package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.persistent; /* This file is part of ELKI: Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures Copyright (C) 2011 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Datenbanksysteme ELKI Development Team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode; import java.nio.channels.FileLock; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.utilities.exceptions.ExceptionMessages; /** * On Disc Array storage for records of a given size. * * This can be used to implement various fixed size record-based data * structures. The file format is designed to have a fixed-size header followed * by the actual data. * * @author Erich Schubert * * @apiviz.composedOf RandomAccessFile */ // TODO: make serializable - by just keeping the required information, restoring // the other. // TODO: ensure file doesn't become to big - check for overflows in recordsize * // numrecs + headersize public class OnDiskArray implements Serializable { /** * Serial version. * * NOTE: Change this version whenever the file structure is changed in an * incompatible way: This will modify the file magic, and thus prevent * applications from reading incompatible files. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 7586497243452875056L; /** * Magic number used to identify files */ protected int magic; /** * Size of the header in the file. Note that the internal header is four * integers already. */ private int headersize; /** * Size of the records in the file. */ private int recordsize; /** * Number of records in the file. */ private int numrecs; /** * File name. */ private File filename; /** * Random Access File object. */ final private RandomAccessFile file; /** * Lock for the file that will be kept while writing. */ private FileLock lock = null; /** * Writable or read-only object */ private boolean writable; private MappedByteBuffer map; /** * Size of the classes header size. */ private final static int INTERNAL_HEADER_SIZE = 4 * ByteArrayUtil.SIZE_INT; /** * Position of file size (in records) */ private final static int HEADER_POS_SIZE = 3 * ByteArrayUtil.SIZE_INT; /** * Constructor to write a new file. * * @param filename File name to be opened. * @param magicseed Magic number to derive real magic from. * @param extraheadersize header size NOT including the internal header * @param recordsize Record size * @param initialsize Initial file size (in records) * @throws IOException on IO errors */ public OnDiskArray(File filename, int magicseed, int extraheadersize, int recordsize, int initialsize) throws IOException { this.magic = mixMagic((int) serialVersionUID, magicseed); this.headersize = extraheadersize + INTERNAL_HEADER_SIZE; this.recordsize = recordsize; this.filename = filename; this.writable = true; // do not allow overwriting. if(filename.exists()) { throw new IOException(ExceptionMessages.FILE_EXISTS); } // open file. file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "rw"); // and acquire a file write lock lock = file.getChannel().lock(); // write magic header file.writeInt(this.magic); // write header size file.writeInt(this.headersize); // write size of a single record file.writeInt(this.recordsize); // write number of records // verify position. if(file.getFilePointer() != HEADER_POS_SIZE) { // TODO: more appropriate exception class? throw new IOException("File position doesn't match when writing file size."); } file.writeInt(initialsize); // we should have written the complete internal header now. if(file.getFilePointer() != INTERNAL_HEADER_SIZE) { // TODO: more appropriate exception class? throw new IOException("File position doesn't match header size after writing header."); } // resize file resizeFile(initialsize); // map array mapArray(); } /** * Constructor to open an existing file. The provided record size must match * the record size stored within the files header. If you don't know this size * yet and/or need to access the extra header you should use the other * constructor below * * @param filename File name to be opened. * @param magicseed Magic number to derive real magic from. * @param extraheadersize header size NOT including the internal header * @param recordsize Record size * @param writable flag to open the file writable * @throws IOException on IO errors */ public OnDiskArray(File filename, int magicseed, int extraheadersize, int recordsize, boolean writable) throws IOException { this.magic = mixMagic((int) serialVersionUID, magicseed); this.headersize = extraheadersize + INTERNAL_HEADER_SIZE; this.recordsize = recordsize; this.filename = filename; this.writable = writable; String mode = writable ? "rw" : "r"; file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, mode); if(writable) { // acquire a file write lock lock = file.getChannel().lock(); } validateHeader(true); mapArray(); } /** * Constructor to open an existing file. The record size is read from the * file's header and can be obtained by getRecordsize() * * @param filename File name to be opened. * @param magicseed Magic number to derive real magic from. * @param extraheadersize header size NOT including the internal header * @param writable flag to open the file writable * @throws IOException on IO errors */ public OnDiskArray(File filename, int magicseed, int extraheadersize, boolean writable) throws IOException { this.magic = mixMagic((int) serialVersionUID, magicseed); this.headersize = extraheadersize + INTERNAL_HEADER_SIZE; this.filename = filename; this.writable = writable; String mode = writable ? "rw" : "r"; file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, mode); if(writable) { // acquire a file write lock lock = file.getChannel().lock(); } validateHeader(false); mapArray(); } /** * (Re-) map the data array. * * @throws IOException on mapping error. */ private synchronized void mapArray() throws IOException { if (map != null) { ByteArrayUtil.unmapByteBuffer(map); map = null; } MapMode mode = writable ? MapMode.READ_WRITE : MapMode.READ_ONLY; map = file.getChannel().map(mode, headersize, recordsize * numrecs); } /** * Validates the header and throws an IOException if the header is invalid. If * validateRecordSize is set to true the record size must match exactly the * stored record size within the files header, else the record size is read * from the header and used. * * @param validateRecordSize * @throws IOException */ private void validateHeader(boolean validateRecordSize) throws IOException { int readmagic = file.readInt(); // Validate magic number if(readmagic != this.magic) { file.close(); throw new IOException("Magic in LinearDiskCache does not match: " + readmagic + " instead of " + this.magic); } // Validate header size if(file.readInt() != this.headersize) { file.close(); throw new IOException("Header size in LinearDiskCache does not match."); } if(validateRecordSize) { // Validate record size if(file.readInt() != this.recordsize) { file.close(); throw new IOException("Recordsize in LinearDiskCache does not match."); } } else { // or just read it from file this.recordsize = file.readInt(); } // read the number of records and validate with file size. if(file.getFilePointer() != HEADER_POS_SIZE) { throw new IOException("Incorrect file position when reading header."); } this.numrecs = file.readInt(); if(numrecs < 0 || file.length() != indexToFileposition(numrecs)) { throw new IOException("File size and number of records do not agree."); } // yet another sanity check. We should have read all of our internal header // now. if(file.getFilePointer() != INTERNAL_HEADER_SIZE) { throw new IOException("Incorrect file position after reading header."); } } /** * Mix two magic numbers into one, to obtain a combined magic. Note: * mixMagic(a,b) != mixMagic(b,a) usually. * * @param magic1 Magic number to mix. * @param magic2 Magic number to mix. * @return Mixed magic number. */ public static final int mixMagic(int magic1, int magic2) { final long prime = 2654435761L; long result = 1; result = prime * result + magic1; result = prime * result + magic2; return (int) result; } /** * Compute file position from index number * * @param index Index offset * @return file position */ private long indexToFileposition(long index) { long pos = headersize + index * recordsize; return pos; } /** * Resize file to the intended size * * @param newsize New file size. * @throws IOException on IO errors */ public synchronized void resizeFile(int newsize) throws IOException { if(!writable) { throw new IOException("File is not writeable!"); } // update the number of records this.numrecs = newsize;; file.writeInt(numrecs); // resize file file.setLength(indexToFileposition(numrecs)); mapArray(); } /** * Get a record buffer * * @param index Record index * @return Byte buffer for the record * @throws IOException on IO errors */ public synchronized ByteBuffer getRecordBuffer(int index) throws IOException { if(index < 0 || index >= numrecs) { throw new IOException("Access beyond end of file."); } // Adjust buffer view synchronized(map) { map.limit(recordsize * (index + 1)); map.position(recordsize * index); return map.slice(); } } /** * Return the size of the extra header. Accessor. * * @return Extra header size */ protected int getExtraHeaderSize() { return headersize - INTERNAL_HEADER_SIZE; } /** * Read the extra header data. * * @return additional header data * @throws IOException on IO errors */ public synchronized ByteBuffer getExtraHeader() throws IOException { final int size = headersize - INTERNAL_HEADER_SIZE; final MapMode mode = writable ? MapMode.READ_WRITE : MapMode.READ_ONLY; return file.getChannel().map(mode, INTERNAL_HEADER_SIZE, size); } /** * Get the size of a single record. * * @return Record size. */ protected int getRecordsize() { return recordsize; } /** * Get the file name. * * @return File name */ public File getFilename() { return filename; } /** * Check if the file is writable. * * @return true if the file is writable. */ public boolean isWritable() { return writable; } /** * Explicitly close the file. Note: following operations will likely cause * IOExceptions. * * @throws IOException on IO errors */ public synchronized void close() throws IOException { writable = false; if(lock != null) { lock.release(); lock = null; } file.close(); } /** * Get number of records in file. * * @return Number of records in the file. */ public int getNumRecords() { return numrecs; } /** * Ensure that the file can fit the given number of records. * * @param size Size * @throws IOException */ public void ensureSize(int size) throws IOException { if(size > getNumRecords()) { resizeFile(size); } } }