# Since version 1.95 newer version of festival have not shipped this voice anymore # so there is nothing to watch # Also note that a "new" version doesn't seem to imply new content. # Also note that this watch file doesn't work until bug 841499 is fixed version=4 opts="filenamemangle=s#.*/festival/@ANY_VERSION@/festvox_ellpc11k#@PACKAGE@_$1#" \ http://festvox.org/packed/festival/@ANY_VERSION@/ festvox_ellpc11k@ARCHIVE_EXT@ opts="filenamemangle=s#.*/festival/@ANY_VERSION@/voices/festvox_ellpc11k#@PACKAGE@_$1#" \ http://festvox.org/packed/festival/@ANY_VERSION@/voices/ festvox_ellpc11k@ARCHIVE_EXT@