const Endless =; const GLib =; const Gtk =; const WebKit =; const EOS_URI_SCHEME = 'endless://'; const Application = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'WebApplication', Extends: Endless.Application, // Set of actions that may be invoked from a WebView. // Declare them as function(dict), and use links with the format // "endless://actionName?parameter=value" _webActions: { }, // This callback does the translation from URI to action // webview.connect('navigation-policy-decision-requested', // Lang.bind(this, this.web_actions_handler)); web_actions_handler: function(webview, frame, request, action, policy_decision) { let uri = request.get_uri(); if(uri.indexOf(EOS_URI_SCHEME) !== 0) { // this is a regular URL, just navigate there return false; } // get the name and parameters for the desired function let f_call = uri.substring(EOS_URI_SCHEME.length, uri.length).split('?'); var function_name = f_call[0]; var parameters = {}; if(f_call[1]) { // there are parameters let params = f_call[1].split('&'); params.forEach(function(entry) { let param = entry.split('='); if(param.length == 2) { param[0] = decodeURIComponent(param[0]); param[1] = decodeURIComponent(param[1]); // and now we add it... parameters[param[0]] = param[1]; } }); } if(this._webActions[function_name]) Lang.bind(this, this._webActions[function_name])(parameters); else throw new Error("Undefined WebHelper action '%s'. Did you add it " + "to your app's _webActions object?".format(function_name)); policy_decision.ignore(); return true; }, // convenience functions _getElementById: function(webview, id) { // WebKit.DOMDocument let dom = webview.get_dom_document(); // WebKit.DOMElement return dom.get_element_by_id(id); }, translate_html: function(webview) { let dom = webview.get_dom_document(); // WebKit.DOMNodeList let translatable = dom.get_elements_by_name('translatable'); for (var i = 0 ; i < translatable.get_length() ; i++) { // WebKit.DOMNode let element = translatable.item(i); // Translate the text if(typeof this._translationFunction !== 'function') throw new Error("No suitable translation function was found. " + "Did you forget to set '_translationFunction' on your app?"); element.inner_html = this._translationFunction(element.inner_text); } } });