#!/bin/bash -e #DEFAULT_USER="endless" DEFAULT_USER="sg" DEFAULT_PASSWORD="endless" DEFAULT_IP="" echo "To run this script, you need to have the following" echo " - VM running with the correct dev HD image" echo " - A user defined with sudo privileges" echo " - sshpass installed on the local machine" echo read -p "Press [Enter] to continue..." if [[ ! $(which sshpass) ]]; then echo "sshpass not found. Exiting" echo "You can install it with sudo apt-get install sshpass" exit 1 fi read -e -p "Enter your machine's IP: " -i "$DEFAULT_IP" TARGET_IP read -e -p "Enter your machine's user: " -i "$DEFAULT_USER" TARGET_USER read -e -p "Enter your machine's password: " -i "${DEFAULT_PASSWORD}" TARGET_PASS API_KEY="" while [[ -z $API_KEY ]]; do read -e -p "Enter your Github Personal Access Token (github.com/settings/applications): " -i "$API_KEY" API_KEY done echo echo -n "Checking connectivity to VM/machine..." sshpass -p "${TARGET_PASS}" ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $TARGET_USER@$TARGET_IP 'uname -a' &> /dev/null echo "[OK]" echo -n "Checking API key..." git ls-remote -h https://$API_KEY@github.com/endlessm/eos-sdk &> /dev/null echo "[OK]" echo tmp_inventory=$(mktemp) trap "rm -f $tmp_inventory" EXIT echo "Creating Ansible inventory file in $tmp_inventory" cat << EOF > $tmp_inventory [dev_machine] dev_machine ansible_ssh_host=$TARGET_IP ansible_ssh_user="$TARGET_USER" ansible_sudo_pass="${TARGET_PASS}" ansible_ssh_pass="${TARGET_PASS}" ansible_connection=ssh EOF ansible-playbook -i $tmp_inventory playbooks/setup_dev_machine_root.yaml ansible-playbook -i $tmp_inventory playbooks/setup_dev_folder.yaml ansible-playbook -i $tmp_inventory playbooks/kill_shell.yaml ansible-playbook -i $tmp_inventory playbooks/setup_jhbuild.yaml ansible-playbook -i $tmp_inventory playbooks/install_jhbuild_deps.yaml ansible-playbook -i $tmp_inventory playbooks/jhbuild_run.yaml --extra-vars "api_key=$API_KEY" echo "Repos are cloned. You should be able to run 'jhbuild build' on the target"