path: root/webhelper/webhelper2.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'webhelper/webhelper2.js')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webhelper/webhelper2.js b/webhelper/webhelper2.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beb0333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webhelper/webhelper2.js
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+// Copyright 2015 Endless Mobile, Inc.
+ = '4.0';
+const Gio =;
+const GLib =;
+const GObject =;
+const Lang = imports.lang;
+const WebKit2 =;
+const Config = imports.webhelper_private.config;
+const DBUS_WEBVIEW_EXPORT_PATH = '/com/endlessm/webview/';
+ <node> \
+ <interface name="com.endlessm.WebHelper2.Translation"> \
+ <method name="Translate"/> \
+ </interface> \
+ </node>';
+ <node> \
+ <interface name="com.endlessm.WebHelper2.Gettext"> \
+ <method name="Gettext"> \
+ <arg name="message" type="s" direction="in"/> \
+ <arg name="translation" type="s" direction="out"/> \
+ </method> \
+ </interface> \
+ </node>';
+ * Namespace: WebHelper2
+ * Convenience library for running web applications
+ *
+ * WebHelper is a convenience library for displaying web applications inside a
+ * GTK container running WebKitGTK.
+ * WebHelper2 is the WebKit2 version.
+ *
+ * One often-encountered problem is localizing text through the same API as
+ * your main GTK program.
+ * WebHelper solves this problem by allowing you to mark strings in your HTML
+ * page and translating them through a function of your choice when you run
+ * <WebHelper.translate_html()>.
+ */
+ * Class: WebHelper
+ * Helper object for a WebKit2 web application
+ *
+ * Constructor parameters:
+ * props - a dictionary of construction properties and values (default {})
+ *
+ * The application class for your web application should create <WebHelper> in
+ * its *vfunc_dbus_register()* implementation, with appropriate
+ * <well-known-name> and <connection> parameters.
+ * After that, you can do further setup on it, such as defining web actions, in
+ * your *vfunc_startup()* implementation.
+ *
+ * There is no need to set up specially any web views that you create, unlike
+ * WebKit1 where you must set up <Application.web_actions_handler()>.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * > const TestApplication = new Lang.Class({
+ * > Name: 'TestApplication',
+ * > Extends: Gtk.Application,
+ * >
+ * > vfunc_dbus_register: function (connection, object_path) {
+ * > this._webhelper = new WebHelper2.WebHelper({
+ * > well_known_name: this.application_id,
+ * > connection: connection,
+ * > });
+ * > return this.parent(connection, object_path);
+ * > },
+ * >
+ * > vfunc_startup: function () {
+ * > this.parent();
+ * >
+ * > this._webhelper.set_gettext(Gettext.dgettext.bind(null,
+ * >
+ * > let window = new Gtk.Window();
+ * > let webview = new WebKit2.WebView();
+ * > webview.connect('load-changed', (webview, event) => {
+ * > if (event === WebKit2.LoadEvent.FINISHED)
+ * > this._webhelper.translate_html(webview, null, (obj, res) => {
+ * > this._webhelper.translate_html_finish(res);
+ * > window.show_all();
+ * > });
+ * > });
+ * > window.add(webview);
+ * > webview.load_uri('file:///path/to/my/page.html');
+ * > },
+ * >
+ * > vfunc_dbus_unregister: function (connection, object_path) {
+ * > this.parent(connection, object_path);
+ * > this._webhelper.unregister();
+ * > },
+ * >});
+ * >
+ * >let app = new TestApplication({
+ * > application_id: 'com.example.SmokeGrinder',
+ * >});
+ * >;
+ */
+const WebHelper = new Lang.Class({
+ Name: 'WebHelper',
+ GTypeName: 'Wh2WebHelper',
+ Extends: GObject.Object,
+ Properties: {
+ /**
+ * Property: well-known-name
+ * Well-known bus name owned by the calling program
+ *
+ * Type:
+ * string
+ *
+ * This property is required at construction time.
+ * It must conform to <the rules for well-known bus names at
+ *>.
+ *
+ * This must be a well-known bus name that your program owns.
+ * The easiest way to ensure that is to use your application's ID, since
+ * every application class registers its ID as a bus name.
+ */
+ 'well-known-name': GObject.ParamSpec.string('well-known-name',
+ 'Well-known name',
+ 'Well-known bus name owned by the calling program',
+ GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT_ONLY,
+ ''),
+ /**
+ * Property: connection
+ * DBus connection owned by the calling program
+ *
+ * Type:
+ * *Gio.DBusConnection*
+ *
+ * This property is required at construction time.
+ *
+ * This must be a DBus connection object that your program owns.
+ * The easiest way to ensure that is to use the connection object passed
+ * in to your application's *vfunc_dbus_register()* function.
+ */
+ 'connection': GObject.ParamSpec.object('connection', 'Connection',
+ 'DBus connection owned by the calling program',
+ GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT_ONLY,
+ Gio.DBusConnection.$gtype),
+ },
+ _init: function (props={}) {
+ this._gettext = null;
+ this._ProxyConstructor =
+ Gio.DBusProxy.makeProxyWrapper(WH2_DBUS_EXTENSION_INTERFACE);
+ this.parent(props);
+ if (this.well_known_name === '')
+ throw new Error('The "well-known-name" parameter is required.');
+ this._extension_name = this.well_known_name + '.webhelper';
+ // Set up Webkit to load our web extension
+ let context = WebKit2.WebContext.get_default();
+ context.connect('initialize-web-extensions', () => {
+ let libexec = Gio.File.new_for_path(Config.LIBEXECDIR);
+ let path = libexec.get_child('webhelper2').get_path();
+ let localpath = GLib.getenv('WEBHELPER_UNINSTALLED_EXTENSION_DIR');
+ if (localpath)
+ path = localpath;
+ context.set_web_extensions_directory(path);
+ context.set_web_extensions_initialization_user_data(new GLib.Variant('s',
+ this.well_known_name));
+ });
+ // Export our own DBus interface
+ this._dbus_impl =
+ Gio.DBusExportedObject.wrapJSObject(WH2_DBUS_MAIN_PROGRAM_INTERFACE,
+ this);
+ this._dbus_impl.export(this.connection, '/com/endlessm/gettext');
+ },
+ // DBus implementations
+ Gettext: function (string) {
+ return this._gettext(string);
+ },
+ // Public API
+ /**
+ * Method: set_gettext
+ * Define function which translates text
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * gettext_func - a function, or null
+ *
+ * When you plan to use the <translate_html()> function to translate text in
+ * your web application, set this property to the translation function.
+ * The function must take one parameter, a string, and also return a
+ * string.
+ * The canonical example is gettext().
+ *
+ * Pass null for _gettext_func_ to unset the translation function.
+ *
+ * If this function has not been called, or has most recently been called
+ * with null, then it is illegal to call <translate_html()>.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * > const Gettext = imports.gettext;
+ * > const GETTEXT_DOMAIN = 'smoke-grinder';
+ * >
+ * > webhelper.set_gettext(Gettext.dgettext.bind(null, GETTEXT_DOMAIN));
+ */
+ set_gettext: function (gettext_func) {
+ if (gettext_func !== null && typeof gettext_func !== 'function')
+ throw new Error('The translation function must be a function, or ' +
+ 'null.');
+ this._gettext = gettext_func;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: get_gettext
+ * Retrieve the currently set translation function
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * the translation function previously set with <set_gettext()>, or null
+ * if none is currently set.
+ */
+ get_gettext: function () {
+ return this._gettext;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: translate_html
+ * Translate the HTML page in a webview asynchronously
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * webview - a *WebKit2.WebView* with HTML loaded
+ * cancellable - a *Gio.Cancellable*, or null
+ * callback - a function that takes two parameters: this <WebHelper>
+ * object, and a result object; or null if you don't want a callback
+ *
+ * Perform translation on all HTML elements marked with name="translatable"
+ * in the HTML document displaying in _webview_.
+ * The translation will be performed using the function you have set using
+ * <set_gettext()>.
+ *
+ * When the translation is finished, _callback_ will be called.
+ * You can get the result of the operation by calling
+ * <translate_html_finish()> with the _result_ object passed to _callback_.
+ *
+ * You can optionally pass _cancellable_ if you want to be able to cancel
+ * the operation.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * > webview.connect('load-changed', (webview, event) => {
+ * > if (event === WebKit2.LoadEvent.FINISHED)
+ * > webhelper.translate_html(webview, null, (obj, res) => {
+ * > webhelper.translate_html_finish(res);
+ * > // Translation done, show the page
+ * > webview.show_all();
+ * > });
+ * > });
+ */
+ translate_html: function (webview, cancellable, callback) {
+ let task = { callback: callback };
+ // Wait for the DBus interface to appear on the bus
+ task.watch_id = Gio.DBus.watch_name(Gio.BusType.SESSION,
+ this._extension_name, Gio.BusNameWatcherFlags.NONE,
+ (connection, name, owner) => {
+ // name appeared
+ let webview_object_path = DBUS_WEBVIEW_EXPORT_PATH +
+ webview.get_page_id();
+ let proxy = new this._ProxyConstructor(connection,
+ this._extension_name, webview_object_path);
+ if (cancellable)
+ proxy.TranslateRemote(cancellable,
+ this._translate_callback.bind(this, task));
+ else
+ proxy.TranslateRemote(this._translate_callback.bind(this,
+ task));
+ },
+ null); // do nothing when name vanishes
+ return task;
+ },
+ _translate_callback: function (task, result, error) {
+ Gio.DBus.unwatch_name(task.watch_id);
+ if (error)
+ task.error = error;
+ if (task.callback)
+ task.callback(this, task);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: translate_html_finish
+ * Get the result of <translate_html()>
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * res - result object passed to your callback
+ *
+ * Finishes an operation started by <translate_html()>.
+ * If the operation ended in an error, this function will throw that error.
+ */
+ translate_html_finish: function (res) {
+ if (res.error)
+ throw res.error;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Method: unregister
+ * Break the connection to WebKit
+ *
+ * Breaks the connection to all webviews and removes all DBus objects.
+ * You should call this in your application's *vfunc_dbus_unregister()*
+ * implementation.
+ *
+ * After this function has been called, no WebHelper functionality will
+ * work.
+ */
+ unregister: function () {
+ this._dbus_impl.unexport_from_connection(this.connection);
+ },