package; /* This file is part of ELKI: Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures Copyright (C) 2011 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Datenbanksysteme ELKI Development Team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Random; import; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.AffineTransformation; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.linearalgebra.Vector; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.exceptions.UnableToComplyException; /** * Class to generate a single cluster according to a model as well as getting * the density of a given model at that point (to evaluate generated points * according to the same model) * * @author Erich Schubert * * @apiviz.composedOf Distribution * @apiviz.composedOf AffineTransformation */ public class GeneratorSingleCluster implements GeneratorInterfaceDynamic { /** * The distribution generators for each axis */ private LinkedList axes = new LinkedList(); /** * The transformation matrix */ private AffineTransformation trans; /** * The dimensionality */ private int dim; /** * Clipping vectors. Note: currently, either both or none have to be set! */ private Vector clipmin; private Vector clipmax; /** * Correction factor for probability computation */ private double densitycorrection = 1.0; /** * Number of points in the cluster (-> density) */ private int size; /** * Cluster name */ private String name; /** * Retry count */ // TODO: make configureable. private int retries = 1000; /** * Discarded count */ private int discarded = 0; /** * The generated cluster points. */ public LinkedList points = new LinkedList(); /** * Random generator (used for initializing random generators) */ private Random random; /** * Generator (without axes) * * @param name Cluster name * @param size Cluster size * @param densitycorrection Density correction factor * @param random Random number generator */ public GeneratorSingleCluster(String name, int size, double densitycorrection, Random random) { super(); this.size = size; = name; this.densitycorrection = densitycorrection; this.random = random; } /** * Add a new generator to the cluster. No transformations must have been added * so far! * * @param gen Distribution generator * @throws UnableToComplyException thrown when no new generators may be added anymore */ public void addGenerator(Distribution gen) throws UnableToComplyException { if(trans != null) { throw new UnableToComplyException("Generators may no longer be added when transformations have been applied."); } axes.add(gen); dim++; } /** * Apply a rotation to the generator * * @param axis1 First axis (0 <= axis1 < dim) * @param axis2 Second axis (0 <= axis2 < dim) * @param angle Angle in Radians */ public void addRotation(int axis1, int axis2, double angle) { if(trans == null) { trans = new AffineTransformation(dim); } trans.addRotation(axis1, axis2, angle); } /** * Add a translation to the generator * * @param v translation vector */ public void addTranslation(Vector v) { if(trans == null) { trans = new AffineTransformation(dim); } trans.addTranslation(v); } /** * Set a clipping box. min needs to be smaller than max in each component. * Note: Clippings are not 'modified' by translation / rotation / * transformation operations. * * @param min Minimum values for clipping * @param max Maximum values for clipping * @throws UnableToComplyException thrown when invalid vectors were given. */ public void setClipping(Vector min, Vector max) throws UnableToComplyException { // if only one dimension was given, expand to all dimensions. if(min.getRowDimensionality() == 1 && max.getRowDimensionality() == 1) { if(min.get(0) >= max.get(0)) { throw new UnableToComplyException("Clipping range empty."); } clipmin = new Vector(dim); clipmax = new Vector(dim); for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { clipmin.set(i, 0, min.get(0)); clipmax.set(i, 0, max.get(0)); } return; } if(dim != min.getRowDimensionality()) { throw new UnableToComplyException("Clipping vector dimensionalities do not match: " + dim + " vs. " + min.getRowDimensionality()); } if(dim != max.getRowDimensionality()) { throw new UnableToComplyException("Clipping vector dimensionalities do not match: " + dim + " vs. " + max.getRowDimensionality()); } for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { if(min.get(i) >= max.get(i)) { throw new UnableToComplyException("Clipping range empty in dimension " + (i + 1)); } } clipmin = min; clipmax = max; } /** * Get the cluster dimensionality * * @return dimensionality */ @Override public int getDim() { return dim; } /** * Test if a point is to be clipped * * @param p point * @return true if the point is to be clipped */ private boolean testClipping(Vector p) { if(clipmin == null || clipmax == null) { return false; } for(int i = 0; i < p.getRowDimensionality(); i++) { if(p.get(i) < clipmin.get(i)) { return true; } if(p.get(i) > clipmax.get(i)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Generate the given number of additional points. * * @see */ @Override public LinkedList generate(int count) throws UnableToComplyException { LinkedList result = new LinkedList(); while(result.size() < count) { double[] d = new double[dim]; int i = 0; for(Distribution axis : axes) { d[i] = axis.generate(); i++; } Vector p = new Vector(d); if(trans != null) { p = trans.apply(p); } if(testClipping(p)) { retries--; if(retries < 0) { throw new UnableToComplyException("Maximum retry count in generator exceeded."); } continue; } result.add(p); } return result; } /** * Compute density for cluster model at given vector p- * * @see */ @Override public double getDensity(Vector p) { Vector o = p; if(trans != null) { o = trans.applyInverse(p); } double density = 1.0; int i = 0; for(Distribution axis : axes) { density = density * axis.explain(o.get(i)); i++; } return density * densitycorrection; } /** * Get axis generators. Used for printing model information * * @return list of distributions */ public LinkedList getAxes() { return axes; } /** * Get transformation * * @return transformation matrix, may be null. */ public AffineTransformation getTrans() { return trans; } /** * Return a copy of the 'clipping minimum' vector. * * @return vector with lower clipping bounds. May be null. */ public Vector getClipmin() { if(clipmin == null) { return null; } return clipmin.copy(); } /** * Return a copy of the 'clipping maximum' vector * * @return vector with upper clipping bounds. May be null. */ public Vector getClipmax() { if(clipmax == null) { return null; } return clipmax.copy(); } /** * Return the list of points (no copy) */ @Override public LinkedList getPoints() { return points; } /** * Set the list of points in the cluster * * @param points New list of points in this cluster. */ public void setPoints(LinkedList points) { this.points = points; } /** * Return the size * * @return size of this cluster. */ @Override public int getSize() { return size; } /** * Get cluster name. * * @return name of this cluster. */ @Override public String getName() { return name; } /** * Get number of discarded points * * @return number of discarded points */ @Override public int getDiscarded() { return discarded; } /** * Increase number of discarded points * * @param discarded number of points discarded. */ @Override public void addDiscarded(int discarded) { this.discarded += discarded; } /** * Return number of remaining retries. * * @return Number of retries left in this cluster. */ @Override public int getRetries() { return retries; } /** * Return density correction factor * * @return density correction factor */ public double getDensityCorrection() { return densitycorrection; } /** * Set density correction factor. * * @param densitycorrection new density correction factor. */ public void setDensityCorrection(double densitycorrection) { this.densitycorrection = densitycorrection; } /** * Create a new random generator (reproducible) * * @return new random generator derived from cluster master random. */ public Random getNewRandomGenerator() { return new Random(random.nextLong()); } }