/* Copyright 2017 Endless Mobile, Inc. */ #include "config.h" #include "eosprofile-private.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gvdb/gvdb-builder.h" /** * SECTION:profiling * @Title: Profiling * @Short_description: Profiling tools for applications * * The profiling API provided by the Endless SDK is a simple tool for defining * profiling probes and collecting data over multiple calls. * * ### Enabling profiling * * Profile probes try to be as close to zero-cost as possible; they are only * enabled if the `EOS_PROFILE` environment variable is set. This means that * you can leave the profile probes in your code, and they will be inert until * the environment is set up for profiling. * * ### Using profiling probes * * Typically, you want to declare a profiling probe at the beginning of the * section of the code you wish to measure, and stop it at the end. * * The profiling probes are identified by a unique name, typically expressed * as a path, like `/com/example/ExampleProbe`; this allows creating a tree of * probes. * * If you are using the C API and a GCC-compatible compiler, you will want to * use the `g_autoptr()` macro to declare the profiling probe, and have it * automatically collected at the end of the scope, for instance: * * |[ * static void * some_function (SomeObject *obj) * { * some_set_up (obj); * * // Here begins the section we wish to profile * g_autoptr(EosProfileProbe) outer = EOS_PROFILE ("/com/example/some-function"); * * some_expensive_computation (obj); * some_additional_work (obj); * * if (some_state (obj)) * { * g_autoptr(EosProfileProbe) inner = EOS_PROFILE ("/com/example/some-function/state"); * * some_more_computation (obj); * } * } * ]| * * In the example above, the `outer` probe is created after we performed some * operation; since we are not interested into its cost, we are going to * ignore it. Additionally, the `inner` probe is created conditionally on some * state, so we can also gather information on the actual number of times the * inner function is called. In either cases, both the `outer` and `inner` * probes are automatically stopped once they get out of scope. * * ### Capturing profiling data * * By default, when the `EOS_PROFILE` environment variable is set, you will * get a summary at the end of the process, sent to the standard output. * * It is also possible to redirect the profiling data to a capture file, by * setting the `EOS_PROFILE` environment variable to the `capture` value. In * that case, the profiling data will be stored in a binary format at the * end of the process, and you can use the `eos-profile` tool to extract the * probes, timings, and generate a summary. The default filename for the * captured data is based on the name of the binary and the process ID, and * it's saved under the `$XDG_CACHE_HOME` directory (see: g_get_user_cache_dir()). * * You can also specify the name of the capture file, by setting the * `EOS_PROFILE` environment variable to `capture:/path/to/file`. */ static int sample_compare (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const ProfileSample *sample_a = a; const ProfileSample *sample_b = b; /* Times are monotonic, so this is always positive */ gint64 delta_a = sample_a->end_time - sample_a->start_time; gint64 delta_b = sample_b->end_time - sample_b->start_time; if (delta_a < delta_b) return -1; if (delta_a > delta_b) return 1; return 0; } #define N_SAMPLES 64 struct _EosProfileProbe { volatile int ref_count; char *file; gint32 line; char *function; char *name; GArray *samples; GMutex probe_lock; }; static EosProfileProbe eos_profile_dummy_probe; static EosProfileProbe * eos_profile_probe_new (const char *file, gsize line, const char *function, const char *name) { EosProfileProbe *res = g_new0 (EosProfileProbe, 1); res->ref_count = 1; res->name = g_strdup (name); res->function = g_strdup (function); res->file = g_strdup (file); res->line = line; res->samples = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (ProfileSample), N_SAMPLES); g_mutex_init (&res->probe_lock); return res; } static void eos_profile_probe_destroy (gpointer data) { EosProfileProbe *probe = data; g_hash_table_remove (profile_state->probes, probe->name); g_array_unref (probe->samples); g_free (probe->name); g_free (probe->function); g_free (probe->file); g_free (probe); } static EosProfileProbe * eos_profile_probe_copy (EosProfileProbe *probe) { return probe; } static void eos_profile_probe_free (EosProfileProbe *probe) { /* no-op */ } G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE (EosProfileProbe, eos_profile_probe, eos_profile_probe_copy, eos_profile_probe_free) /** * eos_profile_probe_start: * @file: the source file for the probe, typically represented by %__FILE__ * @line: the line in the source @file, typically represented by %__LINE__ * @function: the function for the probe, typically represented by %G_STRFUNC * @name: a unique name for the probe * * Starts a profiling probe for @name, creating it if necessary. * * Returns: (transfer none): a profile probe identifier; use eos_profile_probe_stop() * to stop the profiling on the returned probe * * Since: 0.6 */ EosProfileProbe * eos_profile_probe_start (const char *file, gsize line, const char *function, const char *name) { /* Don't measure the lock */ gint64 sample_time = g_get_monotonic_time (); /* We can take this out of the lock because by the time we reach * eos_profile_probe_stop() the profile state is guaranteed to * either always exist, or not */ if (profile_state == NULL) return &eos_profile_dummy_probe; G_LOCK (profile_state); EosProfileProbe *res = g_hash_table_lookup (profile_state->probes, name); if (res == NULL) { res = eos_profile_probe_new (file, line, function, name); g_hash_table_insert (profile_state->probes, res->name, res); } g_array_append_vals (res->samples, &(ProfileSample) { .start_time = sample_time, .end_time = -1 }, 1); G_UNLOCK (profile_state); return (EosProfileProbe *) res; } /** * eos_profile_probe_stop: * @probe: a #EosProfileProbe * * Stops a profiling probe started using eos_profile_probe_start(). * * Since: 0.6 */ void eos_profile_probe_stop (EosProfileProbe *probe) { if (probe == &eos_profile_dummy_probe) return; /* Don't measure the lock */ gint64 sample_time = g_get_monotonic_time (); g_autoptr(GMutexLocker) locker = g_mutex_locker_new (&probe->probe_lock); /* Ideally, we just want to update the sample we just created, which means * picking the last slot in the samples array; in practice, this is what * should happen most of the time, unless we end up recursing. In that case * we end up with creating a sample while the outer sample is still in * flight. * * If we just recorded the inner samples, we'd end up with a skewed capture, * as those samples would inevitably be masking the timing of the outer * samples. * * The easiest approach is to discard the inner samples until we reach the * outermost live sample */ int first_in_flight = probe->samples->len - 1; for (int i = probe->samples->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const ProfileSample *sample = &g_array_index (probe->samples, ProfileSample, i); if (sample->end_time > 0) break; first_in_flight = i; } ProfileSample *sample = &g_array_index (probe->samples, ProfileSample, first_in_flight); sample->end_time = sample_time; if (first_in_flight != probe->samples->len - 1) { int range = probe->samples->len - first_in_flight - 1; g_array_remove_range (probe->samples, first_in_flight + 1, range); } } void eos_profile_state_init (void) { static gboolean profile_state_inited; if (profile_state_inited) return; profile_state_inited = TRUE; const char *str = getenv ("EOS_PROFILE"); if (str != NULL) { profile_state = g_new0 (ProfileState, 1); profile_state->probes = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, eos_profile_probe_destroy); int capture_prefix_len = strlen ("capture"); if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (str, "capture", capture_prefix_len) == 0) { profile_state->capture = TRUE; const char *filename = str + capture_prefix_len; if (*filename == ':') { filename += 1; if (*filename != '\0') profile_state->capture_file = g_strdup (filename); } if (profile_state->capture_file == NULL || *profile_state->capture_file == '\0') { g_autofree char *capture_dir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (), "com.endlessm.Sdk.Profile", NULL); if (g_mkdir_with_parents (capture_dir, 0700) < 0) capture_dir = g_get_current_dir (); profile_state->capture_file = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s.db", capture_dir, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, g_get_prgname ()); } } } } static const double scale_val (double val) { if (val >= G_USEC_PER_SEC) return val / G_USEC_PER_SEC; if (val >= 1000) return val / 1000.0; return val; } static const char * unit_for (double val) { enum { SECONDS, MILLISECONDS, MICROSECONDS }; const char *units[] = { [SECONDS] = "s", [MILLISECONDS] = "ms", [MICROSECONDS] = "µs", }; if (val >= G_USEC_PER_SEC) return units[SECONDS]; if (val >= 1000) return units[MILLISECONDS]; return units[MICROSECONDS]; } static void profile_state_dump_to_console (void) { gushort max_columns = 256; if (isatty (STDOUT_FILENO)) { struct winsize w; ioctl (STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); max_columns = w.ws_col; } GHashTableIter iter; gpointer value; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, profile_state->probes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, &value)) { EosProfileProbe *probe = value; /* Take ownership of the samples in order to sort them; we want to * pre-sort so that we can easily discard the outliers when doing * our analysis, later on */ GArray *sorted_samples = g_steal_pointer (&probe->samples); g_array_sort (sorted_samples, sample_compare); gint64 min_sample = G_MAXINT64, max_sample = 0; gint64 total = 0; g_autoptr(GArray) valid_samples = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (guint)); for (int i = 0; i < sorted_samples->len; i++) { const ProfileSample *sample = &g_array_index (sorted_samples, ProfileSample, i); gint64 delta = sample->end_time - sample->start_time; /* If the probe never got stopped we need to skip this sample */ if (delta < 0) continue; g_array_append_val (valid_samples, i); if (delta < min_sample) min_sample = delta; if (delta > max_sample) max_sample = delta; total += delta; } g_autofree char *msg = NULL; if (valid_samples->len > 1) { double avg = total / (double) valid_samples->len; double s = 0; double s_part = 0; for (int i = 1; i < valid_samples->len - 1; i++) { guint idx = g_array_index (valid_samples, guint, i); const ProfileSample *sample = &g_array_index (sorted_samples, ProfileSample, idx); gint64 delta = sample->end_time - sample->start_time; g_assert (delta >= 0); double deviation = delta - avg; s_part += (deviation * deviation); } if (valid_samples->len > 1) s = sqrt (s_part / (double) valid_samples->len - 1); else s = 0.0; g_autofree char *stddev = g_strdup_printf (", σ:%g", s); msg = g_strdup_printf ("%d samples: avg:%g %s, min:%d %s, max:%d %s%s)", valid_samples->len, scale_val (avg), unit_for (avg), (int) scale_val (min_sample), unit_for (min_sample), (int) scale_val (max_sample), unit_for (max_sample), s == 0.0 ? "" : stddev); } else { msg = g_strdup ("not enough valid samples found"); } g_autofree char *probe_name = NULL; int probe_len = strlen (probe->name); int msg_len = strlen (msg); if (probe_len + msg_len >= (int) max_columns - 2) { gsize name_len = MAX ((int) max_columns - msg_len, 2); probe_name = g_strndup (probe->name, name_len); probe_name[name_len - 1] = '~'; } else probe_name = g_strdup (probe->name); g_print ("%s%*c%s\n", probe_name, max_columns - strlen (probe_name) - msg_len, ' ', msg); g_print (" %s at %s:%d\n\n", probe->function, probe->file, probe->line); } } /* Get the immediate parent table in the GVDB table, using the * key separator '/' to determine the nesting level. If needed, * this function will create the intermediate tables */ static GvdbItem * get_parent (GHashTable *table, char *key, int length) { GvdbItem *grandparent, *parent; if (length == 1) return NULL; while (key[--length - 1] != '/') ; key[length] = '\0'; parent = g_hash_table_lookup (table, key); if (parent == NULL) { parent = gvdb_hash_table_insert (table, key); grandparent = get_parent (table, key, length); if (grandparent != NULL) gvdb_item_set_parent (parent, grandparent); } return parent; } void eos_profile_state_dump (void) { if (profile_state == NULL) return; if (!profile_state->capture) { profile_state_dump_to_console (); return; } g_autoptr(GHashTable) db_table = gvdb_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); /* Metadata for the DB */ g_autofree char *version_key = g_strdup (PROBE_DB_META_VERSION_KEY); gsize version_key_len = strlen (version_key); GvdbItem *meta = gvdb_hash_table_insert (db_table, PROBE_DB_META_VERSION_KEY); gvdb_item_set_parent (meta, get_parent (db_table, version_key, version_key_len)); gvdb_item_set_value (meta, g_variant_new_int32 (PROBE_DB_VERSION)); /* Iterate over the probes */ GHashTableIter iter; gpointer value; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, profile_state->probes); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, &value)) { EosProfileProbe *probe = value; g_autofree char *key = g_strdup (probe->name); gsize key_len = strlen (probe->name); GvdbItem *item = gvdb_hash_table_insert (db_table, key); gvdb_item_set_parent (item, get_parent (db_table, key, key_len)); GVariantBuilder builder; g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(sssuua(xx))")); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "s", probe->name); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "s", probe->function); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "s", probe->file); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "u", probe->line); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "u", probe->samples->len); /* Take ownership of the samples in order to sort them; we want to * pre-sort so that we can easily discard the outliers when doing * our analysis, later on */ GArray *sorted_samples = g_steal_pointer (&(probe->samples)); g_array_sort (sorted_samples, sample_compare); g_variant_builder_open (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(xx)")); for (int i = 0; i < sorted_samples->len; i++) { const ProfileSample *sample = &g_array_index (sorted_samples, ProfileSample, i); g_variant_builder_open (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(xx)")); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "x", sample->start_time); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "x", sample->end_time); g_variant_builder_close (&builder); } g_variant_builder_close (&builder); g_array_free (sorted_samples, TRUE); gvdb_item_set_value (item, g_variant_builder_end (&builder)); } /* Clean up */ g_hash_table_unref (profile_state->probes); g_free (profile_state->capture_file); g_free (profile_state); g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL; gvdb_table_write_contents (db_table, profile_state->capture_file, G_BYTE_ORDER != G_LITTLE_ENDIAN, &error); if (error != NULL) g_printerr ("PROFILE: %s\n", error->message); }