path: root/test/smoke-tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/smoke-tests')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 307 deletions
diff --git a/test/smoke-tests/webhelper/webview.js b/test/smoke-tests/webhelper/webview.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a1dba65..0000000
--- a/test/smoke-tests/webhelper/webview.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-//Copyright 2013 Endless Mobile, Inc.
-const Endless =;
-const GLib =;
-const Gtk =;
-const Lang = imports.lang;
-const WebHelper = imports.webhelper;
-const WebKit =;
-const TEST_APPLICATION_ID = 'com.endlessm.example.test-webview';
-const TEST_HTML = '\
-<html> \
-<head> \
-<title>First page</title> \
-<style> \
-p, form { \
- width: 50%; \
- padding: 1em; \
- background: #FFFFFF; \
-} \
-body { \
- background: #EEEEEE; \
-} \
-</style> \
-</head> \
-<body> \
-<h1>First page</h1> \
-<p><a href="endless://moveToPage?name=page2">Move to page 2</a></p> \
-<p><a \
-href="endless://showMessageFromParameter?msg=This%20is%20a%20message%20from%20the%20URL%20parameter">Show \
-message from parameter in this URL</a></p> \
-<form action="endless://showMessageFromParameter"> \
-<input name="msg" value="I am in a form!"/> \
-<input type="submit" value="Show message using a form"/> \
-</form> \
-<p> \
-<input id="inputformessage" value="my ID is inputformessage"/> \
-<a href="endless://showMessageFromInputField?id=inputformessage">Show message \
-using the &lt;input&gt;\'s ID</a> \
-</p> \
-<p><a href="">Regular link to a Web site</a></p> \
-<p><a href="endless://addStars?id=starspan">I want \
-stars!</a> <span id="starspan"/></p> \
-<p>This is text that will be italicized: <span name="translatable">Hello, \
-world!</span></p> \
-</body> \
-const TestApplication = new Lang.Class({
- Name: 'TestApplication',
- Extends: WebHelper.Application,
- /* dict['name'] is the name of the page to move to */
- moveToPage: function(dict) {
- this._pm.visible_child_name = dict['name'];
- },
- /* dict['msg'] is the message to display */
- showMessageFromParameter: function(dict) {
- let dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog({
- buttons: Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE,
- message_type: Gtk.MessageType.INFO,
- text: dict['msg']
- });
- dialog.set_transient_for(this._window);
- dialog.destroy();
- },
- /* dict['id'] is the ID of the input field to use */
- showMessageFromInputField: function(dict) {
- let input = this._getElementById(this._webview, dict['id']);
- // WebKitDOMHTMLInputElement
- let msg = input.get_value();
- let dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog({
- buttons: Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE,
- message_type: Gtk.MessageType.INFO,
- text: msg
- });
- dialog.set_transient_for(this._window);
- dialog.destroy();
- },
- /* dict['id'] is the ID of the element to use */
- addStars: function(dict) {
- let e = this._getElementById(this._webview, dict['id']);
- e.inner_text += '★ ';
- },
- /* *************************** */
- vfunc_startup: function() {
- this.parent();
- this.set_translation_function(function(string) {
- return string.italics();
- });
- this.define_web_actions({
- moveToPage: this.moveToPage,
- showMessageFromParameter: this.showMessageFromParameter,
- showMessageFromInputField: this.showMessageFromInputField,
- addStars: this.addStars
- });
- this._webview = new WebKit.WebView();
- this._webview.load_string(TEST_HTML, 'text/html', 'UTF-8', 'file://');
- this._webview.connect('notify::load-status',
- Lang.bind(this, function (webview) {
- if (webview.load_status == WebKit.LoadStatus.FINISHED)
- this.translate_html(webview);
- }));
- this._webview.connect('navigation-policy-decision-requested',
- Lang.bind(this, this.web_actions_handler));
- this._page1 = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow();
- this._page1.add(this._webview);
- this._page2 = new Gtk.Grid();
- let back_button = new Gtk.Button({ label:"Go back to page 1" });
- back_button.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, function() {
- this._pm.visible_child_name = 'page1';
- }));
- this._page2.add(back_button);
- this._window = new Endless.Window({
- application: this,
- border_width: 16
- });
- this._pm = this._window.page_manager;
- this._pm.set_transition_type(Gtk.StackTransitionType.CROSSFADE);
- this._pm.add(this._page1, { name: 'page1' });
- this._pm.add(this._page2, { name: 'page2' });
- this._pm.visible_child = this._page1;
- this._window.show_all();
- }
-let app = new TestApplication({
- application_id: TEST_APPLICATION_ID,
- flags: 0
diff --git a/test/smoke-tests/webhelper/webview2.js b/test/smoke-tests/webhelper/webview2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f50c42d..0000000
--- a/test/smoke-tests/webhelper/webview2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 Endless Mobile, Inc.
-const Endless =;
-const Gettext = imports.gettext;
-const Gtk =;
-const Lang = imports.lang;
-const WebHelper2 = imports.webhelper2;
-const WebKit2 =;
-const TEST_APPLICATION_ID = 'com.endlessm.example.test-webview2';
-const TEST_HTML = '\
-<html> \
-<head> \
-<title>First page</title> \
-<style> \
-p, form { \
- width: 50%; \
- padding: 1em; \
- background: #FFFFFF; \
-} \
-body { \
- background: #EEEEEE; \
-} \
-</style> \
-</head> \
-<body> \
-<script type="text/javascript"> \
- window.ngettextButton = (function () { \
- var times = 0; \
- return function () { \
- times++; \
- var message = ngettext("You have clicked me __ time", "You have clicked me __ times", times); \
- alert(message.replace("__", times.toString())); \
- }; \
- })(); \
-</script> \
-<h1>First page</h1> \
-<p><a href="webhelper://moveToPage?name=page2">Move to page 2</a></p> \
-<p><a \
-href="webhelper://showMessageFromParameter?msg=This%20is%20a%20message%20from%20the%20URL%20parameter">Show \
-message from parameter in this URL</a></p> \
-<form action="webhelper://showMessageFromParameter"> \
-<input name="msg" value="I am in a form!"/> \
-<input type="submit" value="Show message using a form"/> \
-</form> \
-<p><a href="">Regular link to a Web site</a></p> \
-<p>This is text that will be italicized: <span name="translatable">Hello, \
-world!</span></p> \
-<p> \
- <button onclick="alert(gettext(\'I came from gettext\'));"> \
- Click me to use gettext \
- </button> \
- <button onclick="ngettextButton();">Click me to use ngettext</button> \
-</p> \
-</body> \
-const TestApplication = new Lang.Class({
- Name: 'TestApplication',
- Extends: Endless.Application,
- vfunc_dbus_register: function (connection, object_path) {
- this._webhelper = new WebHelper2.WebHelper({
- well_known_name: this.application_id,
- connection: connection,
- });
- return this.parent(connection, object_path);
- },
- vfunc_startup: function () {
- this.parent();
- this._webhelper.set_gettext((s) => s.italics());
- this._webhelper.set_ngettext((s, p, n) =>
- '** ' + (n == 1 ? s : p) + ' **');
- this._webhelper.define_web_actions({
- moveToPage: this.moveToPage.bind(this),
- showMessageFromParameter: this.showMessageFromParameter.bind(this),
- });
- this._webview = new WebKit2.WebView();
- this._webview.connect('load-changed', (webview, event) => {
- if (event === WebKit2.LoadEvent.FINISHED)
- this._webhelper.translate_html(webview, null, (obj, res) => {
- this._webhelper.translate_html_finish(res);
- });
- });
- this._webview.load_html(TEST_HTML, null);
- this._page2 = new Gtk.Grid();
- let back_button = new Gtk.Button({ label: 'Go back to page 1' });
- back_button.connect('clicked', () => {
- this._pm.visible_child_name = 'page1';
- });
- this._page2.add(back_button);
- this._window = new Endless.Window({
- application: this,
- border_width: 16,
- });
- this._pm = this._window.page_manager;
- this._pm.set_transition_type(Gtk.StackTransitionType.CROSSFADE);
- this._pm.add(this._webview, { name: 'page1' });
- this._pm.add(this._page2, { name: 'page2' });
- this._pm.visible_child_name = 'page1';
- this._window.show_all();
- },
- vfunc_dbus_unregister: function (connection, object_path) {
- this.parent(connection, object_path);
- this._webhelper.unregister();
- },
- // dict['name'] is the name of the page to move to
- moveToPage: function (dict) {
- this._pm.visible_child_name = dict['name'];
- },
- // dict['msg'] is the message to display
- showMessageFromParameter: function (dict) {
- let dialog = new Gtk.MessageDialog({
- buttons: Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE,
- message_type: Gtk.MessageType.INFO,
- text: dict['msg'],
- transient_for: this._window,
- });
- dialog.destroy();
- },
-let app = new TestApplication({
- application_id: TEST_APPLICATION_ID,