path: root/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/ b/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/
deleted file mode 100755
index e7f643f9a..000000000
--- a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-set -v -x
-rm -f /test.log
-function wait_for()
- service=${1}
- result=${2:-success}
- time=${3:-45}
- while [[ ! -f /${service}.terminated && ! -f /${service}.success && $time -gt 0 ]]
- do
- sleep 1
- time=$(( $time - 1 ))
- done
- if [[ ! -f /${service}.${result} ]]
- then
- journalctl -u testsuite-${service/_/-}.service >> "${TL}"
- fi
-# This checks all stages, start, runtime and stop, can be extended by
-wait_for success_all
-# These check that EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC that occurs at greater than the
-# extend timeout interval but less then the stage limit (TimeoutStartSec,
-# RuntimeMaxSec, TimeoutStopSec) still succeed.
-wait_for success_start
-wait_for success_runtime
-wait_for success_stop
-# These ensure that EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC will still timeout in the
-# approprate stage, after the stage limit, when the EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC
-# message isn't sent within the extend timeout interval.
-wait_for fail_start startfail
-wait_for fail_stop stopfail
-wait_for fail_runtime runtimefail
-if [[ -f "${TL}" ]]
- # no mv
- cp "${TL}" /test.log
- exit 1
- touch /testok
- exit 0
diff --git a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/ b/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/
deleted file mode 100755
index 39847ec3e..000000000
--- a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-set -x
-set -e
-set -o pipefail
-# sleep interval (seconds)
-# extend_timeout_interval second(s)
-# number of sleep_intervals before READY=1
-# number of sleep_intervals before exiting
-# run intervals, number of sleep_intervals to run
-# service name
-while [ $# -gt 0 ];
- eval ${1%=*}=${1#*=}
- shift
-# We convert to usec
-extend_timeout_interval=$(( $extend_timeout_interval * 1000000 ))
-trap "{ touch /${SERVICE}.terminated; exit 1; }" SIGTERM SIGABRT
-rm -f /${SERVICE}.*
-touch /${SERVICE}.startfail
-elogind-notify EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC=$extend_timeout_interval
-while [ $start_intervals -gt 0 ]
- sleep $sleep_interval
- start_intervals=$(( $start_intervals - 1 ))
- elogind-notify EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC=$extend_timeout_interval
-elogind-notify --ready --status="Waiting for your request"
-touch /${SERVICE}.runtimefail
-rm /${SERVICE}.startfail
-elogind-notify EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC=$extend_timeout_interval
-while [ $run_intervals -gt 0 ]
- sleep $sleep_interval
- run_intervals=$(( $run_intervals - 1 ))
- elogind-notify EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC=$extend_timeout_interval
-elogind-notify STOPPING=1
-touch /${SERVICE}.stopfail
-rm /${SERVICE}.runtimefail
-elogind-notify EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC=$extend_timeout_interval
-while [ $stop_intervals -gt 0 ]
- sleep $sleep_interval
- stop_intervals=$(( $stop_intervals - 1 ))
- elogind-notify EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC=$extend_timeout_interval
-touch /${SERVICE}.success
-rm /${SERVICE}.stopfail
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-fail-runtime.service b/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-fail-runtime.service
deleted file mode 100644
index e0b9f6a70..000000000
--- a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-fail-runtime.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Description=Testsuite: Fail Runtime (EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC Didn't occur in sufficient time after RuntimeSecMax.)
-# EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC on runtime start (0) and 7 seconds after. Systemd will expect one at 7+5 (extend_timeout_interval)
-# seconds this won't happen until 7 + 7 (sleep interval) seconds. Therefore timeout at 12 seconds.
-ExecStart=/ SERVICE=fail_runtime extend_timeout_interval=5 sleep_interval=7 start_intervals=0 run_intervals=2 stop_intervals=0
diff --git a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-fail-start.service b/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-fail-start.service
deleted file mode 100644
index c3fcf23dc..000000000
--- a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-fail-start.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Description=Testsuite: Fail Start (EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC Didn't occur in sufficient time after TimeoutStartSec.)
-# EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC on startup and 7 seconds from start. Systemd will expect one at 7+5 (extend_timeout_interval)
-# seconds this won't happen until 7 + 7 (sleep interval) seconds. Therefore timeout at 12 seconds.
-ExecStart=/ SERVICE=fail_start extend_timeout_interval=5 sleep_interval=7 start_intervals=2 run_intervals=0 stop_intervals=0
diff --git a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-fail-stop.service b/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-fail-stop.service
deleted file mode 100644
index ce76d10db..000000000
--- a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-fail-stop.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Description=Testsuite: Fail Stop (EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC Didn't occur in sufficient time after TimeoutStopSec.)
-# EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC on stop (0) and 7 seconds after. Systemd will expect one at 7+5 (extend_timeout_interval)
-# seconds this won't happen until 7 + 7 (sleep interval) seconds. Therefore timeout at 12 seconds.
-ExecStart=/ SERVICE=fail_stop extend_timeout_interval=5 sleep_interval=7 start_intervals=0 run_intervals=0 stop_intervals=2
-# Due to 6041a7ee2c1bbff6301082f192fc1b0882400d42 SIGTERM isn't sent as the service shuts down with STOPPING=1
-# This file makes the test quicker by notifing it that this test has finished.
-ExecStopPost=/bin/bash -c '[[ $SERVICE_RESULT == timeout && $EXIT_CODE == killed ]] && touch /fail_runtime.terminated'
diff --git a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-all.service b/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-all.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 666f4229b..000000000
--- a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-all.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Description=Testsuite: EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC Success - extend timeout on all services
-# Normal success - startup / runtime / shutdown all take 8 seconds which is within the EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC=4 seconds interval
-# runtime is 8+8+8 seconds. so we are relying on the EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC to exceed all stages, Start, Runtime and Stop.
-# success occurs after 24 seconds
-ExecStart=/ SERVICE=success_all extend_timeout_interval=4 sleep_interval=2 start_intervals=3 run_intervals=3 stop_intervals=3
diff --git a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-runtime.service b/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-runtime.service
deleted file mode 100644
index dc226f505..000000000
--- a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-runtime.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Description=Testsuite: Success Runtime (EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC > WATCHDOG_USEC however < RuntimeMaxSec)
-# EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC=4 second once during runtime, but sleep for 6 seconds.
-# Runtime is 6 seconds and < RuntimeMaxSec so still successful.
-ExecStart=/ SERVICE=success_runtime extend_timeout_interval=4 sleep_interval=6 start_intervals=0 run_intervals=1 stop_intervals=0
diff --git a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-start.service b/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-start.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 228eece73..000000000
--- a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-start.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Description=Testsuite: Success Start (EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC > WATCHDOG_USEC however < TimeoutStartSec)
-# EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC=4 second interval once at startup, but sleep 6 seconds.
-# Therefore startup is 6 seconds and < TimeoutStartSec so still successful.
-ExecStart=/ SERVICE=success_start extend_timeout_interval=4 sleep_interval=6 start_intervals=1 run_intervals=0 stop_intervals=0
diff --git a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-stop.service b/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-stop.service
deleted file mode 100644
index b809397bf..000000000
--- a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite-success-stop.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Description=Testsuite: Success Stop (EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC > WATCHDOG_USEC however < TimeoutStopSec)
-# EXTEND_TIMEOUT_USEC=4 seconds once during shutdown, but sleep for 6 seconds.
-# Therefore stop time is 6 seconds and < TimeoutStopSec so still successful.
-ExecStart=/ SERVICE=success_stop extend_timeout_interval=4 sleep_interval=6 start_intervals=0 run_intervals=0 stop_intervals=1
diff --git a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite.service b/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite.service
deleted file mode 100644
index e1cd5caee..000000000
--- a/test/TEST-16-EXTEND-TIMEOUT/testsuite.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Description=Testsuite: Assess all other testsuite-*.services worked as expected