path: root/lib/voices/finnish/hy_fi_mv_diphone/festvox/suopuhe.dtd
diff options
authorNiko Tyni <>2005-10-18 14:32:20 +0200
committerNiko Tyni <>2005-10-18 14:32:20 +0200
commit8e03a58d62f4b8c00978634f116819ff246c09d3 (patch)
tree29284d785fe91b3473a19dcc257dfaa6066f4b12 /lib/voices/finnish/hy_fi_mv_diphone/festvox/suopuhe.dtd
Import festvox-suopuhe-mv_20041119.orig.tar.gz
[dgit import orig festvox-suopuhe-mv_20041119.orig.tar.gz]
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/voices/finnish/hy_fi_mv_diphone/festvox/suopuhe.dtd')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/voices/finnish/hy_fi_mv_diphone/festvox/suopuhe.dtd b/lib/voices/finnish/hy_fi_mv_diphone/festvox/suopuhe.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eb2d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/voices/finnish/hy_fi_mv_diphone/festvox/suopuhe.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+ SuoPuhe-project speech synthesizer input XML
+ Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Dept. General Linguistics, University of Helsinki
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Author: Nicholas Volk (
+ This program is distributed under Gnu Lesser General Public License (cf. the
+ file LICENSE in distribution).
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ TODO: different kinds of accents...
+ break-types need to be reconsidered
+ audio could read stuff from www
+ v.0.6.1 -audio tag
+ v.0.6.0 -changed "sentence" to "utterance"
+ -initial doubling is done with sayas, not with
+ "triggers_doubling"
+ -token can contain breaks and phrase boundaries
+ -added language
+ v0.5.1 (nv) minor bug fix + modification on breaks
+ v0.5.0 replaced sayas with original
+ the motivation was that I needed include tags within the tokens:
+ <token original="1351"> yksi kolme <phrase/> viisi yksi </token>
+ v0.4.5 (Nicholas Volk 18.6.2002)
+ -changed accent from accent ( yes | no ) "no"
+ to accent ( yes | neutral | no ) "neutral" >
+ v. 0.4.1 added list-argument to <TOKEN>
+ -sanaluokkatiedot kesken ja muuttuvat varmasti
+ -puhuvalle päälle voi välittää ilme-tiedon ennen sanaa ja sanan jälkeen,
+ ei sanan aikana
+ -mitenköhän kielen generointi
+ -
+<!ELEMENT suopuhe ((speaker|audio)+)>
+<!ELEMENT speaker ((utterance, pause?)+)>
+<!ATTLIST speaker
+ gender (male|female) #IMPLIED
+ age (child|youth|adult|aged) #IMPLIED >
+<!-- speaker -->
+<!-- if the name refers to an existing voice, try to use that one, -->
+<!-- instead of the default voice. Otherwise the voice selection -->
+<!-- is primarily based on the sex and secondarily on the age. -->
+<!-- Without only 2 Finnish, you don't get much support for these. -->
+<!-- Jos nimi viittaa johonkin käytettävissä järjestelmässä olevaan -->
+<!-- ääneen, käytetään sitä, muuten oletusääntä. -->
+<!-- Muuten ääni valitaan ensisijaisesti sukupuolen ja toissijaisesti -->
+<!-- iän perusteella. Sitten kun toinen ääni on valmis, -->
+<!-- niin tällä tagilla on oikeasti väliä. -->
+<!ATTLIST pause
+ duration CDATA #IMPLIED >
+<!-- pause -->
+<!-- A long pause between utterances, not a phrase break -->
+<!-- Aito pitkän hiljainen hetki, ei hapentankkauskatko keskellä -->
+<!-- lausetta -->
+<!ATTLIST audio
+<!ELEMENT utterance ((facial?, token, (break|phrase)?)*, token, facial?)>
+<!ATTLIST utterance
+ language CDATA "FI"
+ type (declaration|question|exclamation) "declaration"
+ manner (normal|whisper|creaky|fast) "normal"
+ tone (neutral|sarcastic) "neutral">
+<!-- utterance -->
+<!-- "type" sets the baseline/intonation type -->
+<!-- "manner" and "tone" are hard to support in diphone-based synthesis -->
+<!-- so they are not really supported yet. -->
+<!-- "type" määrää lauseen baselinen (fujisakin fraasikomponentin jne.), -->
+<!-- "manner" ja "tone" ovat -->
+<!-- vaikeasti tuettavissa difonipohjaisessa synteesissä, mutta ehkä -->
+<!-- ne joskus tekevät jotain... -->
+<!ELEMENT facial EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST facial
+ expression CDATA "plain">
+<!-- facial -->
+<!-- simplistic talking head support -->
+<!-- expression tells what expression to use at the end of that word -->
+<!-- expression kertoo millaiseen yleisilmeiseen pitäisi päätyä sanan -->
+<!-- loputtua. Alkeellinen Puhuva pää -tuki. -->
+<!ELEMENT token (#PCDATA|break|phrase)*>
+<!ATTLIST token
+ pos ( abbr | adjective| adverb | char | conj | foreign |
+ hybrid | multiword | name | noun | num | punc |
+ unknown | verb ) "unknown"
+ original CDATA #IMPLIED
+ list ( yes | no ) "no"
+ accent ( yes | neutral | no ) "neutral" >
+<!-- token -->
+<!-- "token" means any string. Punctuation marks have been separated -->
+<!-- from the words they were attached to and now appear as individual -->
+<!-- tokens -->
+<!-- Lisäksi ilmoitetaan onko sana painotettu vai ei lausepainon -->
+<!-- kannalta. -->
+ <!ELEMENT phrase EMPTY>
+<!-- marks a phrase break thus supporting fujisaki model -->
+<!-- uuden fraasin alku, signaloi fujisakin mallille -->
+<!-- phrase-komentoa, voitaneen käyttää myös potentiaalisen -->
+<!-- tauon ilmaisemiseen... -->
+ <!ELEMENT break EMPTY>
+ <!ATTLIST break level ( -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) "1" >
+<!-- -1 no break -->
+<!-- 0 no break, phrase boundary; we have a separate phrase though -->
+<!-- 1+ breaks with phrase boundaries -->