path: root/overrides/endless_private/search_box.js
diff options
authorPhilip Chimento <>2018-04-16 18:41:03 -0700
committerMartin Abente Lahaye <>2018-04-17 10:31:31 -0400
commite003345438ad53c6c13fe3d43f92a1f3f9ee2c5f (patch)
tree49ed660f0c98fb84d79e7336cb410c152694de54 /overrides/endless_private/search_box.js
parent7c9eca9e06c2ecbb2e75426eff3921ed7c9f7fe2 (diff)
SearchBox: Remove
This was used nowhere except in eos-knowledge-lib. We are going to make many eos-knowledge-lib specific changes to it, so it's going to be forked into there. After nothing uses it, it doesn't make sense to keep it here given that we intend to slowly move away from using eos-sdk.
Diffstat (limited to 'overrides/endless_private/search_box.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/overrides/endless_private/search_box.js b/overrides/endless_private/search_box.js
deleted file mode 100644
index afe78ec..0000000
--- a/overrides/endless_private/search_box.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-const Gdk =;
-const GObject =;
-const Gtk =;
-const Lang = imports.lang;
-const Pango =;
-const BOX_WIDTH_CHARS = 25;
-const CELL_PADDING_X = 8;
-const CELL_PADDING_Y = 6;
- * Class: SearchBox
- *
- * This is a Search Box with autocompletion functionality.
- * The primary icon is a magnifying glass and the cursor turns into a hand when
- * hovering over the icon.
- *
- * NOTE: Due to a limitation in GTK, the cursor change will not work if the
- * search box's alignment is set to Gtk.Align.FILL in either direction.
- *
- */
-var SearchBox = new Lang.Class({
- Name: 'SearchBox',
- GTypeName: 'EosSearchBox',
- Extends: Gtk.Entry,
- Signals: {
- /**
- * Event: menu-item-selected
- *
- * This event is triggered when an item is selected from the autocomplete menu.
- */
- 'menu-item-selected': {
- param_types: [GObject.TYPE_STRING]
- },
- /**
- * Event: text-changed
- *
- * This event is triggered when the text in the search entry is changed by the user.
- */
- 'text-changed': {
- param_types: [GObject.TYPE_STRING]
- }
- },
- _init: function (props={}) {
- if (['width_chars', 'width-chars', 'widthChars'].every(name =>
- typeof props[name] === 'undefined')) {
- props.width_chars = BOX_WIDTH_CHARS;
- }
- this.parent(props);
- this.primary_icon_name = 'edit-find-symbolic';
- this._auto_complete = new Gtk.EntryCompletion();
- this._list_store = new Gtk.ListStore();
- this._list_store.set_column_types([GObject.TYPE_STRING]);
- this._auto_complete.set_model(this._list_store);
- this._auto_complete.set_text_column(0);
- let cells = this._auto_complete.get_cells();
- cells[0].xpad = CELL_PADDING_X;
- cells[0].ypad = CELL_PADDING_Y;
- cells[0].ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.END;
- this._auto_complete.set_match_func(function () { return true; });
- this.completion = this._auto_complete;
- this.connect('icon-press', Lang.bind(this, function () {
- this.emit('activate');
- }));
- this.completion.connect('match-selected', this._onMatchSelected.bind(this));
- this.connect('changed', Lang.bind(this, function () {
- if (!this._entry_changed_by_widget) {
- // If there is entry text, need to add the 'go' icon
- this.secondary_icon_name = (this.text.length > 0)? 'go-next-symbolic' : null;
- this.emit('text-changed', this.text);
- }
- this._entry_changed_by_widget = false;
- }));
- this.connect('enter-notify-event', this._on_motion.bind(this));
- this.connect('motion-notify-event', this._on_motion.bind(this));
- this.connect('leave-notify-event', this._on_leave.bind(this));
- this.get_style_context().add_class('endless-search-box');
- },
- // Returns true if x, y is on icon at icon_pos.
- // Throws a string error starting with 'STOP' if the search box was not
- // realized or not added to a toplevel window.
- _cursor_is_on_icon: function (x, y, icon_pos) {
- let rect = this.get_icon_area(icon_pos);
- let top = this.get_toplevel();
- if (!top.is_toplevel())
- throw 'STOP: Search box is not contained in a toplevel.';
- let [realized, icon_x, icon_y] = this.translate_coordinates(top,
- rect.x, rect.y);
- if (!realized)
- throw 'STOP: Search box is not realized.';
- return (x >= icon_x && x <= icon_x + rect.width &&
- y >= icon_y && y <= icon_y + rect.height);
- },
- _on_motion: function (widget, event) {
- let [has_coords, x, y] = event.get_root_coords();
- if (!has_coords)
- return;
- let should_show_cursor;
- try {
- let on_primary = this._cursor_is_on_icon(x, y,
- Gtk.EntryIconPosition.PRIMARY);
- let has_secondary = this.secondary_icon_name !== null;
- let on_secondary = has_secondary && this._cursor_is_on_icon(x, y,
- Gtk.EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY);
- should_show_cursor = on_primary || on_secondary;
- } catch (e) {
- if (typeof e === 'string' && e.startsWith('STOP'))
- return;
- throw e;
- }
- if (should_show_cursor) {
- if (this._has_hand_cursor)
- return;
- let cursor = Gdk.Cursor.new_for_display(Gdk.Display.get_default(),
- Gdk.CursorType.HAND1);
- this.window.set_cursor(cursor);
- this._has_hand_cursor = true;
- } else {
- this._on_leave(widget);
- }
- },
- _on_leave: function (widget) {
- if (!this._has_hand_cursor)
- return;
- this.window.set_cursor(null);
- this._has_hand_cursor = false;
- },
- _onMatchSelected: function (widget, model, iter) {
- let index = model.get_path(iter).get_indices()[0];
- this.emit('menu-item-selected', this._items[index]['id']);
- return Gdk.EVENT_STOP;
- },
- /* Set the entry text without triggering the text-changed signal.
- */
- set_text_programmatically: function (text) {
- if (this.text === text)
- return;
- this._entry_changed_by_widget = true;
- this.text = text;
- this.set_position(-1);
- },
- /* Set the menu items by providing an array of item objects:
- [
- {
- 'title': 'Frango',
- 'id': ''
- }
- ]
- 'title' must be a string but 'id' can be any type and is used to
- identify the data that was selected.
- */
- set_menu_items: function (items) {
- this._items = items;
- let model = this._auto_complete.get_model();
- model.clear();
- for (let i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++) {
- model.set(model.append(), [0], [this._items[i]['title']]);
- }
- this._entry_changed_by_widget = true;
- this.emit('changed');
- },