diff options
authorVern Paxson <>1987-11-08 22:24:44 +0000
committerVern Paxson <>1987-11-08 22:24:44 +0000
commit2cc578462372baa1b85936749946608d7f36415f (patch)
Initial revision
12 files changed, 5540 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ccl.c b/ccl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa15c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ccl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+/* lexccl - routines for character classes */
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ */
+#include "flexdef.h"
+/* ccladd - add a single character to a ccl
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int cclp;
+ * char ch;
+ * ccladd( cclp, ch );
+ */
+ccladd( cclp, ch )
+int cclp;
+char ch;
+ {
+ int ind, len, newpos, i;
+ len = ccllen[cclp];
+ ind = cclmap[cclp];
+ /* check to see if the character is already in the ccl */
+ for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i )
+ if ( ccltbl[ind + i] == ch )
+ return;
+ newpos = ind + len;
+ if ( newpos >= current_max_ccl_tbl_size )
+ {
+ current_max_ccl_tbl_size += MAX_CCL_TBL_SIZE_INCREMENT;
+ ++num_reallocs;
+ ccltbl = reallocate_character_array( ccltbl, current_max_ccl_tbl_size );
+ }
+ ccllen[cclp] = len + 1;
+ ccltbl[newpos] = ch;
+ }
+/* cclinit - make an empty ccl
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int cclinit();
+ * new_ccl = cclinit();
+ */
+int cclinit()
+ {
+ if ( ++lastccl >= current_maxccls )
+ {
+ current_maxccls += MAXCCLS_INCREMENT;
+ ++num_reallocs;
+ cclmap = reallocate_integer_array( cclmap, current_maxccls );
+ ccllen = reallocate_integer_array( ccllen, current_maxccls );
+ cclng = reallocate_integer_array( cclng, current_maxccls );
+ }
+ if ( lastccl == 1 )
+ /* we're making the first ccl */
+ cclmap[lastccl] = 0;
+ else
+ /* the new pointer is just past the end of the last ccl. Since
+ * the cclmap points to the \first/ character of a ccl, adding the
+ * length of the ccl to the cclmap pointer will produce a cursor
+ * to the first free space
+ */
+ cclmap[lastccl] = cclmap[lastccl - 1] + ccllen[lastccl - 1];
+ ccllen[lastccl] = 0;
+ cclng[lastccl] = 0; /* ccl's start out life un-negated */
+ return ( lastccl );
+ }
+/* cclnegate - negate a ccl
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int cclp;
+ * cclnegate( ccl );
+ */
+cclnegate( cclp )
+int cclp;
+ {
+ cclng[cclp] = 1;
+ }
diff --git a/dfa.c b/dfa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d709df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dfa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+/* lexdfa - DFA construction routines */
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ */
+#include "flexdef.h"
+/* epsclosure - construct the epsilon closure of a set of ndfa states
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int t[current_max_dfa_size], numstates, accset[accnum + 1], nacc;
+ * int hashval;
+ * int *epsclosure();
+ * t = epsclosure( t, &numstates, accset, &nacc, &hashval );
+ *
+ * the epsilon closure is the set of all states reachable by an arbitrary
+ * number of epsilon transitions which themselves do not have epsilon
+ * transitions going out, unioned with the set of states which have non-null
+ * accepting numbers. t is an array of size numstates of nfa state numbers.
+ * Upon return, t holds the epsilon closure and numstates is updated. accset
+ * holds a list of the accepting numbers, and the size of accset is given
+ * by nacc. t may be subjected to reallocation if it is not large enough
+ * to hold the epsilon closure.
+ *
+ * hashval is the hash value for the dfa corresponding to the state set
+ */
+int *epsclosure( t, ns_addr, accset, nacc_addr, hv_addr )
+int *t, *ns_addr, accset[], *nacc_addr, *hv_addr;
+ {
+ register int stkpos, ns, tsp;
+ int numstates = *ns_addr, nacc, hashval, transsym, nfaccnum;
+ int stkend, nstate;
+ static int did_stk_init = false, *stk;
+#define MARK_STATE(state) \
+ trans1[state] = trans1[state] - MARKER_DIFFERENCE;
+#define IS_MARKED(state) (trans1[state] < 0)
+#define UNMARK_STATE(state) \
+ trans1[state] = trans1[state] + MARKER_DIFFERENCE;
+#define CHECK_ACCEPT(state) \
+ { \
+ nfaccnum = accptnum[state]; \
+ if ( nfaccnum != NIL ) \
+ accset[++nacc] = nfaccnum; \
+ }
+ { \
+ current_max_dfa_size += MAX_DFA_SIZE_INCREMENT; \
+ ++num_reallocs; \
+ t = reallocate_integer_array( t, current_max_dfa_size ); \
+ stk = reallocate_integer_array( stk, current_max_dfa_size ); \
+ } \
+#define PUT_ON_STACK(state) \
+ { \
+ if ( ++stkend >= current_max_dfa_size ) \
+ stk[stkend] = state; \
+ MARK_STATE(state) \
+ }
+#define ADD_STATE(state) \
+ { \
+ if ( ++numstates >= current_max_dfa_size ) \
+ t[numstates] = state; \
+ hashval = hashval + state; \
+ }
+#define STACK_STATE(state) \
+ { \
+ PUT_ON_STACK(state) \
+ CHECK_ACCEPT(state) \
+ if ( nfaccnum != NIL || transchar[state] != SYM_EPSILON ) \
+ ADD_STATE(state) \
+ }
+ if ( ! did_stk_init )
+ {
+ stk = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfa_size );
+ did_stk_init = true;
+ }
+ nacc = stkend = hashval = 0;
+ for ( nstate = 1; nstate <= numstates; ++nstate )
+ {
+ ns = t[nstate];
+ /* the state could be marked if we've already pushed it onto
+ * the stack
+ */
+ if ( ! IS_MARKED(ns) )
+ hashval = hashval + ns;
+ }
+ for ( stkpos = 1; stkpos <= stkend; ++stkpos )
+ {
+ ns = stk[stkpos];
+ transsym = transchar[ns];
+ if ( transsym == SYM_EPSILON )
+ {
+ tsp = trans1[ns] + MARKER_DIFFERENCE;
+ if ( tsp != NO_TRANSITION )
+ {
+ if ( ! IS_MARKED(tsp) )
+ tsp = trans2[ns];
+ if ( tsp != NO_TRANSITION )
+ if ( ! IS_MARKED(tsp) )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* clear out "visit" markers */
+ for ( stkpos = 1; stkpos <= stkend; ++stkpos )
+ {
+ if ( IS_MARKED(stk[stkpos]) )
+ {
+ UNMARK_STATE(stk[stkpos])
+ }
+ else
+ lexfatal( "consistency check failed in epsclosure()" );
+ }
+ *ns_addr = numstates;
+ *hv_addr = hashval;
+ *nacc_addr = nacc;
+ return ( t );
+ }
+/* increase_max_dfas - increase the maximum number of DFAs */
+ {
+ int old_max = current_max_dfas;
+ current_max_dfas += MAX_DFAS_INCREMENT;
+ ++num_reallocs;
+ base = reallocate_integer_array( base, current_max_dfas );
+ def = reallocate_integer_array( def, current_max_dfas );
+ dfasiz = reallocate_integer_array( dfasiz, current_max_dfas );
+ accsiz = reallocate_integer_array( accsiz, current_max_dfas );
+ dhash = reallocate_integer_array( dhash, current_max_dfas );
+ todo = reallocate_integer_array( todo, current_max_dfas );
+ dss = reallocate_integer_pointer_array( dss, current_max_dfas );
+ dfaacc = reallocate_integer_pointer_array( dfaacc, current_max_dfas );
+ /* fix up todo queue */
+ if ( todo_next < todo_head )
+ { /* queue was wrapped around the end */
+ register int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < todo_next; ++i )
+ todo[old_max + i] = todo[i];
+ todo_next += old_max;
+ }
+ }
+/* snstods - converts a set of ndfa states into a dfa state
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int sns[numstates], numstates, newds, accset[accnum + 1], nacc, hashval;
+ * int snstods();
+ * is_new_state = snstods( sns, numstates, accset, nacc, hashval, &newds );
+ *
+ * on return, the dfa state number is in newds.
+ */
+int snstods( sns, numstates, accset, nacc, hashval, newds_addr )
+int sns[], numstates, accset[], nacc, hashval, *newds_addr;
+ {
+ int didsort = 0;
+ register int i, j;
+ int newds, *oldsns;
+ char *malloc();
+ for ( i = 1; i <= lastdfa; ++i )
+ if ( hashval == dhash[i] )
+ {
+ if ( numstates == dfasiz[i] )
+ {
+ oldsns = dss[i];
+ if ( ! didsort )
+ {
+ /* we sort the states in sns so we can compare it to
+ * oldsns quickly. we use bubble because there probably
+ * aren't very many states
+ */
+ bubble( sns, numstates );
+ didsort = 1;
+ }
+ for ( j = 1; j <= numstates; ++j )
+ if ( sns[j] != oldsns[j] )
+ break;
+ if ( j > numstates )
+ {
+ ++dfaeql;
+ *newds_addr = i;
+ return ( 0 );
+ }
+ ++hshcol;
+ }
+ else
+ ++hshsave;
+ }
+ /* make a new dfa */
+ if ( ++lastdfa >= current_max_dfas )
+ increase_max_dfas();
+ newds = lastdfa;
+ if ( ! (dss[newds] = (int *) malloc( (unsigned) ((numstates + 1) * sizeof( int )) )) )
+ lexfatal( "dynamic memory failure in snstods()" );
+ /* if we haven't already sorted the states in sns, we do so now, so that
+ * future comparisons with it can be made quickly
+ */
+ if ( ! didsort )
+ bubble( sns, numstates );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= numstates; ++i )
+ dss[newds][i] = sns[i];
+ dfasiz[newds] = numstates;
+ dhash[newds] = hashval;
+ if ( nacc == 0 )
+ {
+ dfaacc[newds] = 0;
+ accsiz[newds] = 0;
+ }
+ else if ( reject )
+ {
+ /* we sort the accepting set in increasing order so the disambiguating
+ * rule that the first rule listed is considered match in the event of
+ * ties will work. We use a bubble sort since the list is probably
+ * quite small.
+ */
+ bubble( accset, nacc );
+ if ( ! (dfaacc[newds] =
+ (int *) malloc( (unsigned) ((nacc + 1) * sizeof( int )) )) )
+ lexfatal( "dynamic memory failure in snstods()" );
+ /* save the accepting set for later */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= nacc; ++i )
+ dfaacc[newds][i] = accset[i];
+ accsiz[newds] = nacc;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* find lowest numbered rule so the disambiguating rule will work */
+ j = accnum + 1;
+ for ( i = 1; i <= nacc; ++i )
+ if ( accset[i] < j )
+ j = accset[i];
+ dfaacc[newds] = (int *) j;
+ }
+ *newds_addr = newds;
+ return ( 1 );
+ }
+/* symfollowset - follow the symbol transitions one step
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int ds[current_max_dfa_size], dsize, transsym;
+ * int nset[current_max_dfa_size], numstates;
+ * numstates = symfollowset( ds, dsize, transsym, nset );
+ */
+int symfollowset( ds, dsize, transsym, nset )
+int ds[], dsize, transsym, nset[];
+ {
+ int ns, tsp, sym, i, j, lenccl, ch, numstates;
+ int ccllist;
+ numstates = 0;
+ for ( i = 1; i <= dsize; ++i )
+ { /* for each nfa state ns in the state set of ds */
+ ns = ds[i];
+ sym = transchar[ns];
+ tsp = trans1[ns];
+ if ( sym < 0 )
+ { /* it's a character class */
+ sym = -sym;
+ ccllist = cclmap[sym];
+ lenccl = ccllen[sym];
+ if ( cclng[sym] )
+ {
+ for ( j = 0; j < lenccl; ++j )
+ { /* loop through negated character class */
+ ch = ccltbl[ccllist + j];
+ if ( ch > transsym )
+ break; /* transsym isn't in negated ccl */
+ else if ( ch == transsym )
+ /* next 2 */ goto bottom;
+ }
+ /* didn't find transsym in ccl */
+ nset[++numstates] = tsp;
+ }
+ else
+ for ( j = 0; j < lenccl; ++j )
+ {
+ ch = ccltbl[ccllist + j];
+ if ( ch > transsym )
+ break;
+ else if ( ch == transsym )
+ {
+ nset[++numstates] = tsp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( sym >= 'A' && sym <= 'Z' && caseins )
+ lexfatal( "consistency check failed in symfollowset" );
+ else if ( sym == SYM_EPSILON )
+ { /* do nothing */
+ }
+ else if ( ecgroup[sym] == transsym )
+ nset[++numstates] = tsp;
+ ;
+ }
+ return ( numstates );
+ }
+/* sympartition - partition characters with same out-transitions
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * integer ds[current_max_dfa_size], numstates, duplist[numecs];
+ * symlist[numecs];
+ * sympartition( ds, numstates, symlist, duplist );
+ */
+sympartition( ds, numstates, symlist, duplist )
+int ds[], numstates, duplist[];
+int symlist[];
+ {
+ int tch, i, j, k, ns, dupfwd[CSIZE + 1], lenccl, cclp, ich;
+ /* partitioning is done by creating equivalence classes for those
+ * characters which have out-transitions from the given state. Thus
+ * we are really creating equivalence classes of equivalence classes.
+ */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= numecs; ++i )
+ { /* initialize equivalence class list */
+ duplist[i] = i - 1;
+ dupfwd[i] = i + 1;
+ }
+ duplist[1] = NIL;
+ dupfwd[numecs] = NIL;
+ for ( i = 1; i <= numstates; ++i )
+ {
+ ns = ds[i];
+ tch = transchar[ns];
+ if ( tch != SYM_EPSILON )
+ {
+ if ( tch < -lastccl || tch > CSIZE )
+ lexfatal( "bad transition character detected in sympartition()" );
+ if ( tch > 0 )
+ { /* character transition */
+ mkechar( ecgroup[tch], dupfwd, duplist );
+ symlist[ecgroup[tch]] = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* character class */
+ tch = -tch;
+ lenccl = ccllen[tch];
+ cclp = cclmap[tch];
+ mkeccl( ccltbl + cclp, lenccl, dupfwd, duplist, numecs );
+ if ( cclng[tch] )
+ {
+ j = 0;
+ for ( k = 0; k < lenccl; ++k )
+ {
+ ich = ccltbl[cclp + k];
+ for ( ++j; j < ich; ++j )
+ symlist[j] = 1;
+ }
+ for ( ++j; j <= numecs; ++j )
+ symlist[j] = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ for ( k = 0; k < lenccl; ++k )
+ {
+ ich = ccltbl[cclp + k];
+ symlist[ich] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ecs.c b/ecs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a60c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ecs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+/* lexecs - equivalence class routines */
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ */
+#include "flexdef.h"
+/* ccl2ecl - convert character classes to set of equivalence classes
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * ccl2ecl();
+ */
+ {
+ int i, ich, newlen, cclp, ccls, cclmec;
+ for ( i = 1; i <= lastccl; ++i )
+ {
+ /* we loop through each character class, and for each character
+ * in the class, add the character's equivalence class to the
+ * new "character" class we are creating. Thus when we are all
+ * done, character classes will really consist of collections
+ * of equivalence classes
+ */
+ newlen = 0;
+ cclp = cclmap[i];
+ for ( ccls = 0; ccls < ccllen[i]; ++ccls )
+ {
+ ich = ccltbl[cclp + ccls];
+ cclmec = ecgroup[ich];
+ if ( cclmec > 0 )
+ {
+ ccltbl[cclp + newlen] = cclmec;
+ ++newlen;
+ }
+ }
+ ccllen[i] = newlen;
+ }
+ }
+/* cre8ecs - associate equivalence class numbers with class members
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int cre8ecs();
+ * number of classes = cre8ecs( fwd, bck, num );
+ *
+ * fwd is the forward linked-list of equivalence class members. bck
+ * is the backward linked-list, and num is the number of class members.
+ * Returned is the number of classes.
+ */
+int cre8ecs( fwd, bck, num )
+int fwd[], bck[], num;
+ {
+ int i, j, numcl;
+ numcl = 0;
+ /* create equivalence class numbers. From now on, abs( bck(x) )
+ * is the equivalence class number for object x. If bck(x)
+ * is positive, then x is the representative of its equivalence
+ * class.
+ */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= num; ++i )
+ if ( bck[i] == NIL )
+ {
+ bck[i] = ++numcl;
+ for ( j = fwd[i]; j != NIL; j = fwd[j] )
+ bck[j] = -numcl;
+ }
+ return ( numcl );
+ }
+/* mkeccl - update equivalence classes based on character class xtions
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char ccls[];
+ * int lenccl, fwd[llsiz], bck[llsiz], llsiz;
+ * mkeccl( ccls, lenccl, fwd, bck, llsiz );
+ *
+ * where ccls contains the elements of the character class, lenccl is the
+ * number of elements in the ccl, fwd is the forward link-list of equivalent
+ * characters, bck is the backward link-list, and llsiz size of the link-list
+ */
+mkeccl( ccls, lenccl, fwd, bck, llsiz )
+char ccls[];
+int lenccl, fwd[], bck[], llsiz;
+ {
+ int cclp, oldec, newec;
+ int cclm, i, j;
+ /* note that it doesn't matter whether or not the character class is
+ * negated. The same results will be obtained in either case.
+ */
+ cclp = 0;
+ while ( cclp < lenccl )
+ {
+ cclm = ccls[cclp];
+ oldec = bck[cclm];
+ newec = cclm;
+ j = cclp + 1;
+ for ( i = fwd[cclm]; i != NIL && i <= llsiz; i = fwd[i] )
+ { /* look for the symbol in the character class */
+ for ( ; j < lenccl && ccls[j] <= i; ++j )
+ if ( ccls[j] == i )
+ {
+ /* we found an old companion of cclm in the ccl.
+ * link it into the new equivalence class and flag it as
+ * having been processed
+ */
+ bck[i] = newec;
+ fwd[newec] = i;
+ newec = i;
+ ccls[j] = -i; /* set flag so we don't reprocess */
+ /* get next equivalence class member */
+ /* next 2 */ goto next_pt;
+ }
+ /* symbol isn't in character class. Put it in the old equivalence
+ * class
+ */
+ bck[i] = oldec;
+ if ( oldec != NIL )
+ fwd[oldec] = i;
+ oldec = i;
+ ;
+ }
+ if ( bck[cclm] != NIL || oldec != bck[cclm] )
+ {
+ bck[cclm] = NIL;
+ fwd[oldec] = NIL;
+ }
+ fwd[newec] = NIL;
+ /* find next ccl member to process */
+ for ( ++cclp; ccls[cclp] < 0 && cclp < lenccl; ++cclp )
+ {
+ /* reset "doesn't need processing" flag */
+ ccls[cclp] = -ccls[cclp];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* mkechar - create equivalence class for single character
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int tch, fwd[], bck[];
+ * mkechar( tch, fwd, bck );
+ */
+mkechar( tch, fwd, bck )
+int tch, fwd[], bck[];
+ {
+ /* if until now the character has been a proper subset of
+ * an equivalence class, break it away to create a new ec
+ */
+ if ( fwd[tch] != NIL )
+ bck[fwd[tch]] = bck[tch];
+ if ( bck[tch] != NIL )
+ fwd[bck[tch]] = fwd[tch];
+ fwd[tch] = NIL;
+ bck[tch] = NIL;
+ }
diff --git a/flexdef.h b/flexdef.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b41b649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flexdef.h
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+ * Symbol definitions for flex.
+ *
+ * modification history
+ * --------------------
+ * 02a vp 27jun86 .translated into C/FTL
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* maximum line length we'll have to deal with */
+/* maximum size of file name */
+#define FILENAMESIZE 1024
+#define min(x,y) (x < y ? x : y)
+#define max(x,y) (x > y ? x : y)
+#define true 1
+#define false 0
+#define DEFAULT_SKELETON_FILE "flex.skel"
+/* maximum number of characters per line recognized by Fortran compiler */
+/* string to indent Fortran data statements with */
+#define DATAINDENTSTR " "
+/* width of dataindent string in Fortran columns */
+/* number of data items per line for -f output */
+#define NUMDATAITEMS 10
+/* number of lines of data in -f output before inserting a blank line for
+ * readability.
+ */
+#define NUMDATALINES 10
+/* returns true if an nfa state has an epsilon out-transition slot
+ * that can be used. This definition is currently not used.
+ */
+#define FREE_EPSILON(state) \
+ (transchar[state] == SYM_EPSILON && \
+ trans2[state] == NO_TRANSITION && \
+ finalst[state] != state)
+/* returns true if an nfa state has an epsilon out-transition character
+ * and both slots are free
+ */
+#define SUPER_FREE_EPSILON(state) \
+ (transchar[state] == SYM_EPSILON && \
+ trans1[state] == NO_TRANSITION) \
+/* maximum number of NFA states that can comprise a DFA state. It's real
+ * big because if there's a lot of rules, the initial state will have a
+ * huge epsilon closure.
+ */
+/* array names to be used in generated machine. They're short because
+ * we write out one data statement (which names the array) for each element
+ * in the array.
+ */
+#define ALIST 'l' /* points to list of rules accepted for a state */
+#define ACCEPT 'a' /* list of rules accepted for a state */
+#define ECARRAY 'e' /* maps input characters to equivalence classes */
+#define MATCHARRAY 'm' /* maps equivalence classes to meta-equivalence classes */
+#define BASEARRAY 'b' /* "base" array */
+#define DEFARRAY 'd' /* "default" array */
+#define NEXTARRAY 'n' /* "next" array */
+#define CHECKARRAY 'c' /* "check" array */
+/* NIL must be 0. If not, its special meaning when making equivalence classes
+ * (it marks the representative of a given e.c.) will be unidentifiable
+ */
+#define NIL 0
+#define JAM -1 /* to mark a missing DFA transition */
+#define UNIQUE -1 /* marks a symbol as an e.c. representative */
+#define INFINITY -1 /* for x{5,} constructions */
+/* size of input alphabet - should be size of ASCII set */
+#define CSIZE 127
+#define INITIAL_MAXCCLS 100 /* max number of unique character classes */
+/* size of table holding members of character classes */
+#define INITIAL_MNS 2000 /* default maximum number of nfa states */
+#define MNS_INCREMENT 1000 /* amount to bump above by if it's not enough */
+#define INITIAL_MAX_DFAS 1000 /* default maximum number of dfa states */
+#define MAX_DFAS_INCREMENT 1000
+#define JAMSTATE -32766 /* marks a reference to the state that always jams */
+/* enough so that if it's subtracted from an NFA state number, the result
+ * is guarenteed to be negative
+ */
+#define MARKER_DIFFERENCE 32000
+#define MAXIMUM_MNS 31999
+/* maximum number of nxt/chk pairs for non-templates */
+#define INITIAL_MAX_XPAIRS 2000
+/* maximum number of nxt/chk pairs needed for templates */
+#define SYM_EPSILON 0 /* to mark transitions on the symbol epsilon */
+#define INITIAL_MAX_SCS 40 /* maximum number of start conditions */
+#define MAX_SCS_INCREMENT 40 /* amount to bump by if it's not enough */
+#define ONE_STACK_SIZE 500 /* stack of states with only one out-transition */
+#define SAME_TRANS -1 /* transition is the same as "default" entry for state */
+/* the following percentages are used to tune table compression:
+ * the percentage the number of out-transitions a state must be of the
+ * number of equivalence classes in order to be considered for table
+ * compaction by using protos
+ */
+/* the percentage the number of homogeneous out-transitions of a state
+ * must be of the number of total out-transitions of the state in order
+ * that the state's transition table is first compared with a potential
+ * template of the most common out-transition instead of with the first
+ * proto in the proto queue
+ */
+/* the percentage the number of differences between a state's transition
+ * table and the proto it was first compared with must be of the total
+ * number of out-transitions of the state in order to keep the first
+ * proto as a good match and not search any further
+ */
+/* the percentage the number of differences between a state's transition
+ * table and the most similar proto must be of the state's total number
+ * of out-transitions to use the proto as an acceptable close match
+ */
+/* the percentage the number of homogenous out-transitions of a state
+ * must be of the number of total out-transitions of the state in order
+ * to consider making a template from the state
+ */
+/* the percentage the number of differences between a state's transition
+ * table and the most similar proto must be of the state's total number
+ * of out-transitions to create a new proto from the state
+ */
+/* the percentage the total number of out-transitions of a state must be
+ * of the number of equivalence classes in order to consider trying to
+ * fit the transition table into "holes" inside the nxt/chk table.
+ */
+/* size of region set aside to cache the complete transition table of
+ * protos on the proto queue to enable quick comparisons
+ */
+#define PROT_SAVE_SIZE 2000
+#define MSP 50 /* maximum number of saved protos (protos on the proto queue) */
+/* number that, if used to subscript an array, has a good chance of producing
+ * an error; should be small enough to fit into a short
+ */
+#define BAD_SUBSCRIPT -32767
+/* Declarations for global variables. */
+/* variables for symbol tables:
+ * sctbl - start-condition symbol table
+ * ndtbl - name-definition symbol table
+ * ccltab - character class text symbol table
+ */
+struct hash_entry
+ {
+ struct hash_entry *prev, *next;
+ char *name;
+ char *val;
+ } ;
+typedef struct hash_entry *hash_table[];
+#define CCL_HASH_SIZE 101
+extern struct hash_entry *ndtbl[NAME_TABLE_HASH_SIZE];
+extern struct hash_entry *sctbl[START_COND_HASH_SIZE];
+extern struct hash_entry *ccltab[CCL_HASH_SIZE];
+/* variables for flags:
+ * printstats - if true (-v), dump statistics
+ * syntaxerror - true if a syntax error has been found
+ * eofseen - true if we've seen an eof in the input file
+ * ddebug - if true (-d), make a "debug" scanner
+ * trace - if true (-T), trace processing
+ * spprdflt - if true (-s), suppress the default rule
+ * interactive - if true (-I), generate an interactive scanner
+ * caseins - if true (-i), generate a case-insensitive scanner
+ * useecs - if true (-ce flag), use equivalence classes
+ * fulltbl - if true (-cf flag), don't compress the DFA state table
+ * usemecs - if true (-cm flag), use meta-equivalence classes
+ * reject - if true (-r flag), generate tables for REJECT macro
+ */
+extern int printstats, syntaxerror, eofseen, ddebug, trace, spprdflt;
+extern int interactive, caseins, genftl, useecs, fulltbl, usemecs, reject;
+/* variables used in the flex input routines:
+ * datapos - characters on current output line
+ * dataline - number of contiguous lines of data in current data
+ * statement. Used to generate readable -f output
+ * skelfile - fd of the skeleton file
+ * yyin - input file
+ * infilename - name of input file
+ * linenum - current input line number
+ */
+extern int datapos, dataline, linenum;
+extern FILE *skelfile, *yyin;
+extern char *infilename;
+/* variables for stack of states having only one out-transition:
+ * onestate - state number
+ * onesym - transition symbol
+ * onenext - target state
+ * onedef - default base entry
+ * onesp - stack pointer
+ */
+extern int onestate[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onesym[ONE_STACK_SIZE];
+extern int onenext[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onedef[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onesp;
+/* variables for nfa machine data:
+ * current_mns - current maximum on number of NFA states
+ * accnum - number of the last accepting state
+ * firstst - physically the first state of a fragment
+ * lastst - last physical state of fragment
+ * finalst - last logical state of fragment
+ * transchar - transition character
+ * trans1 - transition state
+ * trans2 - 2nd transition state for epsilons
+ * accptnum - accepting number
+ * lastnfa - last nfa state number created
+ */
+extern int current_mns;
+extern int accnum, *firstst, *lastst, *finalst, *transchar;
+extern int *trans1, *trans2, *accptnum, lastnfa;
+/* variables for protos:
+ * numtemps - number of templates created
+ * numprots - number of protos created
+ * protprev - backlink to a more-recently used proto
+ * protnext - forward link to a less-recently used proto
+ * prottbl - base/def table entry for proto
+ * protcomst - common state of proto
+ * firstprot - number of the most recently used proto
+ * lastprot - number of the least recently used proto
+ * protsave contains the entire state array for protos
+ */
+extern int numtemps, numprots, protprev[MSP], protnext[MSP], prottbl[MSP];
+extern int protcomst[MSP], firstprot, lastprot, protsave[PROT_SAVE_SIZE];
+/* variables for managing equivalence classes:
+ * numecs - number of equivalence classes
+ * nextecm - forward link of Equivalenc Class members
+ * ecgroup - class number or backward link of EC members
+ * nummecs - number of meta-equivalence classes (used to compress
+ * templates)
+ * tecfwd - forward link of meta-equivalence classes members
+ * tecbck - backward link of MEC's
+ */
+extern int numecs, nextecm[CSIZE + 1], ecgroup[CSIZE + 1], nummecs;
+extern int tecfwd[CSIZE + 1], tecbck[CSIZE + 1];
+/* variables for start conditions:
+ * lastsc - last start condition created
+ * current_max_scs - current limit on number of start conditions
+ * scset - set of rules active in start condition
+ * scbol - set of rules active only at the beginning of line in a s.c.
+ * scxclu - true if start condition is exclusive
+ * actvsc - stack of active start conditions for the current rule
+ */
+extern int lastsc, current_max_scs, *scset, *scbol, *scxclu, *actvsc;
+/* variables for dfa machine data:
+ * current_max_dfa_size - current maximum number of NFA states in DFA
+ * current_max_xpairs - current maximum number of non-template xtion pairs
+ * current_max_template_xpairs - current maximum number of template pairs
+ * current_max_dfas - current maximum number DFA states
+ * lastdfa - last dfa state number created
+ * nxt - state to enter upon reading character
+ * chk - check value to see if "nxt" applies
+ * tnxt - internal nxt table for templates
+ * base - offset into "nxt" for given state
+ * def - where to go if "chk" disallows "nxt" entry
+ * tblend - last "nxt/chk" table entry being used
+ * firstfree - first empty entry in "nxt/chk" table
+ * dss - nfa state set for each dfa
+ * dfasiz - size of nfa state set for each dfa
+ * dfaacc - accepting set for each dfa state (or accepting number, if
+ * -r is not given)
+ * accsiz - size of accepting set for each dfa state
+ * dhash - dfa state hash value
+ * todo - queue of DFAs still to be processed
+ * todo_head - head of todo queue
+ * todo_next - next available entry on todo queue
+ * numas - number of DFA accepting states created; note that this
+ * is not necessarily the same value as accnum, which is the analogous
+ * value for the NFA
+ * numsnpairs - number of state/nextstate transition pairs
+ * jambase - position in base/def where the default jam table starts
+ * jamstate - state number corresponding to "jam" state
+ */
+extern int current_max_dfa_size, current_max_xpairs;
+extern int current_max_template_xpairs, current_max_dfas;
+extern int lastdfa, lasttemp, *nxt, *chk, *tnxt;
+extern int *base, *def, tblend, firstfree, **dss, *dfasiz, **dfaacc;
+extern int *accsiz, *dhash, *todo, todo_head, todo_next, numas;
+extern int numsnpairs, jambase, jamstate;
+/* variables for ccl information:
+ * lastccl - ccl index of the last created ccl
+ * current_maxccls - current limit on the maximum number of unique ccl's
+ * cclmap - maps a ccl index to its set pointer
+ * ccllen - gives the length of a ccl
+ * cclng - true for a given ccl if the ccl is negated
+ * cclreuse - counts how many times a ccl is re-used
+ * current_max_ccl_tbl_size - current limit on number of characters needed
+ * to represent the unique ccl's
+ * ccltbl - holds the characters in each ccl - indexed by cclmap
+ */
+extern int lastccl, current_maxccls, *cclmap, *ccllen, *cclng, cclreuse;
+extern int current_max_ccl_tbl_size;
+extern char *ccltbl;
+/* variables for miscellaneous information:
+ * starttime - real-time when we started
+ * endtime - real-time when we ended
+ * nmstr - last NAME scanned by the scanner
+ * sectnum - section number currently being parsed
+ * nummt - number of empty nxt/chk table entries
+ * hshcol - number of hash collisions detected by snstods
+ * dfaeql - number of times a newly created dfa was equal to an old one
+ * numeps - number of epsilon NFA states created
+ * eps2 - number of epsilon states which have 2 out-transitions
+ * num_reallocs - number of times it was necessary to realloc() a group
+ * of arrays
+ * tmpuses - number of DFA states that chain to templates
+ * totnst - total number of NFA states used to make DFA states
+ * peakpairs - peak number of transition pairs we had to store internally
+ * numuniq - number of unique transitions
+ * numdup - number of duplicate transitions
+ * hshsave - number of hash collisions saved by checking number of states
+ */
+extern char *starttime, *endtime, nmstr[MAXLINE];
+extern int sectnum, nummt, hshcol, dfaeql, numeps, eps2, num_reallocs;
+extern int tmpuses, totnst, peakpairs, numuniq, numdup, hshsave;
+char *allocate_array(), *reallocate_array();
+#define allocate_integer_array(size) \
+ (int *) allocate_array( size, sizeof( int ) )
+#define reallocate_integer_array(array,size) \
+ (int *) reallocate_array( (char *) array, size, sizeof( int ) )
+#define allocate_integer_pointer_array(size) \
+ (int **) allocate_array( size, sizeof( int * ) )
+#define reallocate_integer_pointer_array(array,size) \
+ (int **) reallocate_array( (char *) array, size, sizeof( int * ) )
+#define allocate_character_array(size) allocate_array( size, sizeof( char ) )
+#define reallocate_character_array(array,size) \
+ reallocate_array( array, size, sizeof( char ) )
+/* used to communicate between scanner and parser. The type should really
+ * be YYSTYPE, but we can't easily get our hands on it.
+ */
+extern int yylval;
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0a7ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+/* flex - tool to generate fast lexical analyzers
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ *
+ *
+ * ver date who remarks
+ * --- ---- --- -------------------------------------------------------
+ * 04a 27Jun86 VP .translated from Ratfor into C
+ * 01a 22Aug83 VP .written. Original version by Jef Poskanzer.
+ */
+#include "flexdef.h"
+/* these globals are all defined and commented in flexdef.h */
+int printstats, syntaxerror, eofseen, ddebug, trace, spprdflt;
+int interactive, caseins, genftl, useecs, fulltbl, usemecs, reject;
+int datapos, dataline, linenum;
+FILE *skelfile = NULL;
+char *infilename = NULL;
+int onestate[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onesym[ONE_STACK_SIZE];
+int onenext[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onedef[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onesp;
+int current_mns;
+int accnum, *firstst, *lastst, *finalst, *transchar;
+int *trans1, *trans2, *accptnum, lastnfa;
+int numtemps, numprots, protprev[MSP], protnext[MSP], prottbl[MSP];
+int protcomst[MSP], firstprot, lastprot, protsave[PROT_SAVE_SIZE];
+int numecs, nextecm[CSIZE + 1], ecgroup[CSIZE + 1], nummecs, tecfwd[CSIZE + 1];
+int tecbck[CSIZE + 1];
+int lastsc, current_max_scs, *scset, *scbol, *scxclu, *actvsc;
+int current_max_dfa_size, current_max_xpairs;
+int current_max_template_xpairs, current_max_dfas;
+int lastdfa, *nxt, *chk, *tnxt;
+int *base, *def, tblend, firstfree, numtemps, **dss, *dfasiz, **dfaacc;
+int *accsiz, *dhash, *todo, todo_head, todo_next, numas;
+int numsnpairs, jambase, jamstate;
+int lastccl, current_maxccls, *cclmap, *ccllen, *cclng, cclreuse;
+int current_max_ccl_tbl_size;
+char *ccltbl;
+char *starttime, *endtime, nmstr[MAXLINE];
+int sectnum, nummt, hshcol, dfaeql, numeps, eps2, num_reallocs;
+int tmpuses, totnst, peakpairs, numuniq, numdup, hshsave;
+/* flex - main program
+ *
+ * synopsis (from the shell)
+ * flex [-v] [file ...]
+ */
+main( argc, argv )
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+ {
+ lexinit( argc, argv );
+ readin();
+ if ( ! syntaxerror )
+ {
+ /* convert the ndfa to a dfa */
+ ntod();
+ /* generate the ratfor state transition tables from the dfa */
+ gentabs();
+ }
+ /* note, lexend does not return. It exits with its argument as status. */
+ lexend( 0 );
+ }
+/* lexend - terminate flex
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int status;
+ * lexend( status );
+ *
+ * status is exit status.
+ *
+ * note
+ * This routine does not return.
+ */
+lexend( status )
+int status;
+ {
+ int tblsiz;
+ char *gettime();
+ if ( skelfile != NULL )
+ (void) fclose( skelfile );
+ if ( printstats )
+ {
+ endtime = gettime();
+ fprintf( stderr, "flex usage statistics:\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " started at %s, finished at %s\n",
+ starttime, endtime );
+ if ( ! genftl )
+ fprintf( stderr, " Ratfor scanner generated\n" );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d NFA states\n", lastnfa, current_mns );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d DFA states (%d words)\n", lastdfa,
+ current_max_dfas, totnst );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d rules\n", accnum );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d start conditions\n", lastsc,
+ current_max_scs );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d epsilon states, %d double epsilon states\n",
+ numeps, eps2 );
+ if ( lastccl == 0 )
+ fprintf( stderr, " no character classes\n" );
+ else
+ fprintf( stderr,
+ " %d/%d character classes needed %d/%d words of storage, %d reused\n",
+ lastccl, current_maxccls,
+ cclmap[lastccl] + ccllen[lastccl] - 1,
+ current_max_ccl_tbl_size, cclreuse );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d state/nextstate pairs created\n", numsnpairs );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d unique/duplicate transitions\n",
+ numuniq, numdup );
+ if ( fulltbl )
+ {
+ tblsiz = lastdfa * numecs;
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d table entries\n", tblsiz );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tblsiz = 2 * (lastdfa + numtemps) + 2 * tblend;
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d base/def entries created\n",
+ lastdfa + numtemps, current_max_dfas );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d (peak %d) nxt/chk entries created\n",
+ tblend, current_max_xpairs, peakpairs );
+ fprintf( stderr,
+ " %d/%d (peak %d) template nxt/chk entries created\n",
+ numtemps * nummecs, current_max_template_xpairs,
+ numtemps * numecs );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d empty table entries\n", nummt );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d protos created\n", numprots );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d templates created, %d uses\n",
+ numtemps, tmpuses );
+ }
+ if ( useecs )
+ {
+ tblsiz = tblsiz + CSIZE;
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d equivalence classes created\n",
+ numecs, CSIZE );
+ }
+ if ( usemecs )
+ {
+ tblsiz = tblsiz + numecs;
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d/%d meta-equivalence classes created\n",
+ nummecs, CSIZE );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d (%d saved) hash collisions, %d DFAs equal\n",
+ hshcol, hshsave, dfaeql );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d sets of reallocations needed\n", num_reallocs );
+ fprintf( stderr, " %d total table entries needed\n", tblsiz );
+ }
+ exit( status );
+ }
+/* lexinit - initialize flex
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int argc;
+ * char **argv;
+ * lexinit( argc, argv );
+ */
+lexinit( argc, argv )
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+ {
+ int i;
+ char *arg, *skelname = DEFAULT_SKELETON_FILE, *gettime(), clower();
+ int sawcmpflag, use_stdout;
+ printstats = syntaxerror = trace = spprdflt = interactive = caseins = false;
+ ddebug = fulltbl = reject = false;
+ usemecs = genftl = useecs = true;
+ sawcmpflag = false;
+ use_stdout = false;
+ /* read flags */
+ for ( --argc, ++argv; argc ; --argc, ++argv )
+ {
+ if ( argv[0][0] != '-' || argv[0][1] == '\0' )
+ break;
+ arg = argv[0];
+ for ( i = 1; arg[i] != '\0'; ++i )
+ switch ( arg[i] )
+ {
+ case 'c':
+ if ( i != 1 )
+ lexerror( "-c flag must be given separately" );
+ if ( ! sawcmpflag )
+ {
+ useecs = false;
+ usemecs = false;
+ fulltbl = false;
+ sawcmpflag = true;
+ }
+ for ( ++i; arg[i] != '\0'; ++i )
+ switch ( clower( arg[i] ) )
+ {
+ case 'e':
+ useecs = true;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ fulltbl = true;
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ usemecs = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ lerrif( "unknown -c option %c",
+ (int) arg[i] );
+ break;
+ }
+ goto get_next_arg;
+ case 'd':
+ ddebug = true;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ useecs = usemecs = false;
+ fulltbl = true;
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ interactive = true;
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ caseins = true;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ use_stdout = false;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ printstats = false;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ reject = true;
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ if ( i != 1 )
+ lexerror( "-S flag must be given separately" );
+ skelname = arg + i + 1;
+ goto get_next_arg;
+ case 's':
+ spprdflt = true;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ use_stdout = true;
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ trace = true;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ printstats = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ lerrif( "unknown flag %c", (int) arg[i] );
+ break;
+ }
+get_next_arg: /* used by -c and -S flags in lieu of a "continue 2" control */
+ ;
+ }
+ if ( fulltbl && usemecs )
+ lexerror( "full table and -cm don't make sense together" );
+ if ( fulltbl && interactive )
+ lexerror( "full table and -I are (currently) incompatible" );
+ if ( ! use_stdout )
+ {
+ FILE *prev_stdout = freopen( "lex.yy.c", "w", stdout );
+ if ( prev_stdout == NULL )
+ lexerror( "could not create lex.yy.c" );
+ }
+ if ( argc )
+ {
+ if ( argc > 1 )
+ lexerror( "extraneous argument(s) given" );
+ yyin = fopen( infilename = argv[0], "r" );
+ if ( yyin == NULL )
+ lerrsf( "can't open %s", argv[0] );
+ }
+ else
+ yyin = stdin;
+ lastccl = 0;
+ lastsc = 0;
+ /* initialize the statistics */
+ starttime = gettime();
+ if ( (skelfile = fopen( skelname, "r" )) == NULL )
+ lerrsf( "can't open skeleton file %s", skelname );
+ lastdfa = lastnfa = accnum = numas = numsnpairs = tmpuses = 0;
+ numecs = numeps = eps2 = num_reallocs = hshcol = dfaeql = totnst = 0;
+ numuniq = numdup = hshsave = eofseen = datapos = dataline = 0;
+ onesp = numprots = 0;
+ linenum = sectnum = 1;
+ firstprot = NIL;
+ /* used in mkprot() so that the first proto goes in slot 1
+ * of the proto queue
+ */
+ lastprot = 1;
+ if ( useecs )
+ {
+ /* set up doubly-linked equivalence classes */
+ ecgroup[1] = NIL;
+ for ( i = 2; i <= CSIZE; ++i )
+ {
+ ecgroup[i] = i - 1;
+ nextecm[i - 1] = i;
+ }
+ nextecm[CSIZE] = NIL;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* put everything in its own equivalence class */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= CSIZE; ++i )
+ {
+ ecgroup[i] = i;
+ nextecm[i] = BAD_SUBSCRIPT; /* to catch errors */
+ }
+ }
+ set_up_initial_allocations();
+ }
+/* readin - read in the rules section of the input file(s)
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * readin();
+ */
+ {
+ if ( genftl )
+ {
+ fputs( "#define YYDEFAULTACTION ", stdout );
+ if ( spprdflt )
+ fputs( "YYFATALERROR( \"flex scanner jammed\" )", stdout );
+ else
+ fputs( "ECHO", stdout );
+ fputs( ";\n", stdout );
+ if ( ddebug )
+ puts( "#define LEX_DEBUG" );
+ if ( useecs )
+ puts( "#define LEX_USE_ECS" );
+ if ( usemecs )
+ puts( "#define LEX_USE_MECS" );
+ if ( interactive )
+ puts( "#define LEX_INTERACTIVE_SCANNER" );
+ if ( reject )
+ puts( "#define LEX_REJECT_ENABLED" );
+ if ( fulltbl )
+ puts( "#define LEX_FULL_TABLE" );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fputs( "define(YYDEFAULTACTION,", stdout );
+ if ( spprdflt )
+ fputs( "call error( \"flex scanner jammed\" )", stdout );
+ else
+ fputs( "ECHO", stdout );
+ fputs( ")\n", stdout );
+ if ( ddebug )
+ puts( "define(LEX_DEBUG,)" );
+ if ( useecs )
+ puts( "define(LEX_USE_ECS,)" );
+ if ( usemecs )
+ puts( "define(LEX_USE_MECS,)" );
+ if ( reject )
+ puts( "define(LEX_REJECT_ENABLED,)" );
+ if ( fulltbl )
+ puts( "define(LEX_FULL_TABLE,)" );
+ }
+ skelout();
+ line_directive_out();
+ if ( yyparse() )
+ lerrif( "fatal parse error at line %d", linenum );
+ if ( useecs )
+ {
+ numecs = cre8ecs( nextecm, ecgroup, CSIZE );
+ ccl2ecl();
+ }
+ else
+ numecs = CSIZE;
+ }
+/* set_up_initial_allocations - allocate memory for internal tables */
+ {
+ current_mns = INITIAL_MNS;
+ firstst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
+ lastst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
+ finalst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
+ transchar = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
+ trans1 = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
+ trans2 = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
+ accptnum = allocate_integer_array( current_mns );
+ current_max_scs = INITIAL_MAX_SCS;
+ scset = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
+ scbol = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
+ scxclu = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
+ actvsc = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs );
+ current_maxccls = INITIAL_MAXCCLS;
+ cclmap = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls );
+ ccllen = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls );
+ cclng = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls );
+ current_max_ccl_tbl_size = INITIAL_MAX_CCL_TBL_SIZE;
+ ccltbl = allocate_character_array( current_max_ccl_tbl_size );
+ current_max_dfa_size = INITIAL_MAX_DFA_SIZE;
+ current_max_xpairs = INITIAL_MAX_XPAIRS;
+ nxt = allocate_integer_array( current_max_xpairs );
+ chk = allocate_integer_array( current_max_xpairs );
+ current_max_template_xpairs = INITIAL_MAX_TEMPLATE_XPAIRS;
+ tnxt = allocate_integer_array( current_max_template_xpairs );
+ current_max_dfas = INITIAL_MAX_DFAS;
+ base = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
+ def = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
+ dfasiz = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
+ accsiz = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
+ dhash = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
+ todo = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
+ dss = allocate_integer_pointer_array( current_max_dfas );
+ dfaacc = allocate_integer_pointer_array( current_max_dfas );
+ }
diff --git a/misc.c b/misc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3364e4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+/* lexmisc - miscellaneous flex routines */
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "flexdef.h"
+char *malloc(), *realloc();
+/* allocate_array - allocate memory for an integer array of the given size */
+char *allocate_array( size, element_size )
+int size, element_size;
+ {
+ register char *mem = malloc( (unsigned) (element_size * size) );
+ if ( mem == NULL )
+ lexfatal( "memory allocation failed in allocate_array()" );
+ return ( mem );
+ }
+/* bubble - bubble sort an integer array in increasing order
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int v[n], n;
+ * bubble( v, n );
+ *
+ * description
+ * sorts the first n elements of array v and replaces them in
+ * increasing order.
+ *
+ * passed
+ * v - the array to be sorted
+ * n - the number of elements of 'v' to be sorted */
+bubble( v, n )
+int v[], n;
+ {
+ register int i, j, k;
+ for ( i = n; i > 1; --i )
+ for ( j = 1; j < i; ++j )
+ if ( v[j] > v[j + 1] ) /* compare */
+ {
+ k = v[j]; /* exchange */
+ v[j] = v[j + 1];
+ v[j + 1] = k;
+ }
+ }
+/* clower - replace upper-case letter to lower-case
+ *
+ * synopsis:
+ * char clower(), c;
+ * c = clower( c );
+ */
+char clower( c )
+register char c;
+ {
+ return ( isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : c );
+ }
+/* copy_string - returns a dynamically allocated copy of a string
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char *str, *copy, *copy_string();
+ * copy = copy_string( str );
+ */
+char *copy_string( str )
+register char *str;
+ {
+ register char *c;
+ char *copy;
+ /* find length */
+ for ( c = str; *c; ++c )
+ ;
+ copy = malloc( (unsigned) ((c - str + 1) * sizeof( char )) );
+ if ( copy == NULL )
+ lexfatal( "dynamic memory failure in copy_string()" );
+ for ( c = copy; (*c++ = *str++); )
+ ;
+ return ( copy );
+ }
+/* cshell - shell sort a character array in increasing order
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ *
+ * char v[n];
+ * int n;
+ * cshell( v, n );
+ *
+ * description
+ * does a shell sort of the first n elements of array v.
+ *
+ * passed
+ * v - array to be sorted
+ * n - number of elements of v to be sorted
+ */
+cshell( v, n )
+char v[];
+int n;
+ {
+ int gap, i, j, jg;
+ char k;
+ for ( gap = n / 2; gap > 0; gap = gap / 2 )
+ for ( i = gap; i < n; ++i )
+ for ( j = i - gap; j >= 0; j = j - gap )
+ {
+ jg = j + gap;
+ if ( v[j] <= v[jg] )
+ break;
+ k = v[j];
+ v[j] = v[jg];
+ v[jg] = k;
+ }
+ }
+/* dataend - finish up a block of data declarations
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * dataend();
+ */
+ {
+ if ( datapos > 0 )
+ dataflush();
+ if ( genftl )
+ /* add terminator for initialization */
+ puts( " } ;\n" );
+ dataline = 0;
+ }
+/* dataflush - flush generated data statements
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * dataflush();
+ */
+ {
+ putchar( '\n' );
+ if ( genftl )
+ {
+ if ( ++dataline >= NUMDATALINES )
+ {
+ /* put out a blank line so that the table is grouped into
+ * large blocks that enable the user to find elements easily
+ */
+ putchar( '\n' );
+ dataline = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* reset the number of characters written on the current line */
+ datapos = 0;
+ }
+/* gettime - return current time
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char *gettime(), *time_str;
+ * time_str = gettime();
+ */
+/* include sys/types.h to use time_t and make lint happy */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+char *gettime()
+ {
+ time_t t, time();
+ char *result, *ctime(), *copy_string();
+ t = time( (long *) 0 );
+ result = copy_string( ctime( &t ) );
+ /* get rid of trailing newline */
+ result[24] = '\0';
+ return ( result );
+ }
+/* lerrif - report an error message formatted with one integer argument
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char msg[];
+ * int arg;
+ * lerrif( msg, arg );
+ */
+lerrif( msg, arg )
+char msg[];
+int arg;
+ {
+ char errmsg[MAXLINE];
+ (void) sprintf( errmsg, msg, arg );
+ lexerror( errmsg );
+ }
+/* lerrsf - report an error message formatted with one string argument
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char msg[], arg[];
+ * lerrsf( msg, arg );
+ */
+lerrsf( msg, arg )
+char msg[], arg[];
+ {
+ char errmsg[MAXLINE];
+ (void) sprintf( errmsg, msg, arg );
+ lexerror( errmsg );
+ }
+/* lexerror - report an error message and terminate
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char msg[];
+ * lexerror( msg );
+ */
+lexerror( msg )
+char msg[];
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "flex: %s\n", msg );
+ lexend( 1 );
+ }
+/* lexfatal - report a fatal error message and terminate
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char msg[];
+ * lexfatal( msg );
+ */
+lexfatal( msg )
+char msg[];
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "flex: fatal internal error %s\n", msg );
+ lexend( 1 );
+ }
+/* line_directive_out - spit out a "# line" statement */
+ {
+ if ( infilename )
+ printf( "# line %d \"%s\"\n", linenum, infilename );
+ }
+/* mk2data - generate a data statement for a two-dimensional array
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char name;
+ * int row, column, value;
+ * mk2data( name, row, column, value );
+ *
+ * generates a data statement initializing "name(row, column)" to "value"
+ * Note that name is only a character; NOT a string. If we're generating
+ * FTL (-f flag), "name", "row", and "column" get ignored.
+ */
+mk2data( name, row, column, value )
+char name;
+int row, column, value;
+ {
+ int datalen;
+ static char dindent[] = DATAINDENTSTR;
+ if ( genftl )
+ {
+ if ( datapos >= NUMDATAITEMS )
+ {
+ putchar( ',' );
+ dataflush();
+ }
+ if ( datapos == 0 )
+ /* indent */
+ fputs( " ", stdout );
+ else
+ putchar( ',' );
+ ++datapos;
+ printf( "%5d", value );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* figure out length of data statement to be written. 7 is the constant
+ * overhead of a one character name, '(', ',', and ')' to delimit
+ * the array reference, a '/' and a '/' to delimit the value, and
+ * room for a blank or a comma between this data statement and the
+ * previous one
+ */
+ datalen = 7 + numdigs( row ) + numdigs( column ) + numdigs( value );
+ if ( datalen + datapos >= DATALINEWIDTH | datapos == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( datapos != 0 )
+ dataflush();
+ /* precede data statement with '%' so rat4 preprocessor doesn't have
+ * to bother looking at it -- speed hack
+ */
+ printf( "%%%sdata ", dindent );
+ /* 4 is the constant overhead of writing out the word "DATA" */
+ datapos = DATAINDENTWIDTH + 4 + datalen;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ putchar( ',' );
+ datapos = datapos + datalen;
+ }
+ printf( "%c(%d,%d)/%d/", name, row, column, value );
+ }
+ }
+/* mkdata - generate a data statement
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char name;
+ * int arrayelm, value;
+ * mkdata( name, arrayelm, value );
+ *
+ * generates a data statement initializing "name(arrayelm)" to "value"
+ * Note that name is only a character; NOT a string. If we're generating
+ * FTL (-f flag), "name" and "arrayelm" get ignored.
+ */
+mkdata( name, arrayelm, value )
+char name;
+int arrayelm, value;
+ {
+ int datalen;
+ static char dindent[] = DATAINDENTSTR;
+ if ( genftl )
+ {
+ if ( datapos >= NUMDATAITEMS )
+ {
+ putchar( ',' );
+ dataflush();
+ }
+ if ( datapos == 0 )
+ /* indent */
+ fputs( " ", stdout );
+ else
+ putchar( ',' );
+ ++datapos;
+ printf( "%5d", value );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* figure out length of data statement to be written. 6 is the constant
+ * overhead of a one character name, '(' and ')' to delimit the array
+ * reference, a '/' and a '/' to delimit the value, and room for a
+ * blank or a comma between this data statement and the previous one
+ */
+ datalen = 6 + numdigs( arrayelm ) + numdigs( value );
+ if ( datalen + datapos >= DATALINEWIDTH | datapos == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( datapos != 0 )
+ dataflush();
+ /* precede data statement with '%' so rat4 preprocessor doesn't have
+ * to bother looking at it -- speed hack
+ */
+ printf( "%%%sdata ", dindent );
+ /* 4 is the constant overhead of writing out the word "DATA" */
+ datapos = DATAINDENTWIDTH + 4 + datalen;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ putchar( ',' );
+ datapos = datapos + datalen;
+ }
+ printf( "%c(%d)/%d/", name, arrayelm, value );
+ }
+ }
+/* myctoi - return the integer represented by a string of digits
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char array[];
+ * int val, myctoi();
+ * val = myctoi( array );
+ *
+ */
+int myctoi( array )
+char array[];
+ {
+ int val = 0;
+ (void) sscanf( array, "%d", &val );
+ return ( val );
+ }
+/* myesc - return character corresponding to escape sequence
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char array[], c, myesc();
+ * c = myesc( array );
+ *
+ */
+char myesc( array )
+char array[];
+ {
+ switch ( array[1] )
+ {
+ case 'n': return ( '\n' );
+ case 't': return ( '\t' );
+ case 'f': return ( '\f' );
+ case 'r': return ( '\r' );
+ case 'b': return ( '\b' );
+ case '0':
+ if ( isdigit(array[2]) )
+ { /* \0<octal> */
+ char c, esc_char;
+ register int sptr = 2;
+ while ( isdigit(array[sptr]) )
+ /* don't increment inside loop control because the
+ * macro will expand it to two increments! (Not a
+ * problem with the C version of the macro)
+ */
+ ++sptr;
+ c = array[sptr];
+ array[sptr] = '\0';
+ esc_char = otoi( array + 2 );
+ array[sptr] = c;
+ if ( esc_char == '\0' )
+ {
+ synerr( "escape sequence for null not allowed" );
+ return ( 1 );
+ }
+ return ( esc_char );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ synerr( "escape sequence for null not allowed" );
+ return ( 1 );
+ }
+#ifdef NOTDEF
+ case '^':
+ {
+ register char next_char = array[2];
+ if ( next_char == '?' )
+ return ( 0x7f );
+ else if ( next_char >= 'A' && next_char <= 'Z' )
+ return ( next_char - 'A' + 1 );
+ else if ( next_char >= 'a' && next_char <= 'z' )
+ return ( next_char - 'z' + 1 );
+ synerr( "illegal \\^ escape sequence" );
+ return ( 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ return ( array[1] );
+ }
+/* numdigs - number of digits (includes leading sign) in number
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int numdigs, x;
+ * num = numdigs( x );
+ */
+int numdigs( x )
+int x;
+ {
+ if ( x < 0 )
+ {
+ /* the only negative numbers we expect to encounter are very
+ * small ones
+ */
+ if ( x < -9 )
+ lexfatal( "assumption of small negative numbers botched in numdigs()" );
+ return ( 2 );
+ }
+ if ( x < 10 )
+ return ( 1 );
+ else if ( x < 100 )
+ return ( 2 );
+ else if ( x < 1000 )
+ return ( 3 );
+ else if ( x < 10000 )
+ return ( 4 );
+ else if ( x < 100000 )
+ return ( 5 );
+ else
+ return ( 6 );
+ }
+/* otoi - convert an octal digit string to an integer value
+ *
+ * synopsis:
+ * int val, otoi();
+ * char str[];
+ * val = otoi( str );
+ */
+int otoi( str )
+char str[];
+ {
+ fortran int gctoi()
+ int dummy = 1;
+ return ( gctoi( str, dummy, 8 ) );
+ int result;
+ (void) sscanf( str, "%o", &result );
+ return ( result );
+ }
+/* reallocate_array - increase the size of a dynamic array */
+char *reallocate_array( array, size, element_size )
+char *array;
+int size, element_size;
+ {
+ register char *new_array = realloc( array,
+ (unsigned) (size * element_size ));
+ if ( new_array == NULL )
+ lexfatal( "attempt to increase array size failed" );
+ return ( new_array );
+ }
+/* skelout - write out one section of the lexskel file
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * skelout();
+ *
+ * Copies from skelfile to stdout until a line beginning with "%%" or
+ * EOF is found.
+ */
+ {
+ char buf[MAXLINE];
+ while ( fgets( buf, MAXLINE, skelfile ) != NULL )
+ if ( buf[0] == '%' && buf[1] == '%' )
+ break;
+ else
+ fputs( buf, stdout );
+ }
diff --git a/nfa.c b/nfa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d514ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nfa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+/* lexnfa - NFA construction routines */
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ */
+#include "flexdef.h"
+/* add_accept - add an accepting state to a machine
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ *
+ * add_accept( mach, headcnt, trailcnt );
+ *
+ * the global ACCNUM is incremented and the new value becomes mach's
+ * accepting number. if headcnt or trailcnt is non-zero then the machine
+ * recognizes a pattern with trailing context. headcnt is the number of
+ * characters in the matched part of the pattern, or zero if the matched
+ * part has variable length. trailcnt is the number of trailing context
+ * characters in the pattern, or zero if the trailing context has variable
+ * length.
+ */
+add_accept( mach, headcnt, trailcnt )
+int mach, headcnt, trailcnt;
+ {
+ int astate;
+ printf( "case %d:\n", ++accnum );
+ if ( headcnt > 0 || trailcnt > 0 )
+ { /* do trailing context magic to not match the trailing characters */
+ printf( "YYDOBEFORESCAN; /* undo effects of setting up yytext */\n" );
+ if ( headcnt > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( ! genftl || headcnt > 1 )
+ printf( "yycbufp = yybbufp + %d;\n",
+ genftl ? headcnt - 1 : headcnt );
+ else
+ printf( "yycbufp = yybbufp;\n" );
+ }
+ else
+ printf( "yycbufp -= %d;\n", trailcnt );
+ printf( "YYDOBEFOREACTION; /* set up yytext again */\n" );
+ }
+ line_directive_out();
+ /* hang the accepting number off an epsilon state. if it is associated
+ * with a state that has a non-epsilon out-transition, then the state
+ * will accept BEFORE it makes that transition, i.e. one character too soon
+ */
+ if ( transchar[finalst[mach]] == SYM_EPSILON )
+ accptnum[finalst[mach]] = accnum;
+ else
+ {
+ astate = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ accptnum[astate] = accnum;
+ mach = link_machines( mach, astate );
+ }
+ }
+/* copysingl - make a given number of copies of a singleton machine
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ *
+ * newsng = copysingl( singl, num );
+ *
+ * newsng - a new singleton composed of num copies of singl
+ * singl - a singleton machine
+ * num - the number of copies of singl to be present in newsng
+ */
+int copysingl( singl, num )
+int singl, num;
+ {
+ int copy, i;
+ copy = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= num; ++i )
+ copy = link_machines( copy, dupmachine( singl ) );
+ return ( copy );
+ }
+/* dumpnfa - debugging routine to write out an nfa
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int state1;
+ * dumpnfa( state1 );
+ */
+dumpnfa( state1 )
+int state1;
+ {
+ int sym, tsp1, tsp2, anum, ns;
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n\n********** beginning dump of nfa with start state %d\n",
+ state1 );
+ /* we probably should loop starting at firstst[state1] and going to
+ * lastst[state1], but they're not maintained properly when we "or"
+ * all of the rules together. So we use our knowledge that the machine
+ * starts at state 1 and ends at lastnfa.
+ */
+ /* for ( ns = firstst[state1]; ns <= lastst[state1]; ++ns ) */
+ for ( ns = 1; ns <= lastnfa; ++ns )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "state # %4d\t", ns );
+ sym = transchar[ns];
+ tsp1 = trans1[ns];
+ tsp2 = trans2[ns];
+ anum = accptnum[ns];
+ fprintf( stderr, "%3d: %4d, %4d", sym, tsp1, tsp2 );
+ if ( anum != NIL )
+ fprintf( stderr, " [%d]", anum );
+ fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "********** end of dump\n" );
+ }
+/* dupmachine - make a duplicate of a given machine
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ *
+ * copy = dupmachine( mach );
+ *
+ * copy - holds duplicate of mach
+ * mach - machine to be duplicated
+ *
+ * note that the copy of mach is NOT an exact duplicate; rather, all the
+ * transition states values are adjusted so that the copy is self-contained,
+ * as the original should have been.
+ *
+ * also note that the original MUST be contiguous, with its low and high
+ * states accessible by the arrays firstst and lastst
+ */
+int dupmachine( mach )
+int mach;
+ {
+ int i, state, init, last = lastst[mach], state_offset;
+ for ( i = firstst[mach]; i <= last; ++i )
+ {
+ state = mkstate( transchar[i] );
+ if ( trans1[i] != NO_TRANSITION )
+ {
+ mkxtion( finalst[state], trans1[i] + state - i );
+ if ( transchar[i] == SYM_EPSILON && trans2[i] != NO_TRANSITION )
+ mkxtion( finalst[state], trans2[i] + state - i );
+ }
+ accptnum[state] = accptnum[i];
+ }
+ state_offset = state - i + 1;
+ init = mach + state_offset;
+ firstst[init] = firstst[mach] + state_offset;
+ finalst[init] = finalst[mach] + state_offset;
+ lastst[init] = lastst[mach] + state_offset;
+ return ( init );
+ }
+/* link_machines - connect two machines together
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ *
+ * new = link_machines( first, last );
+ *
+ * new - a machine constructed by connecting first to last
+ * first - the machine whose successor is to be last
+ * last - the machine whose predecessor is to be first
+ *
+ * note: this routine concatenates the machine first with the machine
+ * last to produce a machine new which will pattern-match first first
+ * and then last, and will fail if either of the sub-patterns fails.
+ * FIRST is set to new by the operation. last is unmolested.
+ */
+int link_machines( first, last )
+int first, last;
+ {
+ if ( first == NIL )
+ return ( last );
+ else if ( last == NIL )
+ return ( first );
+ else
+ {
+ mkxtion( finalst[first], last );
+ finalst[first] = finalst[last];
+ lastst[first] = max( lastst[first], lastst[last] );
+ firstst[first] = min( firstst[first], firstst[last] );
+ return ( first );
+ }
+ }
+/* mkbranch - make a machine that branches to two machines
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ *
+ * branch = mkbranch( first, second );
+ *
+ * branch - a machine which matches either first's pattern or second's
+ * first, second - machines whose patterns are to be or'ed (the | operator)
+ *
+ * note that first and second are NEITHER destroyed by the operation. Also,
+ * the resulting machine CANNOT be used with any other "mk" operation except
+ * more mkbranch's. Compare with mkor()
+ */
+int mkbranch( first, second )
+int first, second;
+ {
+ int eps;
+ if ( first == NO_TRANSITION )
+ return ( second );
+ else if ( second == NO_TRANSITION )
+ return ( first );
+ eps = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ mkxtion( eps, first );
+ mkxtion( eps, second );
+ return ( eps );
+ }
+/* mkclos - convert a machine into a closure
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * new = mkclos( state );
+ *
+ * new - a new state which matches the closure of "state"
+ */
+int mkclos( state )
+int state;
+ {
+ return ( mkopt( mkposcl( state ) ) );
+ }
+/* mkopt - make a machine optional
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ *
+ * new = mkopt( mach );
+ *
+ * new - a machine which optionally matches whatever mach matched
+ * mach - the machine to make optional
+ *
+ * notes:
+ * 1. mach must be the last machine created
+ * 2. mach is destroyed by the call
+ */
+int mkopt( mach )
+int mach;
+ {
+ int eps;
+ if ( ! SUPER_FREE_EPSILON(finalst[mach]) )
+ {
+ eps = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ mach = link_machines( mach, eps );
+ }
+ /* can't skimp on the following if FREE_EPSILON(mach) is true because
+ * some state interior to "mach" might point back to the beginning
+ * for a closure
+ */
+ eps = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ mach = link_machines( eps, mach );
+ mkxtion( mach, finalst[mach] );
+ return ( mach );
+ }
+/* mkor - make a machine that matches either one of two machines
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ *
+ * new = mkor( first, second );
+ *
+ * new - a machine which matches either first's pattern or second's
+ * first, second - machines whose patterns are to be or'ed (the | operator)
+ *
+ * note that first and second are both destroyed by the operation
+ * the code is rather convoluted because an attempt is made to minimize
+ * the number of epsilon states needed
+ */
+int mkor( first, second )
+int first, second;
+ {
+ int eps, orend;
+ if ( first == NIL )
+ return ( second );
+ else if ( second == NIL )
+ return ( first );
+ else
+ {
+ /* see comment in mkopt() about why we can't use the first state
+ * of "first" or "second" if they satisfy "FREE_EPSILON"
+ */
+ eps = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ first = link_machines( eps, first );
+ mkxtion( first, second );
+ if ( SUPER_FREE_EPSILON(finalst[first]) &&
+ accptnum[finalst[first]] == NIL )
+ {
+ orend = finalst[first];
+ mkxtion( finalst[second], orend );
+ }
+ else if ( SUPER_FREE_EPSILON(finalst[second]) &&
+ accptnum[finalst[second]] == NIL )
+ {
+ orend = finalst[second];
+ mkxtion( finalst[first], orend );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eps = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ first = link_machines( first, eps );
+ orend = finalst[first];
+ mkxtion( finalst[second], orend );
+ }
+ }
+ finalst[first] = orend;
+ return ( first );
+ }
+/* mkposcl - convert a machine into a positive closure
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * new = mkposcl( state );
+ *
+ * new - a machine matching the positive closure of "state"
+ */
+int mkposcl( state )
+int state;
+ {
+ int eps;
+ if ( SUPER_FREE_EPSILON(finalst[state]) )
+ {
+ mkxtion( finalst[state], state );
+ return ( state );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eps = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ mkxtion( eps, state );
+ return ( link_machines( state, eps ) );
+ }
+ }
+/* mkrep - make a replicated machine
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * new = mkrep( mach, lb, ub );
+ *
+ * new - a machine that matches whatever "mach" matched from "lb"
+ * number of times to "ub" number of times
+ *
+ * note
+ * if "ub" is INFINITY then "new" matches "lb" or more occurances of "mach"
+ */
+int mkrep( mach, lb, ub )
+int mach, lb, ub;
+ {
+ int base, tail, copy, i;
+ base = copysingl( mach, lb - 1 );
+ if ( ub == INFINITY )
+ {
+ copy = dupmachine( mach );
+ mach = link_machines( mach, link_machines( base, mkclos( copy ) ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tail = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ for ( i = lb; i < ub; ++i )
+ {
+ copy = dupmachine( mach );
+ tail = mkopt( link_machines( copy, tail ) );
+ }
+ mach = link_machines( mach, link_machines( base, tail ) );
+ }
+ return ( mach );
+ }
+/* mkstate - create a state with a transition on a given symbol
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ *
+ * state = mkstate( sym );
+ *
+ * state - a new state matching sym
+ * sym - the symbol the new state is to have an out-transition on
+ *
+ * note that this routine makes new states in ascending order through the
+ * state array (and increments LASTNFA accordingly). The routine DUPMACHINE
+ * relies on machines being made in ascending order and that they are
+ * CONTIGUOUS. Change it and you will have to rewrite DUPMACHINE (kludge
+ * that it admittedly is)
+ */
+int mkstate( sym )
+int sym;
+ {
+ if ( ++lastnfa >= current_mns )
+ {
+ if ( (current_mns += MNS_INCREMENT) >= MAXIMUM_MNS )
+ lerrif( "input rules are too complicated (>= %d NFA states)",
+ current_mns );
+ ++num_reallocs;
+ transchar = reallocate_integer_array( transchar, current_mns );
+ trans1 = reallocate_integer_array( trans1, current_mns );
+ trans2 = reallocate_integer_array( trans2, current_mns );
+ accptnum = reallocate_integer_array( accptnum, current_mns );
+ firstst = reallocate_integer_array( firstst, current_mns );
+ finalst = reallocate_integer_array( finalst, current_mns );
+ lastst = reallocate_integer_array( lastst, current_mns );
+ }
+ transchar[lastnfa] = sym;
+ trans1[lastnfa] = NO_TRANSITION;
+ trans2[lastnfa] = NO_TRANSITION;
+ accptnum[lastnfa] = NIL;
+ firstst[lastnfa] = lastnfa;
+ finalst[lastnfa] = lastnfa;
+ lastst[lastnfa] = lastnfa;
+ /* fix up equivalence classes base on this transition. Note that any
+ * character which has its own transition gets its own equivalence class.
+ * Thus only characters which are only in character classes have a chance
+ * at being in the same equivalence class. E.g. "a|b" puts 'a' and 'b'
+ * into two different equivalence classes. "[ab]" puts them in the same
+ * equivalence class (barring other differences elsewhere in the input).
+ */
+ if ( sym < 0 )
+ {
+ /* we don't have to update the equivalence classes since that was
+ * already done when the ccl was created for the first time
+ */
+ }
+ else if ( sym == SYM_EPSILON )
+ ++numeps;
+ else
+ {
+ if ( useecs )
+ mkechar( sym, nextecm, ecgroup );
+ }
+ return ( lastnfa );
+ }
+/* mkxtion - make a transition from one state to another
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ *
+ * mkxtion( statefrom, stateto );
+ *
+ * statefrom - the state from which the transition is to be made
+ * stateto - the state to which the transition is to be made
+ */
+mkxtion( statefrom, stateto )
+int statefrom, stateto;
+ {
+ if ( trans1[statefrom] == NO_TRANSITION )
+ trans1[statefrom] = stateto;
+ else if ( (transchar[statefrom] != SYM_EPSILON) ||
+ (trans2[statefrom] != NO_TRANSITION) )
+ lexfatal( "found too many transitions in mkxtion()" );
+ else
+ { /* second out-transition for an epsilon state */
+ ++eps2;
+ trans2[statefrom] = stateto;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/parse.y b/parse.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5cb379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parse.y
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+/* lexparse.y - parser for flex input */
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ */
+#include "flexdef.h"
+int pat, scnum, eps, headcnt, trailcnt, anyccl, lastchar, i, actvp, rulelen;
+int trlcontxt, xcluflg, cclsorted, varlength;
+char clower();
+static int madeany = false; /* whether we've made the '.' character class */
+goal : initlex sect1 sect1end sect2
+ ;
+initlex :
+ {
+ /* initialize for processing rules */
+ /* create default DFA start condition */
+ scinstal( "0", false );
+ }
+ ;
+sect1 : sect1 startconddecl WHITESPACE namelist1 '\n'
+ |
+ | error '\n'
+ { synerr( "unknown error processing section 1" ); }
+ ;
+sect1end : SECTEND
+ ;
+startconddecl : SCDECL
+ {
+ /* these productions are separate from the s1object
+ * rule because the semantics must be done before
+ * we parse the remainder of an s1object
+ */
+ xcluflg = false;
+ }
+ { xcluflg = true; }
+ ;
+namelist1 : namelist1 WHITESPACE NAME
+ { scinstal( nmstr, xcluflg ); }
+ | NAME
+ { scinstal( nmstr, xcluflg ); }
+ | error
+ { synerr( "bad start condition list" ); }
+ ;
+sect2 : sect2 initforrule lexrule '\n'
+ |
+ ;
+initforrule :
+ {
+ /* initialize for a parse of one rule */
+ trlcontxt = varlength = false;
+ trailcnt = headcnt = rulelen = 0;
+ }
+ ;
+lexrule : scon '^' re eol
+ {
+ pat = link_machines( $3, $4 );
+ add_accept( pat, headcnt, trailcnt );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= actvp; ++i )
+ scbol[actvsc[i]] = mkbranch( scbol[actvsc[i]], pat );
+ }
+ | scon re eol
+ {
+ pat = link_machines( $2, $3 );
+ add_accept( pat, headcnt, trailcnt );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= actvp; ++i )
+ scset[actvsc[i]] = mkbranch( scset[actvsc[i]], pat );
+ }
+ | '^' re eol
+ {
+ pat = link_machines( $2, $3 );
+ add_accept( pat, headcnt, trailcnt );
+ /* add to all non-exclusive start conditions,
+ * including the default (0) start condition
+ */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= lastsc; ++i )
+ if ( ! scxclu[i] )
+ scbol[i] = mkbranch( scbol[i], pat );
+ }
+ | re eol
+ {
+ pat = link_machines( $1, $2 );
+ add_accept( pat, headcnt, trailcnt );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= lastsc; ++i )
+ if ( ! scxclu[i] )
+ scset[i] = mkbranch( scset[i], pat );
+ }
+ | error
+ { synerr( "unrecognized rule" ); }
+ ;
+scon : '<' namelist2 '>'
+ ;
+namelist2 : namelist2 ',' NAME
+ {
+ if ( (scnum = sclookup( nmstr )) == 0 )
+ synerr( "undeclared start condition" );
+ else
+ actvsc[++actvp] = scnum;
+ }
+ | NAME
+ {
+ if ( (scnum = sclookup( nmstr )) == 0 )
+ synerr( "undeclared start condition" );
+ else
+ actvsc[actvp = 1] = scnum;
+ }
+ | error
+ { synerr( "bad start condition list" ); }
+ ;
+eol : '$'
+ {
+ if ( trlcontxt )
+ {
+ synerr( "trailing context used twice" );
+ $$ = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ trlcontxt = true;
+ if ( ! varlength )
+ headcnt = rulelen;
+ ++rulelen;
+ trailcnt = 1;
+ eps = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ $$ = link_machines( eps, mkstate( '\n' ) );
+ }
+ }
+ |
+ {
+ $$ = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ if ( trlcontxt )
+ {
+ if ( varlength && headcnt == 0 )
+ /* both head and trail are variable-length */
+ synerr( "illegal trailing context" );
+ else
+ trailcnt = rulelen;
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+re : re '|' series
+ {
+ varlength = true;
+ $$ = mkor( $1, $3 );
+ }
+ | re2 series
+ { $$ = link_machines( $1, $2 ); }
+ | series
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+re2 : re '/'
+ {
+ /* this rule is separate from the others for "re" so
+ * that the reduction will occur before the trailing
+ * series is parsed
+ */
+ if ( trlcontxt )
+ synerr( "trailing context used twice" );
+ else
+ trlcontxt = true;
+ if ( varlength )
+ /* the trailing context had better be fixed-length */
+ varlength = false;
+ else
+ headcnt = rulelen;
+ rulelen = 0;
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ ;
+series : series singleton
+ {
+ /* this is where concatenation of adjacent patterns
+ * gets done
+ */
+ $$ = link_machines( $1, $2 );
+ }
+ | singleton
+ { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+singleton : singleton '*'
+ {
+ varlength = true;
+ $$ = mkclos( $1 );
+ }
+ | singleton '+'
+ {
+ varlength = true;
+ $$ = mkposcl( $1 );
+ }
+ | singleton '?'
+ {
+ varlength = true;
+ $$ = mkopt( $1 );
+ }
+ | singleton '{' NUMBER ',' NUMBER '}'
+ {
+ varlength = true;
+ if ( $3 > $5 || $3 <= 0 )
+ {
+ synerr( "bad iteration values" );
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ else
+ $$ = mkrep( $1, $3, $5 );
+ }
+ | singleton '{' NUMBER ',' '}'
+ {
+ varlength = true;
+ if ( $3 <= 0 )
+ {
+ synerr( "iteration value must be positive" );
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ else
+ $$ = mkrep( $1, $3, INFINITY );
+ }
+ | singleton '{' NUMBER '}'
+ {
+ rulelen = rulelen + $3;
+ if ( $3 <= 0 )
+ {
+ synerr( "iteration value must be positive" );
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ else
+ $$ = link_machines( $1, copysingl( $1, $3 - 1 ) );
+ }
+ | '.'
+ {
+ if ( ! madeany )
+ {
+ /* create the '.' character class */
+ anyccl = cclinit();
+ ccladd( anyccl, '\n' );
+ cclnegate( anyccl );
+ if ( useecs )
+ mkeccl( ccltbl + cclmap[anyccl],
+ ccllen[anyccl], nextecm,
+ ecgroup, CSIZE );
+ madeany = true;
+ }
+ ++rulelen;
+ $$ = mkstate( -anyccl );
+ }
+ | fullccl
+ {
+ if ( ! cclsorted )
+ /* sort characters for fast searching. We use a
+ * shell sort since this list could be large.
+ */
+ cshell( ccltbl + cclmap[$1], ccllen[$1] );
+ if ( useecs )
+ mkeccl( ccltbl + cclmap[$1], ccllen[$1],
+ nextecm, ecgroup, CSIZE );
+ ++rulelen;
+ $$ = mkstate( -$1 );
+ }
+ {
+ ++rulelen;
+ $$ = mkstate( -$1 );
+ }
+ | '"' string '"'
+ { $$ = $2; }
+ | '(' re ')'
+ { $$ = $2; }
+ | CHAR
+ {
+ ++rulelen;
+ if ( $1 == '\0' )
+ synerr( "null in rule" );
+ if ( caseins && $1 >= 'A' && $1 <= 'Z' )
+ $1 = clower( $1 );
+ $$ = mkstate( $1 );
+ }
+ ;
+fullccl : '[' ccl ']'
+ { $$ = $2; }
+ | '[' '^' ccl ']'
+ {
+ /* *Sigh* - to be compatible Unix lex, negated ccls
+ * match newlines
+ */
+#ifdef NOTDEF
+ ccladd( $3, '\n' ); /* negated ccls don't match '\n' */
+ cclsorted = false; /* because we added the newline */
+ cclnegate( $3 );
+ $$ = $3;
+ }
+ ;
+ccl : ccl CHAR '-' CHAR
+ {
+ if ( $2 > $4 )
+ synerr( "negative range in character class" );
+ else
+ {
+ if ( caseins )
+ {
+ if ( $2 >= 'A' && $2 <= 'Z' )
+ $2 = clower( $2 );
+ if ( $4 >= 'A' && $4 <= 'Z' )
+ $4 = clower( $4 );
+ }
+ for ( i = $2; i <= $4; ++i )
+ ccladd( $1, i );
+ /* keep track if this ccl is staying in alphabetical
+ * order
+ */
+ cclsorted = cclsorted && ($2 > lastchar);
+ lastchar = $4;
+ }
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ | ccl CHAR
+ {
+ if ( caseins )
+ if ( $2 >= 'A' && $2 <= 'Z' )
+ $2 = clower( $2 );
+ ccladd( $1, $2 );
+ cclsorted = cclsorted && ($2 > lastchar);
+ lastchar = $2;
+ $$ = $1;
+ }
+ |
+ {
+ cclsorted = true;
+ lastchar = 0;
+ $$ = cclinit();
+ }
+ ;
+string : string CHAR
+ {
+ if ( caseins )
+ if ( $2 >= 'A' && $2 <= 'Z' )
+ $2 = clower( $2 );
+ ++rulelen;
+ $$ = link_machines( $1, mkstate( $2 ) );
+ }
+ |
+ { $$ = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON ); }
+ ;
+/* synerr - report a syntax error
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char str[];
+ * synerr( str );
+ */
+synerr( str )
+char str[];
+ {
+ syntaxerror = true;
+ fprintf( stderr, "Syntax error at line %d: %s\n", linenum, str );
+ }
+/* yyerror - eat up an error message from the parser
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char msg[];
+ * yyerror( msg );
+ */
+yyerror( msg )
+char msg[];
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/scan.l b/scan.l
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f344dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scan.l
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+/* flexscan.l - scanner for flex input */
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ */
+#include "flexdef.h"
+#include "strings.h"
+#include ""
+#undef YYDECL
+#define YYDECL \
+ int lexscan()
+#undef yywrap
+#define yywrap(result) \
+ { \
+ if ( ! did_second_skelout ) \
+ skelout(); \
+ result = 1; \
+ }
+#define RETURNCHAR \
+ yylval = yytext[0]; \
+ return ( CHAR );
+#define RETURNNAME \
+ (void) strcpy( nmstr, yytext ); \
+ return ( NAME );
+#define PUT_BACK_STRING(str, start) \
+ for ( i = strlen( str ) - 1; i >= start; --i ) \
+ unput(str[i])
+WS [ \t]+
+OPTWS [ \t]*
+NAME [a-z_][a-z_0-9]*
+ESCSEQ \\([^^\n]|"^".|0[0-9]{1,3})
+ static int bracelevel;
+ int i, cclval;
+ char nmdef[MAXLINE], myesc();
+ static int didadef, did_second_skelout = false;
+^{WS}.*\n ++linenum; ECHO; /* indented code */
+^#.*\n ++linenum; ECHO; /* either a Ratfor comment or a CPP directive */
+^"%s"(tart)? return ( SCDECL );
+^"%x" return ( XSCDECL );
+^"%{".*\n ++linenum; line_directive_out(); BEGIN(CODEBLOCK);
+{WS} return ( WHITESPACE );
+^"%%".* {
+ sectnum = 2;
+ skelout();
+ line_directive_out();
+ return ( SECTEND );
+ }
+^"%"[^sx{%].*\n {
+ fprintf( stderr,
+ "old-style lex command at line %d ignored:\n\t%s",
+ linenum, yytext );
+ ++linenum;
+ }
+^{NAME} {
+ (void) strcpy( nmstr, yytext );
+ didadef = false;
+ }
+^{OPTWS}\n ++linenum; /* allows blank lines in section 1 */
+\n ++linenum; return ( '\n' );
+. synerr( "illegal character" ); BEGIN(RECOVER);
+<C_COMMENT>"*/".*\n ++linenum; ECHO; BEGIN(0);
+<C_COMMENT>[^*\n]+ ECHO;
+<C_COMMENT>\n ++linenum; ECHO;
+<CODEBLOCK>^"%}".*\n ++linenum; BEGIN(0);
+<CODEBLOCK>.*\n ++linenum; ECHO;
+<PICKUPDEF>{WS} /* separates name and definition */
+<PICKUPDEF>[^ \t\n].* {
+ (void) strcpy( nmdef, yytext );
+ for ( i = strlen( nmdef ) - 1;
+ i >= 0 &&
+ nmdef[i] == ' ' || nmdef[i] == '\t';
+ --i )
+ ;
+ nmdef[i + 1] = '\0';
+ ndinstal( nmstr, nmdef );
+ didadef = true;
+ }
+ if ( ! didadef )
+ synerr( "incomplete name definition" );
+ BEGIN(0);
+ ++linenum;
+ }
+<RECOVER>.*\n ++linenum; RETURNNAME;
+<SECT2PROLOG>.*\n/[^ \t\n] {
+ ++linenum;
+ skelout();
+ did_second_skelout = true;
+ }
+<SECT2PROLOG>.*\n ++linenum; ECHO;
+<SECT2>^{OPTWS}\n ++linenum; /* allow blank lines in section 2 */
+<SECT2>^{WS}.*\n {
+ synerr( "indented code found outside of action" );
+ ++linenum;
+ }
+<SECT2>"<" BEGIN(SC); return ( '<' );
+<SECT2>^"^" return ( '^' );
+<SECT2>\" BEGIN(QUOTE); return ( '"' );
+<SECT2>"{"/[0-9] BEGIN(NUM); return ( '{' );
+<SECT2>"{"[^0-9\n][^}\n]* BEGIN(BRACEERROR);
+<SECT2>"$"/[ \t\n] return ( '$' );
+<SECT2>{WS}"%{" {
+ bracelevel = 1;
+ return ( '\n' );
+ }
+<SECT2>{WS}"|".*\n ++linenum; return ( '\n' );
+<SECT2>{WS} |
+<SECT2>{OPTWS}/\n {
+ bracelevel = 0;
+ return ( '\n' );
+ }
+<SECT2>^{OPTWS}\n ++linenum; return ( '\n' );
+<SECT2>^"%%".* {
+ /* guarentee that the SECT3 rule will have something
+ * to match
+ */
+ yyless(1);
+ sectnum = 3;
+ return ( EOF ); /* to stop the parser */
+ }
+<SECT2>"["([^\\\]\n]|{ESCSEQ})+"]" {
+ (void) strcpy( nmstr, yytext );
+ /* check to see if we've already encountered this ccl */
+ if ( (cclval = ccllookup( nmstr )) )
+ {
+ yylval = cclval;
+ ++cclreuse;
+ return ( PREVCCL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* we fudge a bit. We know that this ccl will
+ * soon be numbered as lastccl + 1 by cclinit
+ */
+ cclinstal( nmstr, lastccl + 1 );
+ /* push back everything but the leading bracket
+ * so the ccl can be rescanned
+ */
+ PUT_BACK_STRING(nmstr, 1);
+ return ( '[' );
+ }
+ }
+<SECT2>"{"{NAME}"}" {
+ register char *nmdefptr;
+ char *ndlookup();
+ (void) strcpy( nmstr, yytext );
+ nmstr[yyleng - 1] = '\0'; /* chop trailing brace */
+ /* lookup from "nmstr + 1" to chop leading brace */
+ if ( ! (nmdefptr = ndlookup( nmstr + 1 )) )
+ synerr( "undefined {name}" );
+ else
+ { /* push back name surrounded by ()'s */
+ unput(')');
+ PUT_BACK_STRING(nmdefptr, 0);
+ unput('(');
+ }
+ }
+<SECT2>[/|*+?.()] return ( yytext[0] );
+<SECT2>\n ++linenum; return ( '\n' );
+<SC>"," return ( ',' );
+<SC>">" BEGIN(SECT2); return ( '>' );
+<SC>">"/"^" BEGIN(CARETISBOL); return ( '>' );
+<SC>. synerr( "bad start condition name" );
+<CARETISBOL>"^" BEGIN(SECT2); return ( '^' );
+<QUOTE>\" BEGIN(SECT2); return ( '"' );
+<QUOTE>\n {
+ synerr( "missing quote" );
+ ++linenum;
+ return ( '"' );
+ }
+<FIRSTCCL>"^"/[^-\n] BEGIN(CCL); return ( '^' );
+<FIRSTCCL>"^"/- return ( '^' );
+<FIRSTCCL>- BEGIN(CCL); yylval = '-'; return ( CHAR );
+<CCL>-/[^\]\n] return ( '-' );
+<CCL>"]" BEGIN(SECT2); return ( ']' );
+<NUM>[0-9]+ {
+ yylval = myctoi( yytext );
+ return ( NUMBER );
+ }
+<NUM>"," return ( ',' );
+<NUM>"}" BEGIN(SECT2); return ( '}' );
+<NUM>. {
+ synerr( "bad character inside {}'s" );
+ return ( '}' );
+ }
+<NUM>\n {
+ synerr( "missing }" );
+ ++linenum;
+ return ( '}' );
+ }
+<BRACEERROR>"}" synerr( "bad name in {}'s" ); BEGIN(SECT2);
+<BRACEERROR>\n synerr( "missing }" ); ++linenum; BEGIN(SECT2);
+<PERCENT_BRACE_ACTION>{OPTWS}"%}".* bracelevel = 0;
+ ++linenum;
+ if ( bracelevel == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( genftl )
+ puts( "\tbreak;" );
+ }
+ }
+<ACTION>"{" ECHO; ++bracelevel;
+<ACTION>"}" ECHO; --bracelevel;
+<ACTION>[^{}"'/\n]+ ECHO;
+<ACTION>"'"([^'\\\n]|\\.)*"'" ECHO; /* character constant */
+<ACTION>\n {
+ ++linenum;
+ if ( bracelevel == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( genftl )
+ puts( "\tbreak;" );
+ }
+ }
+<ACTION_COMMENT>\n ++linenum; ECHO;
+<ACTION_STRING>\n ++linenum; ECHO;
+ yylval = myesc( yytext );
+ return ( CHAR );
+ }
+ yylval = myesc( yytext );
+ return ( CHAR );
+ }
+<SECT3>.|\n {
+ register int numchars;
+ /* black magic - we know the names of a lex scanner's
+ * internal variables. We cap the input buffer with
+ * an end-of-string and dump it to the output.
+ */
+ YYDOBEFORESCAN; /* recover from setting up yytext */
+ yychbuf[yyebufp + 1] = '\0';
+ /* ignore the first character; it's the second '%'
+ * put back by the yyless(1) above
+ */
+ fputs( yychbuf + yycbufp + 1, stdout );
+ /* if we don't do this, the data written by write()
+ * can get overwritten when stdout is finally flushed
+ */
+ (void) fflush( stdout );
+ while ( (numchars = read( fileno(yyin), yychbuf,
+ YYBUFMAX )) > 0 )
+ (void) write( fileno(stdout), yychbuf, numchars );
+ if ( numchars < 0 )
+ lexerror( "fatal read error in section 3" );
+ return ( EOF );
+ }
diff --git a/sym.c b/sym.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af50831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sym.c
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* lexsym - symbol table routines */
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ */
+#include "flexdef.h"
+struct hash_entry *ndtbl[NAME_TABLE_HASH_SIZE];
+struct hash_entry *sctbl[START_COND_HASH_SIZE];
+struct hash_entry *ccltab[CCL_HASH_SIZE];
+/* addsym - add symbol and definition to symbol table
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char sym[], def[];
+ * hash_table table;
+ * int table_size;
+ * -1/0 = addsym( sym, def, table, table_size );
+ *
+ * -1 is returned if the symbol already exists, and the change not made.
+ */
+int addsym( sym, def, table, table_size )
+register char sym[];
+char def[];
+hash_table table;
+int table_size;
+ {
+ int hash_val = hashfunct( sym, table_size );
+ register struct hash_entry *entry = table[hash_val];
+ register struct hash_entry *new_entry;
+ register struct hash_entry *successor;
+ char *malloc();
+ while ( entry )
+ {
+ if ( ! strcmp( sym, entry->name ) )
+ { /* entry already exists */
+ return ( -1 );
+ }
+ entry = entry->next;
+ }
+ /* create new entry */
+ new_entry = (struct hash_entry *) malloc( sizeof( struct hash_entry ) );
+ if ( new_entry == NULL )
+ lexfatal( "symbol table memory allocation failed" );
+ if ( (successor = table[hash_val]) )
+ {
+ new_entry->next = successor;
+ successor->prev = new_entry;
+ }
+ else
+ new_entry->next = NULL;
+ new_entry->prev = NULL;
+ new_entry->name = sym;
+ new_entry->val = def;
+ table[hash_val] = new_entry;
+ return ( 0 );
+ }
+/* cclinstal - save the text of a character class
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char ccltxt[];
+ * int cclnum;
+ * cclinstal( ccltxt, cclnum );
+ */
+cclinstal( ccltxt, cclnum )
+char ccltxt[];
+int cclnum;
+ {
+ /* we don't bother checking the return status because we are not called
+ * unless the symbol is new
+ */
+ char *copy_string();
+ (void) addsym( copy_string( ccltxt ), (char *) cclnum,
+ ccltab, CCL_HASH_SIZE );
+ }
+/* ccllookup - lookup the number associated with character class text
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char ccltxt[];
+ * int ccllookup, cclval;
+ * cclval/0 = ccllookup( ccltxt );
+ */
+int ccllookup( ccltxt )
+char ccltxt[];
+ {
+ char *getdef();
+ return ( (int) getdef( ccltxt, ccltab, CCL_HASH_SIZE ) );
+ }
+/* findsym - find symbol in symbol table
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char sym[];
+ * hash_table table;
+ * int table_size;
+ * struct hash_entry *entry, *findsym();
+ * entry = findsym( sym, table, table_size );
+ */
+struct hash_entry *findsym( sym, table, table_size )
+register char sym[];
+hash_table table;
+int table_size;
+ {
+ register struct hash_entry *entry = table[hashfunct( sym, table_size )];
+ while ( entry )
+ {
+ if ( ! strcmp( sym, entry->name ) )
+ return ( entry );
+ entry = entry->next;
+ }
+ return ( NULL );
+ }
+/* getdef - get symbol definition from symbol table
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char sym[];
+ * hash_table table;
+ * int table_size;
+ * char *def, *getdef();
+ * def = getdef( sym, table, table_size );
+ */
+char *getdef( sym, table, table_size )
+register char sym[];
+hash_table table;
+int table_size;
+ {
+ register struct hash_entry *entry = findsym( sym, table, table_size );
+ if ( entry )
+ return ( entry->val );
+ return ( NULL );
+ }
+/* hashfunct - compute the hash value for "str" and hash size "hash_size"
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char str[];
+ * int hash_size, hash_val;
+ * hash_val = hashfunct( str, hash_size );
+ */
+int hashfunct( str, hash_size )
+register char str[];
+int hash_size;
+ {
+ register int hashval;
+ register int locstr;
+ hashval = 0;
+ locstr = 0;
+ while ( str[locstr] )
+ hashval = ((hashval << 1) + str[locstr++]) % hash_size;
+ return ( hashval );
+ }
+/* ndinstal - install a name definition
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char nd[], def[];
+ * ndinstal( nd, def );
+ */
+ndinstal( nd, def )
+char nd[], def[];
+ {
+ char *copy_string();
+ if ( addsym( copy_string( nd ), copy_string( def ),
+ synerr( "name defined twice" );
+ }
+/* ndlookup - lookup a name definition
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char nd[], *def;
+ * char *ndlookup();
+ * def/NULL = ndlookup( nd );
+ */
+char *ndlookup( nd )
+char nd[];
+ {
+ char *getdef();
+ return ( getdef( nd, ndtbl, NAME_TABLE_HASH_SIZE ) );
+ }
+/* scinstal - make a start condition
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char str[];
+ * int xcluflg;
+ * scinstal( str, xcluflg );
+ *
+ * NOTE
+ * the start condition is Exclusive if xcluflg is true
+ */
+scinstal( str, xcluflg )
+char str[];
+int xcluflg;
+ {
+ char *copy_string();
+ if ( genftl )
+ {
+ /* bit of a hack. We know how the default start-condition is
+ * declared, and don't put out a define for it, because it
+ * would come out as "#define 0 1"
+ */
+ if ( strcmp( str, "0" ) )
+ printf( "#define %s %d\n", str, lastsc * 2 );
+ }
+ else
+ printf( "define(YYLEX_SC_%s,%d)\n", str, lastsc * 2 );
+ if ( ++lastsc >= current_max_scs )
+ {
+ current_max_scs += MAX_SCS_INCREMENT;
+ ++num_reallocs;
+ scset = reallocate_integer_array( scset, current_max_scs );
+ scbol = reallocate_integer_array( scbol, current_max_scs );
+ scxclu = reallocate_integer_array( scxclu, current_max_scs );
+ actvsc = reallocate_integer_array( actvsc, current_max_scs );
+ }
+ if ( addsym( copy_string( str ), (char *) lastsc,
+ lerrsf( "start condition %s declared twice", str );
+ scset[lastsc] = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ scbol[lastsc] = mkstate( SYM_EPSILON );
+ scxclu[lastsc] = xcluflg;
+ }
+/* sclookup - lookup the number associated with a start condition
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * char str[], scnum;
+ * int sclookup;
+ * scnum/0 = sclookup( str );
+ */
+int sclookup( str )
+char str[];
+ {
+ return ( (int) getdef( str, sctbl, START_COND_HASH_SIZE ) );
+ }
diff --git a/tblcmp.c b/tblcmp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae9bfd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tblcmp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1324 @@
+/* lexcmp - table compression routines */
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ */
+#include "flexdef.h"
+/* bldtbl - build table entries for dfa state
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int state[numecs], statenum, totaltrans, comstate, comfreq;
+ * bldtbl( state, statenum, totaltrans, comstate, comfreq );
+ *
+ * State is the statenum'th dfa state. It is indexed by equivalence class and
+ * gives the number of the state to enter for a given equivalence class.
+ * totaltrans is the total number of transitions out of the state. Comstate
+ * is that state which is the destination of the most transitions out of State.
+ * Comfreq is how many transitions there are out of State to Comstate.
+ *
+ * A note on terminology:
+ * "protos" are transition tables which have a high probability of
+ * either being redundant (a state processed later will have an identical
+ * transition table) or nearly redundant (a state processed later will have
+ * many of the same out-transitions). A "most recently used" queue of
+ * protos is kept around with the hope that most states will find a proto
+ * which is similar enough to be usable, and therefore compacting the
+ * output tables.
+ * "templates" are a special type of proto. If a transition table is
+ * homogenous or nearly homogenous (all transitions go to the same destination)
+ * then the odds are good that future states will also go to the same destination
+ * state on basically the same character set. These homogenous states are
+ * so common when dealing with large rule sets that they merit special
+ * attention. If the transition table were simply made into a proto, then
+ * (typically) each subsequent, similar state will differ from the proto
+ * for two out-transitions. One of these out-transitions will be that
+ * character on which the proto does not go to the common destination,
+ * and one will be that character on which the state does not go to the
+ * common destination. Templates, on the other hand, go to the common
+ * state on EVERY transition character, and therefore cost only one
+ * difference.
+ */
+bldtbl( state, statenum, totaltrans, comstate, comfreq )
+int state[], statenum, totaltrans, comstate, comfreq;
+ {
+ int extptr, extrct[2][CSIZE + 1];
+ int mindiff, minprot, i, d;
+ int checkcom;
+ /* If extptr is 0 then the first array of extrct holds the result of the
+ * "best difference" to date, which is those transitions which occur in
+ * "state" but not in the proto which, to date, has the fewest differences
+ * between itself and "state". If extptr is 1 then the second array of
+ * extrct hold the best difference. The two arrays are toggled
+ * between so that the best difference to date can be kept around and
+ * also a difference just created by checking against a candidate "best"
+ * proto.
+ */
+ extptr = 0;
+ /* if the state has too few out-transitions, don't bother trying to
+ * compact its tables
+ */
+ if ( (totaltrans * 100) < (numecs * PROTO_SIZE_PERCENTAGE) )
+ mkentry( state, numecs, statenum, JAMSTATE, totaltrans );
+ else
+ {
+ /* checkcom is true if we should only check "state" against
+ * protos which have the same "comstate" value
+ */
+ checkcom = comfreq * 100 > totaltrans * CHECK_COM_PERCENTAGE;
+ minprot = firstprot;
+ mindiff = totaltrans;
+ if ( checkcom )
+ {
+ /* find first proto which has the same "comstate" */
+ for ( i = firstprot; i != NIL; i = protnext[i] )
+ if ( protcomst[i] == comstate )
+ {
+ minprot = i;
+ mindiff = tbldiff( state, minprot, extrct[extptr] );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* since we've decided that the most common destination out
+ * of "state" does not occur with a high enough frequency,
+ * we set the "comstate" to zero, assuring that if this state
+ * is entered into the proto list, it will not be considered
+ * a template.
+ */
+ comstate = 0;
+ if ( firstprot != NIL )
+ {
+ minprot = firstprot;
+ mindiff = tbldiff( state, minprot, extrct[extptr] );
+ }
+ }
+ /* we now have the first interesting proto in "minprot". If
+ * it matches within the tolerances set for the first proto,
+ * we don't want to bother scanning the rest of the proto list
+ * to see if we have any other reasonable matches.
+ */
+ if ( mindiff * 100 > totaltrans * FIRST_MATCH_DIFF_PERCENTAGE )
+ { /* not a good enough match. Scan the rest of the protos */
+ for ( i = minprot; i != NIL; i = protnext[i] )
+ {
+ d = tbldiff( state, i, extrct[1 - extptr] );
+ if ( d < mindiff )
+ {
+ extptr = 1 - extptr;
+ mindiff = d;
+ minprot = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* check if the proto we've decided on as our best bet is close
+ * enough to the state we want to match to be usable
+ */
+ if ( mindiff * 100 > totaltrans * ACCEPTABLE_DIFF_PERCENTAGE )
+ {
+ /* no good. If the state is homogeneous enough, we make a
+ * template out of it. Otherwise, we make a proto.
+ */
+ if ( comfreq * 100 >= totaltrans * TEMPLATE_SAME_PERCENTAGE )
+ mktemplate( state, statenum, comstate );
+ else
+ {
+ mkprot( state, statenum, comstate );
+ mkentry( state, numecs, statenum, JAMSTATE, totaltrans );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* use the proto */
+ mkentry( extrct[extptr], numecs, statenum,
+ prottbl[minprot], mindiff );
+ /* if this state was sufficiently different from the proto
+ * we built it from, make it, too, a proto
+ */
+ if ( mindiff * 100 >= totaltrans * NEW_PROTO_DIFF_PERCENTAGE )
+ mkprot( state, statenum, comstate );
+ /* since mkprot added a new proto to the proto queue, it's possible
+ * that "minprot" is no longer on the proto queue (if it happened
+ * to have been the last entry, it would have been bumped off).
+ * If it's not there, then the new proto took its physical place
+ * (though logically the new proto is at the beginning of the
+ * queue), so in that case the following call will do nothing.
+ */
+ mv2front( minprot );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* cmptmps - compress template table entries
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * cmptmps();
+ *
+ * template tables are compressed by using the 'template equivalence
+ * classes', which are collections of transition character equivalence
+ * classes which always appear together in templates - really meta-equivalence
+ * classes. until this point, the tables for templates have been stored
+ * up at the top end of the nxt array; they will now be compressed and have
+ * table entries made for them.
+ */
+ {
+ int tmpstorage[CSIZE + 1];
+ register int *tmp = tmpstorage, i, j;
+ int totaltrans, trans;
+ peakpairs = numtemps * numecs + tblend;
+ if ( usemecs )
+ {
+ /* create equivalence classes base on data gathered on template
+ * transitions
+ */
+ nummecs = cre8ecs( tecfwd, tecbck, numecs );
+ }
+ else
+ nummecs = numecs;
+ if ( lastdfa + numtemps + 1 >= current_max_dfas )
+ increase_max_dfas();
+ /* loop through each template */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= numtemps; ++i )
+ {
+ totaltrans = 0; /* number of non-jam transitions out of this template */
+ for ( j = 1; j <= numecs; ++j )
+ {
+ trans = tnxt[numecs * i + j];
+ if ( usemecs )
+ {
+ /* the absolute value of tecbck is the meta-equivalence class
+ * of a given equivalence class, as set up by cre8ecs
+ */
+ if ( tecbck[j] > 0 )
+ {
+ tmp[tecbck[j]] = trans;
+ if ( trans > 0 )
+ ++totaltrans;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmp[j] = trans;
+ if ( trans > 0 )
+ ++totaltrans;
+ }
+ }
+ /* it is assumed (in a rather subtle way) in the skeleton that
+ * if we're using meta-equivalence classes, the def[] entry for
+ * all templates is the jam template, i.e. templates never default
+ * to other non-jam table entries (e.g. another template)
+ */
+ /* leave room for the jam-state after the last real state */
+ mkentry( tmp, nummecs, lastdfa + i + 1, JAMSTATE, totaltrans );
+ }
+ }
+/* expand_nxt_chk - expand the next check arrays */
+ {
+ register int old_max = current_max_xpairs;
+ current_max_xpairs += MAX_XPAIRS_INCREMENT;
+ ++num_reallocs;
+ nxt = reallocate_integer_array( nxt, current_max_xpairs );
+ chk = reallocate_integer_array( chk, current_max_xpairs );
+ bzero( (char *) (chk + old_max),
+ MAX_XPAIRS_INCREMENT * sizeof( int ) / sizeof( char ) );
+ }
+/* gentabs - generate data statements for the transition tables
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * gentabs();
+ */
+ {
+ int i, j, k, numrows, *accset, nacc, *acc_array;
+ char clower();
+ /* *everything* is done in terms of arrays starting at 1, so provide
+ * a null entry for the zero element of all FTL arrays
+ */
+ static char ftl_long_decl[] = "static long int %c[%d] =\n { 0,\n";
+ static char ftl_short_decl[] = "static short int %c[%d] =\n { 0,\n";
+ static char ftl_char_decl[] = "static char %c[%d] =\n { 0,\n";
+ acc_array = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas );
+ nummt = 0;
+ if ( fulltbl )
+ jambase = lastdfa + 1; /* home of "jam" pseudo-state */
+ printf( "#define YYJAM %d\n", jamstate );
+ printf( "#define YYJAMBASE %d\n", jambase );
+ if ( usemecs )
+ printf( "#define YYTEMPLATE %d\n", lastdfa + 2 );
+#ifdef NOTDEF
+/* unsupported code */
+ if ( ! genftl )
+ { /* ratfor scanner */
+ static char vardata[] = "%%%sdata %s/%d/\n";
+ static char dindent[] = DATAINDENTSTR;
+ static char arydecl[] = "integer %c(%d)\n";
+ static char ary2decl[] = "integer %c(%d,%d)\n";
+ skelout();
+ if ( reject )
+ {
+ /* write out the pointers into the accepting lists for each state,
+ * and the accepting lists
+ */
+ /* alist needs to be lastdfa + 2 because we tell where a state's
+ * accepting list ends by checking the beginning of the next state,
+ * and there's an entry in alist for the default, "jam" pseudo-state
+ * (this latter entry is needed because states jam by making
+ * a transition to the state; see the flex skeleton. By the way,
+ * I *think* we could get rid of the jam state entirely by
+ * slight modification of the skeleton ...)
+ */
+ printf( arydecl, ALIST, lastdfa + 2 );
+ printf( arydecl, ACCEPT, max( numas, 1 ) );
+ }
+ else
+ printf( arydecl, ALIST, lastdfa + 1 );
+ if ( useecs )
+ printf( arydecl, ECARRAY, CSIZE );
+ if ( usemecs )
+ printf( arydecl, MATCHARRAY, numecs );
+ if ( fulltbl )
+ {
+ printf( ary2decl, NEXTARRAY, lastdfa, numecs );
+ printf( vardata, dindent, "yyjam", 0 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf( arydecl, BASEARRAY, lastdfa + numtemps );
+ printf( arydecl, DEFARRAY, lastdfa + numtemps );
+ printf( arydecl, NEXTARRAY, tblend );
+ printf( arydecl, CHECKARRAY, tblend );
+ printf( vardata, dindent, "yyjam", jambase );
+ /* the first template begins right after the default jam table,
+ * which itself begins right after the last dfa
+ */
+ printf( vardata, dindent, "yytmp", lastdfa + 2 );
+ }
+ }
+#endif NOTDEF
+ if ( reject )
+ {
+ /* write out accepting list and pointer list
+ * first we generate the ACCEPT array. In the process, we compute
+ * the indices that will go into the ALIST array, and save the
+ * indices in the dfaacc array
+ */
+ if ( genftl )
+ printf( accnum > 127 ? ftl_short_decl : ftl_char_decl,
+ ACCEPT, max( numas, 1 ) + 1 );
+ j = 1; /* index into ACCEPT array */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= lastdfa; ++i )
+ {
+ acc_array[i] = j;
+ if ( accsiz[i] != 0 )
+ {
+ accset = dfaacc[i];
+ nacc = accsiz[i];
+ if ( trace )
+ fprintf( stderr, "state # %d accepts: ", i );
+ for ( k = 1; k <= nacc; ++k )
+ {
+ mkdata( ACCEPT, j++, accset[k] );
+ if ( trace )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "[%d]", accset[k] );
+ if ( k < nacc )
+ fputs( ", ", stderr );
+ else
+ putc( '\n', stderr );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* add accepting number for the "jam" state */
+ acc_array[i] = j;
+ dataend();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for ( i = 1; i <= lastdfa; ++i )
+ acc_array[i] = (int) dfaacc[i];
+ acc_array[i] = 0; /* add (null) accepting number for jam state */
+ }
+ /* spit out ALIST array. If we're doing "reject", it'll be pointers
+ * into the ACCEPT array. Otherwise it's actual accepting numbers.
+ * In either case, we just dump the numbers.
+ */
+ if ( genftl )
+ {
+ /* "lastdfa + 2" is the size of ALIST; includes room for FTL arrays
+ * beginning at 0 and for "jam" state
+ */
+ k = lastdfa + 2;
+ if ( reject )
+ /* we put a "cap" on the table associating lists of accepting
+ * numbers with state numbers. This is needed because we tell
+ * where the end of an accepting list is by looking at where
+ * the list for the next state starts.
+ */
+ ++k;
+ printf( ((reject && numas > 126) || accnum > 127) ?
+ ftl_short_decl : ftl_char_decl, ALIST, k );
+ }
+ for ( i = 1; i <= lastdfa; ++i )
+ {
+ mkdata( ALIST, i, acc_array[i] );
+ if ( ! reject && trace && acc_array[i] )
+ fprintf( stderr, "state # %d accepts: [%d]\n", i, acc_array[i] );
+ }
+ /* add entry for "jam" state */
+ mkdata( ALIST, i, acc_array[i] );
+ if ( reject )
+ /* add "cap" for the list */
+ mkdata( ALIST, i + 1, acc_array[i] );
+ dataend();
+ if ( useecs )
+ {
+ /* write out equivalence classes */
+ if ( genftl )
+ printf( ftl_char_decl, ECARRAY, CSIZE + 1 );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= CSIZE; ++i )
+ {
+ if ( caseins && (i >= 'A') && (i <= 'Z') )
+ ecgroup[i] = ecgroup[clower( i )];
+ ecgroup[i] = abs( ecgroup[i] );
+ mkdata( ECARRAY, i, ecgroup[i] );
+ }
+ dataend();
+ if ( trace )
+ {
+ fputs( "\n\nEquivalence Classes:\n\n", stderr );
+ numrows = (CSIZE + 1) / 8;
+ for ( j = 1; j <= numrows; ++j )
+ {
+ for ( i = j; i <= CSIZE; i = i + numrows )
+ {
+ if ( i >= 1 && i <= 31 )
+ fprintf( stderr, "^%c = %-2d",
+ 'A' + i - 1, ecgroup[i] );
+ else if ( i >= 32 && i <= 126 )
+ fprintf( stderr, " %c = %-2d", i, ecgroup[i] );
+ else if ( i == 127 )
+ fprintf( stderr, "^@ = %-2d", ecgroup[i] );
+ else
+ fprintf( stderr, "\nSomething Weird: %d = %d\n", i,
+ ecgroup[i] );
+ putc( '\t', stderr );
+ }
+ putc( '\n', stderr );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( usemecs )
+ {
+ /* write out meta-equivalence classes (used to index templates with) */
+ if ( trace )
+ fputs( "\n\nMeta-Equivalence Classes:\n", stderr );
+ if ( genftl )
+ printf( ftl_char_decl, MATCHARRAY, numecs + 1 );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= numecs; ++i )
+ {
+ if ( trace )
+ fprintf( stderr, "%d = %d\n", i, abs( tecbck[i] ) );
+ mkdata( MATCHARRAY, i, abs( tecbck[i] ) );
+ }
+ dataend();
+ }
+ if ( ! fulltbl )
+ {
+ int total_states = lastdfa + numtemps;
+ if ( genftl )
+ printf( tblend > 32766 ? ftl_long_decl : ftl_short_decl,
+ BASEARRAY, total_states + 1 );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= lastdfa; ++i )
+ {
+ register int d = def[i];
+ if ( base[i] == JAMSTATE )
+ base[i] = jambase;
+ if ( d == JAMSTATE )
+ def[i] = jamstate;
+ else if ( d < 0 )
+ {
+ /* template reference */
+ ++tmpuses;
+ def[i] = lastdfa - d + 1;
+ }
+ mkdata( BASEARRAY, i, base[i] );
+ }
+ /* generate jam state's base index */
+ mkdata( BASEARRAY, i, base[i] );
+ for ( ++i /* skip jam state */; i <= total_states; ++i )
+ {
+ mkdata( BASEARRAY, i, base[i] );
+ def[i] = jamstate;
+ }
+ dataend();
+ if ( genftl )
+ printf( tblend > 32766 ? ftl_long_decl : ftl_short_decl,
+ DEFARRAY, total_states + 1 );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= total_states; ++i )
+ mkdata( DEFARRAY, i, def[i] );
+ dataend();
+ if ( genftl )
+ printf( lastdfa > 32766 ? ftl_long_decl : ftl_short_decl,
+ NEXTARRAY, tblend + 1 );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= tblend; ++i )
+ {
+ if ( nxt[i] == 0 )
+ nxt[i] = jamstate; /* new state is the JAM state */
+ mkdata( NEXTARRAY, i, nxt[i] );
+ }
+ dataend();
+ if ( genftl )
+ printf( lastdfa > 32766 ? ftl_long_decl : ftl_short_decl,
+ CHECKARRAY, tblend + 1 );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= tblend; ++i )
+ {
+ if ( chk[i] == 0 )
+ ++nummt;
+ mkdata( CHECKARRAY, i, chk[i] );
+ }
+ dataend();
+ }
+ skelout();
+ /* copy remainder of input to output */
+ line_directive_out();
+ (void) lexscan(); /* copy remainder of input to output */
+ }
+/* inittbl - initialize transition tables
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * inittbl();
+ *
+ * Initializes "firstfree" to be one beyond the end of the table. Initializes
+ * all "chk" entries to be zero. Note that templates are built in their
+ * own tbase/tdef tables. They are shifted down to be contiguous
+ * with the non-template entries during table generation.
+ */
+ {
+ register int i;
+ bzero( (char *) chk, current_max_xpairs * sizeof( int ) / sizeof( char ) );
+ tblend = 0;
+ firstfree = tblend + 1;
+ numtemps = 0;
+ if ( usemecs )
+ {
+ /* set up doubly-linked meta-equivalence classes
+ * these are sets of equivalence classes which all have identical
+ * transitions out of TEMPLATES
+ */
+ tecbck[1] = NIL;
+ for ( i = 2; i <= numecs; ++i )
+ {
+ tecbck[i] = i - 1;
+ tecfwd[i - 1] = i;
+ }
+ tecfwd[numecs] = NIL;
+ }
+ }
+/* mkdeftbl - make the default, "jam" table entries
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * mkdeftbl();
+ */
+ {
+ int i;
+ jamstate = lastdfa + 1;
+ if ( tblend + numecs > current_max_xpairs )
+ expand_nxt_chk();
+ for ( i = 1; i <= numecs; ++i )
+ {
+ nxt[tblend + i] = 0;
+ chk[tblend + i] = jamstate;
+ }
+ jambase = tblend;
+ base[jamstate] = jambase;
+ /* should generate a run-time array bounds check if
+ * ever used as a default
+ */
+ def[jamstate] = BAD_SUBSCRIPT;
+ tblend += numecs;
+ ++numtemps;
+ }
+/* mkentry - create base/def and nxt/chk entries for transition array
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int state[numchars + 1], numchars, statenum, deflink, totaltrans;
+ * mkentry( state, numchars, statenum, deflink, totaltrans );
+ *
+ * "state" is a transition array "numchars" characters in size, "statenum"
+ * is the offset to be used into the base/def tables, and "deflink" is the
+ * entry to put in the "def" table entry. If "deflink" is equal to
+ * "JAMSTATE", then no attempt will be made to fit zero entries of "state"
+ * (i.e. jam entries) into the table. It is assumed that by linking to
+ * "JAMSTATE" they will be taken care of. In any case, entries in "state"
+ * marking transitions to "SAME_TRANS" are treated as though they will be
+ * taken care of by whereever "deflink" points. "totaltrans" is the total
+ * number of transitions out of the state. If it is below a certain threshold,
+ * the tables are searched for an interior spot that will accomodate the
+ * state array.
+ */
+mkentry( state, numchars, statenum, deflink, totaltrans )
+register int *state;
+int numchars, statenum, deflink, totaltrans;
+ {
+ register int minec, maxec, i, baseaddr;
+ int tblbase, tbllast;
+ if ( totaltrans == 0 )
+ { /* there are no out-transitions */
+ if ( deflink == JAMSTATE )
+ base[statenum] = JAMSTATE;
+ else
+ base[statenum] = 0;
+ def[statenum] = deflink;
+ return;
+ }
+ for ( minec = 1; minec <= numchars; ++minec )
+ {
+ if ( state[minec] != SAME_TRANS )
+ if ( state[minec] != 0 || deflink != JAMSTATE )
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( totaltrans == 1 )
+ {
+ /* there's only one out-transition. Save it for later to fill
+ * in holes in the tables.
+ */
+ stack1( statenum, minec, state[minec], deflink );
+ return;
+ }
+ for ( maxec = numchars; maxec > 0; --maxec )
+ {
+ if ( state[maxec] != SAME_TRANS )
+ if ( state[maxec] != 0 || deflink != JAMSTATE )
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Whether we try to fit the state table in the middle of the table
+ * entries we have already generated, or if we just take the state
+ * table at the end of the nxt/chk tables, we must make sure that we
+ * have a valid base address (i.e. non-negative). Note that not only are
+ * negative base addresses dangerous at run-time (because indexing the
+ * next array with one and a low-valued character might generate an
+ * array-out-of-bounds error message), but at compile-time negative
+ * base addresses denote TEMPLATES.
+ */
+ /* find the first transition of state that we need to worry about. */
+ if ( totaltrans * 100 <= numchars * INTERIOR_FIT_PERCENTAGE )
+ { /* attempt to squeeze it into the middle of the tabls */
+ baseaddr = firstfree;
+ while ( baseaddr < minec )
+ {
+ /* using baseaddr would result in a negative base address below
+ * find the next free slot
+ */
+ for ( ++baseaddr; chk[baseaddr] != 0; ++baseaddr )
+ ;
+ }
+ if ( baseaddr + maxec - minec >= current_max_xpairs )
+ expand_nxt_chk();
+ for ( i = minec; i <= maxec; ++i )
+ if ( state[i] != SAME_TRANS )
+ if ( state[i] != 0 || deflink != JAMSTATE )
+ if ( chk[baseaddr + i - minec] != 0 )
+ { /* baseaddr unsuitable - find another */
+ for ( ++baseaddr;
+ baseaddr < current_max_xpairs &&
+ chk[baseaddr] != 0;
+ ++baseaddr )
+ ;
+ if ( baseaddr + maxec - minec >= current_max_xpairs )
+ expand_nxt_chk();
+ /* reset the loop counter so we'll start all
+ * over again next time it's incremented
+ */
+ i = minec - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* ensure that the base address we eventually generate is
+ * non-negative
+ */
+ baseaddr = max( tblend + 1, minec );
+ }
+ tblbase = baseaddr - minec;
+ tbllast = tblbase + maxec;
+ if ( tbllast >= current_max_xpairs )
+ expand_nxt_chk();
+ base[statenum] = tblbase;
+ def[statenum] = deflink;
+ for ( i = minec; i <= maxec; ++i )
+ if ( state[i] != SAME_TRANS )
+ if ( state[i] != 0 || deflink != JAMSTATE )
+ {
+ nxt[tblbase + i] = state[i];
+ chk[tblbase + i] = statenum;
+ }
+ if ( baseaddr == firstfree )
+ /* find next free slot in tables */
+ for ( ++firstfree; chk[firstfree] != 0; ++firstfree )
+ ;
+ tblend = max( tblend, tbllast );
+ }
+/* mk1tbl - create table entries for a state (or state fragment) which
+ * has only one out-transition
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int state, sym, onenxt, onedef;
+ * mk1tbl( state, sym, onenxt, onedef );
+ */
+mk1tbl( state, sym, onenxt, onedef )
+int state, sym, onenxt, onedef;
+ {
+ if ( firstfree < sym )
+ firstfree = sym;
+ while ( chk[firstfree] != 0 )
+ if ( ++firstfree >= current_max_xpairs )
+ expand_nxt_chk();
+ base[state] = firstfree - sym;
+ def[state] = onedef;
+ chk[firstfree] = state;
+ nxt[firstfree] = onenxt;
+ if ( firstfree > tblend )
+ {
+ tblend = firstfree++;
+ if ( firstfree >= current_max_xpairs )
+ expand_nxt_chk();
+ }
+ }
+/* mkprot - create new proto entry
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int state[], statenum, comstate;
+ * mkprot( state, statenum, comstate );
+ */
+mkprot( state, statenum, comstate )
+int state[], statenum, comstate;
+ {
+ int i, slot, tblbase;
+ if ( ++numprots >= MSP || numecs * numprots >= PROT_SAVE_SIZE )
+ {
+ /* gotta make room for the new proto by dropping last entry in
+ * the queue
+ */
+ slot = lastprot;
+ lastprot = protprev[lastprot];
+ protnext[lastprot] = NIL;
+ }
+ else
+ slot = numprots;
+ protnext[slot] = firstprot;
+ if ( firstprot != NIL )
+ protprev[firstprot] = slot;
+ firstprot = slot;
+ prottbl[slot] = statenum;
+ protcomst[slot] = comstate;
+ /* copy state into save area so it can be compared with rapidly */
+ tblbase = numecs * (slot - 1);
+ for ( i = 1; i <= numecs; ++i )
+ protsave[tblbase + i] = state[i];
+ }
+/* mktemplate - create a template entry based on a state, and connect the state
+ * to it
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int state[], statenum, comstate, totaltrans;
+ * mktemplate( state, statenum, comstate, totaltrans );
+ */
+mktemplate( state, statenum, comstate )
+int state[], statenum, comstate;
+ {
+ int i, numdiff, tmpbase, tmp[CSIZE + 1];
+ char transset[CSIZE + 1];
+ int tsptr;
+ ++numtemps;
+ tsptr = 0;
+ /* calculate where we will temporarily store the transition table
+ * of the template in the tnxt[] array. The final transition table
+ * gets created by cmptmps()
+ */
+ tmpbase = numtemps * numecs;
+ if ( tmpbase + numecs >= current_max_template_xpairs )
+ {
+ current_max_template_xpairs += MAX_TEMPLATE_XPAIRS_INCREMENT;
+ ++num_reallocs;
+ tnxt = reallocate_integer_array( tnxt, current_max_template_xpairs );
+ }
+ for ( i = 1; i <= numecs; ++i )
+ if ( state[i] == 0 )
+ tnxt[tmpbase + i] = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ transset[tsptr++] = i;
+ tnxt[tmpbase + i] = comstate;
+ }
+ if ( usemecs )
+ mkeccl( transset, tsptr, tecfwd, tecbck, numecs );
+ mkprot( tnxt + tmpbase, -numtemps, comstate );
+ /* we rely on the fact that mkprot adds things to the beginning
+ * of the proto queue
+ */
+ numdiff = tbldiff( state, firstprot, tmp );
+ mkentry( tmp, numecs, statenum, -numtemps, numdiff );
+ }
+/* mv2front - move proto queue element to front of queue
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int qelm;
+ * mv2front( qelm );
+ */
+mv2front( qelm )
+int qelm;
+ {
+ if ( firstprot != qelm )
+ {
+ if ( qelm == lastprot )
+ lastprot = protprev[lastprot];
+ protnext[protprev[qelm]] = protnext[qelm];
+ if ( protnext[qelm] != NIL )
+ protprev[protnext[qelm]] = protprev[qelm];
+ protprev[qelm] = NIL;
+ protnext[qelm] = firstprot;
+ protprev[firstprot] = qelm;
+ firstprot = qelm;
+ }
+ }
+/* ntod - convert an ndfa to a dfa
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * ntod();
+ *
+ * creates the dfa corresponding to the ndfa we've constructed. the
+ * dfa starts out in state #1.
+ */
+ {
+ int *accset, ds, nacc, newds;
+ int duplist[CSIZE + 1], sym, hashval, numstates, dsize;
+ int targfreq[CSIZE + 1], targstate[CSIZE + 1], state[CSIZE + 1];
+ int *nset, *dset;
+ int targptr, totaltrans, i, comstate, comfreq, targ;
+ int *epsclosure(), snstods(), symlist[CSIZE + 1];
+ accset = allocate_integer_array( accnum + 1 );
+ nset = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfa_size );
+ todo_head = todo_next = 0;
+#define ADD_QUEUE_ELEMENT(element) \
+ if ( ++element >= current_max_dfas ) \
+ { /* check for queue overflowing */ \
+ if ( todo_head == 0 ) \
+ increase_max_dfas(); \
+ else \
+ element = 0; \
+ }
+#define NEXT_QUEUE_ELEMENT(element) ((element + 1) % (current_max_dfas + 1))
+ for ( i = 0; i <= CSIZE; ++i )
+ {
+ duplist[i] = NIL;
+ symlist[i] = false;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i <= accnum; ++i )
+ accset[i] = NIL;
+ if ( trace )
+ {
+ dumpnfa( scset[1] );
+ fputs( "\n\nDFA Dump:\n\n", stderr );
+ }
+ inittbl();
+ if ( genftl )
+ skelout();
+ if ( fulltbl )
+ {
+ if ( genftl )
+ {
+ /* declare it "short" because it's a real long-shot that that
+ * won't be large enough
+ */
+ printf( "static short int %c[][%d] =\n {\n", NEXTARRAY,
+ numecs + 1 );
+ /* generate 0 entries for state #0 */
+ for ( i = 0; i <= numecs; ++i )
+ mk2data( NEXTARRAY, 0, 0, 0 );
+ /* force ',' and dataflush() next call to mk2data */
+ datapos = NUMDATAITEMS;
+ /* force extra blank line next dataflush() */
+ dataline = NUMDATALINES;
+ }
+ }
+ /* create the first states */
+ for ( i = 1; i <= lastsc * 2; ++i )
+ {
+ numstates = 1;
+ /* for each start condition, make one state for the case when
+ * we're at the beginning of the line (the '%' operator) and
+ * one for the case when we're not
+ */
+ if ( i % 2 == 1 )
+ nset[numstates] = scset[(i / 2) + 1];
+ else
+ nset[numstates] = mkbranch( scbol[i / 2], scset[i / 2] );
+ nset = epsclosure( nset, &numstates, accset, &nacc, &hashval );
+ if ( snstods( nset, numstates, accset, nacc, hashval, &ds ) )
+ {
+ numas = numas + nacc;
+ totnst = totnst + numstates;
+ todo[todo_next] = ds;
+ ADD_QUEUE_ELEMENT(todo_next);
+ }
+ }
+ while ( todo_head != todo_next )
+ {
+ targptr = 0;
+ totaltrans = 0;
+ for ( i = 1; i <= numecs; ++i )
+ state[i] = 0;
+ ds = todo[todo_head];
+ todo_head = NEXT_QUEUE_ELEMENT(todo_head);
+ dset = dss[ds];
+ dsize = dfasiz[ds];
+ if ( trace )
+ fprintf( stderr, "state # %d:\n", ds );
+ sympartition( dset, dsize, symlist, duplist );
+ for ( sym = 1; sym <= numecs; ++sym )
+ {
+ if ( symlist[sym] )
+ {
+ symlist[sym] = 0;
+ if ( duplist[sym] == NIL )
+ { /* symbol has unique out-transitions */
+ numstates = symfollowset( dset, dsize, sym, nset );
+ nset = epsclosure( nset, &numstates, accset,
+ &nacc, &hashval );
+ if ( snstods( nset, numstates, accset,
+ nacc, hashval, &newds ) )
+ {
+ totnst = totnst + numstates;
+ todo[todo_next] = newds;
+ ADD_QUEUE_ELEMENT(todo_next);
+ numas = numas + nacc;
+ }
+ state[sym] = newds;
+ if ( trace )
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t%d\t%d\n", sym, newds );
+ targfreq[++targptr] = 1;
+ targstate[targptr] = newds;
+ ++numuniq;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* sym's equivalence class has the same transitions
+ * as duplist(sym)'s equivalence class
+ */
+ targ = state[duplist[sym]];
+ state[sym] = targ;
+ if ( trace )
+ fprintf( stderr, "\t%d\t%d\n", sym, targ );
+ /* update frequency count for destination state */
+ i = 0;
+ while ( targstate[++i] != targ )
+ ;
+ ++targfreq[i];
+ ++numdup;
+ }
+ ++totaltrans;
+ duplist[sym] = NIL;
+ }
+ }
+ numsnpairs = numsnpairs + totaltrans;
+ if ( caseins && ! useecs )
+ {
+ register int j;
+ for ( i = 'A', j = 'a'; i <= 'Z'; ++i, ++j )
+ state[i] = state[j];
+ }
+ if ( fulltbl )
+ {
+ if ( genftl )
+ {
+ /* supply array's 0-element */
+ mk2data( NEXTARRAY, 0, 0, 0 );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= numecs; ++i )
+ mk2data( NEXTARRAY, 0, 0, state[i] );
+ /* force ',' and dataflush() next call to mk2data */
+ datapos = NUMDATAITEMS;
+ /* force extra blank line next dataflush() */
+ dataline = NUMDATALINES;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for ( i = 1; i <= numecs; ++i )
+ mk2data( NEXTARRAY, ds, i, state[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* determine which destination state is the most common, and
+ * how many transitions to it there are
+ */
+ comfreq = 0;
+ comstate = 0;
+ for ( i = 1; i <= targptr; ++i )
+ if ( targfreq[i] > comfreq )
+ {
+ comfreq = targfreq[i];
+ comstate = targstate[i];
+ }
+ bldtbl( state, ds, totaltrans, comstate, comfreq );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( fulltbl )
+ dataend();
+ else
+ {
+ cmptmps(); /* create compressed template entries */
+ /* create tables for all the states with only one out-transition */
+ while ( onesp > 0 )
+ {
+ mk1tbl( onestate[onesp], onesym[onesp], onenext[onesp],
+ onedef[onesp] );
+ --onesp;
+ }
+ mkdeftbl();
+ }
+ }
+/* stack1 - save states with only one out-transition to be processed later
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int statenum, sym, nextstate, deflink;
+ * stack1( statenum, sym, nextstate, deflink );
+ *
+ * if there's room for another state one the "one-transition" stack, the
+ * state is pushed onto it, to be processed later by mk1tbl. If there's
+ * no room, we process the sucker right now.
+ */
+stack1( statenum, sym, nextstate, deflink )
+int statenum, sym, nextstate, deflink;
+ {
+ if ( onesp >= ONE_STACK_SIZE )
+ mk1tbl( statenum, sym, nextstate, deflink );
+ else
+ {
+ ++onesp;
+ onestate[onesp] = statenum;
+ onesym[onesp] = sym;
+ onenext[onesp] = nextstate;
+ onedef[onesp] = deflink;
+ }
+ }
+/* tbldiff - compute differences between two state tables
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int state[], pr, ext[];
+ * int tbldiff, numdifferences;
+ * numdifferences = tbldiff( state, pr, ext )
+ *
+ * "state" is the state array which is to be extracted from the pr'th
+ * proto. "pr" is both the number of the proto we are extracting from
+ * and an index into the save area where we can find the proto's complete
+ * state table. Each entry in "state" which differs from the corresponding
+ * entry of "pr" will appear in "ext".
+ * Entries which are the same in both "state" and "pr" will be marked
+ * as transitions to "SAME_TRANS" in "ext". The total number of differences
+ * between "state" and "pr" is returned as function value. Note that this
+ * number is "numecs" minus the number of "SAME_TRANS" entries in "ext".
+ */
+int tbldiff( state, pr, ext )
+int state[], pr, ext[];
+ {
+ register int i, *sp = state, *ep = ext, *protp;
+ register int numdiff = 0;
+ protp = &protsave[numecs * (pr - 1)];
+ for ( i = numecs; i > 0; --i )
+ {
+ if ( *++protp == *++sp )
+ *++ep = SAME_TRANS;
+ else
+ {
+ *++ep = *sp;
+ ++numdiff;
+ }
+ }
+ return ( numdiff );
+ }
diff --git a/yylex.c b/yylex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4300aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yylex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#include "flexdef.h"
+#include ""
+ * Copyright (c) University of California, 1987
+ */
+/* yylex - scan for a regular expression token
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ *
+ * token = yylex();
+ *
+ * token - return token found
+ */
+int yylex()
+ {
+ int toktype;
+ static int beglin = false;
+ if ( eofseen )
+ toktype = EOF;
+ else
+ toktype = lexscan();
+ if ( toktype == EOF )
+ {
+ eofseen = 1;
+ if ( sectnum == 1 )
+ {
+ synerr( "unexpected EOF" );
+ sectnum = 2;
+ toktype = SECTEND;
+ }
+ else if ( sectnum == 2 )
+ {
+ sectnum = 3;
+ toktype = SECTEND;
+ }
+ else
+ toktype = 0;
+ }
+ if ( trace )
+ {
+ if ( beglin )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%d\t", accnum + 1 );
+ beglin = 0;
+ }
+ switch ( toktype )
+ {
+ case '<':
+ case '>':
+ case '^':
+ case '$':
+ case '"':
+ case '[':
+ case ']':
+ case '{':
+ case '}':
+ case '|':
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ case '-':
+ case '/':
+ case '\\':
+ case '?':
+ case '.':
+ case '*':
+ case '+':
+ case ',':
+ (void) putc( toktype, stderr );
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ (void) putc( '\n', stderr );
+ if ( sectnum == 2 )
+ beglin = 1;
+ break;
+ case SCDECL:
+ fputs( "%s", stderr );
+ break;
+ case XSCDECL:
+ fputs( "%x", stderr );
+ break;
+ (void) putc( ' ', stderr );
+ break;
+ case SECTEND:
+ fputs( "%%\n", stderr );
+ /* we set beglin to be true so we'll start
+ * writing out numbers as we echo rules. lexscan() has
+ * already assigned sectnum
+ */
+ if ( sectnum == 2 )
+ beglin = 1;
+ break;
+ case NAME:
+ fprintf( stderr, "'%s'", nmstr );
+ break;
+ case CHAR:
+ switch ( yylval )
+ {
+ case '<':
+ case '>':
+ case '^':
+ case '$':
+ case '"':
+ case '[':
+ case ']':
+ case '{':
+ case '}':
+ case '|':
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ case '-':
+ case '/':
+ case '\\':
+ case '?':
+ case '.':
+ case '*':
+ case '+':
+ case ',':
+ fprintf( stderr, "\\%c", yylval );
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ case 7:
+ case 8:
+ case 9:
+ case 10:
+ case 11:
+ case 12:
+ case 13:
+ case 14:
+ case 15:
+ case 16:
+ case 17:
+ case 18:
+ case 19:
+ case 20:
+ case 21:
+ case 22:
+ case 23:
+ case 24:
+ case 25:
+ case 26:
+ case 27:
+ case 28:
+ case 29:
+ case 30:
+ case 31:
+ fprintf( stderr, "^%c", 'A' + yylval - 1 );
+ break;
+ case 127:
+ (void) putc( '^', stderr );
+ (void) putc( '@', stderr );
+ break;
+ default:
+ (void) putc( yylval, stderr );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case NUMBER:
+ fprintf( stderr, "%d", yylval );
+ break;
+ case PREVCCL:
+ fprintf( stderr, "[%d]", yylval );
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ fprintf( stderr, "End Marker" );
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf( stderr, "*Something Weird* - tok: %d val: %d\n",
+ toktype, yylval );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ( toktype );
+ }