const Gio =; const Gtk =; const GObject =; const Lang = imports.lang; const WebKit =; const Utils = imports.wikipedia.utils; const hostName = "" const getPageByTitleURI = "getArticleByTitle?"; const getPageByQueryURI = "getTopArticleByQuery?"; // Interpret image:// URIs as wikipedia images WebKit.WebContext.get_default().register_uri_scheme('image', function(request) { let filename = request.get_uri().slice('image://'.length); filename = decodeURI(filename); let pictures_dir = request.get_web_view()._getArticleImagesPath(); let parent = Gio.File.new_for_path(pictures_dir); let file = parent.get_child(filename); try { let stream =; request.finish(stream, -1, 'image/png'); } catch (err) { let stream = new Gio.MemoryInputStream(); request.finish(stream, 0, 'image/png'); } }); const WikipediaWebView = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'EndlessWikipediaWebView', Extends: WebKit.WebView, Properties: { 'hide-links': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('hide-links', 'Hide article links', 'A boolean to determine whether links should be shown', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT, false), 'lang': GObject.ParamSpec.string('lang', 'Language code', 'Specifies the language to be used in this wiki webview', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT, "") }, _init: function(params) { this.parent(params); // For debugging //let settings = this.get_settings(); //settings.set_enable_developer_extras(true); //this.set_settings(settings); this.connect('context-menu', Lang.bind(this, function(){return true})); this.connect('decide-policy', Lang.bind(this, this._onNavigation)); this.connect('load-changed', Lang.bind(this, this._onLoadChange)); }, setShowableLinks: function(linked_articles){ this._links_to_show = linked_articles; }, _getFullURL: function(base_url, params){ let full_url = base_url; for(let key in params){ full_url += key + "=" + params[key] + "&"; } full_url = full_url.slice(0, -1); return full_url }, loadArticleByURI: function(uri) { let parts = uri.split("/"); let suffix = parts[parts.length - 1]; let title = decodeURI(suffix.replace("_", " ", 'g')); this.loadArticleByTitle(title); }, loadArticleByTitle: function(title) { let params = { title: title, hideLinks: this.hide_links, lang: this.lang }; let url = this._getFullURL(hostName + getPageByTitleURI, params); this.load_uri(url); }, loadArticleBySearchQuery: function(query) { let params = { query: query, hideLinks: this.hide_links, lang: this.lang }; let url = this._getFullURL(hostName + getPageByQueryURI, params); this.load_uri(url); }, scriptFinished: function(){ // NO OP }, setAllowedLinks: function(){ // If you want to show all links, then // no point in showing some subset of them as well if(!this.hide_links){ return; } let str = JSON.stringify(this._links_to_show); let script = "window.links_to_show = " + str; this.run_javascript(script, null, this.scriptFinished, null); }, _getArticleImagesPath: function() { let cur_exec = this.get_toplevel().get_application().application_base_path; return cur_exec + "/web_view/article_images/"; }, _onNavigation: function(webview, decision, decision_type) { if (decision_type == WebKit.PolicyDecisionType.NAVIGATION_ACTION) { let uri = decision.request.uri; if (uri.startsWith(hostName + "wiki/")) { let parts = uri.split("/"); let suffix = parts[parts.length - 1]; let title = decodeURI(suffix.replace("_", " ", 'g')); this.loadArticleByTitle(title); return true; } } return false; // not handled, default behavior }, _onLoadChange: function(webview, load_event, data){ this.setAllowedLinks(); } });