path: root/src/dfa.c
diff options
authorWill Estes <>2014-02-14 07:52:31 -0500
committerWill Estes <>2014-02-16 09:19:51 -0500
commit269620b90047cf95cc8f65c98ca599d4fe18e779 (patch)
tree3fe9f5c8153e91d652284ae5af934ece646274d9 /src/dfa.c
parent638d8a1448fa3d2241c71aff016d323c8654373c (diff)
move flex program sources into src/ directory
The *.[chly] sources are now in the src directory. This implies a bunch of changes in and friends to account for the new location. The .gitignore files are now more local to places where various object files and generated source files occur.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dfa.c')
1 files changed, 1096 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dfa.c b/src/dfa.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8b68eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dfa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1096 @@
+/* dfa - DFA construction routines */
+/* Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California. */
+/* All rights reserved. */
+/* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by */
+/* Vern Paxson. */
+/* The United States Government has rights in this work pursuant */
+/* to contract no. DE-AC03-76SF00098 between the United States */
+/* Department of Energy and the University of California. */
+/* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */
+/* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions */
+/* are met: */
+/* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright */
+/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */
+/* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */
+/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the */
+/* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. */
+/* Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors */
+/* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software */
+/* without specific prior written permission. */
+/* PURPOSE. */
+#include "flexdef.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+/* declare functions that have forward references */
+void dump_associated_rules PROTO ((FILE *, int));
+void dump_transitions PROTO ((FILE *, int[]));
+void sympartition PROTO ((int[], int, int[], int[]));
+int symfollowset PROTO ((int[], int, int, int[]));
+/* check_for_backing_up - check a DFA state for backing up
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * void check_for_backing_up( int ds, int state[numecs] );
+ *
+ * ds is the number of the state to check and state[] is its out-transitions,
+ * indexed by equivalence class.
+ */
+void check_for_backing_up (ds, state)
+ int ds;
+ int state[];
+ if ((reject && !dfaacc[ds].dfaacc_set) || (!reject && !dfaacc[ds].dfaacc_state)) { /* state is non-accepting */
+ ++num_backing_up;
+ if (backing_up_report) {
+ fprintf (backing_up_file,
+ _("State #%d is non-accepting -\n"), ds);
+ /* identify the state */
+ dump_associated_rules (backing_up_file, ds);
+ /* Now identify it further using the out- and
+ * jam-transitions.
+ */
+ dump_transitions (backing_up_file, state);
+ putc ('\n', backing_up_file);
+ }
+ }
+/* check_trailing_context - check to see if NFA state set constitutes
+ * "dangerous" trailing context
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * void check_trailing_context( int nfa_states[num_states+1], int num_states,
+ * int accset[nacc+1], int nacc );
+ *
+ * Trailing context is "dangerous" if both the head and the trailing
+ * part are of variable size \and/ there's a DFA state which contains
+ * both an accepting state for the head part of the rule and NFA states
+ * which occur after the beginning of the trailing context.
+ *
+ * When such a rule is matched, it's impossible to tell if having been
+ * in the DFA state indicates the beginning of the trailing context or
+ * further-along scanning of the pattern. In these cases, a warning
+ * message is issued.
+ *
+ * nfa_states[1 .. num_states] is the list of NFA states in the DFA.
+ * accset[1 .. nacc] is the list of accepting numbers for the DFA state.
+ */
+void check_trailing_context (nfa_states, num_states, accset, nacc)
+ int *nfa_states, num_states;
+ int *accset;
+ int nacc;
+ register int i, j;
+ for (i = 1; i <= num_states; ++i) {
+ int ns = nfa_states[i];
+ register int type = state_type[ns];
+ register int ar = assoc_rule[ns];
+ if (type == STATE_NORMAL || rule_type[ar] != RULE_VARIABLE) { /* do nothing */
+ }
+ else if (type == STATE_TRAILING_CONTEXT) {
+ /* Potential trouble. Scan set of accepting numbers
+ * for the one marking the end of the "head". We
+ * assume that this looping will be fairly cheap
+ * since it's rare that an accepting number set
+ * is large.
+ */
+ for (j = 1; j <= nacc; ++j)
+ if (accset[j] & YY_TRAILING_HEAD_MASK) {
+ line_warning (_
+ ("dangerous trailing context"),
+ rule_linenum[ar]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* dump_associated_rules - list the rules associated with a DFA state
+ *
+ * Goes through the set of NFA states associated with the DFA and
+ * extracts the first MAX_ASSOC_RULES unique rules, sorts them,
+ * and writes a report to the given file.
+ */
+void dump_associated_rules (file, ds)
+ FILE *file;
+ int ds;
+ register int i, j;
+ register int num_associated_rules = 0;
+ int rule_set[MAX_ASSOC_RULES + 1];
+ int *dset = dss[ds];
+ int size = dfasiz[ds];
+ for (i = 1; i <= size; ++i) {
+ register int rule_num = rule_linenum[assoc_rule[dset[i]]];
+ for (j = 1; j <= num_associated_rules; ++j)
+ if (rule_num == rule_set[j])
+ break;
+ if (j > num_associated_rules) { /* new rule */
+ if (num_associated_rules < MAX_ASSOC_RULES)
+ rule_set[++num_associated_rules] =
+ rule_num;
+ }
+ }
+ qsort (&rule_set [1], num_associated_rules, sizeof (rule_set [1]), intcmp);
+ fprintf (file, _(" associated rule line numbers:"));
+ for (i = 1; i <= num_associated_rules; ++i) {
+ if (i % 8 == 1)
+ putc ('\n', file);
+ fprintf (file, "\t%d", rule_set[i]);
+ }
+ putc ('\n', file);
+/* dump_transitions - list the transitions associated with a DFA state
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * dump_transitions( FILE *file, int state[numecs] );
+ *
+ * Goes through the set of out-transitions and lists them in human-readable
+ * form (i.e., not as equivalence classes); also lists jam transitions
+ * (i.e., all those which are not out-transitions, plus EOF). The dump
+ * is done to the given file.
+ */
+void dump_transitions (file, state)
+ FILE *file;
+ int state[];
+ register int i, ec;
+ int out_char_set[CSIZE];
+ for (i = 0; i < csize; ++i) {
+ ec = ABS (ecgroup[i]);
+ out_char_set[i] = state[ec];
+ }
+ fprintf (file, _(" out-transitions: "));
+ list_character_set (file, out_char_set);
+ /* now invert the members of the set to get the jam transitions */
+ for (i = 0; i < csize; ++i)
+ out_char_set[i] = !out_char_set[i];
+ fprintf (file, _("\n jam-transitions: EOF "));
+ list_character_set (file, out_char_set);
+ putc ('\n', file);
+/* epsclosure - construct the epsilon closure of a set of ndfa states
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * int *epsclosure( int t[num_states], int *numstates_addr,
+ * int accset[num_rules+1], int *nacc_addr,
+ * int *hashval_addr );
+ *
+ * The epsilon closure is the set of all states reachable by an arbitrary
+ * number of epsilon transitions, which themselves do not have epsilon
+ * transitions going out, unioned with the set of states which have non-null
+ * accepting numbers. t is an array of size numstates of nfa state numbers.
+ * Upon return, t holds the epsilon closure and *numstates_addr is updated.
+ * accset holds a list of the accepting numbers, and the size of accset is
+ * given by *nacc_addr. t may be subjected to reallocation if it is not
+ * large enough to hold the epsilon closure.
+ *
+ * hashval is the hash value for the dfa corresponding to the state set.
+ */
+int *epsclosure (t, ns_addr, accset, nacc_addr, hv_addr)
+ int *t, *ns_addr, accset[], *nacc_addr, *hv_addr;
+ register int stkpos, ns, tsp;
+ int numstates = *ns_addr, nacc, hashval, transsym, nfaccnum;
+ int stkend, nstate;
+ static int did_stk_init = false, *stk;
+#define MARK_STATE(state) \
+do{ trans1[state] = trans1[state] - MARKER_DIFFERENCE;} while(0)
+#define IS_MARKED(state) (trans1[state] < 0)
+#define UNMARK_STATE(state) \
+do{ trans1[state] = trans1[state] + MARKER_DIFFERENCE;} while(0)
+#define CHECK_ACCEPT(state) \
+do{ \
+nfaccnum = accptnum[state]; \
+if ( nfaccnum != NIL ) \
+accset[++nacc] = nfaccnum; \
+#define DO_REALLOCATION() \
+do { \
+current_max_dfa_size += MAX_DFA_SIZE_INCREMENT; \
+++num_reallocs; \
+t = reallocate_integer_array( t, current_max_dfa_size ); \
+stk = reallocate_integer_array( stk, current_max_dfa_size ); \
+}while(0) \
+#define PUT_ON_STACK(state) \
+do { \
+if ( ++stkend >= current_max_dfa_size ) \
+stk[stkend] = state; \
+MARK_STATE(state); \
+#define ADD_STATE(state) \
+do { \
+if ( ++numstates >= current_max_dfa_size ) \
+t[numstates] = state; \
+hashval += state; \
+#define STACK_STATE(state) \
+do { \
+PUT_ON_STACK(state); \
+CHECK_ACCEPT(state); \
+if ( nfaccnum != NIL || transchar[state] != SYM_EPSILON ) \
+ADD_STATE(state); \
+ if (!did_stk_init) {
+ stk = allocate_integer_array (current_max_dfa_size);
+ did_stk_init = true;
+ }
+ nacc = stkend = hashval = 0;
+ for (nstate = 1; nstate <= numstates; ++nstate) {
+ ns = t[nstate];
+ /* The state could be marked if we've already pushed it onto
+ * the stack.
+ */
+ if (!IS_MARKED (ns)) {
+ PUT_ON_STACK (ns);
+ hashval += ns;
+ }
+ }
+ for (stkpos = 1; stkpos <= stkend; ++stkpos) {
+ ns = stk[stkpos];
+ transsym = transchar[ns];
+ if (transsym == SYM_EPSILON) {
+ tsp = trans1[ns] + MARKER_DIFFERENCE;
+ if (tsp != NO_TRANSITION) {
+ if (!IS_MARKED (tsp))
+ STACK_STATE (tsp);
+ tsp = trans2[ns];
+ if (tsp != NO_TRANSITION
+ && !IS_MARKED (tsp))
+ STACK_STATE (tsp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Clear out "visit" markers. */
+ for (stkpos = 1; stkpos <= stkend; ++stkpos) {
+ if (IS_MARKED (stk[stkpos]))
+ UNMARK_STATE (stk[stkpos]);
+ else
+ flexfatal (_
+ ("consistency check failed in epsclosure()"));
+ }
+ *ns_addr = numstates;
+ *hv_addr = hashval;
+ *nacc_addr = nacc;
+ return t;
+/* increase_max_dfas - increase the maximum number of DFAs */
+void increase_max_dfas ()
+ current_max_dfas += MAX_DFAS_INCREMENT;
+ ++num_reallocs;
+ base = reallocate_integer_array (base, current_max_dfas);
+ def = reallocate_integer_array (def, current_max_dfas);
+ dfasiz = reallocate_integer_array (dfasiz, current_max_dfas);
+ accsiz = reallocate_integer_array (accsiz, current_max_dfas);
+ dhash = reallocate_integer_array (dhash, current_max_dfas);
+ dss = reallocate_int_ptr_array (dss, current_max_dfas);
+ dfaacc = reallocate_dfaacc_union (dfaacc, current_max_dfas);
+ if (nultrans)
+ nultrans =
+ reallocate_integer_array (nultrans,
+ current_max_dfas);
+/* ntod - convert an ndfa to a dfa
+ *
+ * Creates the dfa corresponding to the ndfa we've constructed. The
+ * dfa starts out in state #1.
+ */
+void ntod ()
+ int *accset, ds, nacc, newds;
+ int sym, hashval, numstates, dsize;
+ int num_full_table_rows=0; /* used only for -f */
+ int *nset, *dset;
+ int targptr, totaltrans, i, comstate, comfreq, targ;
+ int symlist[CSIZE + 1];
+ int num_start_states;
+ int todo_head, todo_next;
+ struct yytbl_data *yynxt_tbl = 0;
+ flex_int32_t *yynxt_data = 0, yynxt_curr = 0;
+ /* Note that the following are indexed by *equivalence classes*
+ * and not by characters. Since equivalence classes are indexed
+ * beginning with 1, even if the scanner accepts NUL's, this
+ * means that (since every character is potentially in its own
+ * equivalence class) these arrays must have room for indices
+ * from 1 to CSIZE, so their size must be CSIZE + 1.
+ */
+ int duplist[CSIZE + 1], state[CSIZE + 1];
+ int targfreq[CSIZE + 1], targstate[CSIZE + 1];
+ /* accset needs to be large enough to hold all of the rules present
+ * in the input, *plus* their YY_TRAILING_HEAD_MASK variants.
+ */
+ accset = allocate_integer_array ((num_rules + 1) * 2);
+ nset = allocate_integer_array (current_max_dfa_size);
+ /* The "todo" queue is represented by the head, which is the DFA
+ * state currently being processed, and the "next", which is the
+ * next DFA state number available (not in use). We depend on the
+ * fact that snstods() returns DFA's \in increasing order/, and thus
+ * need only know the bounds of the dfas to be processed.
+ */
+ todo_head = todo_next = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i <= csize; ++i) {
+ duplist[i] = NIL;
+ symlist[i] = false;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= num_rules; ++i)
+ accset[i] = NIL;
+ if (trace) {
+ dumpnfa (scset[1]);
+ fputs (_("\n\nDFA Dump:\n\n"), stderr);
+ }
+ inittbl ();
+ /* Check to see whether we should build a separate table for
+ * transitions on NUL characters. We don't do this for full-speed
+ * (-F) scanners, since for them we don't have a simple state
+ * number lying around with which to index the table. We also
+ * don't bother doing it for scanners unless (1) NUL is in its own
+ * equivalence class (indicated by a positive value of
+ * ecgroup[NUL]), (2) NUL's equivalence class is the last
+ * equivalence class, and (3) the number of equivalence classes is
+ * the same as the number of characters. This latter case comes
+ * about when useecs is false or when it's true but every character
+ * still manages to land in its own class (unlikely, but it's
+ * cheap to check for). If all these things are true then the
+ * character code needed to represent NUL's equivalence class for
+ * indexing the tables is going to take one more bit than the
+ * number of characters, and therefore we won't be assured of
+ * being able to fit it into a YY_CHAR variable. This rules out
+ * storing the transitions in a compressed table, since the code
+ * for interpreting them uses a YY_CHAR variable (perhaps it
+ * should just use an integer, though; this is worth pondering ...
+ * ###).
+ *
+ * Finally, for full tables, we want the number of entries in the
+ * table to be a power of two so the array references go fast (it
+ * will just take a shift to compute the major index). If
+ * encoding NUL's transitions in the table will spoil this, we
+ * give it its own table (note that this will be the case if we're
+ * not using equivalence classes).
+ */
+ /* Note that the test for ecgroup[0] == numecs below accomplishes
+ * both (1) and (2) above
+ */
+ if (!fullspd && ecgroup[0] == numecs) {
+ /* NUL is alone in its equivalence class, which is the
+ * last one.
+ */
+ int use_NUL_table = (numecs == csize);
+ if (fulltbl && !use_NUL_table) {
+ /* We still may want to use the table if numecs
+ * is a power of 2.
+ */
+ int power_of_two;
+ for (power_of_two = 1; power_of_two <= csize;
+ power_of_two *= 2)
+ if (numecs == power_of_two) {
+ use_NUL_table = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_NUL_table)
+ nultrans =
+ allocate_integer_array (current_max_dfas);
+ /* From now on, nultrans != nil indicates that we're
+ * saving null transitions for later, separate encoding.
+ */
+ }
+ if (fullspd) {
+ for (i = 0; i <= numecs; ++i)
+ state[i] = 0;
+ place_state (state, 0, 0);
+ dfaacc[0].dfaacc_state = 0;
+ }
+ else if (fulltbl) {
+ if (nultrans)
+ /* We won't be including NUL's transitions in the
+ * table, so build it for entries from 0 .. numecs - 1.
+ */
+ num_full_table_rows = numecs;
+ else
+ /* Take into account the fact that we'll be including
+ * the NUL entries in the transition table. Build it
+ * from 0 .. numecs.
+ */
+ num_full_table_rows = numecs + 1;
+ /* Begin generating yy_nxt[][]
+ * This spans the entire LONG function.
+ * This table is tricky because we don't know how big it will be.
+ * So we'll have to realloc() on the way...
+ * we'll wait until we can calculate yynxt_tbl->td_hilen.
+ */
+ yynxt_tbl =
+ (struct yytbl_data *) calloc (1,
+ sizeof (struct
+ yytbl_data));
+ yytbl_data_init (yynxt_tbl, YYTD_ID_NXT);
+ yynxt_tbl->td_hilen = 1;
+ yynxt_tbl->td_lolen = num_full_table_rows;
+ yynxt_tbl->td_data = yynxt_data =
+ (flex_int32_t *) calloc (yynxt_tbl->td_lolen *
+ yynxt_tbl->td_hilen,
+ sizeof (flex_int32_t));
+ yynxt_curr = 0;
+ buf_prints (&yydmap_buf,
+ "\t{YYTD_ID_NXT, (void**)&yy_nxt, sizeof(%s)},\n",
+ long_align ? "flex_int32_t" : "flex_int16_t");
+ /* Unless -Ca, declare it "short" because it's a real
+ * long-shot that that won't be large enough.
+ */
+ if (gentables)
+ out_str_dec
+ ("static yyconst %s yy_nxt[][%d] =\n {\n",
+ long_align ? "flex_int32_t" : "flex_int16_t",
+ num_full_table_rows);
+ else {
+ out_dec ("#undef YY_NXT_LOLEN\n#define YY_NXT_LOLEN (%d)\n", num_full_table_rows);
+ out_str ("static yyconst %s *yy_nxt =0;\n",
+ long_align ? "flex_int32_t" : "flex_int16_t");
+ }
+ if (gentables)
+ outn (" {");
+ /* Generate 0 entries for state #0. */
+ for (i = 0; i < num_full_table_rows; ++i) {
+ mk2data (0);
+ yynxt_data[yynxt_curr++] = 0;
+ }
+ dataflush ();
+ if (gentables)
+ outn (" },\n");
+ }
+ /* Create the first states. */
+ num_start_states = lastsc * 2;
+ for (i = 1; i <= num_start_states; ++i) {
+ numstates = 1;
+ /* For each start condition, make one state for the case when
+ * we're at the beginning of the line (the '^' operator) and
+ * one for the case when we're not.
+ */
+ if (i % 2 == 1)
+ nset[numstates] = scset[(i / 2) + 1];
+ else
+ nset[numstates] =
+ mkbranch (scbol[i / 2], scset[i / 2]);
+ nset = epsclosure (nset, &numstates, accset, &nacc,
+ &hashval);
+ if (snstods (nset, numstates, accset, nacc, hashval, &ds)) {
+ numas += nacc;
+ totnst += numstates;
+ ++todo_next;
+ if (variable_trailing_context_rules && nacc > 0)
+ check_trailing_context (nset, numstates,
+ accset, nacc);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fullspd) {
+ if (!snstods (nset, 0, accset, 0, 0, &end_of_buffer_state))
+ flexfatal (_
+ ("could not create unique end-of-buffer state"));
+ ++numas;
+ ++num_start_states;
+ ++todo_next;
+ }
+ while (todo_head < todo_next) {
+ targptr = 0;
+ totaltrans = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i <= numecs; ++i)
+ state[i] = 0;
+ ds = ++todo_head;
+ dset = dss[ds];
+ dsize = dfasiz[ds];
+ if (trace)
+ fprintf (stderr, _("state # %d:\n"), ds);
+ sympartition (dset, dsize, symlist, duplist);
+ for (sym = 1; sym <= numecs; ++sym) {
+ if (symlist[sym]) {
+ symlist[sym] = 0;
+ if (duplist[sym] == NIL) {
+ /* Symbol has unique out-transitions. */
+ numstates =
+ symfollowset (dset, dsize,
+ sym, nset);
+ nset = epsclosure (nset,
+ &numstates,
+ accset, &nacc,
+ &hashval);
+ if (snstods
+ (nset, numstates, accset, nacc,
+ hashval, &newds)) {
+ totnst = totnst +
+ numstates;
+ ++todo_next;
+ numas += nacc;
+ if (variable_trailing_context_rules && nacc > 0)
+ check_trailing_context
+ (nset,
+ numstates,
+ accset,
+ nacc);
+ }
+ state[sym] = newds;
+ if (trace)
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "\t%d\t%d\n", sym,
+ newds);
+ targfreq[++targptr] = 1;
+ targstate[targptr] = newds;
+ ++numuniq;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* sym's equivalence class has the same
+ * transitions as duplist(sym)'s
+ * equivalence class.
+ */
+ targ = state[duplist[sym]];
+ state[sym] = targ;
+ if (trace)
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "\t%d\t%d\n", sym,
+ targ);
+ /* Update frequency count for
+ * destination state.
+ */
+ i = 0;
+ while (targstate[++i] != targ) ;
+ ++targfreq[i];
+ ++numdup;
+ }
+ ++totaltrans;
+ duplist[sym] = NIL;
+ }
+ }
+ numsnpairs += totaltrans;
+ if (ds > num_start_states)
+ check_for_backing_up (ds, state);
+ if (nultrans) {
+ nultrans[ds] = state[NUL_ec];
+ state[NUL_ec] = 0; /* remove transition */
+ }
+ if (fulltbl) {
+ /* Each time we hit here, it's another td_hilen, so we realloc. */
+ yynxt_tbl->td_hilen++;
+ yynxt_tbl->td_data = yynxt_data =
+ (flex_int32_t *) realloc (yynxt_data,
+ yynxt_tbl->td_hilen *
+ yynxt_tbl->td_lolen *
+ sizeof (flex_int32_t));
+ if (gentables)
+ outn (" {");
+ /* Supply array's 0-element. */
+ if (ds == end_of_buffer_state) {
+ mk2data (-end_of_buffer_state);
+ yynxt_data[yynxt_curr++] =
+ -end_of_buffer_state;
+ }
+ else {
+ mk2data (end_of_buffer_state);
+ yynxt_data[yynxt_curr++] =
+ end_of_buffer_state;
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < num_full_table_rows; ++i) {
+ /* Jams are marked by negative of state
+ * number.
+ */
+ mk2data (state[i] ? state[i] : -ds);
+ yynxt_data[yynxt_curr++] =
+ state[i] ? state[i] : -ds;
+ }
+ dataflush ();
+ if (gentables)
+ outn (" },\n");
+ }
+ else if (fullspd)
+ place_state (state, ds, totaltrans);
+ else if (ds == end_of_buffer_state)
+ /* Special case this state to make sure it does what
+ * it's supposed to, i.e., jam on end-of-buffer.
+ */
+ stack1 (ds, 0, 0, JAMSTATE);
+ else { /* normal, compressed state */
+ /* Determine which destination state is the most
+ * common, and how many transitions to it there are.
+ */
+ comfreq = 0;
+ comstate = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i <= targptr; ++i)
+ if (targfreq[i] > comfreq) {
+ comfreq = targfreq[i];
+ comstate = targstate[i];
+ }
+ bldtbl (state, ds, totaltrans, comstate, comfreq);
+ }
+ }
+ if (fulltbl) {
+ dataend ();
+ if (tablesext) {
+ yytbl_data_compress (yynxt_tbl);
+ if (yytbl_data_fwrite (&tableswr, yynxt_tbl) < 0)
+ flexerror (_
+ ("Could not write yynxt_tbl[][]"));
+ }
+ if (yynxt_tbl) {
+ yytbl_data_destroy (yynxt_tbl);
+ yynxt_tbl = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!fullspd) {
+ cmptmps (); /* create compressed template entries */
+ /* Create tables for all the states with only one
+ * out-transition.
+ */
+ while (onesp > 0) {
+ mk1tbl (onestate[onesp], onesym[onesp],
+ onenext[onesp], onedef[onesp]);
+ --onesp;
+ }
+ mkdeftbl ();
+ }
+ flex_free ((void *) accset);
+ flex_free ((void *) nset);
+/* snstods - converts a set of ndfa states into a dfa state
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * is_new_state = snstods( int sns[numstates], int numstates,
+ * int accset[num_rules+1], int nacc,
+ * int hashval, int *newds_addr );
+ *
+ * On return, the dfa state number is in newds.
+ */
+int snstods (sns, numstates, accset, nacc, hashval, newds_addr)
+ int sns[], numstates, accset[], nacc, hashval, *newds_addr;
+ int didsort = 0;
+ register int i, j;
+ int newds, *oldsns;
+ for (i = 1; i <= lastdfa; ++i)
+ if (hashval == dhash[i]) {
+ if (numstates == dfasiz[i]) {
+ oldsns = dss[i];
+ if (!didsort) {
+ /* We sort the states in sns so we
+ * can compare it to oldsns quickly.
+ */
+ qsort (&sns [1], numstates, sizeof (sns [1]), intcmp);
+ didsort = 1;
+ }
+ for (j = 1; j <= numstates; ++j)
+ if (sns[j] != oldsns[j])
+ break;
+ if (j > numstates) {
+ ++dfaeql;
+ *newds_addr = i;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ++hshcol;
+ }
+ else
+ ++hshsave;
+ }
+ /* Make a new dfa. */
+ if (++lastdfa >= current_max_dfas)
+ increase_max_dfas ();
+ newds = lastdfa;
+ dss[newds] = allocate_integer_array (numstates + 1);
+ /* If we haven't already sorted the states in sns, we do so now,
+ * so that future comparisons with it can be made quickly.
+ */
+ if (!didsort)
+ qsort (&sns [1], numstates, sizeof (sns [1]), intcmp);
+ for (i = 1; i <= numstates; ++i)
+ dss[newds][i] = sns[i];
+ dfasiz[newds] = numstates;
+ dhash[newds] = hashval;
+ if (nacc == 0) {
+ if (reject)
+ dfaacc[newds].dfaacc_set = (int *) 0;
+ else
+ dfaacc[newds].dfaacc_state = 0;
+ accsiz[newds] = 0;
+ }
+ else if (reject) {
+ /* We sort the accepting set in increasing order so the
+ * disambiguating rule that the first rule listed is considered
+ * match in the event of ties will work.
+ */
+ qsort (&accset [1], nacc, sizeof (accset [1]), intcmp);
+ dfaacc[newds].dfaacc_set =
+ allocate_integer_array (nacc + 1);
+ /* Save the accepting set for later */
+ for (i = 1; i <= nacc; ++i) {
+ dfaacc[newds].dfaacc_set[i] = accset[i];
+ if (accset[i] <= num_rules)
+ /* Who knows, perhaps a REJECT can yield
+ * this rule.
+ */
+ rule_useful[accset[i]] = true;
+ }
+ accsiz[newds] = nacc;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Find lowest numbered rule so the disambiguating rule
+ * will work.
+ */
+ j = num_rules + 1;
+ for (i = 1; i <= nacc; ++i)
+ if (accset[i] < j)
+ j = accset[i];
+ dfaacc[newds].dfaacc_state = j;
+ if (j <= num_rules)
+ rule_useful[j] = true;
+ }
+ *newds_addr = newds;
+ return 1;
+/* symfollowset - follow the symbol transitions one step
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * numstates = symfollowset( int ds[current_max_dfa_size], int dsize,
+ * int transsym, int nset[current_max_dfa_size] );
+ */
+int symfollowset (ds, dsize, transsym, nset)
+ int ds[], dsize, transsym, nset[];
+ int ns, tsp, sym, i, j, lenccl, ch, numstates, ccllist;
+ numstates = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i <= dsize; ++i) { /* for each nfa state ns in the state set of ds */
+ ns = ds[i];
+ sym = transchar[ns];
+ tsp = trans1[ns];
+ if (sym < 0) { /* it's a character class */
+ sym = -sym;
+ ccllist = cclmap[sym];
+ lenccl = ccllen[sym];
+ if (cclng[sym]) {
+ for (j = 0; j < lenccl; ++j) {
+ /* Loop through negated character
+ * class.
+ */
+ ch = ccltbl[ccllist + j];
+ if (ch == 0)
+ ch = NUL_ec;
+ if (ch > transsym)
+ /* Transsym isn't in negated
+ * ccl.
+ */
+ break;
+ else if (ch == transsym)
+ /* next 2 */
+ goto bottom;
+ }
+ /* Didn't find transsym in ccl. */
+ nset[++numstates] = tsp;
+ }
+ else
+ for (j = 0; j < lenccl; ++j) {
+ ch = ccltbl[ccllist + j];
+ if (ch == 0)
+ ch = NUL_ec;
+ if (ch > transsym)
+ break;
+ else if (ch == transsym) {
+ nset[++numstates] = tsp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (sym == SYM_EPSILON) { /* do nothing */
+ }
+ else if (ABS (ecgroup[sym]) == transsym)
+ nset[++numstates] = tsp;
+ bottom:;
+ }
+ return numstates;
+/* sympartition - partition characters with same out-transitions
+ *
+ * synopsis
+ * sympartition( int ds[current_max_dfa_size], int numstates,
+ * int symlist[numecs], int duplist[numecs] );
+ */
+void sympartition (ds, numstates, symlist, duplist)
+ int ds[], numstates;
+ int symlist[], duplist[];
+ int tch, i, j, k, ns, dupfwd[CSIZE + 1], lenccl, cclp, ich;
+ /* Partitioning is done by creating equivalence classes for those
+ * characters which have out-transitions from the given state. Thus
+ * we are really creating equivalence classes of equivalence classes.
+ */
+ for (i = 1; i <= numecs; ++i) { /* initialize equivalence class list */
+ duplist[i] = i - 1;
+ dupfwd[i] = i + 1;
+ }
+ duplist[1] = NIL;
+ dupfwd[numecs] = NIL;
+ for (i = 1; i <= numstates; ++i) {
+ ns = ds[i];
+ tch = transchar[ns];
+ if (tch != SYM_EPSILON) {
+ if (tch < -lastccl || tch >= csize) {
+ flexfatal (_
+ ("bad transition character detected in sympartition()"));
+ }
+ if (tch >= 0) { /* character transition */
+ int ec = ecgroup[tch];
+ mkechar (ec, dupfwd, duplist);
+ symlist[ec] = 1;
+ }
+ else { /* character class */
+ tch = -tch;
+ lenccl = ccllen[tch];
+ cclp = cclmap[tch];
+ mkeccl (ccltbl + cclp, lenccl, dupfwd,
+ duplist, numecs, NUL_ec);
+ if (cclng[tch]) {
+ j = 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < lenccl; ++k) {
+ ich = ccltbl[cclp + k];
+ if (ich == 0)
+ ich = NUL_ec;
+ for (++j; j < ich; ++j)
+ symlist[j] = 1;
+ }
+ for (++j; j <= numecs; ++j)
+ symlist[j] = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ for (k = 0; k < lenccl; ++k) {
+ ich = ccltbl[cclp + k];
+ if (ich == 0)
+ ich = NUL_ec;
+ symlist[ich] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }