path: root/lib/voices/finnish/suo_fi_lj_diphone/festvox/suopuhe_mode.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/voices/finnish/suo_fi_lj_diphone/festvox/suopuhe_mode.scm')
1 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/voices/finnish/suo_fi_lj_diphone/festvox/suopuhe_mode.scm b/lib/voices/finnish/suo_fi_lj_diphone/festvox/suopuhe_mode.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28af66a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/voices/finnish/suo_fi_lj_diphone/festvox/suopuhe_mode.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+;;; ;;
+;;; Department of General Linguistics / Suopuhe project ;;
+;;; University of Helsinki, FI ;;
+;;; Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 ;;
+;;; All Rights Reserved. ;;
+;;; ;;
+; This program is distributed under Gnu Lesser General Public License (cf. the
+; file LICENSE in distribution).
+; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+; it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+; (at your option) any later version.
+; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; ;;
+;;; Author(s): ;;
+;;; ;;
+;;; Nicholas Volk ;;
+;;; e-mail: ;;
+;;; address: Department of General Linguistics ;;
+;;; PL 9 (Siltavuorenpenger 20A) ;;
+;;; 00014 University of Helsinki ;;
+;;; FINLAND ;;
+;;; ;;
+;; This file contains the suopuhe mode. It's based on the Festival's
+;; Sable mode, though certain typical text-to-speech mark-up
+;; language tags have been omitted, and some more linguistics stuff
+;; has been added.
+;; (I think that for example. F0/speed etc. are properties of the voice,
+;; and thus I don't allow any mark-up writer to modify it.
+;; Thus, no Donald Ducks!)
+;; Add male/female-option into SPEAKER-tag
+;; Audio plays local files, how about WWW (compare with SABLE)...
+;; XML-mode's output directory
+(if (not (boundp 'suopuhe_output_file_prefix))
+ (set! suopuhe_output_file_prefix "/tmp/"))
+(if (not (boundp 'suopuhe_default_voice))
+ (set! suopuhe_default_voice 'voice_hy_fi_mv_diphone))
+;; the maximum number of sentences to synthetize & save
+(if (not (boundp 'suopuhe_max_sentences))
+ (set! suopuhe_max_sentences 1000))
+;; are the SGML utterances spoken or not?
+(if (not (boundp 'suopuhe_aloud))
+ (set! suopuhe_aloud t))
+(if hy_debug
+ (format stderr "Using %s as the output directory!\n" suopuhe_output_file_prefix))
+(require_module 'rxp) ;; Richard Tobin's XML parser
+(define (list2string list)
+ "(list2string LIST)
+Construct a string from a list of symbols"
+ (let ((str ""))
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (set! str (string-append str x)))
+ list)
+ str))
+;; Add Suopuhe-mode to mode-from-suffix list
+(set! auto-text-mode-alist
+ (cons
+ (cons "\\.suo$" 'suopuhe)
+ (cons
+ (cons "\\.suopuhe$" 'suopuhe)
+ auto-text-mode-alist)))
+(xml_register_id "-//SUOPUHE//DTD SUOPUHE speech mark up//EN"
+ (cond
+; (t
+; "/home/nvolk/public_html/cgi-bin/festival/lib/voices/finnish/festvox/suopuhe.dtd")
+ ((boundp 'hy_fi_mv_dir)
+ (path-append hy_fi_mv_dir "festvox/suopuhe.dtd"))
+ ((boundp 'suo_fi_lj_dir)
+ (path-append suo_fi_lj_dir "festvox/suopuhe.dtd"))
+ (t
+ nil)))
+(xml_register_id "-//SABLE//ENTITIES Added Latin 1 for SABLE//EN"
+ (path-append libdir "sable-latin.ent"))
+;; select the filter for suopuhe
+(set! suopuhe_filter
+ (cond
+ ((boundp 'hy_fi_mv_dir)
+ (string-append hy_fi_mv_dir "festvox/suopuhe_filter.perl"))
+ ((boundp 'suo_fi_lj_dir)
+ (string-append suo_fi_lj_dir "festvox/suopuhe_filter.perl"))
+ (t
+ nil)))
+(define (suopuhe_init_globals)
+ "(suopuhe_init_globals)
+Initialize various global variables."
+ (set! suopuhe_language "finnish")
+ (set! suopuhe_file_number 1) ;; utts are stored into separate files
+ (set! utts nil)
+ (set! suopuhe_vol_type 'no_change)
+ (set! suopuhe_vol_factor 1.0)
+ (set! suopuhe t)
+ (set! suopuhe_within_token 0)
+ (set! suopuhe_pos_stack nil)
+ (set! suopuhe_accent_stack nil)
+(define (suopuhe_token_to_words token name)
+ "(suopuhe_token_to_words token name)
+SUOPUHE mode token specific analysis."
+ (let ((skip (car suopuhe_skip_stack)))
+ ;; (format stderr "skip \"%s\"? %s\n" name skip)
+ (set! suopuhe_skip_stack (cdr suopuhe_skip_stack))
+ (cond
+ (skip
+ (format stderr "suopuhe_mode: removed %s\n" name)
+ nil)
+ ;; default: do the standard t2w stuff:
+ (t
+ (finnish_token_to_words token name)))))
+ ;; (original_token_to_words token name)))))
+(defvar suopuhe_elements
+ ("(suopuhe" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ ;(eval (list suopuhe_current_voice)) ;; so we know what state we start in
+ (eval (list suopuhe_default_voice))
+ (suopuhe_voice_param_setup)
+ UTT ;; or nil
+ )
+ (")suopuhe" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ (if (not (null? UTT))
+ (begin
+ (xxml_synth UTT)
+ (suopuhe_voice_param_setup)))
+ nil
+ )
+ ("(speaker" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ (let ((name (list2string (xxml_attval "name" ATTLIST)))
+ (age (list2string (xxml_attval "age" ATTLIST)))
+ (gender (list2string (xxml_attval "gender" ATTLIST))))
+ ;; (print name)
+ ;; (print age)
+ ;; (print gender)
+ ;;; turn the appropriate age/gender/name on
+ (cond
+ ((and (string-equal name "martti")
+ (not (string-equal current-voice "hy_fi_mv_diphone")))
+ (hy_fi_mv_diphone))
+ ;; we should check whether the voice exits!
+ ((and (string-equal name "suo_fi_lj_diphone")
+ ;; not yet on
+ (not (string-equal current-voice "suo_fi_lj_diphone")))
+ (suo_fi_lj_diphone))
+ ((and (string-equal gender "female")
+ (not (string-equal current-voice "suo_fi_lj_diphone")))
+ (suo_fi_lj_diphone))
+ ((and (string-equal gender "male")
+ (not (string-equal current-voice "hy_fi_mv_diphone")))
+ (hy_fi_mv_diphone))
+ ((not (string-equal age "")
+ (format stderr "The age-parameter is not yet supported!")))
+ (t
+ nil))
+ (set! token_to_words suopuhe_token_to_words)
+ UTT))
+ (")speaker" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ (if (not (null? UTT))
+ (begin
+ (xxml_synth UTT)
+ (suopuhe_voice_param_setup)))
+ nil
+ )
+ ;; PAUSE: does not create a file, instead uses unix's sleep command
+ ;; to doze off for a while
+ ("pause" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ (if (not (null? UTT))
+ (begin
+ (let ((dur (car (xxml_attval "duration" ATTLIST))))
+ (set! dur (string-append "sleep " dur))
+ ;; since we are not currently creating empty wavs
+ ;; there no point dozing off when we are in the
+ ;; silent mode (suopuhe_aloud is nil)
+ (if (and suopuhe_aloud
+ (string-matches dur "sleep [1-9][0-9]*"))
+ (system dur)))))
+ nil)
+ ("audio" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ (if (not (null? UTT))
+ (begin
+ (xxml_synth UTT)
+ (suopuhe_voice_param_setup))) ;; synthesizing anything ready to be synthesized
+ ( (wave.load (car (xxml_attval "file" ATTLIST)) "wav"))
+ nil)
+ ("(utterance" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ (if (not (null? UTT))
+ (begin
+ (xxml_synth UTT)
+ (suopuhe_voice_param_setup)))
+ nil)
+ (")utterance" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ (if (not (null? UTT))
+ (begin
+ (xxml_synth UTT)
+ (suopuhe_voice_param_setup)))
+ nil
+ )
+;;;;;;;;;;;; TOKENS
+ ("(token" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ (set! suopuhe_within_token 1)
+ ;; some variables affecting intonation and stuff...
+ (let ((tokpos (list2string (xxml_attval "pos" ATTLIST)))
+ (tokacc (list2string (xxml_attval "accent" ATTLIST)))
+ (toklis (list2string (xxml_attval "list" ATTLIST)))
+ )
+ (set! xxml_word_features
+ (cons (list "pos" tokpos) xxml_word_features))
+ (cond
+ ((string-equal tokpos "punc")
+ ;; add pause to the end of last word
+ (let ((last_token (utt.relation.last UTT 'Token)))
+ (if (and last_token
+ (string-equal (item.feat last_token "pbreak") "0"))
+ (begin
+ (item.set_feat last_token "pbreak" "B"))))
+ ;; delete the actual string
+ (set! suopuhe_skip_stack (append suopuhe_skip_stack (list t))))
+ ;; no punc, no (must) pause:
+ (t
+ (push_pos tokpos)
+ (push_accent tokacc)
+ (set! suopuhe_skip_stack (append suopuhe_skip_stack (list nil)))
+ ;; list intonation
+ (if (string-equal toklis "yes")
+ (let ((last_token (utt.relation.last UTT 'Token)))
+ (if last_token
+ (begin
+ (item.set_feat last_token "pbreak" "LB")
+ (if hy_debug
+ (format t "ListBreak after %s\n" ( last_token)))))))
+ )))
+ UTT)
+ (")token" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ (set! suopuhe_within_token 0)
+ UTT)
+ ("break" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ ;; check that there really is a word after which the pause will be put
+ (if (utt.relation.last UTT 'Token)
+ (let ((blevel (list2string (xxml_attval "level" ATTLIST)))
+ (last_token (utt.relation.last UTT 'Token)))
+ ;; some stack manipulation
+ (if (> suopuhe_within_token 0)
+ (begin
+ (set! suopuhe_skip_stack (append suopuhe_skip_stack (list nil)))
+ (push_pos (car suopuhe_pos_stack))
+ (push_accent (car suopuhe_accent_stack))))
+ ;; since PUNC-tags are deleted,
+ ;; we make this a property of the previous token
+ ;; hope it's a word!
+ (if (string-equal "punc" (item.feat last_token "pos"))
+ (set! last_token (item.prev last_token)))
+ (cond
+ ((string-equal blevel "1")
+ (if last_token
+ (begin
+ (if hy_debug
+ (format t "Adding a B pause after %s.\n" ( last_token)))
+ (item.set_feat last_token "pbreak" "B"))))
+ ((string-equal blevel "0")
+ ;; add a no-break marker
+ ;; but do we honour it? can't remember...
+ (if last_token
+ (item.set_feat last_token "pbreak" "NB")))
+ (t
+ (print (string-append "Unexpected value blevel: " blevel))
+ ))))
+ UTT)
+ ("phrase" (ATTLIST UTT)
+ ;; add a phrase boundary
+ ;; marks a phrase command in the dujisaki model
+ ;; but does not result in a pause (if I remember correctly)
+ (let ((last_token (utt.relation.last UTT 'Token)))
+ ;; if within a token, that token consists of many words and
+ ;; thus many pos and accent data: copy the information for all of them
+ (if (> suopuhe_within_token 0)
+ (begin
+ (set! suopuhe_skip_stack (append suopuhe_skip_stack (list nil)))
+ (push_pos (car suopuhe_pos_stack))
+ (push_accent (car suopuhe_accent_stack))))
+ (if last_token
+ (begin
+ (if hy_debug
+ (format t "Lisätään tauko %s-sanan perään (PB)\n" ( last_token)))
+ (item.set_feat last_token "pbreak" "PB"))))
+ ;; duplicate stack properties
+ (if (> suopuhe_within_token 0)
+ (begin
+ (push_pos (car suopuhe_pos_stack))
+ ;; (push_ini (car suopuhe_ini_stack))
+ (push_accent (car suopuhe_accent_stack))))
+ ;; add a phrase command?
+ UTT)
+(define (suopuhe_init_func)
+ "(suopuhe_init_func)
+Initialisation for SUOPUHE mode"
+ (suopuhe_init_globals)
+ (set! original_xxml_elements xxml_elements) ; fixed
+ (set! xxml_elements suopuhe_elements) ; fixed
+ (set! original_token_to_words token_to_words)
+ (set! original_english_token_to_words english_token_to_words) ; new
+ (set! english_token_to_words suopuhe_token_to_words)
+ (set! token_to_words suopuhe_token_to_words))
+(define (suopuhe_exit_func) ; VALMIS
+ "(suopuhe_exit_func)
+Exit function for SUOPUHE mode"
+ (set! xxml_elements original_xxml_elements) ; ok
+ (set! token_to_words original_token_to_words)
+ (set! english_token_to_words original_english_token_to_words)
+ (set! suopuhe nil))
+(define (= x y)
+ "(= N1 N2)
+Return true if N1 and N2 are equal numbers."
+ (and (<= x y) (>= x y)))
+(define (suopuhe_voice_param_setup)
+ "(suopuhe_voice_param_setup)
+Set up original values for various voice parameters."
+ (set! suopuhe_pos_stack nil) ;; tieto sanaluokasta/sana
+ (set! suopuhe_accent_stack nil) ;; tieto aksentista
+ (set! suopuhe_skip_stack nil) ;; t: remove nil: don't
+ (set! pos_reversed nil)
+ (set! suopuhe_pitch_base_original (cadr (assoc 'target_f0_mean int_lr_params)))
+ (set! suopuhe_pitch_med_original (cadr (assoc 'target_f0_mean int_lr_params)))
+ (set! suopuhe_pitch_range_original (cadr (assoc 'target_f0_std int_lr_params)))
+ (set! suopuhe_rate_speed_original 1.0)
+ (if (and after_synth_hooks (not (consp after_synth_hooks)))
+ (set! after_synth_hooks
+ (cons after_synth_hooks (list suopuhe_adjust_volume)))
+ (set! after_synth_hooks
+ (append after_synth_hooks (list suopuhe_adjust_volume)))))
+(define (suopuhe_adjust_volume utt)
+ "(suopuhe_adjust_volume utt)
+Amplify or attenutate signale based on value of suopuhe_vol_factor
+and suopuhe_vol_type (absolute or relative)."
+ (set! utts (cons utt utts))
+ (cond
+ ((equal? suopuhe_vol_type 'no_change)
+ utt)
+ ((equal? suopuhe_vol_type 'absolute)
+ (utt.wave.rescale utt suopuhe_vol_factor 'absolute))
+ ((equal? suopuhe_vol_type 'relative)
+ (utt.wave.rescale utt suopuhe_vol_factor))
+ (t
+ (format stderr "SUOPUHE: volume unknown type \"%s\"\n" suopuhe_vol_type)
+ utt))
+ utt)
+;;; Declare the new mode to Festival
+;;; Keep this at the end of the file!
+(set! tts_text_modes
+ (cons
+ (list
+ 'suopuhe ;; mode name
+ (list
+ (list 'init_func suopuhe_init_func)
+ (list 'exit_func suopuhe_exit_func)
+ (list 'filter (format nil "%s" suopuhe_filter))
+ ;; now we can use suopuhe-mode from anywhere
+ '(analysis_type xml)
+ ))
+ tts_text_modes))
+(define (tts file mode)
+ "(tts FILE MODE)
+ Convert FILE to speech. MODE identifies any special treatment
+ necessary for FILE. This is simply a front end to tts_file but
+ puts the system in sync audio mode first. [see TTS]"
+ (audio_mode 'sync)
+ ;; (print (tts_find_text_mode file auto-text-mode-alist))
+ (if (and mode
+ (not (string-equal mode "suopuhe")))
+ (tts_file file mode)
+ (if (string-equal "suopuhe"
+ (tts_find_text_mode file auto-text-mode-alist))
+ (begin
+ (suopuhe_setup)
+ (tts_file file 'suopuhe))
+ (tts_file file (tts_find_text_mode file auto-text-mode-alist))))
+ (audio_mode 'sync) ;; Hmm this is probably bad
+ )
+;; korvaava versio tts-viritelmiin...
+;(define ( utt)
+; "( UTT)
+;Play waveform in utt by current audio method."
+; (print (utt.relationnames utt))
+; ( (utt.wave utt))
+; utt)
+(define (push_pos alkio)
+ "(push_pos alkio)
+Adds alkio to the top of the suopuhe_pos_stack."
+ (set! suopuhe_pos_stack
+ (cons alkio suopuhe_pos_stack)))
+(define (pop_pos)
+ "(pop_pos)
+Removes and returns the topmost whatever from the suopuhe_pos_stack."
+ (let ((alkio (car suopuhe_pos_stack)))
+ (set! suopuhe_pos_stack (cdr suopuhe_pos_stack))
+ alkio))
+(define (push_accent alkio)
+ "(push_accent alkio)
+Adds alkio to the top of the suopuhe_accent_stack."
+ (set! suopuhe_accent_stack
+ (cons alkio suopuhe_accent_stack)))
+(define (pop_accent)
+ "(pop_accent)
+Removes and returns the topmost whatever from the suopuhe_accent_stack."
+ (let ((alkio (car suopuhe_accent_stack)))
+ (set! suopuhe_accent_stack (cdr suopuhe_accent_stack))
+ alkio))
+;; kukin lause talletetaan omaan tiedostoonsa
+;; lausenumero on nelilukuinen merkkijono
+;; levytilan säästämiseksi talletetaan vain 100 erinimistä tiedostoa
+;; eli 99 ensimmäistä ja viimeinen...
+(define (file_id int)
+ (if (> int suopuhe_max_sentences)
+ suopuhe_max_sentences
+ int))
+(define (suopuhe_setup)
+ "(suopuhe_setup)
+Reset tts hooks for suopuhe mode."
+ (set! tts_hooks
+ (append
+ tts_hooks
+ (list save_suopuhe_output)))
+ ;; remove ( from tts_hooks
+ (if (not suopuhe_aloud)
+ (set! tts_hooks (remove (car (list tts_hooks)))
+ )
+(define (save_suopuhe_output utt)
+ "(save_suopuhe_output UTT)
+Saves the UTT and some textual data about it to files."
+ ;; (format stderr "%s" suopuhe_file_number)
+ (if (> suopuhe_file_number suopuhe_max_sentences)
+ (begin
+ (format stderr "Muuttuja suopuhe_file_number ylittää muuttujan suopuhe_max_sentences\nasenttaman raja-arvon! Tiedostoa ei talleteta!\n")
+ (if (not suopuhe_aloud)
+ (begin
+ (SayText "Muuttuja suopuhe_file_number ylitti muuttujan
+suopuhe_max_sentences\nasenttaman raja-arvon")
+ (SayText "Tiedostojen tallennus lopetetaan ja poistutaan ohjelmasta.")
+ (SayText "Näkemiin!")
+ (exit 0)))))
+ (if (and utt
+ (or suopuhe_aloud
+ (< (+ suopuhe_max_sentences 1) suopuhe_file_number)))
+ (begin
+ (let ((file (string-append
+ suopuhe_output_file_prefix
+ "suopuhe-"
+ (file_id suopuhe_file_number)
+ ".wav")))
+ (format stderr "suopuhe: saving files into %s!\n" file)
+ ( utt file "wav")
+ (system (string-append "chmod 622 " file)))
+ (if hy_debug
+ (begin
+ (print "SANA===LUOKKA==TAUKO===ALKU===LOPPU===")
+ (print (parts_of_speech utt))))
+ ;; write phone durations into a file
+ (let ((file (string-append
+ suopuhe_output_file_prefix
+ "suopuhe-sanakestot-"
+ (file_id suopuhe_file_number)
+ ".txt"))
+ suopuhe_fp)
+ (set! suopuhe_fp (fopen file "w"))
+ (fwrite
+ (word_durations (utt.relation.first utt 'Word))
+ suopuhe_fp)
+ (fclose suopuhe_fp)
+ (system (string-append "chmod 622 " file)))
+ ;; <= kirjoitus päättyy
+ (if hy_debug (print "===== SYLLABLE STRESS ====="))
+ (if hy_debug (print (syllable_stress utt)))
+ ;;(print "==FOONIT (aannekestot.txt)")
+ ;; kirjoita aannekestot tiedostoon:
+ (let ((file (string-append
+ suopuhe_output_file_prefix
+ "suopuhe-aannekestot-"
+ (file_id suopuhe_file_number)
+ ".txt"))
+ suopuhe_fp)
+ (set! suopuhe_fp (fopen file "w"))
+ (fwrite
+ (phone_durations (utt.relation.first utt 'Segment))
+ suopuhe_fp);
+ (fclose suopuhe_fp)
+ (system (string-append "chmod 622 " file)))))
+ ;; <= kirjoitus päättyy
+ ;;(print (aannekestot2 (utt.relation.first utt 'Segment)))
+ ;; do something more with utt, if you want...
+ (set! suopuhe_file_number (+ suopuhe_file_number 1)))
+(define (word_durations word)
+ "(word durations2 WORD)
+Returns the name and start and end times of the given word.
+Then recursively calls the next word if any and finally
+returns a string consisting of data from all words visited."
+ (string-append
+ (item.feat word "name") "\t"
+ ;; (item.feat word "pos") "\t"
+ ;; (item.feat word "pbreak") "\t"
+ (item.feat word "word_start") "\t"
+ (item.feat word "word_end") "\n"
+ (if ( word)
+ (word_durations ( word))
+ "")))
+(define (phone_durations phone)
+ "(phone_durations PHONE)
+Prints the name and duration of a given PHONE.
+The recursively goes through the next phones and does the same for them also."
+ (string-append
+ ;; (item.features ( phone)););)
+ (item.feat phone "name") "\t"
+ (item.feat phone "end") "\n"
+ ;; (item.feat phone "source_end") "\t" ;; dunno what this is...
+ ;; (item.feat phone "dur_factor") "\n" ))
+ (if ( phone)
+ (phone_durations ( phone))
+ "")))
+(define (parts_of_speech utt)
+ "(parts_of_speech UTT)
+Returns a list of sublists. Each sublist consists of a word's name
+and part-of-speech based on the UTTerance."
+ (utt.features utt 'Word '(name pos)))
+(define (syllable_stress utt)
+ "(syllable stress UTT)
+Returns a list of sublists. Each sublist consists of a syllable name
+and a syllable stress value based on the UTTerance."
+ (utt.features utt 'Syllable '(name stress)))
+(provide 'suopuhe_mode) \ No newline at end of file