package de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.svg; /* This file is part of ELKI: Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index-Structures Copyright (C) 2012 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Datenbanksysteme ELKI Development Team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import org.apache.batik.util.SVGConstants; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.scales.LinearScale; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.css.CSSClass; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.css.CSSClassManager; import de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.visualization.css.CSSClassManager.CSSNamingConflict; import; /** * Class to draw a simple axis with tick marks on the plot. * * @author Erich Schubert * * @apiviz.uses CSSClass * @apiviz.uses CSSClassManager * @apiviz.uses LinearScale * @apiviz.uses StyleLibrary * @apiviz.uses Element oneway - - «create» */ public class SVGSimpleLinearAxis { /** * Flag for axis label position. First char: right-hand or left-hand side of * line. Second char: text alignment * * @apiviz.exclude */ private enum Alignment { LL, RL, LC, RC, LR, RR } /** * Labeling style: left-handed, right-handed, no ticks, labels at ends * * @apiviz.exclude */ public enum LabelStyle { LEFTHAND, RIGHTHAND, NOLABELS, NOTHING, ENDLABEL } /** * CSS class name for the axes */ private static final String CSS_AXIS = "axis"; /** * CSS class name for the axes */ private static final String CSS_AXIS_TICK = "axis-tick"; /** * CSS class name for the axes */ private static final String CSS_AXIS_LABEL = "axis-label"; /** * Register CSS classes with a {@link CSSClassManager} * * @param owner Owner of the CSS classes * @param manager Manager to register the classes with * @throws CSSNamingConflict when a name clash occurs */ private static void setupCSSClasses(Object owner, CSSClassManager manager, StyleLibrary style) throws CSSNamingConflict { if(!manager.contains(CSS_AXIS)) { CSSClass axis = new CSSClass(owner, CSS_AXIS); axis.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_STROKE_PROPERTY, style.getColor(StyleLibrary.AXIS)); axis.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_STROKE_WIDTH_PROPERTY, style.getLineWidth(StyleLibrary.AXIS)); manager.addClass(axis); } if(!manager.contains(CSS_AXIS_TICK)) { CSSClass tick = new CSSClass(owner, CSS_AXIS_TICK); tick.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_STROKE_PROPERTY, style.getColor(StyleLibrary.AXIS_TICK)); tick.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_STROKE_WIDTH_PROPERTY, style.getLineWidth(StyleLibrary.AXIS_TICK)); manager.addClass(tick); } if(!manager.contains(CSS_AXIS_LABEL)) { CSSClass label = new CSSClass(owner, CSS_AXIS_LABEL); label.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_FILL_PROPERTY, style.getTextColor(StyleLibrary.AXIS_LABEL)); label.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_FONT_FAMILY_PROPERTY, style.getFontFamily(StyleLibrary.AXIS_LABEL)); label.setStatement(SVGConstants.CSS_FONT_SIZE_PROPERTY, style.getTextSize(StyleLibrary.AXIS_LABEL)); manager.addClass(label); } } /** * Plot an axis with appropriate scales * * @param plot Plot object * @param parent Containing element * @param scale axis scale information * @param x1 starting coordinate * @param y1 starting coordinate * @param x2 ending coordinate * @param y2 ending coordinate * @param labelstyle Style for placing the labels * @param style Style library * @throws CSSNamingConflict when a conflict occurs in CSS */ public static void drawAxis(SVGPlot plot, Element parent, LinearScale scale, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, LabelStyle labelstyle, StyleLibrary style) throws CSSNamingConflict { assert (parent != null); Element line = plot.svgLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); SVGUtil.setCSSClass(line, CSS_AXIS); parent.appendChild(line); final double tx = x2 - x1; final double ty = y2 - y1; // ticks are orthogonal final double tw = ty * 0.01; final double th = -tx * 0.01; // choose where to print labels. final boolean labels, ticks; switch(labelstyle){ case LEFTHAND: case RIGHTHAND: labels = true; ticks = true; break; case NOLABELS: labels = false; ticks = true; break; case ENDLABEL: // end labels are handle specially case NOTHING: default: labels = false; ticks = false; } Alignment pos = Alignment.LL; if(labels) { double angle = Math.atan2(ty, tx); // System.err.println(tx + " " + (-ty) + " " + angle); if(angle > 2.6) { // pi .. 2.6 = 180 .. 150 pos = labelstyle == LabelStyle.RIGHTHAND ? Alignment.RC : Alignment.LC; } else if(angle > 0.5) { // 2.3 .. 0.7 = 130 .. 40 pos = labelstyle == LabelStyle.RIGHTHAND ? Alignment.RR : Alignment.LL; } else if(angle > -0.5) { // 0.5 .. -0.5 = 30 .. -30 pos = labelstyle == LabelStyle.RIGHTHAND ? Alignment.RC : Alignment.LC; } else if(angle > -2.6) { // -0.5 .. -2.6 = -30 .. -150 pos = labelstyle == LabelStyle.RIGHTHAND ? Alignment.RL : Alignment.LR; } else { // -2.6 .. -pi = -150 .. -180 pos = labelstyle == LabelStyle.RIGHTHAND ? Alignment.RC : Alignment.LC; } } // vertical text offset; align approximately with middle instead of // baseline. double textvoff = style.getTextSize(StyleLibrary.AXIS_LABEL) * .35; // draw ticks on x axis if(ticks || labels) { int sw = 1; { // Compute how many ticks to draw int numticks = (int) ((scale.getMax() - scale.getMin()) / scale.getRes()); double tlen = Math.sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); double minl = 10 * style.getLineWidth(StyleLibrary.AXIS_TICK); // Try proper divisors first. if(sw * tlen / numticks < minl) { for(int i = 2; i <= (numticks >> 1); i++) { if(numticks % i == 0) { if(i * tlen / numticks >= minl) { sw = i; break; } } } } // Otherwise, also allow non-divisors. if(sw * tlen / numticks < minl) { sw = (int)Math.floor(minl * numticks / tlen); } } for(double tick = scale.getMin(); tick <= scale.getMax() + scale.getRes() / 10; tick += sw * scale.getRes()) { double x = x1 + tx * scale.getScaled(tick); double y = y1 + ty * scale.getScaled(tick); if(ticks) { // This is correct. Vectors: (vec - tvec) to (vec + tvec) Element tickline = plot.svgLine(x - tw, y - th, x + tw, y + th); SVGUtil.setAtt(tickline, SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, CSS_AXIS_TICK); parent.appendChild(tickline); } // draw labels if(labels) { double tex = x; double tey = y; switch(pos){ case LL: case LC: case LR: tex = x + tw * 2.5; tey = y + th * 2.5 + textvoff; break; case RL: case RC: case RR: tex = x - tw * 2.5; tey = y - th * 2.5 + textvoff; } Element text = plot.svgText(tex, tey, scale.formatValue(tick)); text.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, CSS_AXIS_LABEL); switch(pos){ case LL: case RL: text.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_TEXT_ANCHOR_ATTRIBUTE, SVGConstants.SVG_START_VALUE); break; case LC: case RC: text.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_TEXT_ANCHOR_ATTRIBUTE, SVGConstants.SVG_MIDDLE_VALUE); break; case LR: case RR: text.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_TEXT_ANCHOR_ATTRIBUTE, SVGConstants.SVG_END_VALUE); break; } parent.appendChild(text); } } } if(labelstyle == LabelStyle.ENDLABEL) { { Element text = plot.svgText(x1 - tx * 0.02, y1 - ty * 0.02 + textvoff, scale.formatValue(scale.getMin())); text.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, CSS_AXIS_LABEL); text.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_TEXT_ANCHOR_ATTRIBUTE, SVGConstants.SVG_MIDDLE_VALUE); parent.appendChild(text); } { Element text = plot.svgText(x2 + tx * 0.02, y2 + ty * 0.02 + textvoff, scale.formatValue(scale.getMax())); text.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, CSS_AXIS_LABEL); text.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_TEXT_ANCHOR_ATTRIBUTE, SVGConstants.SVG_MIDDLE_VALUE); parent.appendChild(text); } } setupCSSClasses(plot, plot.getCSSClassManager(), style); } }