/* flex - tool to generate fast lexical analyzers */ /* Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California. */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by */ /* Vern Paxson. */ /* The United States Government has rights in this work pursuant */ /* to contract no. DE-AC03-76SF00098 between the United States */ /* Department of Energy and the University of California. */ /* This file is part of flex. */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ /* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions */ /* are met: */ /* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ /* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the */ /* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. */ /* Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors */ /* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software */ /* without specific prior written permission. */ /* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR */ /* IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED */ /* WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR */ /* PURPOSE. */ #ifndef lint char copyright[] = "@(#) Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.\n\ All rights reserved.\n"; #endif /* not lint */ #include "flexdef.h" #include "version.h" #include "options.h" static char flex_version[] = FLEX_VERSION; /* declare functions that have forward references */ void flexinit PROTO((int, char**)); void readin PROTO((void)); void set_up_initial_allocations PROTO((void)); static char * basename2 PROTO((char* path, int should_strip_ext)); /* these globals are all defined and commented in flexdef.h */ int printstats, syntaxerror, eofseen, ddebug, trace, nowarn, spprdflt; int interactive, caseins, lex_compat, do_yylineno, useecs, fulltbl, usemecs; int fullspd, gen_line_dirs, performance_report, backing_up_report; int C_plus_plus, long_align, use_read, yytext_is_array, do_yywrap, csize; int reentrant, reentrant_bison_pure; int yymore_used, reject, real_reject, continued_action, in_rule; int yymore_really_used, reject_really_used; int datapos, dataline, linenum, out_linenum; FILE *skelfile = NULL; int skel_ind = 0; char *action_array; int action_size, defs1_offset, prolog_offset, action_offset, action_index; char *infilename = NULL, *outfilename = NULL, *headerfilename = NULL; int did_outfilename; char *prefix, *yyclass; int do_stdinit, use_stdout; int onestate[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onesym[ONE_STACK_SIZE]; int onenext[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onedef[ONE_STACK_SIZE], onesp; int maximum_mns, current_mns, current_max_rules; int num_rules, num_eof_rules, default_rule, lastnfa; int *firstst, *lastst, *finalst, *transchar, *trans1, *trans2; int *accptnum, *assoc_rule, *state_type; int *rule_type, *rule_linenum, *rule_useful; int current_state_type; int variable_trailing_context_rules; int numtemps, numprots, protprev[MSP], protnext[MSP], prottbl[MSP]; int protcomst[MSP], firstprot, lastprot, protsave[PROT_SAVE_SIZE]; int numecs, nextecm[CSIZE + 1], ecgroup[CSIZE + 1], nummecs, tecfwd[CSIZE + 1]; int tecbck[CSIZE + 1]; int lastsc, *scset, *scbol, *scxclu, *sceof; int current_max_scs; char **scname; int current_max_dfa_size, current_max_xpairs; int current_max_template_xpairs, current_max_dfas; int lastdfa, *nxt, *chk, *tnxt; int *base, *def, *nultrans, NUL_ec, tblend, firstfree, **dss, *dfasiz; union dfaacc_union *dfaacc; int *accsiz, *dhash, numas; int numsnpairs, jambase, jamstate; int lastccl, *cclmap, *ccllen, *cclng, cclreuse; int current_maxccls, current_max_ccl_tbl_size; Char *ccltbl; char nmstr[MAXLINE]; int sectnum, nummt, hshcol, dfaeql, numeps, eps2, num_reallocs; int tmpuses, totnst, peakpairs, numuniq, numdup, hshsave; int num_backing_up, bol_needed; FILE *backing_up_file; int end_of_buffer_state; char **input_files; int num_input_files; /* Make sure program_name is initialized so we don't crash if writing * out an error message before getting the program name from argv[0]. */ char *program_name = "flex"; #ifndef SHORT_FILE_NAMES static char *outfile_template = "lex.%s.%s"; static char *backing_name = "lex.backup"; #else static char *outfile_template = "lex%s.%s"; static char *backing_name = "lex.bck"; #endif #ifdef THINK_C #include #endif #ifdef MS_DOS extern unsigned _stklen = 16384; #endif static char outfile_path[MAXLINE]; static int outfile_created = 0; static char *skelname = NULL; int main( argc, argv ) int argc; char **argv; { int i; setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, ""); textdomain(PACKAGE); bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); #ifdef THINK_C argc = ccommand( &argv ); #endif flexinit( argc, argv ); readin(); ntod(); for ( i = 1; i <= num_rules; ++i ) if ( ! rule_useful[i] && i != default_rule ) line_warning( _( "rule cannot be matched" ), rule_linenum[i] ); if ( spprdflt && ! reject && rule_useful[default_rule] ) line_warning( _( "-s option given but default rule can be matched" ), rule_linenum[default_rule] ); /* Generate the C state transition tables from the DFA. */ make_tables(); /* Note, flexend does not return. It exits with its argument * as status. */ flexend( 0 ); return 0; /* keep compilers/lint happy */ } /* check_options - check user-specified options */ void check_options() { int i; if ( lex_compat ) { if ( C_plus_plus ) flexerror( _( "Can't use -+ with -l option" ) ); if ( fulltbl || fullspd ) flexerror( _( "Can't use -f or -F with -l option" ) ); if( reentrant || reentrant_bison_pure ) flexerror( _( "Can't use -R or -Rb with -l option" ) ); /* Don't rely on detecting use of yymore() and REJECT, * just assume they'll be used. */ yymore_really_used = reject_really_used = true; yytext_is_array = true; do_yylineno = true; use_read = false; } if ( use_stdout && headerfilename ) flexerror( _( "Can't specify header option if writing to stdout.") ); if ( do_yylineno ) /* This should really be "maintain_backup_tables = true" */ reject_really_used = true; if ( csize == unspecified ) { if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && ! useecs ) csize = DEFAULT_CSIZE; else csize = CSIZE; } if ( interactive == unspecified ) { if ( fulltbl || fullspd ) interactive = false; else interactive = true; } if ( fulltbl || fullspd ) { if ( usemecs ) flexerror( _( "-Cf/-CF and -Cm don't make sense together" ) ); if ( interactive ) flexerror( _( "-Cf/-CF and -I are incompatible" ) ); if ( lex_compat ) flexerror( _( "-Cf/-CF are incompatible with lex-compatibility mode" ) ); if ( do_yylineno ) flexerror( _( "-Cf/-CF and %option yylineno are incompatible" ) ); if ( fulltbl && fullspd ) flexerror( _( "-Cf and -CF are mutually exclusive" ) ); } if ( C_plus_plus && fullspd ) flexerror( _( "Can't use -+ with -CF option" ) ); if ( C_plus_plus && yytext_is_array ) { warn( _( "%array incompatible with -+ option" ) ); yytext_is_array = false; } if ( C_plus_plus && (reentrant || reentrant_bison_pure) ) flexerror( _( "Options -+ and -R are mutually exclusive." ) ); if ( useecs ) { /* Set up doubly-linked equivalence classes. */ /* We loop all the way up to csize, since ecgroup[csize] is * the position used for NUL characters. */ ecgroup[1] = NIL; for ( i = 2; i <= csize; ++i ) { ecgroup[i] = i - 1; nextecm[i - 1] = i; } nextecm[csize] = NIL; } else { /* Put everything in its own equivalence class. */ for ( i = 1; i <= csize; ++i ) { ecgroup[i] = i; nextecm[i] = BAD_SUBSCRIPT; /* to catch errors */ } } if ( ! use_stdout ) { FILE *prev_stdout; if ( ! did_outfilename ) { char *suffix; if ( C_plus_plus ) suffix = "cc"; else suffix = "c"; sprintf( outfile_path, outfile_template, prefix, suffix ); outfilename = outfile_path; } prev_stdout = freopen( outfilename, "w+", stdout ); if ( prev_stdout == NULL ) lerrsf( _( "could not create %s" ), outfilename ); outfile_created = 1; } if ( skelname && (skelfile = fopen( skelname, "r" )) == NULL ) lerrsf( _( "can't open skeleton file %s" ), skelname ); if ( reentrant ) { outn("#define YY_REENTRANT 1"); if( yytext_is_array ) outn("#define YY_TEXT_IS_ARRAY"); } if ( reentrant_bison_pure ) outn("#define YY_REENTRANT_BISON_PURE 1"); if ( strcmp( prefix, "yy" ) ) { #define GEN_PREFIX(name) out_str3( "#define yy%s %s%s\n", name, prefix, name ) if ( C_plus_plus ) GEN_PREFIX( "FlexLexer" ); else { outn( "#ifndef YY_REENTRANT" ); GEN_PREFIX( "text" ); GEN_PREFIX( "leng" ); GEN_PREFIX( "in" ); GEN_PREFIX( "out" ); outn( "#endif" ); GEN_PREFIX( "_create_buffer" ); GEN_PREFIX( "_delete_buffer" ); GEN_PREFIX( "_scan_buffer" ); GEN_PREFIX( "_scan_string" ); GEN_PREFIX( "_scan_bytes" ); GEN_PREFIX( "_flex_debug" ); GEN_PREFIX( "_init_buffer" ); GEN_PREFIX( "_flush_buffer" ); GEN_PREFIX( "_load_buffer_state" ); GEN_PREFIX( "_switch_to_buffer" ); GEN_PREFIX( "lex" ); GEN_PREFIX( "restart" ); GEN_PREFIX( "lex_init" ); GEN_PREFIX( "lex_destroy" ); GEN_PREFIX( "get_extra" ); GEN_PREFIX( "set_extra" ); GEN_PREFIX( "get_in" ); GEN_PREFIX( "set_in" ); GEN_PREFIX( "get_out" ); GEN_PREFIX( "set_out" ); GEN_PREFIX( "get_leng" ); GEN_PREFIX( "get_text" ); GEN_PREFIX( "get_lineno" ); GEN_PREFIX( "set_lineno" ); outn( "#ifdef YY_REENTRANT_BISON_PURE" ); GEN_PREFIX( "get_lval" ); GEN_PREFIX( "set_lval" ); outn( "#ifdef YYLTYPE" ); GEN_PREFIX( "get_lloc" ); GEN_PREFIX( "set_lloc" ); outn( "#endif" ); outn( "#endif" ); if ( do_yylineno && reentrant) outn ( "#define YY_USE_LINENO 1"); } if ( do_yylineno && !reentrant ) GEN_PREFIX( "lineno" ); if ( do_yywrap ) GEN_PREFIX( "wrap" ); outn( "" ); } if ( did_outfilename ) line_directive_out( stdout, 0 ); /* Dump the user defined preproc directives. */ if (userdef_buf.elts) outn( (char*)(userdef_buf.elts) ); skelout(); /* %% [1.0] */ } /* Alter #line directives from the generated source, destined * for the generated header. We chaneg the line number and filename. * linebuf is modified in place. */ void fix_line_dirs(linebuf, outfilename, headerfilename, nlines) char * linebuf; char * outfilename; char * headerfilename; int nlines; { char *pname, *p; /* Match pattern: ^#line +[:digit:]+ +"outfilename" */ p = linebuf; if (strncmp(p, "#line ", 6)) return; p += 6; /* match spaces */ while (*p == ' ') p++; if (!isdigit(*p)) return; /* match numbers */ while (isdigit(*p)) p++; if (*p != ' ') return; /* match spaces */ while (*p == ' ') p++; if (*p != '"') return; p++; pname = p; /* find end of filename. Note: If scanner filename has * embedded '"' chars, then the generated #line directive * may fail. */ while (*p != '\0' && *p != '"') p++; if (*p != '"') return; if (strncmp(pname, outfilename, p-pname) != 0) return; /* We have a match. */ sprintf(linebuf,"#line %d \"%s\"\n", nlines+2, headerfilename); } /* flexend - terminate flex * * note * This routine does not return. */ void flexend( exit_status ) int exit_status; { static int called_before = -1; /* prevent infinite recursion. */ int tblsiz; int i; int unlink(); if( ++called_before ) exit( exit_status ); if ( skelfile != NULL ) { if ( ferror( skelfile ) ) lerrsf( _( "input error reading skeleton file %s" ), skelname ); else if ( fclose( skelfile ) ) lerrsf( _( "error closing skeleton file %s" ), skelname ); } if ( headerfilename && exit_status == 0 && outfile_created && !ferror(stdout)) { /* Copy the file we just wrote to a header file. */ #define LINE_SZ 512 FILE *header_out; char linebuf[LINE_SZ]; int nlines=0; /* rewind the outfile file. */ fflush(stdout); fseek(stdout, 0L, SEEK_SET); header_out = fopen(headerfilename, "w"); if ( header_out == NULL) lerrsf( _( "could not create %s"), headerfilename ); fprintf(header_out, "#ifndef %sHEADER_H\n" "#define %sHEADER_H 1\n" "#define %sIN_HEADER 1\n\n", prefix,prefix,prefix); fflush(header_out); nlines=4; while(fgets(linebuf, LINE_SZ, stdout)) { fix_line_dirs(linebuf, outfilename, headerfilename, nlines); fputs(linebuf, header_out); nlines++; } /* Kill ALL flex-related macros. This is so the user * can #include more than one generated header file. */ fprintf(header_out,"\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef BEGIN\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef ECHO\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef EOB_ACT_CONTINUE_SCAN\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef EOB_ACT_END_OF_FILE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef EOB_ACT_LAST_MATCH\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef FLEX_SCANNER\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef FLEX_STD\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef INITIAL\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef REJECT\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YYLMAX\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YYSTATE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_AT_BOL\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_BREAK\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_BUFFER_EOF_PENDING\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_BUFFER_NEW\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_BUFFER_NORMAL\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_BUF_SIZE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_CALL_LAST_ARG\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_CALL_ONLY_ARG\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_CURRENT_BUFFER\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_DECL\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_DECL_LAST_ARG\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_DO_BEFORE_ACTION\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_END_OF_BUFFER\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_EXIT_FAILURE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_EXTRA_TYPE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_FATAL_ERROR\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_FLEX_DEFINED_ECHO\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_FLEX_LEX_COMPAT\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_FLEX_MAJOR_VERSION\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_FLEX_MINOR_VERSION\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_FLUSH_BUFFER\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_G\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_INPUT\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_INTERACTIVE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_LAST_ARG\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_LEX_ARGS\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_MAIN\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_MORE_ADJ\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NEED_STRLEN\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NEW_FILE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_GET_EXTRA\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_GET_IN\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_GET_LENG\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_GET_LINENO\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_GET_LLOC\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_GET_LVAL\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_GET_OUT\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_GET_TEXT\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_INPUT\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_POP_STATE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_PUSH_STATE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_SCAN_BUFFER\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_SCAN_BYTES\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_SCAN_STRING\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_SET_EXTRA\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_SET_IN\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_SET_LINENO\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_SET_LLOC\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_SET_LVAL\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_SET_OUT\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_TOP_STATE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_UNISTD_H\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NO_UNPUT\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NULL\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_NUM_RULES\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_ONLY_ARG\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_PROTO\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_READ_BUF_SIZE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_REENTRANT\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_REENTRANT_BISON_PURE\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_RESTORE_YY_MORE_OFFSET\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_RULE_SETUP\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_SC_TO_UI\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_SKIP_YYWRAP\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_STACK_USED\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_START\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_START_STACK_INCR\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_STATE_EOF\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_STDINIT\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_TEXT_IS_ARRAY\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_TRAILING_HEAD_MASK\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_TRAILING_MASK\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_USER_ACTION\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_USES_REJECT\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_USE_CONST\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_USE_LINENO\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef YY_USE_PROTOS\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef unput\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_create_buffer\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_delete_buffer\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_flex_debug\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_flush_buffer\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_init_buffer\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_load_buffer_state\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_new_buffer\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_scan_buffer\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_scan_bytes\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_scan_string\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_set_bol\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_set_interactive\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yy_switch_to_buffer\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyconst\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyextra\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyget_extra\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyget_in\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyget_leng\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyget_lineno\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyget_lloc\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyget_lval\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyget_out\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyget_text\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyin\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyleng\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyless\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yylex\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yylex_destroy\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yylex_init\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yylineno\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yylloc\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yylval\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yymore\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyout\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyrestart\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyset_extra\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyset_in\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyset_lineno\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyset_lloc\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyset_lval\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyset_out\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yyterminate\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yytext\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yytext_ptr\n"); fprintf(header_out,"#undef yywrap\n"); /* undef any of the auto-generated symbols. */ for(i=0; i < defs_buf.nelts; i++) fprintf(header_out, "#undef %s\n", ((char**)defs_buf.elts)[i]); fprintf(header_out, "\n" "#undef %sIN_HEADER\n" "#endif /* %sHEADER_H */\n", prefix, prefix); if ( ferror( header_out ) ) lerrsf( _( "error creating header file %s" ), headerfilename); fflush(header_out); fclose(header_out); } if ( exit_status != 0 && outfile_created ) { if ( ferror( stdout ) ) lerrsf( _( "error writing output file %s" ), outfilename ); else if ( fclose( stdout ) ) lerrsf( _( "error closing output file %s" ), outfilename ); else if ( unlink( outfilename ) ) lerrsf( _( "error deleting output file %s" ), outfilename ); } if ( backing_up_report && backing_up_file ) { if ( num_backing_up == 0 ) fprintf( backing_up_file, _( "No backing up.\n" ) ); else if ( fullspd || fulltbl ) fprintf( backing_up_file, _( "%d backing up (non-accepting) states.\n" ), num_backing_up ); else fprintf( backing_up_file, _( "Compressed tables always back up.\n" ) ); if ( ferror( backing_up_file ) ) lerrsf( _( "error writing backup file %s" ), backing_name ); else if ( fclose( backing_up_file ) ) lerrsf( _( "error closing backup file %s" ), backing_name ); } if ( printstats ) { fprintf( stderr, _( "%s version %s usage statistics:\n" ), program_name, flex_version ); fprintf( stderr, _( " scanner options: -" ) ); if ( C_plus_plus ) putc( '+', stderr ); if ( backing_up_report ) putc( 'b', stderr ); if ( ddebug ) putc( 'd', stderr ); if ( caseins ) putc( 'i', stderr ); if ( lex_compat ) putc( 'l', stderr ); if ( performance_report > 0 ) putc( 'p', stderr ); if ( performance_report > 1 ) putc( 'p', stderr ); if ( spprdflt ) putc( 's', stderr ); if ( reentrant ) { putc( 'R', stderr ); if( reentrant_bison_pure ) putc( 'b', stderr ); } if ( use_stdout ) putc( 't', stderr ); if ( printstats ) putc( 'v', stderr ); /* always true! */ if ( nowarn ) putc( 'w', stderr ); if ( interactive == false ) putc( 'B', stderr ); if ( interactive == true ) putc( 'I', stderr ); if ( ! gen_line_dirs ) putc( 'L', stderr ); if ( trace ) putc( 'T', stderr ); if ( csize == unspecified ) /* We encountered an error fairly early on, so csize * never got specified. Define it now, to prevent * bogus table sizes being written out below. */ csize = 256; if ( csize == 128 ) putc( '7', stderr ); else putc( '8', stderr ); fprintf( stderr, " -C" ); if ( long_align ) putc( 'a', stderr ); if ( fulltbl ) putc( 'f', stderr ); if ( fullspd ) putc( 'F', stderr ); if ( useecs ) putc( 'e', stderr ); if ( usemecs ) putc( 'm', stderr ); if ( use_read ) putc( 'r', stderr ); if ( did_outfilename ) fprintf( stderr, " -o%s", outfilename ); if ( skelname ) fprintf( stderr, " -S%s", skelname ); if ( strcmp( prefix, "yy" ) ) fprintf( stderr, " -P%s", prefix ); putc( '\n', stderr ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d/%d NFA states\n" ), lastnfa, current_mns ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d/%d DFA states (%d words)\n" ), lastdfa, current_max_dfas, totnst ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d rules\n" ), num_rules + num_eof_rules - 1 /* - 1 for def. rule */ ); if ( num_backing_up == 0 ) fprintf( stderr, _( " No backing up\n" ) ); else if ( fullspd || fulltbl ) fprintf( stderr, _( " %d backing-up (non-accepting) states\n" ), num_backing_up ); else fprintf( stderr, _( " Compressed tables always back-up\n" ) ); if ( bol_needed ) fprintf( stderr, _( " Beginning-of-line patterns used\n" ) ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d/%d start conditions\n" ), lastsc, current_max_scs ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d epsilon states, %d double epsilon states\n" ), numeps, eps2 ); if ( lastccl == 0 ) fprintf( stderr, _( " no character classes\n" ) ); else fprintf( stderr, _( " %d/%d character classes needed %d/%d words of storage, %d reused\n" ), lastccl, current_maxccls, cclmap[lastccl] + ccllen[lastccl], current_max_ccl_tbl_size, cclreuse ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d state/nextstate pairs created\n" ), numsnpairs ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d/%d unique/duplicate transitions\n" ), numuniq, numdup ); if ( fulltbl ) { tblsiz = lastdfa * numecs; fprintf( stderr, _( " %d table entries\n" ), tblsiz ); } else { tblsiz = 2 * (lastdfa + numtemps) + 2 * tblend; fprintf( stderr, _( " %d/%d base-def entries created\n" ), lastdfa + numtemps, current_max_dfas ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d/%d (peak %d) nxt-chk entries created\n" ), tblend, current_max_xpairs, peakpairs ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d/%d (peak %d) template nxt-chk entries created\n" ), numtemps * nummecs, current_max_template_xpairs, numtemps * numecs ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d empty table entries\n" ), nummt ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d protos created\n" ), numprots ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d templates created, %d uses\n" ), numtemps, tmpuses ); } if ( useecs ) { tblsiz = tblsiz + csize; fprintf( stderr, _( " %d/%d equivalence classes created\n" ), numecs, csize ); } if ( usemecs ) { tblsiz = tblsiz + numecs; fprintf( stderr, _( " %d/%d meta-equivalence classes created\n" ), nummecs, csize ); } fprintf( stderr, _( " %d (%d saved) hash collisions, %d DFAs equal\n" ), hshcol, hshsave, dfaeql ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d sets of reallocations needed\n" ), num_reallocs ); fprintf( stderr, _( " %d total table entries needed\n" ), tblsiz ); } exit( exit_status ); } /* flexinit - initialize flex */ void flexinit( argc, argv ) int argc; char **argv; { int i, sawcmpflag, rv, optind; char *arg; scanopt_t sopt; printstats = syntaxerror = trace = spprdflt = caseins = false; lex_compat = C_plus_plus = backing_up_report = ddebug = fulltbl = false; fullspd = long_align = nowarn = yymore_used = continued_action = false; do_yylineno = yytext_is_array = in_rule = reject = do_stdinit = false; yymore_really_used = reject_really_used = unspecified; interactive = csize = unspecified; do_yywrap = gen_line_dirs = usemecs = useecs = true; reentrant = reentrant_bison_pure = false; performance_report = 0; did_outfilename = 0; prefix = "yy"; yyclass = 0; use_read = use_stdout = false; sawcmpflag = false; /* Initialize dynamic array for holding the rule actions. */ action_size = 2048; /* default size of action array in bytes */ action_array = allocate_character_array( action_size ); defs1_offset = prolog_offset = action_offset = action_index = 0; action_array[0] = '\0'; /* Initialize any buffers. */ buf_init(&userdef_buf, sizeof(char)); buf_init(&defs_buf, sizeof(char*)); /* Enable C++ if program name ends with '+'. */ program_name = basename2(argv[0],0); if ( program_name[0] != '\0' && program_name[strlen( program_name ) - 1] == '+' ) C_plus_plus = true; /* read flags */ sopt = scanopt_init(flexopts, argc, argv, 0); if (!sopt) { /* This will only happen when flexopts array is altered. */ fprintf(stderr, _("Internal error. flexopts are malformed.\n")); exit(1); } while((rv=scanopt(sopt, &arg, &optind)) != 0){ if (rv < 0) { /* Scanopt has already printed an option-specific error message. */ fprintf( stderr, _( "For usage, try\n\t%s --help\n" ), program_name ); exit( 1 ); break; } switch ((enum flexopt_flag_t)rv){ case OPT_CPLUSPLUS: C_plus_plus = true; break; case OPT_BATCH: interactive = false; break; case OPT_BACKUP: backing_up_report = true; break; case OPT_DONOTHING: break; case OPT_COMPRESSION: if ( ! sawcmpflag ) { useecs = false; usemecs = false; fulltbl = false; sawcmpflag = true; } for( i=0 ; arg && arg[i] != '\0'; i++) switch ( arg[i] ) { case 'a': long_align = true; break; case 'e': useecs = true; break; case 'F': fullspd = true; break; case 'f': fulltbl = true; break; case 'm': usemecs = true; break; case 'r': use_read = true; break; default: lerrif( _( "unknown -C option '%c'" ), (int) arg[i] ); break; } break; case OPT_DEBUG: ddebug = true; break; case OPT_NO_DEBUG: ddebug = false; break; case OPT_FULL: useecs = usemecs = false; use_read = fulltbl = true; break; case OPT_FAST: useecs = usemecs = false; use_read = fullspd = true; break; case OPT_HELP: usage(); exit( 0 ); case OPT_INTERACTIVE: interactive = true; break; case OPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE: caseins = true; break; case OPT_LEX_COMPAT: lex_compat = true; break; case OPT_MAIN: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_MAIN", "1"); do_yywrap = false; break; case OPT_NO_MAIN: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_MAIN", "0"); break; case OPT_NO_LINE: gen_line_dirs = false; break; case OPT_OUTFILE: outfilename = arg; did_outfilename = 1; break; case OPT_PREFIX: prefix = arg; break; case OPT_PERF_REPORT: ++performance_report; break; case OPT_REENTRANT_BISON: reentrant = true; reentrant_bison_pure = true; break; case OPT_REENTRANT: reentrant = true; /* Optional 'b' follows -R */ if (arg) { if (strcmp(arg,"b")==0) reentrant_bison_pure = true; else lerrif(_( "unknown -R option '%c'" ),(int)arg[0]); } break; case OPT_NO_REENTRANT: reentrant = reentrant_bison_pure = false; break; case OPT_SKEL: skelname = arg; break; case OPT_DEFAULT: spprdflt = false; break; case OPT_NO_DEFAULT: spprdflt = true; break; case OPT_STDOUT: use_stdout = true; break; case OPT_NO_UNISTD_H: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf,"YY_NO_UNISTD_H", "1"); break; case OPT_TRACE: trace = true; break; case OPT_VERBOSE: printstats = true; break; case OPT_VERSION: printf( _( "%s %s\n" ), program_name, flex_version ); exit( 0 ); case OPT_WARN: nowarn = false; break; case OPT_NO_WARN: nowarn = true; break; case OPT_7BIT: csize = 128; break; case OPT_8BIT: csize = CSIZE; break; case OPT_ALIGN: long_align = true; break; case OPT_NO_ALIGN: long_align = false; break; case OPT_ALWAYS_INTERACTIVE: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf,"YY_ALWAYS_INTERACTIVE", "1"); break; case OPT_NEVER_INTERACTIVE: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE", "1" ); break; case OPT_ARRAY: yytext_is_array = true; break; case OPT_POINTER: yytext_is_array = false; break; case OPT_ECS: useecs = true; break; case OPT_NO_ECS: useecs = false; break; case OPT_HEADER: headerfilename = arg; break; case OPT_META_ECS: usemecs = true; break; case OPT_NO_META_ECS: usemecs = false; break; case OPT_PREPROCDEFINE: { /* arg is "symbol" or "symbol=definition". */ char *def; for(def=arg; *def != '\0' && *def!='='; ++def) ; buf_strappend(&userdef_buf,"#define "); if (*def=='\0'){ buf_strappend(&userdef_buf,arg); buf_strappend(&userdef_buf, " 1\n"); }else{ buf_strnappend(&userdef_buf, arg,def-arg); buf_strappend(&userdef_buf, " "); buf_strappend(&userdef_buf, def+1); buf_strappend(&userdef_buf, "\n"); } } break; case OPT_READ: use_read = true; break; case OPT_STACK: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf,"YY_STACK_USED","1"); break; case OPT_STDINIT: do_stdinit = true; break; case OPT_NO_STDINIT: do_stdinit = false; break; case OPT_YYCLASS: yyclass = arg; break; case OPT_YYLINENO: do_yylineno = true; break; case OPT_NO_YYLINENO: do_yylineno = false; break; case OPT_YYWRAP: do_yywrap = true; break; case OPT_NO_YYWRAP: do_yywrap = false; break; case OPT_YYMORE: yymore_really_used = true; break; case OPT_NO_YYMORE: yymore_really_used = false; break; case OPT_REJECT: reject_really_used = true; break; case OPT_NO_REJECT: reject_really_used = false; break; case OPT_NO_YY_PUSH_STATE: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_PUSH_STATE", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YY_POP_STATE: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_POP_STATE", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YY_TOP_STATE: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_TOP_STATE", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_UNPUT: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_UNPUT", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YY_SCAN_BUFFER: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_SCAN_BUFFER", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YY_SCAN_BYTES: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_SCAN_BYTES", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YY_SCAN_STRING: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_SCAN_STRING", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYGET_EXTRA: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_GET_EXTRA", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYSET_EXTRA: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_SET_EXTRA", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYGET_LENG: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_GET_LENG", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYGET_TEXT: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_GET_TEXT", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYGET_LINENO: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_GET_LINENO", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYSET_LINENO: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_SET_LINENO", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYGET_IN: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_GET_IN", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYSET_IN: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_SET_IN", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYGET_OUT: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_GET_OUT", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYSET_OUT: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_SET_OUT", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYGET_LVAL: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_GET_LVAL", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYSET_LVAL: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_SET_LVAL", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYGET_LLOC: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_GET_LLOC", "1"); break; case OPT_NO_YYSET_LLOC: buf_strdefine(&userdef_buf, "YY_NO_SET_LLOC", "1"); break; } /* switch */ } /* while scanopt() */ scanopt_destroy(sopt); num_input_files = argc - optind; input_files = argv + optind; set_input_file( num_input_files > 0 ? input_files[0] : NULL ); lastccl = lastsc = lastdfa = lastnfa = 0; num_rules = num_eof_rules = default_rule = 0; numas = numsnpairs = tmpuses = 0; numecs = numeps = eps2 = num_reallocs = hshcol = dfaeql = totnst = 0; numuniq = numdup = hshsave = eofseen = datapos = dataline = 0; num_backing_up = onesp = numprots = 0; variable_trailing_context_rules = bol_needed = false; out_linenum = linenum = sectnum = 1; firstprot = NIL; /* Used in mkprot() so that the first proto goes in slot 1 * of the proto queue. */ lastprot = 1; set_up_initial_allocations(); } /* readin - read in the rules section of the input file(s) */ void readin() { static char yy_stdinit[] = "FILE *yyin = stdin, *yyout = stdout;"; static char yy_nostdinit[] = "FILE *yyin = (FILE *) 0, *yyout = (FILE *) 0;"; line_directive_out( (FILE *) 0, 1 ); if ( yyparse() ) { pinpoint_message( _( "fatal parse error" ) ); flexend( 1 ); } if ( syntaxerror ) flexend( 1 ); if ( backing_up_report ) { backing_up_file = fopen( backing_name, "w" ); if ( backing_up_file == NULL ) lerrsf( _( "could not create backing-up info file %s" ), backing_name ); } else backing_up_file = NULL; if ( yymore_really_used == true ) yymore_used = true; else if ( yymore_really_used == false ) yymore_used = false; if ( reject_really_used == true ) reject = true; else if ( reject_really_used == false ) reject = false; if ( performance_report > 0 ) { if ( lex_compat ) { fprintf( stderr, _( "-l AT&T lex compatibility option entails a large performance penalty\n" ) ); fprintf( stderr, _( " and may be the actual source of other reported performance penalties\n" ) ); } else if ( do_yylineno ) { fprintf( stderr, _( "%%option yylineno entails a large performance penalty\n" ) ); } if ( performance_report > 1 ) { if ( interactive ) fprintf( stderr, _( "-I (interactive) entails a minor performance penalty\n" ) ); if ( yymore_used ) fprintf( stderr, _( "yymore() entails a minor performance penalty\n" ) ); } if ( reject ) fprintf( stderr, _( "REJECT entails a large performance penalty\n" ) ); if ( variable_trailing_context_rules ) fprintf( stderr, _( "Variable trailing context rules entail a large performance penalty\n" ) ); } if ( reject ) real_reject = true; if ( variable_trailing_context_rules ) reject = true; if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && reject ) { if ( real_reject ) flexerror( _( "REJECT cannot be used with -f or -F" ) ); else if ( do_yylineno ) flexerror( _( "%option yylineno cannot be used with -f or -F" ) ); else flexerror( _( "variable trailing context rules cannot be used with -f or -F" ) ); } if ( reject ) outn( "\n#define YY_USES_REJECT" ); if ( ! do_yywrap ) { outn( "\n#define yywrap(n) 1" ); outn( "#define YY_SKIP_YYWRAP" ); } if ( ddebug ) outn( "\n#define FLEX_DEBUG" ); OUT_BEGIN_CODE(); if ( csize == 256 ) outn( "typedef unsigned char YY_CHAR;" ); else outn( "typedef char YY_CHAR;" ); OUT_END_CODE(); if ( C_plus_plus ) { outn( "#define yytext_ptr yytext" ); if ( interactive ) outn( "#define YY_INTERACTIVE" ); } else { OUT_BEGIN_CODE(); /* In reentrant scanner, stdinit is handled in flex.skl. */ if ( do_stdinit ) { outn( "#ifdef YY_REENTRANT" ); outn( "#ifdef VMS" ); outn( "#ifdef __VMS_POSIX" ); outn( "#define YY_STDINIT" ); outn( "#endif" ); outn( "#else" ); outn( "#define YY_STDINIT" ); outn( "#endif" ); outn( "#else /* end YY_REENTRANT */" ); outn( "#ifdef VMS" ); outn( "#ifndef __VMS_POSIX" ); outn( yy_nostdinit ); outn( "#else" ); outn( yy_stdinit ); outn( "#endif" ); outn( "#else" ); outn( yy_stdinit ); outn( "#endif" ); outn( "#endif" ); } else { outn( "#ifndef YY_REENTRANT" ); outn( yy_nostdinit ); outn( "#endif" ); } OUT_END_CODE(); } OUT_BEGIN_CODE(); if ( fullspd ) outn( "typedef yyconst struct yy_trans_info *yy_state_type;" ); else if ( ! C_plus_plus ) outn( "typedef int yy_state_type;" ); OUT_END_CODE(); if ( ddebug ) outn( "\n#define FLEX_DEBUG" ); if ( lex_compat ) outn( "#define YY_FLEX_LEX_COMPAT" ); if ( do_yylineno && ! C_plus_plus && ! reentrant ) { outn( "extern int yylineno;" ); OUT_BEGIN_CODE(); outn( "int yylineno = 1;" ); OUT_END_CODE(); } if ( C_plus_plus ) { outn( "\n#include " ); if ( yyclass ) { outn( "int yyFlexLexer::yylex()" ); outn( "\t{" ); outn( "\tLexerError( \"yyFlexLexer::yylex invoked but %option yyclass used\" );" ); outn( "\treturn 0;" ); outn( "\t}" ); out_str( "\n#define YY_DECL int %s::yylex()\n", yyclass ); } } else { /* Watch out: yytext_ptr is a variable when yytext is an array, * but it's a macro when yytext is a pointer. */ if ( yytext_is_array ) { if ( !reentrant ) outn( "extern char yytext[];\n" ); } else { if ( reentrant ) { outn( "#define yytext_ptr yytext_r" ); } else { outn( "extern char *yytext;" ); outn( "#define yytext_ptr yytext" ); } } if ( yyclass ) flexerror( _( "%option yyclass only meaningful for C++ scanners" ) ); } if ( useecs ) numecs = cre8ecs( nextecm, ecgroup, csize ); else numecs = csize; /* Now map the equivalence class for NUL to its expected place. */ ecgroup[0] = ecgroup[csize]; NUL_ec = ABS( ecgroup[0] ); if ( useecs ) ccl2ecl(); } /* set_up_initial_allocations - allocate memory for internal tables */ void set_up_initial_allocations() { maximum_mns = (long_align ? MAXIMUM_MNS_LONG : MAXIMUM_MNS); current_mns = INITIAL_MNS; firstst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns ); lastst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns ); finalst = allocate_integer_array( current_mns ); transchar = allocate_integer_array( current_mns ); trans1 = allocate_integer_array( current_mns ); trans2 = allocate_integer_array( current_mns ); accptnum = allocate_integer_array( current_mns ); assoc_rule = allocate_integer_array( current_mns ); state_type = allocate_integer_array( current_mns ); current_max_rules = INITIAL_MAX_RULES; rule_type = allocate_integer_array( current_max_rules ); rule_linenum = allocate_integer_array( current_max_rules ); rule_useful = allocate_integer_array( current_max_rules ); current_max_scs = INITIAL_MAX_SCS; scset = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs ); scbol = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs ); scxclu = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs ); sceof = allocate_integer_array( current_max_scs ); scname = allocate_char_ptr_array( current_max_scs ); current_maxccls = INITIAL_MAX_CCLS; cclmap = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls ); ccllen = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls ); cclng = allocate_integer_array( current_maxccls ); current_max_ccl_tbl_size = INITIAL_MAX_CCL_TBL_SIZE; ccltbl = allocate_Character_array( current_max_ccl_tbl_size ); current_max_dfa_size = INITIAL_MAX_DFA_SIZE; current_max_xpairs = INITIAL_MAX_XPAIRS; nxt = allocate_integer_array( current_max_xpairs ); chk = allocate_integer_array( current_max_xpairs ); current_max_template_xpairs = INITIAL_MAX_TEMPLATE_XPAIRS; tnxt = allocate_integer_array( current_max_template_xpairs ); current_max_dfas = INITIAL_MAX_DFAS; base = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas ); def = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas ); dfasiz = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas ); accsiz = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas ); dhash = allocate_integer_array( current_max_dfas ); dss = allocate_int_ptr_array( current_max_dfas ); dfaacc = allocate_dfaacc_union( current_max_dfas ); nultrans = (int *) 0; } /* extracts basename from path, optionally stripping the extension "\.*" * (same concept as /bin/sh `basename`, but different handling of extension). */ static char * basename2(path, strip_ext) char * path; int strip_ext; /* boolean */ { char *b, *e=0; b = path; for (b=path; *path; path++) if (*path== '/') b = path+1; else if (*path=='.') e = path; if (strip_ext && e && e > b) *e = '\0'; return b; } void usage() { FILE *f = stdout; if ( ! did_outfilename ) { sprintf( outfile_path, outfile_template, prefix, C_plus_plus ? "cc" : "c" ); outfilename = outfile_path; } fprintf(f,_( "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [FILE]...\n"), program_name); fprintf(f, _( "Generates programs that perform pattern-matching on text.\n" "\n" "Table Compression:\n" " -Ca, --align trade off larger tables for better memory alignment\n" " -Ce, --ecs construct equivalence classes\n" " -Cf do not compress tables; use -f representation\n" " -CF do not compress tables; use -F representation\n" " -Cm, --meta-ecs construct meta-equivalence classes\n" " -Cr, --read use read() instead of stdio for scanner input\n" " -f, --full generate fast, large scanner. Same as -Cfr\n" " -F, --fast use alternate table representation. Same as -CFr\n" " -Cem default compression (same as --ecs --meta-ecs)\n" "\n" "Debugging:\n" " -d, --debug enable debug mode in scanner\n" " -b, --backup write backing-up information to %s\n" " -p, --perf-report write performance report to stderr\n" " -s, --nodefault suppress default rule to ECHO unmatched text\n" " -T, --trace %s should run in trace mode\n" " -w, --nowarn do not generate warnings\n" " -v, --verbose write summary of scanner statistics to stdout\n" "\n" "Files:\n" " -o, --outfile=FILE specify output filename\n" " -S, --skel=FILE specify skeleton file\n" " -t, --stdout write scanner on stdout instead of %s\n" " --yyclass=NAME name of C++ class\n" " --header=FILE create a C header file in addition to the scanner\n" "\n" "Scanner behavior:\n" " -7, --7bit generate 7-bit scanner\n" " -8, --8bit generate 8-bit scanner\n" " -B, --batch generate batch scanner (opposite of -I)\n" " -i, --case-insensitive ignore case in patterns\n" " -l, --lex-compat maximal compatibility with original lex\n" " -I, --interactive generate interactive scanner (opposite of -B)\n" " --yylineno track line count in yylineno\n" "\n" "Generated code:\n" " -+, --c++ generate C++ scanner class\n" " -Dmacro[=defn] #define macro defn (default defn is '1')\n" " -L, --noline suppress #line directives in scanner\n" " -P, --prefix=STRING use STRING as prefix instead of \"yy\"\n" " -R, --reentrant generate a reentrant C scanner\n" " -Rb, --reentrant-bison reentrant scanner for bison pure parser.\n" " --stdinit initialize yyin/yyout to stdin/stdout\n" " --nounistd do not include \n" " --noFUNCTION do not generate a particular FUNCTION\n" "\n" "Miscellaneous:\n" " -c do-nothing POSIX option\n" " -n do-nothing POSIX option\n" " -?\n" " -h, --help produce this help message\n" " -V, --version report %s version\n" ), backing_name, program_name, outfile_path, program_name); }