# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0108 header_name {.h} code_name {.cxx} Function {make_window()} {open } { Fl_Window SetupWindow { label Install callback {if (CancelButton->active()) exit(0);} open xywh {167 20 640 330} type Double code0 {\#include "gui-common.h"} visible } { Fl_Box {Title[0]} { label Welcome xywh {10 10 130 25} labelfont 1 align 20 } Fl_Box {Title[1]} { label {Install Type} xywh {10 35 130 25} labelfont 1 align 20 deactivate } Fl_Box {Title[2]} { label {Select Software} xywh {10 60 130 25} labelfont 1 align 20 deactivate } Fl_Box {Title[3]} { label Confirm xywh {10 85 130 25} labelfont 1 align 20 deactivate } Fl_Box {Title[4]} { label License xywh {10 110 130 25} labelfont 1 align 20 deactivate } Fl_Box {Title[5]} { label Installing xywh {10 135 130 25} labelfont 1 align 20 deactivate } Fl_Wizard Wizard {open xywh {150 10 480 275} box THIN_DOWN_BOX color 48 } { Fl_Group {Pane[0]} {open xywh {150 10 480 275} labelfont 1 labelsize 18 labelcolor 4 align 21 hide } { Fl_Help_View ReadmeFile { xywh {170 30 440 235} } } Fl_Group {Pane[1]} { xywh {150 10 480 275} labelfont 1 labelsize 18 labelcolor 4 align 21 hide } { Fl_Box {} { label {Select the installation type:} xywh {170 30 440 25} align 148 } Fl_Group {} { xywh {170 65 440 200} } { Fl_Round_Button {TypeButton[0]} { callback type_cb xywh {170 65 440 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX } Fl_Round_Button {TypeButton[1]} { callback type_cb xywh {170 90 440 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX } Fl_Round_Button {TypeButton[2]} { callback type_cb xywh {170 115 440 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX } Fl_Round_Button {TypeButton[3]} { callback type_cb xywh {170 140 440 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX } Fl_Round_Button {TypeButton[4]} { callback type_cb xywh {170 165 440 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX } Fl_Round_Button {TypeButton[5]} { callback type_cb xywh {170 190 440 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX } Fl_Round_Button {TypeButton[6]} { callback type_cb xywh {170 215 440 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX } Fl_Round_Button {TypeButton[7]} { callback type_cb xywh {170 240 440 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX } } } Fl_Group {Pane[2]} { xywh {150 10 480 275} labelfont 1 labelsize 18 labelcolor 4 align 21 hide } { Fl_Box {} { label {Select the software you want to install:} xywh {170 30 440 25} align 148 } Fl_Check_Browser SoftwareList { label { Available Software:} callback list_cb xywh {170 85 440 145} type Multi box DOWN_BOX selection_color 7 labelfont 1 align 5 when 3 } Fl_Box SoftwareSize { label {0k marked for installation.} xywh {170 235 241 35} align 212 } Fl_Button InstallAllButton { label {Install All} callback {SoftwareList->check_all(); list_cb(0,0);} xywh {421 240 80 25} } Fl_Button InstallNoneButton { label {Install None} callback {SoftwareList->check_none(); list_cb(0,0);} xywh {511 240 99 25} } } Fl_Group {Pane[3]} {open xywh {150 10 480 275} labelfont 1 labelsize 18 labelcolor 4 align 21 hide } { Fl_Box {} { label {Confirm your software selections below:} xywh {170 30 440 25} align 148 } Fl_Browser ConfirmList { label {Selected Software:} xywh {170 85 440 180} labelfont 1 align 5 } } Fl_Group {Pane[4]} {open xywh {150 10 480 275} labelfont 1 labelsize 18 labelcolor 4 align 21 } { Fl_Help_View LicenseFile { label {License Agreement:} selected xywh {170 48 440 192} labelfont 1 align 5 resizable } Fl_Group {} {open xywh {170 240 400 35} } { Fl_Round_Button LicenseAccept { label {Accept agreement and install} callback {NextButton->activate();} xywh {210 250 210 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX align 148 } Fl_Round_Button LicenseDecline { label {Cancel installation} callback {NextButton->activate();} xywh {430 250 140 25} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX } } } Fl_Group {Pane[5]} {open xywh {150 10 480 275} labelfont 1 labelsize 18 labelcolor 4 align 21 hide } { Fl_Progress InstallPercent { label {Progress Label...} xywh {170 47 440 15} color 48 selection_color 221 align 5 } Fl_Browser InstallLog { xywh {170 74 440 191} } } } Fl_Box WelcomeImage { image {default.xpm} xywh {10 190 130 130} align 22 } Fl_Button PrevButton { label {@-2< Back} callback {Wizard->prev(); int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i ++) { Title[i]->activate(); if (Pane[i]->visible()) break; } for (i ++; i < 6; i ++) Title[i]->deactivate();} xywh {396 295 72 25} } Fl_Button NextButton { label {Next @-2>} callback next_cb xywh {478 295 74 25} } Fl_Button CancelButton { label Cancel callback {exit(0);} xywh {562 295 68 25} } } }