This is actually a mingetty without the printfs. Why? Because then you can link it against dietlibc ( Actually, diet libc now supports printf, but not using it makes binaries smaller nonetheless. The difference is remarkable: USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 5487 0.0 0.1 1180 444 tty5 S 00:40 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty5 root 6035 0.0 0.0 16 16 tty5 S 00:45 0:00 /sbin/fgetty tty5 I saw that on some really absurdly broken crap Linux distributions (apparently the ones using PAM ;-}), login stay in memory as long as a user is logged in, wasting precious memory. So I decided to write a replacement login as well. My login uses the checkpassword (see password checking interface. For the casual end-user, this means that you will need to get and install checkpassword. For others, this means unprecedented flexibility for the system administrator, because the authentication for login can be done separately from login, and without sacrificing system resources. The default checkpassword program from checks against /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, but the interface is general enough to make it possible to plug in different authentication, even RADIUS or LDAP or whatever you had in mind. You just have to write the trivial checkpassword utility for your authentication method. I plan to write a few small checkpassword variants to allow for shadowed MD5 passwords from a CBD database, for example. This design has the following drawbacks: 1. since checkpassword exits on error, there is no "bad username/password pair" error message. 2. For the same reason, there is no 1 second delay on bad passwords. We can't wrap checkpassword, because once the wrapper exits, init respawns fgetty. The only good solution would be to make a checkpassword that prints the error message and exits only after a one second delay. login and login2 do _not_ mess with the tty or apply /etc/environment. These are prime cases of unnecessary features in my eyes. Do that in your shell startup files or whatever.