const Endless =; const GLib =; const Gtk =; const Lang = imports.lang; const WebHelper = imports.webhelper; const WebKit =; const WebHelperApplicationWithTranslatableText = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'WebHelperApplicationWithTranslatableText', Extends: WebHelper.Application, get_translation_string: function() { return 'Translate Me'; }, vfunc_startup: function() { this.parent(); this.webview = new WebKit.WebView(); let string = '

' + this.get_translation_string() + '

'; this.webview.load_string(string, 'text/html', 'UTF-8', 'file://'); = new Endless.Window({ application: this }); this.scrolled = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); this.scrolled.add(this.webview);; this.webview.connect('notify::load-status', Lang.bind(this, function() { if(this.webview.load_status === WebKit.LoadStatus.FINISHED) { this.translate_html(this.webview); this.quit(); } })); } }); describe("Translation strategy", function() { let app; beforeEach(function() { // FIXME In this version of GJS there is no Posix module, so fake the PID let id_string = 'com.endlessm.webhelper.test' + GLib.get_real_time() + fake_pid; // Generate a unique ID for each app instance that we test let fake_pid = GLib.random_int(); app = new WebHelperApplicationWithTranslatableText({ application_id: id_string }); }); describe("translation function", function() { let translationFunctionSpy; beforeEach(function() { translationFunctionSpy = jasmine.createSpy('translate').and.returnValue('Translated'); }); it("gets called with string to translate on run", function() { app.set_translation_function(translationFunctionSpy);[]); expect(translationFunctionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(app.get_translation_string()); }); }); it("throws when an incompatible type is set as the translation function", function() { expect(function() { app.set_translation_function({}); }).toThrow(); }); // Can't test this right now as there is no support for propagating exceptions across // GI interfaces xit("throws when there isn't a translation function set", function() { expect(function() {[]); }).toThrow(); }); it("has a null translation function by default", function() { expect(app.get_translation_function()).toBe(null); }); it("stores the expected translation function", function() { let translation = function(str) { return str; }; app.set_translation_function(translation); expect(app.get_translation_function()).toBe(translation); }); it("allows us to store a null translation function", function() { let nonNullTranslation = function(str) { return str; } // set a non-null translation function first so that we get // the non-default behaviour for get_translation_function app.set_translation_function(nonNullTranslation); app.set_translation_function(null); expect(app.get_translation_function()).toBe(null); }); });