const Gdk =; const GdkPixbuf =; const GObject =; const Gtk =; const Lang = imports.lang; const Utils = imports.wikipedia.utils; const CATEGORY_LABEL_LEFT_MARGIN = 25; // pixels const CATEGORY_LABEL_BOTTOM_MARGIN = 20; // pixels const CATEGORY_BUTTON_RIGHT_MARGIN = 20; // pixels const CATEGORY_BUTTON_BOTTOM_MARGIN = 20; // pixels // The following two are corrections because GTK 3.8 doesn't have baseline // alignment. Remove and align properly in GTK 3.10. FIXME const CATEGORY_LABEL_BASELINE_CORRECTION = 0; // pixels const CATEGORY_BUTTON_BASELINE_CORRECTION = 10; // pixels const _HOVER_ARROW_URI = '/com/endlessm/wikipedia-domain/assets/category_hover_arrow.png'; const CATEGORY_MIN_WIDTH = 120; // pixels GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE = GObject.ParamFlags.READABLE | GObject.ParamFlags.WRITABLE; const CategoryButton = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'CategoryButton', Extends: Gtk.Button, Properties: { // resource URI for the category's accompanying image 'image-uri': GObject.ParamSpec.string('image-uri', 'Image URI', 'Resource URI for the image file accompanying the category', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT, ''), // Title of the category to display 'category-title': GObject.ParamSpec.string('category-title', 'Category title', 'Display name for the category', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT, ''), // Boolean whether this button is clickable 'clickable-category': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('clickable-category', 'Clickable Category', 'Flag whether this category button should be clickable', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT_ONLY, true), // Boolean whether this button is the main category 'is-main-category': GObject.ParamSpec.boolean('is-main-category', 'Is Main Category', 'Flag whether this category button is the main category', GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE | GObject.ParamFlags.CONSTRUCT_ONLY, false) }, _init: function(props) { // Get ready for property construction this._image_uri = null; this._category_title = null; this._clickable_category = null; this._is_main_category = null; this._pixbuf = null; this._overlay = new Gtk.Overlay({ expand: true }); this._label = new Gtk.Label({ margin_left: CATEGORY_LABEL_LEFT_MARGIN, margin_bottom: CATEGORY_LABEL_BOTTOM_MARGIN - CATEGORY_LABEL_BASELINE_CORRECTION, halign: Gtk.Align.START, valign: Gtk.Align.END, xalign: 0.0, // deprecated Gtk.Misc properties; necessary because wrap: true, // "wrap" doesn't respect "halign" width_chars: 18, max_width_chars: 20 }); this._arrow = new Gtk.Image({ resource: _HOVER_ARROW_URI, margin_right: CATEGORY_BUTTON_RIGHT_MARGIN, margin_bottom: CATEGORY_BUTTON_BOTTOM_MARGIN + CATEGORY_BUTTON_BASELINE_CORRECTION, halign: Gtk.Align.END, valign: Gtk.Align.END }); // Make the arrow image transparent to mouse events this._arrow.connect_after('realize', function (frame) { let gdk_window = frame.get_window(); gdk_window.set_child_input_shapes(); }); let context = this._label.get_style_context(); context.add_class(EndlessWikipedia.STYLE_CLASS_TITLE); context.add_class(EndlessWikipedia.STYLE_CLASS_CATEGORY); context.add_class(EndlessWikipedia.STYLE_CLASS_FRONT_PAGE); // Parent constructor sets all properties this.parent(props); // Put widgets together let alignment = new Gtk.Alignment({ expand: true }); alignment.add(this._label); this._overlay.add(alignment); this._overlay.add_overlay(this._arrow); this.add(this._overlay); this.show_all(); this._arrow.hide(); this.connect("enter", Lang.bind(this, function (w) { if(this._clickable_category); })); this.connect("leave", Lang.bind(this, function (w) { this._arrow.hide(); })); }, get image_uri() { return this._image_uri; }, set image_uri(value) { this._image_uri = value; }, get category_title() { return this._category_title; }, set category_title(value) { this._category_title = value; if(this._label) this._label.set_text(value.toUpperCase()); }, get clickable_category() { return this._clickable_category; }, set clickable_category(value) { this._clickable_category = value; if(this._clickable_category) { this.get_style_context().add_class(EndlessWikipedia.STYLE_CLASS_CATEGORY_CLICKABLE); } else { this.get_style_context().remove_class(EndlessWikipedia.STYLE_CLASS_CATEGORY_CLICKABLE); } }, get is_main_category() { return this._is_main_category; }, set is_main_category(value) { this._is_main_category = value; if(this._is_main_category) { let context = this._label.get_style_context(); context.add_class(EndlessWikipedia.STYLE_CLASS_MAIN); this._label.margin_bottom = 0; this._label.width_chars = 8; this._label.max_width_chars = 9; } }, // OVERRIDES // Sometimes our label content runs too long and the min window width can // be greater than the screen width. So we provide our own min width for // category buttons here, and allow the GtkLabels to be cut off if there's // no space. We ask for width for height management so the height will be // allocated first. vfunc_get_request_mode: function() { return Gtk.SizeRequestMode.WIDTH_FOR_HEIGHT; }, vfunc_get_preferred_width_for_height: function(height) { let natural_width = this.parent(height)[1]; return [CATEGORY_MIN_WIDTH, natural_width]; }, // Reloads the pixbuf from the gresource at the proper size if necessary _update_pixbuf: function () { if (this._image_uri === "" || this._image_uri === null) return; let allocation = this.get_allocation(); if (this._pixbuf === null || this._pixbuf.get_width() !== allocation.width || this._pixbuf.get_height() !== allocation.height) this._pixbuf = Utils.load_pixbuf_cover(Utils.resourceUriToPath(this._image_uri), allocation.width, allocation.height); }, vfunc_draw: function (cr) { this._update_pixbuf(); if (this._pixbuf !== null) { Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, this._pixbuf, 0, 0); cr.paint(); } let ret = this.parent(cr); // We need to manually call dispose on cairo contexts. This is somewhat related to the bug listed here // for the shell. We should see if they come up with // a better fix in the future, i.e. fix this through gjs. cr.$dispose(); return ret; } });