path: root/ff2jpg.c
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Improve readability of alpha-blending sectionsLaslo Hunhold2017-04-14
* Update usage of ff2jpg(1) and ff2ppm(1)Laslo Hunhold2017-04-14
| | | | so they align with the manpages.
* Make comment in ff2jpg(1) more consistentLaslo Hunhold2017-04-14
* Use fshut() to properly flush the output streamLaslo Hunhold2017-04-13
| | | | | | | | For small images, it could happen that the output stream would not be flushed before exit(), resulting in a lack of error-reporting on a full device. Using fflush(), a function I first introduced in sbase, we do the flushing before returning manually and report errors if they occurred.
* Refactor jpg-conversion-utilitiesLaslo Hunhold2017-04-12
| | | | | | | | | | | | First of all, there was lots of libjpeg-specific cruft that just didn't have any right to exist (METHODDEF(), strange typedefs, use of the internal memory pool for no reason). This is gone now. Additionally, we make use of the save and proven utility functions and in general the code should be more well-separated now. What is left to do is clear up the part where we mix the colors with the mask.
* Add util.{c|h} to deduplicate codeLaslo Hunhold2017-03-30
* Improve fread error handling in ff2*Alexander Krotov2016-05-19
| | | | | | In case of unexpected end of file errno is not set, and strerror(errno) returns "Success". Caller should distinguish between error and EOF by calling ferror(3) as described in fread(3).
* Remove dimension checksFRIGN2016-04-10
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This may come as a surprise, but I'd like the libraries to handle these cases. Maybe some day libpng supports 0x0 images, so why impose artificial limits here? Same with ppm. For me, an ideal data converter loses as little information as possible. In mixed cases (dimensions 0xn, where n > 0) we could print a warning, but here, 2 principles come at play: - GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) - no information loss if possible Given the code later on won't try to access the malloc(0) region, we are also all safe.
* add ff2jpg tool, convert farbfeld images to RGB JPEGHiltjo Posthuma2016-04-03