package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.visunproj; /* This file is part of ELKI: Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures Copyright (C) 2015 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Datenbanksysteme ELKI Development Team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.batik.util.SVGConstants; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import; import; import; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.hierarchy.Hierarchy; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.datastructures.hierarchy.Hierarchy.Iter; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.pairs.DoubleDoublePair; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.VisualizationTask; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.VisualizationTree; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.VisualizerContext; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.css.CSSClass; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.gui.VisualizationPlot; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.projections.Projection; import; import; import; import; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.svg.SVGPlot; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.svg.SVGUtil; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.AbstractVisFactory; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.AbstractVisualization; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.visualizers.Visualization; /** * Visualizer, displaying the key for a clustering. * * TODO: re-add automatic sizing depending on the number of clusters. * * TODO: also show in scatter plot detail view. * * @author Erich Schubert * @since 0.3 * * @apiviz.stereotype factory * @apiviz.uses Instance oneway - - «create» */ public class KeyVisualization extends AbstractVisFactory { /** * Name for this visualizer. */ private static final String NAME = "Cluster Key"; @Override public void processNewResult(VisualizerContext context, Object start) { // Ensure there is a clustering result: Hierarchy.Iter> it = VisualizationTree.filterResults(context, start, Clustering.class); if(!it.valid()) { return; } Hierarchy.Iter i2 = VisualizationTree.filter(context, VisualizationTask.class); for(; i2.valid(); i2.advance()) { if(i2.get().getFactory() instanceof KeyVisualization) { return; // At most one key per plot. } } final VisualizationTask task = new VisualizationTask(NAME, context, context.getStylingPolicy(), null, this); task.level = VisualizationTask.LEVEL_STATIC; task.addUpdateFlags(VisualizationTask.ON_STYLEPOLICY); task.reqwidth = 1.; task.reqheight = 1.; context.addVis(context.getStylingPolicy(), task); } /** * Compute the size of the clustering. * * @param c Clustering * @return Array storing the depth and the number of leaf nodes. */ protected static int[] findDepth(Clustering c) { final Hierarchy> hier = c.getClusterHierarchy(); int[] size = { 0, 0 }; for(Iter> iter = c.iterToplevelClusters(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) { findDepth(hier, iter.get(), size); } return size; } /** * Recursive depth computation. * * @param hier Hierarchy * @param cluster Current cluster * @param size Counting array. */ private static void findDepth(Hierarchy> hier, Cluster cluster, int[] size) { if(hier.numChildren(cluster) > 0) { for(Iter> iter = hier.iterChildren(cluster); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) { findDepth(hier, iter.get(), size); } size[0] += 1; // Depth } else { size[1] += 1; // Leaves } } /** * Compute the preferred number of columns. * * @param width Target width * @param height Target height * @param numc Number of clusters * @param maxwidth Max width of entries * @return Preferred number of columns */ protected static int getPreferredColumns(double width, double height, int numc, double maxwidth) { // Maximum width (compared to height) of labels - guess. // FIXME: do we really need to do this three-step computation? // Number of rows we'd use in a squared layout: final double rows = Math.ceil(Math.pow(numc * maxwidth, height / (width + height))); // Given this number of rows (plus one for header), use this many columns: return (int) Math.ceil(numc / (rows + 1)); } @Override public Visualization makeVisualization(VisualizationTask task, VisualizationPlot plot, double width, double height, Projection proj) { return new Instance(task, plot, width, height); } @Override public boolean allowThumbnails(VisualizationTask task) { return false; } /** * Instance * * @author Erich Schubert * * @apiviz.has Clustering oneway - - visualizes */ public class Instance extends AbstractVisualization { /** * CSS class for key captions. */ private static final String KEY_CAPTION = "key-caption"; /** * CSS class for key entries. */ private static final String KEY_ENTRY = "key-entry"; /** * CSS class for hierarchy plot lines */ private static final String KEY_HIERLINE = "key-hierarchy"; /** * Constructor. * * @param task Visualization task * @param plot Plot to draw to * @param width Embedding width * @param height Embedding height */ public Instance(VisualizationTask task, VisualizationPlot plot, double width, double height) { super(task, plot, width, height); addListeners(); } @Override public void fullRedraw() { StylingPolicy pol = context.getStylingPolicy(); if(!(pol instanceof ClusterStylingPolicy)) { Element label = svgp.svgText(0.1, 0.7, "No clustering selected."); SVGUtil.setCSSClass(label, KEY_CAPTION); layer.appendChild(label); return; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Clustering clustering = (Clustering) ((ClusterStylingPolicy) pol).getClustering(); StyleLibrary style = context.getStyleLibrary(); MarkerLibrary ml = style.markers(); final List> allcs = clustering.getAllClusters(); final List> topcs = clustering.getToplevelClusters(); setupCSS(svgp); layer = svgp.svgElement(SVGConstants.SVG_G_TAG); // Add a label for the clustering. { Element label = svgp.svgText(0.1, 0.7, clustering.getLongName()); SVGUtil.setCSSClass(label, KEY_CAPTION); layer.appendChild(label); } double kwi, khe; if(allcs.size() == topcs.size()) { // Maximum width (compared to height) of labels - guess. // FIXME: compute from labels? final double maxwidth = 10.; // Flat clustering. Use multiple columns. final int numc = allcs.size(); final int cols = getPreferredColumns(getWidth(), getHeight(), numc, maxwidth); final int rows = (int) Math.ceil(numc / (double) cols); // We use a coordinate system based on rows, so columns are at // c*maxwidth int i = 0; for(Cluster c : allcs) { final int col = i / rows; final int row = i % rows; ml.useMarker(svgp, layer, 0.3 + maxwidth * col, row + 1.5, i, 0.3); Element label = svgp.svgText(0.7 + maxwidth * col, row + 1.7, c.getNameAutomatic()); SVGUtil.setCSSClass(label, KEY_ENTRY); layer.appendChild(label); i++; } kwi = cols * maxwidth; khe = rows; } else { // For consistent keying: TObjectIntMap> cnum = new TObjectIntHashMap<>(allcs.size()); int i = 0; for(Cluster c : allcs) { cnum.put(c, i); i++; } // Hierarchical clustering. Draw recursively. DoubleDoublePair size = new DoubleDoublePair(0., 1.), pos = new DoubleDoublePair(0., 1.); Hierarchy> hier = clustering.getClusterHierarchy(); for(Cluster cluster : topcs) { drawHierarchy(svgp, ml, size, pos, 0, cluster, cnum, hier); } kwi = size.first; khe = size.second; } final double margin = style.getSize(StyleLibrary.MARGIN); final String transform = SVGUtil.makeMarginTransform(getWidth(), getHeight(), kwi, khe, margin / StyleLibrary.SCALE); SVGUtil.setAtt(layer, SVGConstants.SVG_TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE, transform); } private double drawHierarchy(SVGPlot svgp, MarkerLibrary ml, DoubleDoublePair size, DoubleDoublePair pos, int depth, Cluster cluster, TObjectIntMap> cnum, Hierarchy> hier) { final double maxwidth = 8.; DoubleDoublePair subpos = new DoubleDoublePair(pos.first + maxwidth, pos.second); int numc = hier.numChildren(cluster); double posy; if(numc > 0) { double[] mids = new double[numc]; Iter> iter = hier.iterChildren(cluster); for(int i = 0; iter.valid(); iter.advance(), i++) { mids[i] = drawHierarchy(svgp, ml, size, subpos, depth, iter.get(), cnum, hier); } // Center: posy = (pos.second + subpos.second) * .5; for(int i = 0; i < numc; i++) { Element line = svgp.svgLine(pos.first + maxwidth - 1., posy + .5, pos.first + maxwidth, mids[i] + .5); SVGUtil.setCSSClass(line, KEY_HIERLINE); layer.appendChild(line); } // Use vertical extends of children: pos.second = subpos.second; } else { posy = pos.second + .5; pos.second += 1.; } ml.useMarker(svgp, layer, 0.3 + pos.first, posy + 0.5, cnum.get(cluster), 0.3); Element label = svgp.svgText(0.7 + pos.first, posy + 0.7, cluster.getNameAutomatic()); SVGUtil.setCSSClass(label, KEY_ENTRY); layer.appendChild(label); size.first = Math.max(size.first, pos.first + maxwidth); size.second = Math.max(size.second, pos.second); return posy; } /** * Registers the Tooltip-CSS-Class at a SVGPlot. * * @param svgp the SVGPlot to register the Tooltip-CSS-Class. */ protected void setupCSS(SVGPlot svgp) { final StyleLibrary style = context.getStyleLibrary(); final double fontsize = style.getTextSize(StyleLibrary.KEY); final String fontfamily = style.getFontFamily(StyleLibrary.KEY); final String color = style.getColor(StyleLibrary.KEY); CSSClass keycaption = new CSSClass(svgp, KEY_CAPTION); keycaption.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_FONT_SIZE_PROPERTY, fontsize); keycaption.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_FONT_FAMILY_PROPERTY, fontfamily); keycaption.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_FILL_PROPERTY, color); keycaption.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_PROPERTY, SVGConstants.CSS_BOLD_VALUE); svgp.addCSSClassOrLogError(keycaption); CSSClass keyentry = new CSSClass(svgp, KEY_ENTRY); keyentry.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_FONT_SIZE_PROPERTY, fontsize); keyentry.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_FONT_FAMILY_PROPERTY, fontfamily); keyentry.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_FILL_PROPERTY, color); svgp.addCSSClassOrLogError(keyentry); CSSClass hierline = new CSSClass(svgp, KEY_HIERLINE); hierline.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_STROKE_PROPERTY, color); hierline.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_STROKE_WIDTH_PROPERTY, style.getLineWidth("key.hierarchy") / StyleLibrary.SCALE); svgp.addCSSClassOrLogError(hierline); svgp.updateStyleElement(); } } }