/* Copyright 2015 Endless Mobile, Inc. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "eosattribution-private.h" #include "eoscellrendererpixbuflink-private.h" #include "eoscellrenderertextlink-private.h" #include "eoslicense.h" typedef struct { GFile *file; GtkWidget *view; GtkListStore *model; } EosAttributionPrivate; /* Forward declarations */ static void eos_attribution_init_initable (GInitableIface *, GInterfaceInfo *); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (EosAttribution, eos_attribution, GTK_TYPE_SCROLLED_WINDOW, G_ADD_PRIVATE (EosAttribution) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_INITABLE, eos_attribution_init_initable)) #define ROW_HEIGHT 50 /* Height of the pixbufs in each row */ enum { SHOW_URI, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint attribution_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_FILE, NPROPS }; static GParamSpec *eos_attribution_props[NPROPS] = { NULL, }; enum { COLUMN_PIXBUF, COLUMN_ORIGINAL_URI, COLUMN_LICENSE, COLUMN_LICENSE_URI, COLUMN_CREDIT, COLUMN_CREDIT_CONTACT, COLUMN_COPYRIGHT_HOLDER, COLUMN_COPYRIGHT_YEAR, COLUMN_PERMISSION, COLUMN_COMMENT, NUM_MODEL_COLUMNS }; static void eos_attribution_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { EosAttribution *self = EOS_ATTRIBUTION (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_FILE: g_value_set_object (value, eos_attribution_get_file (self)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); } } static void eos_attribution_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { EosAttribution *self = EOS_ATTRIBUTION (object); EosAttributionPrivate *priv = eos_attribution_get_instance_private (self); switch (property_id) { case PROP_FILE: priv->file = g_value_dup_object (value); /* construct only */ break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); } } static void eos_attribution_finalize (GObject *object) { EosAttribution *self = EOS_ATTRIBUTION (object); EosAttributionPrivate *priv = eos_attribution_get_instance_private (self); g_object_unref (priv->model); G_OBJECT_CLASS (eos_attribution_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void eos_attribution_class_init (EosAttributionClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->get_property = eos_attribution_get_property; object_class->set_property = eos_attribution_set_property; object_class->finalize = eos_attribution_finalize; attribution_signals[SHOW_URI] = g_signal_new ("show-uri", EOS_TYPE_ATTRIBUTION, G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING); eos_attribution_props[PROP_FILE] = g_param_spec_object ("file", "File", "JSON file with attribution information for images", G_TYPE_FILE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, NPROPS, eos_attribution_props); } static void on_pixbuf_cell_clicked (GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const gchar *path, EosAttribution *self) { EosAttributionPrivate *priv = eos_attribution_get_instance_private (self); GtkTreeIter iter; gchar *original_uri; GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->model); if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string (model, &iter, path)) { g_warning ("Apparently someone clicked on a nonexistent cell renderer."); return; } gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, COLUMN_ORIGINAL_URI, &original_uri, -1); if (original_uri != NULL) g_signal_emit (self, attribution_signals[SHOW_URI], 0, original_uri); g_free (original_uri); } static void on_license_cell_clicked (GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const gchar *path, EosAttribution *self) { EosAttributionPrivate *priv = eos_attribution_get_instance_private (self); GtkTreeIter iter; gchar *license_uri; GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->model); if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string (model, &iter, path)) { g_warning ("Apparently someone clicked on a nonexistent cell renderer."); return; } gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, COLUMN_LICENSE_URI, &license_uri, -1); if (license_uri != NULL) g_signal_emit (self, attribution_signals[SHOW_URI], 0, license_uri); g_free (license_uri); } static void on_contact_cell_clicked (GtkCellRenderer *renderer, const gchar *path, EosAttribution *self) { EosAttributionPrivate *priv = eos_attribution_get_instance_private (self); GtkTreeIter iter; gchar *contact; GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->model); if (!gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string (model, &iter, path)) { g_warning ("Apparently someone clicked on a nonexistent cell renderer."); return; } gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, COLUMN_CREDIT_CONTACT, &contact, -1); if (contact != NULL) g_signal_emit (self, attribution_signals[SHOW_URI], 0, contact); g_free (contact); } static void render_license_link (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter) { gchar *license_code; gchar *license_uri; gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, COLUMN_LICENSE, &license_code, COLUMN_LICENSE_URI, &license_uri, -1); if (license_code != NULL) { /* TRANSLATORS: %s will be replaced with the name of an image license, such as "Public domain" or "Creative Commons Attribution". These names are translated elsewhere in this file. Make sure %s is still in the translated string. Note: this string is markup, and so should not contain any ampersands (&), less-than signs (<), or greater-than signs (>). */ gchar *license_string = g_strdup_printf (_("%s."), eos_get_license_display_name (license_code)); gboolean behave_like_link = (license_uri != NULL); g_object_set (renderer, "markup", license_string, "visible", TRUE, "foreground-set", behave_like_link, NULL); g_free (license_string); } else if (license_uri != NULL) { g_object_set (renderer, /* TRANSLATORS: This string is markup, and so should not contain any ampersands (&), less-than signs (<), or greater-than signs (>). */ "markup", _("Click for image license."), "visible", TRUE, NULL); } else { g_object_set (renderer, "visible", FALSE, NULL); } g_free (license_code); g_free (license_uri); } static void render_contact_link (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter) { gchar *credit, *credit_contact; gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, COLUMN_CREDIT, &credit, COLUMN_CREDIT_CONTACT, &credit_contact, -1); if (credit != NULL) { gchar *credit_escaped = g_markup_escape_text (credit, -1); /* TRANSLATORS: %s will be replaced with the name or account name of the person that the image should be credited to. Make sure %s is still in the translated string. Note: this string is markup and so should not contain any ampersands (&), less-than signs (<), or greater-than signs (>). */ gchar *credit_string = g_strdup_printf (_("Image credit: %s."), credit_escaped); g_free (credit_escaped); g_object_set (renderer, "markup", credit_string, "visible", TRUE, "foreground-set", FALSE, NULL); g_free (credit_string); } else { g_object_set (renderer, "visible", FALSE, NULL); } g_free (credit); g_free (credit_contact); } static void render_usage_notes (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *renderer, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter) { gchar *copyright_holder, *comment; gint copyright_year; gboolean permission; GString *builder = g_string_new (""); gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, COLUMN_COPYRIGHT_HOLDER, ©right_holder, COLUMN_COPYRIGHT_YEAR, ©right_year, COLUMN_PERMISSION, &permission, COLUMN_COMMENT, &comment, -1); if (copyright_holder != NULL) { gchar *copy_holder_escaped = g_markup_escape_text (copyright_holder, -1); if (copyright_year != -1) { /* TRANSLATORS: %d will be replaced with the copyright year, %s with the copyright holder. Make sure these tokens are in the translated string. Note: this string is markup and so should not contain any ampersands (&), less-than signs (<), or greater-than signs (>). */ g_string_append_printf (builder, _("Copyright %d %s."), copyright_year, copy_holder_escaped); } else { /* TRANSLATORS: %s will be replaced with the name of the copyright holder. Make sure %s is still in the translated string. Note: this string is markup and so should not contain any ampersands (&), less-than signs (<), or greater-than signs (>). */ g_string_append_printf (builder, _("Copyright %s."), copy_holder_escaped); } if (permission || comment != NULL) g_string_append_c (builder, ' '); g_free (copyright_holder); g_free (copy_holder_escaped); } if (permission) { /* TRANSLATORS: This string is markup and so should not contain any ampersands (&), less-than signs (<), or greater-than signs (>). */ g_string_append (builder, _("Used with permission.")); if (comment != NULL) g_string_append_c (builder, ' '); } if (comment != NULL) { gchar *comment_escaped = g_markup_escape_text (comment, -1); g_free (comment); g_string_append (builder, comment_escaped); g_free (comment_escaped); } gchar *resulting_text = g_string_free (builder, FALSE); g_object_set (renderer, "markup", resulting_text, NULL); g_free (resulting_text); } static void eos_attribution_init (EosAttribution *self) { EosAttributionPrivate *priv = eos_attribution_get_instance_private (self); priv->model = gtk_list_store_new (NUM_MODEL_COLUMNS, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, G_TYPE_STRING); priv->view = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->model)); gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->view), FALSE); GtkTreeViewColumn *column; GtkCellRenderer *renderer; /* Column showing a reduced representation of the image */ renderer = eos_cell_renderer_pixbuf_link_new (); g_signal_connect (renderer, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (on_pixbuf_cell_clicked), self); column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("", renderer, "pixbuf", COLUMN_PIXBUF, NULL); gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->view), column); GtkCellArea *area = gtk_cell_area_box_new (); gtk_orientable_set_orientation (GTK_ORIENTABLE (area), GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); /* Put all the text renderers in the same column */ column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_area (area); gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->view), column); /* Renderer for license link */ renderer = eos_cell_renderer_text_link_new (); g_signal_connect (renderer, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (on_license_cell_clicked), self); gtk_cell_area_box_pack_start (GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area), renderer, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, renderer, (GtkTreeCellDataFunc)render_license_link, NULL, NULL); /* Renderer for original image link */ renderer = eos_cell_renderer_text_link_new (); g_signal_connect (renderer, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (on_contact_cell_clicked), self); gtk_cell_area_box_pack_start (GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area), renderer, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, renderer, (GtkTreeCellDataFunc)render_contact_link, NULL, NULL); /* Renderer for general notes */ renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); gtk_cell_area_box_pack_start (GTK_CELL_AREA_BOX (area), renderer, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, renderer, (GtkTreeCellDataFunc)render_usage_notes, NULL, NULL); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (self), priv->view); } /* Utility function, returns the index if an array of strings @strv terminated by NULL contains the string @entry, -1 if it does not */ static gint strv_index (gchar * const *, const gchar *) G_GNUC_PURE; static gint strv_index (gchar * const *strv, const gchar *entry) { if (strv == NULL) return -1; gchar * const *iter; gint index; for (iter = strv, index = 0; *iter != NULL; iter++, index++) { if (strcmp (*iter, entry) == 0) return index; } return -1; } static gboolean eos_attribution_initable_init (GInitable *initable, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { EosAttribution *self = EOS_ATTRIBUTION (initable); EosAttributionPrivate *priv = eos_attribution_get_instance_private (self); GInputStream *stream = G_INPUT_STREAM (g_file_read (priv->file, cancellable, error)); if (stream == NULL) return FALSE; JsonParser *parser = json_parser_new (); gboolean success = json_parser_load_from_stream (parser, stream, cancellable, error); if (!success) { g_object_unref (stream); goto fail; } success = g_input_stream_close (stream, cancellable, error); g_object_unref (stream); if (!success && g_error_matches (*error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) goto fail; /* Ignore errors other than cancellation */ JsonReader *reader = json_reader_new (json_parser_get_root (parser)); gint num_images = json_reader_count_elements (reader); if (num_images == -1) { *error = g_error_copy (json_reader_get_error (reader)); goto fail2; } gint count; for (count = 0; count < num_images; count++) { /* Optional info; some combinations of these are required though */ const gchar *original_uri = NULL, *license = NULL, *license_uri = NULL, *credit = NULL, *credit_contact = NULL, *copyright_holder = NULL, *comment = NULL, *resource_path = NULL, *thumb_uri = NULL; gint64 copyright_year = -1; gboolean permission = FALSE; if (!json_reader_read_element (reader, count)) { g_warning ("Could not read element %d of attribution file", count); json_reader_end_element (reader); continue; } if (!json_reader_is_object (reader)) { g_warning ("Expected element %d in attribution file to be a dict", count); json_reader_end_element (reader); continue; } /* Read all optional elements */ gchar **members = json_reader_list_members (reader); #define READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT(member_name, read_func, storage) \ if (strv_index (members, member_name) != -1) \ { \ json_reader_read_member (reader, member_name); \ storage = json_reader_get_##read_func (reader); \ json_reader_end_member (reader); \ } READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT("resource_path", string_value, resource_path) READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT("thumb_uri", string_value, thumb_uri) READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT("uri", string_value, original_uri) READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT("license", string_value, license) READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT("license_uri", string_value, license_uri) READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT("credit", string_value, credit) READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT("credit_contact", string_value, credit_contact) READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT("copyright_holder", string_value, copyright_holder) READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT("comment", string_value, comment) READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT("copyright_year", int_value, copyright_year) READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT("permission", boolean_value, permission); #undef READ_MEMBER_IF_PRESENT g_strfreev (members); json_reader_end_element (reader); /* Validate the data */ if (resource_path == NULL && thumb_uri == NULL) { g_warning ("Image must have one of the following specified: resource_path, thumb_uri"); continue; } const char *debug_name = resource_path ? resource_path : thumb_uri; if (license == NULL && license_uri == NULL && credit == NULL && copyright_holder == NULL) { g_warning ("Image %s must have at least one of the following " "specified: license, license_uri, credit, or " "copyright_holder.", debug_name); continue; } if (license != NULL) { if (license_uri == NULL) { GFile *license_file = eos_get_license_file (license); if (license_file != NULL) { license_uri = g_file_get_uri (license_file); g_object_unref (license_file); } } } /* Populate a row of the model */ GError *inner_error = NULL; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; if (resource_path) { pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource_at_scale (resource_path, -1, ROW_HEIGHT, TRUE, &inner_error); } else { g_autoptr(GFile) file = g_file_new_for_uri (thumb_uri); g_autoptr(GFileInputStream) input_stream = g_file_read (file, cancellable, &inner_error); pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_at_scale (G_INPUT_STREAM (input_stream), -1, ROW_HEIGHT, TRUE, cancellable, &inner_error); } if (pixbuf == NULL) { g_warning ("Not able to load pixbuf from '%s': %s", debug_name, inner_error->message); g_clear_error (&inner_error); continue; } GtkTreeIter new_row; gtk_list_store_append (priv->model, &new_row); gtk_list_store_set (priv->model, &new_row, COLUMN_PIXBUF, pixbuf, COLUMN_ORIGINAL_URI, original_uri, COLUMN_LICENSE, license, COLUMN_LICENSE_URI, license_uri, COLUMN_CREDIT, credit, COLUMN_CREDIT_CONTACT, credit_contact, COLUMN_COPYRIGHT_HOLDER, copyright_holder, COLUMN_COPYRIGHT_YEAR, (gint) copyright_year, COLUMN_PERMISSION, permission, COLUMN_COMMENT, comment, -1); g_object_unref (pixbuf); /* List store now holds the reference */ } g_object_unref (reader); g_object_unref (parser); return TRUE; fail2: g_object_unref (reader); fail: g_object_unref (parser); return FALSE; } static void eos_attribution_init_initable (GInitableIface *iface, GInterfaceInfo *info) { iface->init = eos_attribution_initable_init; } GtkWidget * eos_attribution_new_sync (GFile *file, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_FILE (file), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (cancellable == NULL || G_IS_CANCELLABLE (cancellable), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, NULL); return GTK_WIDGET (g_initable_new (EOS_TYPE_ATTRIBUTION, cancellable, error, "file", file, NULL)); } GFile * eos_attribution_get_file (EosAttribution *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (EOS_IS_ATTRIBUTION (self), NULL); EosAttributionPrivate *priv = eos_attribution_get_instance_private (self); return priv->file; }