const Gdk =; const GdkPixbuf =; const Gio =; const GObject =; const Gtk =; const Lang = imports.lang; var AssetButton = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'AssetButton', GTypeName: 'EosAssetButton', Extends: Gtk.Button, Properties: { 'normal-image-uri': GObject.ParamSpec.string('normal-image-uri', 'Normal Image URI', 'Normal Image URI', GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.WRITABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT, ''), 'active-image-uri': GObject.ParamSpec.string('active-image-uri', 'Active Image URI', 'Active Image URI', GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.WRITABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT, ''), 'prelight-image-uri': GObject.ParamSpec.string('prelight-image-uri', 'Prelight Image URI', 'Prelight Image URI', GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.WRITABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT, ''), 'insensitive-image-uri': GObject.ParamSpec.string('disabled-image-uri', 'Disabled Image URI', 'Disabled Image URI', GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.WRITABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT, ''), 'focused-image-uri': GObject.ParamSpec.string('focused-image-uri', 'Focused Image URI', 'Focused Image URI', GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.WRITABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT, '') }, _init: function(params) { this._normal_pixbuf = null; this._prelight_pixbuf = null; this._active_pixbuf = null; this._insensitive_pixbuf = null; this._focused_pixbuf = null; this._label = null; this._normal_uri = null; this._prelight_uri = null; this._active_uri = null; this._insensitive_uri = null; this._focused_uri = null; this._image = new Gtk.Image(); params.always_show_image = true; this.parent(params); this.set_image(this._image); this.forall(Lang.bind(this, this._force_center_valign)); this.connect('state-flags-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._update_appearance)); }, // Gtk 3.10 switched to vertically aligning internal children with // Gtk.Align.BASELINE, which is not what we want for our buttons. This // forces the button internals to use Gtk.Align.CENTER which we want. If // Gtk ever provides public api for controlling alignment of its image and // label, that would be much preferable. _force_center_valign: function (w) { w.set_valign(Gtk.Align.FILL); if (w instanceof Gtk.Container) { w.forall(Lang.bind(this, this._force_center_valign)); } }, _update_appearance: function() { let flags = this.get_state_flags(); // If the button is insensitive, show its disabled state if (this._insensitive_pixbuf !== null && (flags & Gtk.StateFlags.INSENSITIVE)) { this._image.set_from_pixbuf(this._insensitive_pixbuf); return; } // Otherwise, if it's prelit (moused-over), // show its highlight state if (this._active_pixbuf !== null && (flags & Gtk.StateFlags.ACTIVE)) { this._image.set_from_pixbuf(this._active_pixbuf); return; } // Otherwise, if it's active (clicked), // show its active state if (this._prelight_pixbuf !== null && (flags & Gtk.StateFlags.PRELIGHT)) { this._image.set_from_pixbuf(this._prelight_pixbuf); return; } // Otherwise, if it's focused, // show its focused state if (this._focused_pixbuf !== null && (flags & Gtk.StateFlags.FOCUSED)) { this._image.set_from_pixbuf(this._focused_pixbuf); return; } // Finally, if neither of the above are true, show the button's normal // state by default this._image.set_from_pixbuf(this._normal_pixbuf); }, /* Helper function to open and return an input stream into the specified URI. Make sure to close() the return value when you are done with it. */ _open_stream_from_uri: function(uri) { let file = Gio.File.new_for_uri(uri); return; }, get normal_image_uri() { return this._normal_uri; }, get prelight_image_uri() { return this._prelight_uri; }, get active_image_uri() { return this._active_uri; }, get insensitive_image_uri() { return this._insensitive_uri; }, get focused_image_uri() { return this._focused_uri; }, set normal_image_uri(v) { this._set_image_uri(v, 'normal'); }, set prelight_image_uri(v) { this._set_image_uri(v, 'prelight'); }, set active_image_uri(v) { this._set_image_uri(v, 'active'); }, set insensitive_image_uri(v) { this._set_image_uri(v, 'insensitive'); }, set focused_image_uri(v) { this._set_image_uri(v, 'focused'); }, /* * This helper method sets the image URI for the specified state. * Javascript's array property access allows us to avoid repeated code! */ _set_image_uri: function(uri, state) { let uri_property = '_' + state + '_uri'; let pixbuf_property = '_' + state + '_pixbuf'; if(this[uri_property] === uri) return; let img_stream = null; try { img_stream = this._open_stream_from_uri(uri); this[pixbuf_property] = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_stream(img_stream, null); this[uri_property] = uri; } catch(e if e instanceof Gio.IOErrorEnum) { // This catches the instances in which there is no URI for a particular state this[pixbuf_property] = null; this[uri_property] = null; } if (img_stream !== null) img_stream.close(null); this._update_appearance(); this.notify(state + '-image-uri'); } });