path: root/esxml-html.el
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+++ b/esxml-html.el
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+;;; esxml-html.el --- HTML convenience functions for esxml
+;; Copyright (C) 2012
+;; Author: Evan Izaksonas-Smith <izak0002 at umn dot edu>
+;; Maintainer: Evan Izaksonas-Smith
+;; Created: 15th August 2012
+;; Version: 0.2.3
+;; Package-Requires: ((kv "0.0.5"))
+;; Keywords: tools, lisp, comm
+;; Description: esxml convenience functions for certain HTML elements
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is a set of convenience functions for generating esxml for
+;; certain HTML elements.
+;; NOTICE: Code base will be trasnitioning to using pcase instead of
+;; destructuring bind wherever possible. If this leads to hard to
+;; debug code, please let me know, and I will do whatever I can to
+;; resolve these issues.
+;;; Code:
+ (require 'cl))
+(require 'xml)
+(require 'kv)
+(require 'pcase)
+(defun esxml-link (url &rest body)
+ "Creates a standard hypereference link for HTML.
+URL is the URL of the document, BODY is the body of the link."
+ `(a ((href . ,url)) ,@body))
+(defun esxml-label (label-text attribs &rest body)
+ "Make a HTML <label> with LABEL-TEXT and ATTRIBS.
+Optionally include the BODY."
+ (let ((label-element
+ `(label
+ ,attribs
+ (span () ,(concat label-text ": ")))))
+ (if body
+ (append label-element body)
+ label-element)))
+(defun esxml-input (name type &optional value)
+ "Make an HTML <input> control.
+VALUE is optional, if it's supplied whatever is supplied is used.
+`nil' is the blank string."
+ `(input ((name . ,name)
+ (type . ,type)
+ (placeholder . ,name)
+ ,@(when value `((value . ,value))))))
+(defun esxml-textarea (name &optional content)
+ "Make an HTML <textarea> control."
+ `(textarea ((name . ,name)
+ (placeholder . ,name))
+ ;; textareas require a body all the time
+ ,@(if content (list content) "")))
+(defun esxml-listify (body &optional ordered-p item-attrs)
+ "Transforms a list of esxml forms into an unordered HTML list.
+BODY is a list of esxml expressions. If ORDERED-P is non-nil,
+instead creates an ordered list. If ITEM-ATTRS is non-nil it
+specifies attributes to apply to each item. ITEM-ATTRS must be
+an alist satisfying `attrsp'."
+ `(,(if ordered-p 'ol 'ul) ()
+ ,@(kvmap-bind item
+ `(li () ,item)
+ body)))
+(defun esxml-head-base (url &optional target)
+ "The BASE element.
+URL is the base url of the page, if non-nil.
+TARGET is the base target, if non-nil"
+ `(base ,(remove nil
+ (list (when url `(href . ,url))
+ (when target `(target . ,target))))))
+(defun esxml-head-link (relationship mime-type url &optional misc-attrs)
+ "The LINK element.
+RELATIONSHIP is the relationship of the link, as a symbol
+MIME_TYPE is the mime-type of the link as a string,
+URL is the url of the link
+MISC-ATTRS is any additional attributes, as an alist"
+ `(link ((rel . ,(symbol-name relationship))
+ (type . ,mime-type)
+ (href . ,url)
+ ,@misc-attrs)))
+(defun esxml-head-css-link (url)
+ "The LINK element for CSS.
+As this is a common usage this conveniance function for
+`esxml-head-link' for linking to stylesheets.
+URL is the location of the CSS"
+ (esxml-head-link 'stylesheet "text/css" url))
+(defun esxml-head-meta (directive content &optional http-equiv)
+ "The META element. Only supports content and either http-equiv
+or name.
+DIRECTIVE is a symbol that supplied to name unless HTTP-EQUIV is non-nil, in
+which case it the value of http-equiv.
+Content is the content
+> (esxml-head-meta 'keyword \"cool, awesome, unignorable\")
+ (meta ((name . \"keyword\")
+ (content . \"cool, awesome, unignorable\")))
+> (esxml-head-meta 'content-type \"text/html\" t)
+ (meta ((http-equiv . \"content-type\")
+ (content . \"text/html\")))"
+ `(meta ((,(if http-equiv 'http-equiv 'name) . ,(symbol-name directive))
+ (content . ,content))))
+(defun esxml-head-script (url &optional script)
+ "A presumptious version of the head script element. You always
+use js, right? Good. Now that that's settled...
+URL is the url of the script, if for some reason you want to
+include a script in the file, set this to nil.
+SCRIPT is the script as a string. Will not be used if URL is non-nil"
+ `(script (,@(when url `((src . ,url)))
+ (type . "text/javascript"))
+ ,@(unless url (list script))))
+(defun esxml-head-style (css)
+ "The style head element. CSS is a string containing valid
+ `(style ((type . "text/css"))
+ ,css))
+(defun esxml--head (title &rest body)
+ `(head ()
+ (title () ,title)
+ ,@body))
+(defmacro esxml-head (title &rest body)
+ "DSL for writing the HEAD element of html.
+Required argument TITLE is the title of the page as a string.
+Within the BODY the following functions are aliased:
+ base `esxml-head-base'
+ link `esxml-head-link'
+ css-link `esxml-head-css-link'
+ meta `esxml-head-meta'
+ script `esxml-head-script'
+ style `esxml-head-style'
+Additionally, one may also include arbitrary esxml (and
+esxml-generation), within BODY.
+ (esxml-head \"Title Text\"
+ (base \"http://this.url/resources/\")
+ (css-link \"some.css\")
+ (meta 'keyword \"cool, awesome, unignorable\")
+ (meta 'content-type \"text/html\" t)
+ (script \"example-script.js\"))"
+ (declare (indent 1))
+ `(letf ,(kvmap-bind (symbol value)
+ `((symbol-function ',symbol) ,value)
+ '((base 'esxml-head-base)
+ (link 'esxml-head-link)
+ (css-link 'esxml-head-css-link)
+ (meta 'esxml-head-meta)
+ (script 'esxml-head-script)
+ (style 'esxml-head-style)))
+ (esxml--head ,title ,@body)))
+(provide 'esxml-html)
+;;; esxml-html.el ends here