/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/ /*** This file is part of systemd. Copyright 2014 Emil Renner Berthing With parts from the musl C library Copyright 2005-2014 Rich Felker, et al. systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with systemd; If not, see . ***/ #include #include #include "parse-printf-format.h" #ifndef HAVE_PRINTF_H static const char *consume_nonarg(const char *fmt) { do { if (*fmt == '\0') return fmt; } while (*fmt++ != '%'); return fmt; } static const char *consume_num(const char *fmt) { for (;*fmt >= '0' && *fmt <= '9'; fmt++) /* do nothing */; return fmt; } static const char *consume_argn(const char *fmt, size_t *arg) { const char *p = fmt; size_t val = 0; if (*p < '1' || *p > '9') return fmt; do { val = 10*val + (*p++ - '0'); } while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9'); if (*p != '$') return fmt; *arg = val; return p+1; } static const char *consume_flags(const char *fmt) { while (1) { switch (*fmt) { case '#': case '0': case '-': case ' ': case '+': case '\'': case 'I': fmt++; continue; } return fmt; } } enum state { BARE, LPRE, LLPRE, HPRE, HHPRE, BIGLPRE, ZTPRE, JPRE, STOP }; enum type { NONE, PTR, INT, UINT, ULLONG, LONG, ULONG, SHORT, USHORT, CHAR, UCHAR, LLONG, SIZET, IMAX, UMAX, PDIFF, UIPTR, DBL, LDBL, MAXTYPE }; static const short pa_types[MAXTYPE] = { [NONE] = PA_INT, [PTR] = PA_POINTER, [INT] = PA_INT, [UINT] = PA_INT, [ULLONG] = PA_INT | PA_FLAG_LONG_LONG, [LONG] = PA_INT | PA_FLAG_LONG, [ULONG] = PA_INT | PA_FLAG_LONG, [SHORT] = PA_INT | PA_FLAG_SHORT, [USHORT] = PA_INT | PA_FLAG_SHORT, [CHAR] = PA_CHAR, [UCHAR] = PA_CHAR, [LLONG] = PA_INT | PA_FLAG_LONG_LONG, [SIZET] = PA_INT | PA_FLAG_LONG, [IMAX] = PA_INT | PA_FLAG_LONG_LONG, [UMAX] = PA_INT | PA_FLAG_LONG_LONG, [PDIFF] = PA_INT | PA_FLAG_LONG_LONG, [UIPTR] = PA_INT | PA_FLAG_LONG, [DBL] = PA_DOUBLE, [LDBL] = PA_DOUBLE | PA_FLAG_LONG_DOUBLE }; #define S(x) [(x)-'A'] #define E(x) (STOP + (x)) static const unsigned char states[]['z'-'A'+1] = { { /* 0: bare types */ S('d') = E(INT), S('i') = E(INT), S('o') = E(UINT),S('u') = E(UINT),S('x') = E(UINT), S('X') = E(UINT), S('e') = E(DBL), S('f') = E(DBL), S('g') = E(DBL), S('a') = E(DBL), S('E') = E(DBL), S('F') = E(DBL), S('G') = E(DBL), S('A') = E(DBL), S('c') = E(CHAR),S('C') = E(INT), S('s') = E(PTR), S('S') = E(PTR), S('p') = E(UIPTR),S('n') = E(PTR), S('m') = E(NONE), S('l') = LPRE, S('h') = HPRE, S('L') = BIGLPRE, S('z') = ZTPRE, S('j') = JPRE, S('t') = ZTPRE }, { /* 1: l-prefixed */ S('d') = E(LONG), S('i') = E(LONG), S('o') = E(ULONG),S('u') = E(ULONG),S('x') = E(ULONG),S('X') = E(ULONG), S('e') = E(DBL), S('f') = E(DBL), S('g') = E(DBL), S('a') = E(DBL), S('E') = E(DBL), S('F') = E(DBL), S('G') = E(DBL), S('A') = E(DBL), S('c') = E(INT), S('s') = E(PTR), S('n') = E(PTR), S('l') = LLPRE }, { /* 2: ll-prefixed */ S('d') = E(LLONG), S('i') = E(LLONG), S('o') = E(ULLONG),S('u') = E(ULLONG), S('x') = E(ULLONG),S('X') = E(ULLONG), S('n') = E(PTR) }, { /* 3: h-prefixed */ S('d') = E(SHORT), S('i') = E(SHORT), S('o') = E(USHORT),S('u') = E(USHORT), S('x') = E(USHORT),S('X') = E(USHORT), S('n') = E(PTR), S('h') = HHPRE }, { /* 4: hh-prefixed */ S('d') = E(CHAR), S('i') = E(CHAR), S('o') = E(UCHAR),S('u') = E(UCHAR), S('x') = E(UCHAR),S('X') = E(UCHAR), S('n') = E(PTR) }, { /* 5: L-prefixed */ S('e') = E(LDBL),S('f') = E(LDBL),S('g') = E(LDBL), S('a') = E(LDBL), S('E') = E(LDBL),S('F') = E(LDBL),S('G') = E(LDBL), S('A') = E(LDBL), S('n') = E(PTR) }, { /* 6: z- or t-prefixed (assumed to be same size) */ S('d') = E(PDIFF),S('i') = E(PDIFF), S('o') = E(SIZET),S('u') = E(SIZET), S('x') = E(SIZET),S('X') = E(SIZET), S('n') = E(PTR) }, { /* 7: j-prefixed */ S('d') = E(IMAX), S('i') = E(IMAX), S('o') = E(UMAX), S('u') = E(UMAX), S('x') = E(UMAX), S('X') = E(UMAX), S('n') = E(PTR) } }; size_t parse_printf_format(const char *fmt, size_t n, int *types) { size_t i = 0; size_t last = 0; memset(types, 0, n); while (1) { size_t arg; unsigned int state; fmt = consume_nonarg(fmt); if (*fmt == '\0') break; if (*fmt == '%') { fmt++; continue; } arg = 0; fmt = consume_argn(fmt, &arg); /* flags */ fmt = consume_flags(fmt); /* width */ if (*fmt == '*') { size_t warg = 0; fmt = consume_argn(fmt+1, &warg); if (warg == 0) warg = ++i; if (warg > last) last = warg; if (warg <= n && types[warg-1] == NONE) types[warg-1] = INT; } else fmt = consume_num(fmt); /* precision */ if (*fmt == '.') { fmt++; if (*fmt == '*') { size_t parg = 0; fmt = consume_argn(fmt+1, &parg); if (parg == 0) parg = ++i; if (parg > last) last = parg; if (parg <= n && types[parg-1] == NONE) types[parg-1] = INT; } else { if (*fmt == '-') fmt++; fmt = consume_num(fmt); } } /* length modifier and conversion specifier */ state = BARE; do { unsigned char c = *fmt++; if (c < 'A' || c > 'z') continue; state = states[state]S(c); if (state == 0) continue; } while (state < STOP); if (state == E(NONE)) continue; if (arg == 0) arg = ++i; if (arg > last) last = arg; if (arg <= n) types[arg-1] = state - STOP; } if (last > n) last = n; for (i = 0; i < last; i++) types[i] = pa_types[types[i]]; return last; } #endif // HAVE_PRINTF_H