package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.spacefillingcurves; /* This file is part of ELKI: Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures Copyright (C) 2012 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Datenbanksysteme ELKI Development Team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.List; import; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.documentation.Reference; /** * Bulk-load an R-tree index by presorting the objects with their position on * the Peano curve. * * The basic shape of this space-filling curve looks like this: * *
 *   3---4   9
 *   |   |   |
 *   2   5   8
 *   |   |   |
 *   1   6---7
* * Which then expands to the next level as: * *
 *   +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ E
 *   | | | | | | | | |
 *   | +-+ +-+ | | +-+
 *   |         | |    
 *   | +-+ +-+ | | +-+
 *   | | | | | | | | |
 *   +-+ | | +-+ +-+ |
 *       | |         |
 *   +-+ | | +-+ +-+ |
 *   | | | | | | | | |
 *   S +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
* * and so on. * * Reference: *

* G. Peano
* Sur une courbe, qui remplit toute une aire plane
* Mathematische Annalen, 36(1) *

* * @author Erich Schubert */ @Reference(authors = "G. Peano", title = "Sur une courbe, qui remplit toute une aire plane", booktitle = "Mathematische Annalen, 36(1)") public class PeanoSpatialSorter extends AbstractSpatialSorter { /** * Constructor. */ public PeanoSpatialSorter() { super(); } @Override public void sort(List objs, int start, int end, double[] minmax) { peanoSort(objs, start, end, minmax, 0, new BitSet(), false); } /** * Sort by Peano curve. * * @param objs Objects * @param start Start index * @param end End * @param mms Minmax values * @param dim Dimension * @param bits Bit set for inversions * @param desc Current ordering */ protected void peanoSort(List objs, int start, int end, double[] mms, int dim, BitSet bits, boolean desc) { final int dims = mms.length >> 1; // Find the splitting points. final double min = mms[2 * dim], max = mms[2 * dim + 1]; final double tfirst = (min + min + max) / 3.; final double tsecond = (min + max + max) / 3.; // Safeguard against duplicate points: if(max - tsecond < 1E-10 || tsecond - tfirst < 1E-10 || tfirst - min < 1E-10) { boolean ok = false; for(int d = 0; d < mms.length; d += 2) { if(mms[d + 1] - mms[d] >= 1E-10) { ok = true; break; } } if(!ok) { return; } } final boolean inv = bits.get(dim) ^ desc; // Split the data set into three parts int fsplit, ssplit; if(!inv) { fsplit = pivotizeList1D(objs, start, end, dim, tfirst, false); ssplit = (fsplit < end - 1) ? pivotizeList1D(objs, fsplit, end, dim, tsecond, false) : fsplit; } else { fsplit = pivotizeList1D(objs, start, end, dim, tsecond, true); ssplit = (fsplit < end - 1) ? pivotizeList1D(objs, fsplit, end, dim, tfirst, true) : fsplit; } int nextdim = (dim + 1) % dims; // Do we need to update the min/max values? if(start < fsplit - 1) { mms[2 * dim] = !inv ? min : tsecond; mms[2 * dim + 1] = !inv ? tfirst : max; peanoSort(objs, start, fsplit, mms, nextdim, bits, desc); } if(fsplit < ssplit - 1) { bits.flip(dim); // set (all but dim: we also flip "desc") mms[2 * dim] = tfirst; mms[2 * dim + 1] = tsecond; peanoSort(objs, fsplit, ssplit, mms, nextdim, bits, !desc); bits.flip(dim); } if(ssplit < end - 1) { mms[2 * dim] = !inv ? tsecond : min; mms[2 * dim + 1] = !inv ? max : tfirst; peanoSort(objs, ssplit, end, mms, nextdim, bits, desc); } // Restore ranges mms[2 * dim] = min; mms[2 * dim + 1] = max; } }