const Format = imports.format; const GdkPixbuf =; const GObject =; const Gtk =; const Lang = imports.lang; String.prototype.format = Format.format; GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE = GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.WRITABLE; const BACKGROUND_CSS_TEMPLATE = "\ Gjs_ScaledImage {\n\ background-image: url('resource://%s');\n\ background-size: %s;\n\ background-position: %s %s;\n\ background-repeat: no-repeat;\n\ }"; const ScaledImage = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'ScaledImage', Extends: Gtk.EventBox, Properties: { 'constraint': GObject.ParamSpec.enum('constraint', 'Constraint direction', 'Orientation in which the size of the image should be constrained', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT, Gtk.Orientation, Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL), 'resource': GObject.ParamSpec.string('resource', 'Resource path', 'Resource path for the image', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT, '') }, _init: function(props) { this._constraint = null; this._resource_path = null; this._pixbuf = null; this._css_provider = null; this.parent(props); }, // OVERRIDES vfunc_get_request_mode: function() { if(this._constraint == Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) return Gtk.SizeRequestMode.HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH; return Gtk.SizeRequestMode.WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT; }, vfunc_get_preferred_width_for_height: function(height) { if(!this._pixbuf) return this.parent(height); let source_width = this._pixbuf.width; let source_height = this._pixbuf.height; let width = (height / source_height) * source_width; return [width, width]; }, vfunc_get_preferred_height_for_width: function(width) { if(!this._pixbuf) return this.parent(width); let source_width = this._pixbuf.width; let source_height = this._pixbuf.height; let height = (width / source_width) * source_height; return [height, height]; }, vfunc_size_allocate: function(allocation) { if(this._constraint == Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL && this.valign != Gtk.Align.FILL) { printerr("ScaledImage Warning: Setting constraint to VERTICAL and\ valign to anything but FILL makes no sense"); this.valign = Gtk.Align.FILL; } if(this._constraint == Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL && this.halign != Gtk.Align.FILL) { printerr("ScaledImage Warning: Setting constraint to HORIZONTAL and\ halign to anything but FILL makes no sense"); this.halign = Gtk.Align.FILL; } this.parent(allocation); }, // PROPERTIES get constraint() { return this._constraint; }, set constraint(value) { this._constraint = value; }, get resource() { return this._resource_path; }, set resource(value) { this._resource_path = value; this._pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_resource(this._resource_path); this._updateImage(); }, // PRIVATE _gtk_align_to_css_align: function(align, orientation) { switch(align) { case Gtk.Align.START: if(orientation == Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) return "top"; return "left"; case Gtk.Align.END: if(orientation == Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) return "bottom"; return "right"; } return "center"; }, _updateImage: function() { if(this._resource_path === null) return; let context = this.get_style_context(); if(this._css_provider !== null) context.remove_provider(this._css_provider); let scaling; if(this._constraint == Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) scaling = "100% auto"; else scaling = "auto 100%"; let css = BACKGROUND_CSS_TEMPLATE.format(this._resource_path, scaling, this._gtk_align_to_css_align(this.valign, Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL), this._gtk_align_to_css_align(this.halign, Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)); this._css_provider = new Gtk.CssProvider(); this._css_provider.load_from_data(css); context.add_provider(this._css_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER); } }); // const Gio =; // Gtk.init(null); // let resource = Gio.Resource.load('data/endless_brazil.gresource'); // resource._register(); // let w = new Gtk.Window(); // let i = new ScaledImage({ // resource: '/com/endlessm/brazil/category_images/cuisine.jpg', // constraint: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, // valign: Gtk.Align.END, // }); // w.add(i); // w.connect('destroy', Gtk.main_quit); // w.show_all(); // Gtk.main();