/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */ #include "alloc-util.h" #include "format-table.h" #include "string-util.h" #include "time-util.h" /// Additional includes needed by elogind #include "locale-util.h" static void test_issue_9549(void) { _cleanup_(table_unrefp) Table *table = NULL; _cleanup_free_ char *formatted = NULL; assert_se(table = table_new("NAME", "TYPE", "RO", "USAGE", "CREATED", "MODIFIED")); assert_se(table_set_align_percent(table, TABLE_HEADER_CELL(3), 100) >= 0); assert_se(table_add_many(table, TABLE_STRING, "foooo", TABLE_STRING, "raw", TABLE_BOOLEAN, false, TABLE_SIZE, (uint64_t) (673.7*1024*1024), TABLE_STRING, "Wed 2018-07-11 00:10:33 JST", TABLE_STRING, "Wed 2018-07-11 00:16:00 JST") >= 0); table_set_width(table, 75); assert_se(table_format(table, &formatted) >= 0); printf("%s\n", formatted); assert_se(streq(formatted, "NAME TYPE RO USAGE CREATED MODIFIED \n" "foooo raw no 673.6M Wed 2018-07-11 00:10:33 J… Wed 2018-07-11 00:16:00 JST\n" )); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { _cleanup_(table_unrefp) Table *t = NULL; _cleanup_free_ char *formatted = NULL; assert_se(setenv("COLUMNS", "40", 1) >= 0); assert_se(t = table_new("ONE", "TWO", "THREE")); assert_se(table_set_align_percent(t, TABLE_HEADER_CELL(2), 100) >= 0); assert_se(table_add_many(t, TABLE_STRING, "xxx", TABLE_STRING, "yyy", TABLE_BOOLEAN, true) >= 0); assert_se(table_add_many(t, TABLE_STRING, "a long field", TABLE_STRING, "yyy", TABLE_BOOLEAN, false) >= 0); assert_se(table_format(t, &formatted) >= 0); printf("%s\n", formatted); assert_se(streq(formatted, "ONE TWO THREE\n" "xxx yyy yes\n" "a long field yyy no\n")); formatted = mfree(formatted); table_set_width(t, 40); assert_se(table_format(t, &formatted) >= 0); printf("%s\n", formatted); assert_se(streq(formatted, "ONE TWO THREE\n" "xxx yyy yes\n" "a long field yyy no\n")); formatted = mfree(formatted); table_set_width(t, 12); assert_se(table_format(t, &formatted) >= 0); #if 1 /// elogind supports systems with non-UTF-8 locales, the next would fail there if (is_locale_utf8()) { #endif // 1 printf("%s\n", formatted); assert_se(streq(formatted, "ONE TWO THR…\n" "xxx yyy yes\n" "a … yyy no\n")); formatted = mfree(formatted); table_set_width(t, 5); assert_se(table_format(t, &formatted) >= 0); printf("%s\n", formatted); assert_se(streq(formatted, "… … …\n" "… … …\n" "… … …\n")); formatted = mfree(formatted); table_set_width(t, 3); assert_se(table_format(t, &formatted) >= 0); printf("%s\n", formatted); assert_se(streq(formatted, "… … …\n" "… … …\n" "… … …\n")); formatted = mfree(formatted); #if 1 /// elogind supports systems with non-UTF-8 locales, the previous would fail there } #endif // 1 table_set_width(t, (size_t) -1); assert_se(table_set_sort(t, (size_t) 0, (size_t) 2, (size_t) -1) >= 0); assert_se(table_format(t, &formatted) >= 0); printf("%s\n", formatted); assert_se(streq(formatted, "ONE TWO THREE\n" "a long field yyy no\n" "xxx yyy yes\n")); formatted = mfree(formatted); table_set_header(t, false); #if 1 /// elogind supports systems with non-UTF-8 locales, the next would fail there if (is_locale_utf8()) { #endif // 1 assert_se(table_add_many(t, TABLE_STRING, "fäää", TABLE_STRING, "uuu", TABLE_BOOLEAN, true) >= 0); assert_se(table_add_many(t, TABLE_STRING, "fäää", TABLE_STRING, "zzz", TABLE_BOOLEAN, false) >= 0); assert_se(table_add_many(t, TABLE_EMPTY, TABLE_SIZE, (uint64_t) 4711, TABLE_TIMESPAN, (usec_t) 5*USEC_PER_MINUTE) >= 0); assert_se(table_format(t, &formatted) >= 0); printf("%s\n", formatted); assert_se(streq(formatted, "a long field yyy no\n" "fäää zzz no\n" "fäää uuu yes\n" "xxx yyy yes\n" " 4.6K 5min\n")); formatted = mfree(formatted); assert_se(table_set_display(t, (size_t) 2, (size_t) 0, (size_t) 2, (size_t) 0, (size_t) 0, (size_t) -1) >= 0); assert_se(table_format(t, &formatted) >= 0); printf("%s\n", formatted); assert_se(streq(formatted, " no a long f… no a long f… a long fi…\n" " no fäää no fäää fäää \n" " yes fäää yes fäää fäää \n" " yes xxx yes xxx xxx \n" "5min 5min \n")); #if 1 /// elogind supports systems with non-UTF-8 locales, the previous would fail there } #endif // 1 test_issue_9549(); return 0; }