); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("burlywood", 0xFFDEB887); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("cadetblue", 0xFF5F9EA0); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("chartreuse", 0xFF7FFF00); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("chocolate", 0xFFD2691E); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("coral", 0xFFFF7F50); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("cornflowerblue", 0xFF6495ED); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("cornsilk", 0xFFFFF8DC); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("crimson", 0xFFDC143C); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("cyan", 0xFF00FFFF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkblue", 0xFF00008B); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkcyan", 0xFF008B8B); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkgoldenrod", 0xFFB8860B); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkgray", 0xFFA9A9A9); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkgreen", 0xFF006400); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkgrey", 0xFFA9A9A9); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkkhaki", 0xFFBDB76B); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkmagenta", 0xFF8B008B); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkolivegreen", 0xFF556B2F); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkorange", 0xFFFF8C00); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkorchid", 0xFF9932CC); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkred", 0xFF8B0000); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darksalmon", 0xFFE9967A); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkseagreen", 0xFF8FBC8F); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkslateblue", 0xFF483D8B); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkslategray", 0xFF2F4F4F); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkslategrey", 0xFF2F4F4F); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkturquoise", 0xFF00CED1); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("darkviolet", 0xFF9400D3); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("deeppink", 0xFFFF1493); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("deepskyblue", 0xFF00BFFF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("dimgray", 0xFF696969); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("dimgrey", 0xFF696969); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("dodgerblue", 0xFF1E90FF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("firebrick", 0xFFB22222); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("floralwhite", 0xFFFFFAF0); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("forestgreen", 0xFF228B22); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("fuchsia", 0xFFFF00FF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("gainsboro", 0xFFDCDCDC); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("ghostwhite", 0xFFF8F8FF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("gold", 0xFFFFD700); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("goldenrod", 0xFFDAA520); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("gray", 0xFF808080); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("grey", 0xFF808080); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("green", 0xFF008000); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("greenyellow", 0xFFADFF2F); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("honeydew", 0xFFF0FFF0); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("hotpink", 0xFFFF69B4); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("indianred", 0xFFCD5C5C); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("indigo", 0xFF4B0082); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("ivory", 0xFFFFFFF0); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("khaki", 0xFFF0E68C); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lavender", 0xFFE6E6FA); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lavenderblush", 0xFFFFF0F5); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lawngreen", 0xFF7CFC00); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lemonchiffon", 0xFFFFFACD); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightblue", 0xFFADD8E6); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightcoral", 0xFFF08080); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightcyan", 0xFFE0FFFF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightgoldenrodyellow", 0xFFFAFAD2); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightgray", 0xFFD3D3D3); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightgreen", 0xFF90EE90); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightgrey", 0xFFD3D3D3); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightpink", 0xFFFFB6C1); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightsalmon", 0xFFFFA07A); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightseagreen", 0xFF20B2AA); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightskyblue", 0xFF87CEFA); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightslategray", 0xFF778899); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightslategrey", 0xFF778899); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightsteelblue", 0xFFB0C4DE); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lightyellow", 0xFFFFFFE0); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("lime", 0xFF00FF00); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("limegreen", 0xFF32CD32); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("linen", 0xFFFAF0E6); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("magenta", 0xFFFF00FF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("maroon", 0xFF800000); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("mediumaquamarine", 0xFF66CDAA); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("mediumblue", 0xFF0000CD); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("mediumorchid", 0xFFBA55D3); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("mediumpurple", 0xFF9370DB); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("mediumseagreen", 0xFF3CB371); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("mediumslateblue", 0xFF7B68EE); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("mediumspringgreen", 0xFF00FA9A); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("mediumturquoise", 0xFF48D1CC); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("mediumvioletred", 0xFFC71585); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("midnightblue", 0xFF191970); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("mintcream", 0xFFF5FFFA); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("mistyrose", 0xFFFFE4E1); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("moccasin", 0xFFFFE4B5); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("navajowhite", 0xFFFFDEAD); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("navy", 0xFF000080); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("oldlace", 0xFFFDF5E6); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("olive", 0xFF808000); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("olivedrab", 0xFF6B8E23); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("orange", 0xFFFFA500); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("orangered", 0xFFFF4500); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("orchid", 0xFFDA70D6); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("palegoldenrod", 0xFFEEE8AA); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("palegreen", 0xFF98FB98); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("paleturquoise", 0xFFAFEEEE); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("palevioletred", 0xFFDB7093); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("papayawhip", 0xFFFFEFD5); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("peachpuff", 0xFFFFDAB9); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("peru", 0xFFCD853F); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("pink", 0xFFFFC0CB); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("plum", 0xFFDDA0DD); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("powderblue", 0xFFB0E0E6); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("purple", 0xFF800080); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("red", 0xFFFF0000); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("rosybrown", 0xFFBC8F8F); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("royalblue", 0xFF4169E1); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("saddlebrown", 0xFF8B4513); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("salmon", 0xFFFA8072); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("sandybrown", 0xFFF4A460); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("seagreen", 0xFF2E8B57); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("seashell", 0xFFFFF5EE); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("sienna", 0xFFA0522D); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("silver", 0xFFC0C0C0); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("skyblue", 0xFF87CEEB); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("slateblue", 0xFF6A5ACD); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("slategray", 0xFF708090); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("slategrey", 0xFF708090); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("snow", 0xFFFFFAFA); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("springgreen", 0xFF00FF7F); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("steelblue", 0xFF4682B4); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("tan", 0xFFD2B48C); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("teal", 0xFF008080); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("thistle", 0xFFD8BFD8); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("tomato", 0xFFFF6347); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("turquoise", 0xFF40E0D0); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("violet", 0xFFEE82EE); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("wheat", 0xFFF5DEB3); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("white", 0xFFFFFFFF); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("whitesmoke", 0xFFF5F5F5); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("yellow", 0xFFFFFF00); SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("yellowgreen", 0xFF9ACD32); // Nonstandard: SVG_COLOR_NAMES.put("transparent", 0xFFFFFFFF); } /** * CSS Stylesheet from Javax, to parse color values. */ private static final StyleSheet colorLookupStylesheet = new StyleSheet(); /** * Format a double according to the SVG specs. * * @param x number to format * @return String representation */ public static String fmt(double x) { return FMT.format(x); } /** * Create a SVG element in appropriate namespace * * @param document containing document * @param name node name * @return new SVG element. */ public static Element svgElement(Document document, String name) { return document.createElementNS(SVGConstants.SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, name); } /** * Set a SVG attribute * * @param el element * @param name attribute name * @param d double value */ public static void setAtt(Element el, String name, double d) { el.setAttribute(name, fmt(d)); } /** * Set a SVG attribute * * @param el element * @param name attribute name * @param d integer value */ public static void setAtt(Element el, String name, int d) { el.setAttribute(name, Integer.toString(d)); } /** * Set a SVG attribute * * @param el element * @param name attribute name * @param d string value */ public static void setAtt(Element el, String name, String d) { el.setAttribute(name, d); } /** * Set a SVG style attribute * * @param el element * @param d style value */ public static void setStyle(Element el, String d) { el.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_STYLE_ATTRIBUTE, d); } /** * Set the CSS class of an Element. See also {@link #addCSSClass} and * {@link #removeCSSClass}. * * @param e Element * @param cssclass class to set. */ public static void setCSSClass(Element e, String cssclass) { setAtt(e, SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, cssclass); } /** * Add a CSS class to an Element. * * @param e Element * @param cssclass class to add. */ public static void addCSSClass(Element e, String cssclass) { String oldval = e.getAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE); if(oldval == null || oldval.length() == 0) { setAtt(e, SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, cssclass); return; } String[] classes = oldval.split(" "); for(String c : classes) { if(c.equals(cssclass)) { return; } } setAtt(e, SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, oldval + " " + cssclass); } /** * Remove a CSS class from an Element. * * @param e Element * @param cssclass class to remove. */ public static void removeCSSClass(Element e, String cssclass) { String oldval = e.getAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE); if(oldval == null) { return; } String[] classes = oldval.split(" "); if(classes.length == 1) { if(cssclass.equals(classes[0])) { e.removeAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE); } } else if(classes.length == 2) { if(cssclass.equals(classes[0])) { if(cssclass.equals(classes[1])) { e.removeAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE); } else { e.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, classes[1]); } } else if(cssclass.equals(classes[1])) { e.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, classes[0]); } } else { StringBuilder joined = new StringBuilder(); for(String c : classes) { if(!c.equals(cssclass)) { if(joined.length() > 0) { joined.append(' '); } joined.append(c); } } e.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, joined.toString()); } } /** * Make a new CSS style element for the given Document. * * @param document document (factory) * @return new CSS style element. */ public static Element makeStyleElement(Document document) { Element style = SVGUtil.svgElement(document, SVGConstants.SVG_STYLE_TAG); style.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, SVGConstants.CSS_MIME_TYPE); return style; } /** * Create a SVG rectangle element. * * @param document document to create in (factory) * @param x X coordinate * @param y Y coordinate * @param w Width * @param h Height * @return new element */ public static Element svgRect(Document document, double x, double y, double w, double h) { Element rect = SVGUtil.svgElement(document, SVGConstants.SVG_RECT_TAG); SVGUtil.setAtt(rect, SVGConstants.SVG_X_ATTRIBUTE, x); SVGUtil.setAtt(rect, SVGConstants.SVG_Y_ATTRIBUTE, y); SVGUtil.setAtt(rect, SVGConstants.SVG_WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE, w); SVGUtil.setAtt(rect, SVGConstants.SVG_HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE, h); return rect; } /** * Create a SVG circle element. * * @param document document to create in (factory) * @param cx center X * @param cy center Y * @param r radius * @return new element */ public static Element svgCircle(Document document, double cx, double cy, double r) { Element circ = SVGUtil.svgElement(document, SVGConstants.SVG_CIRCLE_TAG); SVGUtil.setAtt(circ, SVGConstants.SVG_CX_ATTRIBUTE, cx); SVGUtil.setAtt(circ, SVGConstants.SVG_CY_ATTRIBUTE, cy); SVGUtil.setAtt(circ, SVGConstants.SVG_R_ATTRIBUTE, r); return circ; } /** * Create a SVG line element. Do not confuse this with path elements. * * @param document document to create in (factory) * @param x1 first point x * @param y1 first point y * @param x2 second point x * @param y2 second point y * @return new element */ public static Element svgLine(Document document, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { Element line = SVGUtil.svgElement(document, SVGConstants.SVG_LINE_TAG); SVGUtil.setAtt(line, SVGConstants.SVG_X1_ATTRIBUTE, x1); SVGUtil.setAtt(line, SVGConstants.SVG_Y1_ATTRIBUTE, y1); SVGUtil.setAtt(line, SVGConstants.SVG_X2_ATTRIBUTE, x2); SVGUtil.setAtt(line, SVGConstants.SVG_Y2_ATTRIBUTE, y2); return line; } /** * Create a SVG text element. * * @param document document to create in (factory) * @param x first point x * @param y first point y * @param text Content of text element. * @return New text element. */ public static Element svgText(Document document, double x, double y, String text) { Element elem = SVGUtil.svgElement(document, SVGConstants.SVG_TEXT_TAG); SVGUtil.setAtt(elem, SVGConstants.SVG_X_ATTRIBUTE, x); SVGUtil.setAtt(elem, SVGConstants.SVG_Y_ATTRIBUTE, y); elem.setTextContent(text); return elem; } /** * Draw a simple "please wait" icon (in-progress) as placeholder for running * renderings. * * @param document Document. * @param x Left * @param y Top * @param w Width * @param h Height * @return New element (currently a {@link SVGConstants#SVG_PATH_TAG}) */ public static Element svgWaitIcon(Document document, double x, double y, double w, double h) { Element g = SVGUtil.svgElement(document, SVGConstants.SVG_G_TAG); setAtt(g, SVGConstants.SVG_TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE, "translate(" + x + " " + y + ") scale(" + w + " " + h + ")"); Element thro = SVGUtil.svgElement(document, SVGConstants.SVG_PATH_TAG); setAtt(thro, SVGConstants.SVG_D_ATTRIBUTE, THROBBER_PATH); setStyle(thro, THROBBER_STYLE); Element anim = SVGUtil.svgElement(document, SVGConstants.SVG_ANIMATE_TRANSFORM_TAG); setAtt(anim, SVGConstants.SVG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, SVGConstants.SVG_TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE); setAtt(anim, SVGConstants.SVG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, "XML"); setAtt(anim, SVGConstants.SVG_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, SVGConstants.SVG_ROTATE_ATTRIBUTE); setAtt(anim, SVGConstants.SVG_FROM_ATTRIBUTE, "0 .5 .5"); setAtt(anim, SVGConstants.SVG_TO_ATTRIBUTE, "360 .5 .5"); setAtt(anim, SVGConstants.SVG_BEGIN_ATTRIBUTE, fmt(Math.random() * 2) + "s"); setAtt(anim, SVGConstants.SVG_DUR_ATTRIBUTE, "2s"); setAtt(anim, SVGConstants.SVG_REPEAT_COUNT_ATTRIBUTE, "indefinite"); setAtt(anim, SVGConstants.SVG_FILL_ATTRIBUTE, "freeze"); thro.appendChild(anim); g.appendChild(thro); return g; } /** * Convert a color name from SVG syntax to an AWT color object. * * @param str Color name * @return Color value */ public static Color stringToColor(String str) { int icol = SVG_COLOR_NAMES.get(str.toLowerCase()); if(icol != NO_VALUE) { return new Color(icol, false); } return colorLookupStylesheet.stringToColor(str); } /** * Convert a color name from an AWT color object to CSS syntax * * Note: currently only RGB (from ARGB order) are supported. * * @param col Color value * @return Color string */ public static String colorToString(Color col) { return colorToString(col.getRGB()); } /** * Convert a color name from an integer RGB color to CSS syntax * * Note: currently only RGB (from ARGB order) are supported. The alpha channel * will be ignored. * * @param col Color value * @return Color string */ public static String colorToString(int col) { final char[] buf = new char[] { '#', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' }; for(int i = 6; i > 0; i--) { final int v = (col & 0xF); buf[i] = (char) ((v < 10) ? ('0' + v) : ('a' + v - 10)); col >>>= 4; } return new String(buf); } /** * Make a transform string to add margins * * @param owidth Width of outer (embedding) canvas * @param oheight Height of outer (embedding) canvas * @param iwidth Width of inner (embedded) canvas * @param iheight Height of inner (embedded) canvas * @param lmargin Left margin (in inner canvas' units) * @param tmargin Top margin (in inner canvas' units) * @param rmargin Right margin (in inner canvas' units) * @param bmargin Bottom margin (in inner canvas' units) * @return Transform string */ public static String makeMarginTransform(double owidth, double oheight, double iwidth, double iheight, double lmargin, double tmargin, double rmargin, double bmargin) { double swidth = iwidth + lmargin + rmargin; double sheight = iheight + tmargin + bmargin; double scale = Math.max(swidth / owidth, sheight / oheight); double offx = (scale * owidth - swidth) * .5 + lmargin; double offy = (scale * oheight - sheight) * .5 + tmargin; return "scale(" + fmt(1 / scale) + ") translate(" + fmt(offx) + " " + fmt(offy) + ")"; } /** * Make a transform string to add margins * * @param owidth Width of outer (embedding) canvas * @param oheight Height of outer (embedding) canvas * @param iwidth Width of inner (embedded) canvas * @param iheight Height of inner (embedded) canvas * @param xmargin Left and right margin (in inner canvas' units) * @param ymargin Top and bottom margin (in inner canvas' units) * @return Transform string */ public static String makeMarginTransform(double owidth, double oheight, double iwidth, double iheight, double xmargin, double ymargin) { return makeMarginTransform(owidth, oheight, iwidth, iheight, xmargin, ymargin, xmargin, ymargin); } /** * Make a transform string to add margins * * @param owidth Width of outer (embedding) canvas * @param oheight Height of outer (embedding) canvas * @param iwidth Width of inner (embedded) canvas * @param iheight Height of inner (embedded) canvas * @param margin Margin (in inner canvas' units) * @return Transform string */ public static String makeMarginTransform(double owidth, double oheight, double iwidth, double iheight, double margin) { return makeMarginTransform(owidth, oheight, iwidth, iheight, margin, margin, margin, margin); } /** * Convert the coordinates of an DOM Event from screen into element * coordinates. * * @param doc Document context * @param tag Element containing the coordinate system * @param evt Event to interpret * @return coordinates */ public static SVGPoint elementCoordinatesFromEvent(Document doc, Element tag, Event evt) { try { DOMMouseEvent gnme = (DOMMouseEvent) evt; SVGMatrix mat = ((SVGLocatable) tag).getScreenCTM(); SVGMatrix imat = mat.inverse(); SVGPoint cPt = ((SVGDocument) doc).getRootElement().createSVGPoint(); cPt.setX(gnme.getClientX()); cPt.setY(gnme.getClientY()); return cPt.matrixTransform(imat); } catch(Exception e) { LoggingUtil.warning("Error getting coordinates from SVG event.", e); return null; } } /** * Remove last child of an element, when present * * @param tag Parent */ public static void removeLastChild(Element tag) { final Node last = tag.getLastChild(); if(last != null) { tag.removeChild(last); } } /** * Remove an element from its parent, if defined. * * @param elem Element to remove */ public static void removeFromParent(Element elem) { if(elem != null && elem.getParentNode() != null) { elem.getParentNode().removeChild(elem); } } /** * Create a circle segment. * * @param svgp Plot to draw to * @param centerx Center X position * @param centery Center Y position * @param angleStart Starting angle * @param angleDelta Angle delta * @param innerRadius inner radius * @param outerRadius outer radius * @return SVG element representing this circle segment */ public static Element svgCircleSegment(SVGPlot svgp, double centerx, double centery, double angleStart, double angleDelta, double innerRadius, double outerRadius) { double sin1st = Math.sin(angleStart); double cos1st = MathUtil.sinToCos(angleStart, sin1st); double sin2nd = Math.sin(angleStart + angleDelta); double cos2nd = MathUtil.sinToCos(angleStart + angleDelta, sin2nd); double inner1stx = centerx + (innerRadius * sin1st); double inner1sty = centery - (innerRadius * cos1st); double outer1stx = centerx + (outerRadius * sin1st); double outer1sty = centery - (outerRadius * cos1st); double inner2ndx = centerx + (innerRadius * sin2nd); double inner2ndy = centery - (innerRadius * cos2nd); double outer2ndx = centerx + (outerRadius * sin2nd); double outer2ndy = centery - (outerRadius * cos2nd); double largeArc = 0; if(angleDelta >= Math.PI) { largeArc = 1; } SVGPath path = new SVGPath(inner1stx, inner1sty); path.lineTo(outer1stx, outer1sty); path.ellipticalArc(outerRadius, outerRadius, 0, largeArc, 1, outer2ndx, outer2ndy); path.lineTo(inner2ndx, inner2ndy); if(innerRadius > 0) { path.ellipticalArc(innerRadius, innerRadius, 0, largeArc, 0, inner1stx, inner1sty); } return path.makeElement(svgp); } }