path: root/tools/eos-application-manifest
diff options
authorPhilip Chimento <>2013-07-10 07:59:58 -0700
committerPhilip Chimento <>2013-12-09 15:38:08 -0800
commit26ed31c165a522e9681e36c68e1d56721d6b3d0f (patch)
tree6acdee196adb22388f584d228222fbc8a0ad0341 /tools/eos-application-manifest
parentbdaf5797440bd384477a125252c7b52c42afc044 (diff)
Subcommand 'eos-application-manifest init'
This implements the 'init' subcommand of the application manifest tool, which creates a new manifest in the current directory. [endlessm/eos-sdk#154] [endlessm/eos-sdk#154]
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/eos-application-manifest')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/eos-application-manifest/commands/init.js b/tools/eos-application-manifest/commands/init.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fdc165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/eos-application-manifest/commands/init.js
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+const Gio =;
+const GLib =;
+const System = imports.system;
+const DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en';
+function execute(args) {
+ let [id, argdict] = parseArgs(args);
+ let manifest = createManifest(id, argdict);
+ let json_manifest = JSON.stringify(manifest, null, " ");
+ let filename = createFilenameForManifest(manifest);
+ let cwd = Gio.File.new_for_path(GLib.get_current_dir());
+ let file = cwd.get_child(filename);
+ file.replace_contents(json_manifest, null /* etag */,
+ false /* make backup */, Gio.FileCreateFlags.REPLACE_DESTINATION,
+ null /* cancellable */);
+// Takes a manifest with a valid application ID and creates the appropriate
+// filename to put it in.
+function createFilenameForManifest(manifest) {
+ return manifest.applicationId + '.json';
+// Takes a valid application ID and validated list of command-line arguments
+// and creates a valid application manifest.
+function createManifest(id, argdict) {
+ let locale = argdict.locale || DEFAULT_LOCALE;
+ let manifestVersion = CURRENT_MANIFEST_VERSION;
+ if ('manifest-version' in argdict)
+ manifestVersion = parseInt(argdict['manifest-version'], 10);
+ let launcherKey, launcherValue;
+ if (typeof argdict.appclass != 'undefined') {
+ launcherKey = 'applicationClass';
+ launcherValue = argdict.appclass;
+ } else {
+ launcherKey = 'exec';
+ launcherValue = argdict.exec;
+ }
+ let manifest = {};
+ manifest.manifestVersion = manifestVersion;
+ manifest.applicationId = id;
+ manifest.applicationName = createLocaleDict(locale, argdict.appname);
+ manifest.authorName =;
+ manifest.authorWebsite = || '';
+ manifest.description = createLocaleDict(locale, argdict.description || '');
+ manifest.version = argdict.appversion;
+ manifest.changes = createLocaleDict(locale, []);
+ manifest.license = argdict.license || '';
+ manifest.resources = [];
+ manifest[launcherKey] = launcherValue;
+ manifest.icons = {};
+ manifest.categories = [];
+ manifest.permissions = [];
+ manifest.metadata = {};
+ return manifest;
+// Takes a locale and a JS object and creates a dictionary such that for
+// locale == 'pt_BR', return value is { 'pt_BR': value }.
+function createLocaleDict(locale, value) {
+ let retval = {};
+ retval[locale] = value;
+ return retval;
+// Parse command line arguments and return a valid application ID and a
+// dictionary of other parameters passed. Validates the parameters.
+function parseArgs(args) {
+ if (typeof args == 'undefined' || args.length === 0) {
+ help();
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ // App ID is the mandatory first argument
+ let id = args.shift();
+ if (!Gio.Application.id_is_valid(id))
+ throw new Error('"%s" is not a valid application ID. Rules:\n\
+- must contain only the ASCII characters "[A-Z][a-z][0-9]_-." and must not\n\
+ begin with a digit.\n\
+- must contain at least one "."" (period) character (and thus at least three\n\
+ characters).\n\
+- must not begin or end with a "." (period) character.\n\
+- must not contain consecutive "."" (period) characters.\n\
+- must not exceed 255 characters.'.format(id));
+ let argdict = parseRemainingArgs(args);
+ if (!validateRemainingArgs(argdict)) {
+ help();
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ return [id, argdict];
+// Parse all arguments after the application ID has been removed
+function parseRemainingArgs(args) {
+ let retval = {};
+ for (let count = 0; count < args.length; count++) {
+ if (args[count].startsWith('--')) {
+ if (args[count].indexOf('=') != -1) {
+ // One parameter of the form --parameter=value
+ let expr = args[count].slice(2);
+ let [parameter, value] = expr.split('=');
+ retval[parameter] = value;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, the --parameter consumes the next argument if it's
+ // there and not also a --parameter
+ if (typeof args[count + 1] == 'undefined' ||
+ args[count + 1].startsWith('--')) {
+ let parameter = args[count].slice(2);
+ retval[parameter] = null;
+ continue;
+ }
+ let parameter = args[count].slice(2);
+ retval[parameter] = args[count + 1];
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+// Validate all arguments besides the application ID
+function validateRemainingArgs(args) {
+ let requiredArgs = ['appname', 'author', 'appversion'];
+ let knownArgs = ['appclass', 'exec', 'manifest-version', 'website',
+ 'description', 'locale', 'license'];
+ for (let arg of requiredArgs) {
+ if (!(arg in args))
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Only one of --appclass or --exec
+ if ('appclass' in args && 'exec' in args)
+ return false;
+ if (!('appclass' in args) && !('exec' in args))
+ return false;
+ for (let arg in args) {
+ if (requiredArgs.indexOf(arg) == -1 && knownArgs.indexOf(arg) == -1)
+ return false;
+ if (args[arg] === null)
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Validate any content requirements for certain parameters here
+ if ('manifest-version' in args) {
+ let versionNumber = parseInt(args['manifest-version'], 10);
+ if (Number.isNaN(versionNumber) || versionNumber < 0 ||
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+function summary() {
+ return 'Generate a minimal valid manifest';
+function help() {
+ print('Generates a minimal valid manifest in the current directory.\n\n\
+Usage: %s init <application_id>\n\
+ --appname=<name> --appversion=<version>\n\
+ --author=<author> {--appclass=<application_class>|--exec=<path>}\n\
+ [--manifest-version=<version>] [--website=<website>]\n\
+ [--description=<description>] [--locale=<locale>]\n\
+ [--license=<license>]\n\n\
+Required options for a minimal valid manifest:\n\
+ <application_id> - A unique application ID, e.g. ""\n\
+ --appname - Human-readable application name, e.g. "Weather Reader"\n\
+ --author - Author name, e.g. "Joe Coder <>"\n\
+ --appversion - Application version number\n\
+ --appclass - Name of a class derived from Endless.Application with\n\
+ its module to import, e.g. WeatherReader.App\n\
+ --exec - Path to an executable within the package, that\n\
+ launches the application, e.g. "bin/weather-reader"\n\
+(Use only one of either --appclass or --exec.)\n\n\
+Other options:\n\
+ --manifest-version - Version of the manifest file specification to use\n\
+ [default: the current one]\n\
+ --website - URI with more information about the application\n\
+ --description - Long description of the application\n\
+ --locale - Locale information for --appname and --description\n\
+ [default "en"]\n\
+ --license - Software license under which the application is\n\
+ provided to users'.format(System.programInvocationName));