diff options
authorJohn Millaway <>2002-02-21 05:40:26 +0000
committerJohn Millaway <>2002-02-21 05:40:26 +0000
commitfe5e6ed4592bf237b13bda1b2f0856259565745f (patch)
parenteb4a6980f4d9706017d2e082dd972f4cf4191971 (diff)
Added script to auto-create tests. Probably overkill.
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f81cd63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+# vim:set autoindent smartindent expandtab tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 textwidth=0:
+# Author and scapegoat if this breaks: Millaway
+use Fcntl qw(:seek);
+use File::Copy;
+use strict;
+my $USAGE = q{
+ Usage:
+ [-p] [-+] TEST_NAME
+ Creates a new flex test named "TEST_NAME" in the directory
+ TEST_NAME/. Modifies
+ -p include a skeleton bison parser
+ -+ make a C++ scanner
+sub abort { print shift,"\n"; exit 1}
+my $skel= "TEMPLATE";
+my $testname = undef;
+my ($parser,$cplusplus) = (0,0);
+while(defined ($_=shift)){
+ /^-p$/ && do{ $parser = 1; next};
+ /^-\+$/ && do{ $cplusplus = 1; next};
+ /^-/ && abort "$0: Unrecognized option '$_'.\n$USAGE";
+ $testname = $_;
+ last;
+abort($USAGE) unless @ARGV == 0 && defined $testname;
+# Some simple safe-guards.
+$testname =~ m/^test-\w+/ or abort "Testname must begin with 'test-'. Aborting.";
+-e $testname and abort "File '$testname' already exists. Refusing to overwrite.";
+-e $skel && -d $skel or abort "Can't find directory '$skel/'. Aborting.";
+# create the test dir
+print "mkdir $testname\n";
+mkdir $testname or abort "Unable to create directory '$testname/': $!";
+# shallow copy the skeleton directory, replacing special keywords here and there.
+opendir SKEL, $skel or abort "Could not read directory $skel: $!";
+foreach my $file ( grep { !/^\.+$/ && -f "$skel/$_" } readdir SKEL ){
+ next if $file eq 'parser.y' && !$parser;
+ print "cp $skel/$file $testname/$file\n";
+ open IN, "< $skel/$file" or abort "Unable to read file $skel/$file: $!";
+ open OUT, "> $testname/$file" or abort "Unable to write file $testname/$file: $!";
+ my $did_cpp_option=0;
+ my $did_parser_objs=0;
+ while(<IN>){
+ s/\bTEMPLATE\b/$testname/g;
+ # add %option c++
+ $cplusplus
+ && /^\%option\s+.+$/
+ && !$did_cpp_option
+ && do { $_ .= "\%option c++\n"; $did_cpp_option=1 };
+ $cplusplus && s/scanner\.c/scanner\.cc/g;
+ # change $(CC) to $(CXX)
+ BEGIN{ $::CC = qr/^(?<=\t)\$\(CC\)/;
+ $::CXX = quotemeta '$(CXX)';
+ }
+ $cplusplus && s/$::CC/$::CXX/o;
+ # fix the makefile to include the parser.
+ $parser
+ && !$did_parser_objs
+ && s/^(OBJS\s*=\s*scanner\.o)/$1 parser.o/
+ && ($did_parser_objs=1);
+ print OUT;
+ }
+ close IN;
+ close OUT;
+closedir SKEL;
+if (-e "$testname/cvsignore" ){
+ print "mv $testname/cvsignore $testname/.cvsignore...\n";
+ move("$testname/cvsignore", "$testname/.cvsignore")
+ or abort "Could not rename $testname/.cvsignore";
+# modify
+print "Modifying (appending to TESTDIRS and AC_OUTPUT)...\n";
+# We slurp it all into memory. We can do this because is small.
+# If we move the tests/ dir to automake then revisit this.
+open CONF, "+<" or abort "Could not read '': $!";
+my $entire_conf = do{ local $/; <CONF> };
+# - Add test-directory to "TESTDIRS" variable
+# This is complex because we append to it, we avoid creating long lines, and we
+# preserve indenting. Hey, that's what perl is for.
+# Otherwise we could just do: s/TESTDIRS="/$&$testname /;
+$entire_conf =~ s/(TESTDIRS\s*=\s*".+) # (everything up to last line)
+ ^(\s*)((?:test-[\w-]+\s*)+)" # (indenting)(last line)
+ /length("$2$3$testname") > 80
+ ? qq($1$2$3 \\\n$2$testname")
+ : qq($1$2$3 $testname")
+ /xmsge;
+# - Add test-directory/Makefile to "AC_OUTPUT" variable
+# This is complex. See above.
+$entire_conf =~ s/(AC_OUTPUT\s*\(.+) # (everything up to last line)
+ ^(\s*)((?:test-[\w-]+\/Makefile\s*)+)\) # (indenting)(last line)
+ /length("$2$3$testname\/Makefile") > 80
+ ? "$1$2$3 \\\n$2$testname\/Makefile)"
+ : "$1$2$3 $testname\/Makefile)"
+ /xmsge;
+# rewind the file and save the changes
+seek CONF, 0, SEEK_SET;
+print CONF $entire_conf;
+close CONF;
+print <<MSG;
+"$testname/" has been created. It contains a generic test.
+Now you must:
+ 1. Edit "$testname/scanner.@{[$cplusplus?'cc':'c']}" to customize your test.
+ 2. Make an entry in the README, describing your test.
+ 3. Run 'autoconf' to rebuild 'configure'.