#include "options.h" /* Be sure to synchronize these options with those defined in "options.h", * the giant switch() statement in "main.c", and the %option processing in * "scan.l". */ /* The command-line options, passed to scanopt_init() */ optspec_t flexopts[] = { {"-7", OPT_7BIT,0}, {"--7bit", OPT_7BIT,0},/* Generate 7-bit scanner. */ {"-8", OPT_8BIT,0}, {"--8bit", OPT_8BIT,0},/* Generate 8-bit scanner. */ {"--align", OPT_ALIGN,0},/* Trade off larger tables for better memory alignment. */ {"--noalign", OPT_NO_ALIGN,0}, {"--always-interactive", OPT_ALWAYS_INTERACTIVE,0}, {"--array", OPT_ARRAY,0}, {"-b", OPT_BACKUP,0}, {"--backup", OPT_BACKUP,0},/* Generate backing-up information to lex.backup. */ {"-B", OPT_BATCH,0}, {"--batch", OPT_BATCH,0},/* Generate batch scanner (opposite of -I). */ {"-i", OPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE,0}, {"--case-insensitive", OPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE,0},/* Generate case-insensitive scanner. */ {"-C[aefFmr]", OPT_COMPRESSION,"Specify degree of table compression (default is -Cem)"}, {"-+", OPT_CPLUSPLUS,0}, {"--c++", OPT_CPLUSPLUS,0},/* Generate C++ scanner class. */ {"-d", OPT_DEBUG,0}, {"--debug", OPT_DEBUG,0},/* Turn on debug mode in generated scanner. */ {"--nodebug", OPT_NO_DEBUG,0}, {"-s", OPT_NO_DEFAULT,0}, {"--nodefault", OPT_NO_DEFAULT,0},/* Suppress default rule to ECHO unmatched text. */ {"--default", OPT_DEFAULT,0}, {"-c", OPT_DONOTHING,0},/* For POSIX lex compatibility. */ {"-n", OPT_DONOTHING,0},/* For POSIX lex compatibility. */ {"--ecs", OPT_ECS,0},/* Construct equivalence classes. */ {"--noecs", OPT_NO_ECS,0}, {"-F", OPT_FAST,0}, {"--fast", OPT_FAST,0},/* Same as -CFr. */ {"-f", OPT_FULL,0}, {"--full", OPT_FULL,0},/* Same as -Cfr. */ {"--header[=FILE]", OPT_HEADER,0}, {"-?", OPT_HELP,0}, {"-h", OPT_HELP,0}, {"--help", OPT_HELP,0},/* Produce this help message. */ {"-I", OPT_INTERACTIVE,0}, {"--interactive", OPT_INTERACTIVE,0},/* Generate interactive scanner (opposite of -B). */ {"-l", OPT_LEX_COMPAT,0}, {"--lex-compat", OPT_LEX_COMPAT,0},/* Maximal compatibility with original lex. */ {"-L", OPT_NO_LINE,0},/* Suppress #line directives in scanner. */ {"--noline", OPT_NO_LINE,0},/* Suppress #line directives in scanner. */ {"--main", OPT_MAIN,0}, /* use built-in main() function. */ {"--nomain", OPT_NO_MAIN,0}, {"--meta-ecs", OPT_META_ECS,0},/* Construct meta-equivalence classes. */ {"--nometa-ecs", OPT_NO_META_ECS,0}, {"--never-interactive", OPT_NEVER_INTERACTIVE,0}, {"-o FILE", OPT_OUTFILE,0}, {"--outfile=FILE", OPT_OUTFILE,0},/* Write to FILE (default is lex.yy.c) */ {"-p", OPT_PERF_REPORT,0}, {"--perf-report", OPT_PERF_REPORT,0},/* Generate performance report to stderr. */ {"--pointer", OPT_POINTER,0}, {"-P PREFIX", OPT_PREFIX,0}, {"--prefix=PREFIX", OPT_PREFIX,0},/* Use PREFIX (default is yy) */ {"-Dmacro", OPT_PREPROCDEFINE,0},/* Define a preprocessor symbol. */ {"--read", OPT_READ,0},/* Use read(2) instead of stdio. */ {"-R[b]", OPT_REENTRANT,0}, {"--reentrant", OPT_REENTRANT,0},/* Generate a reentrant C scanner. */ {"--noreentrant", OPT_NO_REENTRANT,0}, {"--reentrant-bison", OPT_REENTRANT_BISON,0},/* Reentrant scanner to be called by a bison pure parser. */ {"--reject", OPT_REJECT,0}, {"--noreject", OPT_NO_REJECT,0}, {"-S FILE", OPT_SKEL,0}, {"--skel=FILE", OPT_SKEL,0},/* Use skeleton from FILE */ {"--stack", OPT_STACK,0}, {"--stdinit", OPT_STDINIT,0}, {"--nostdinit", OPT_NO_STDINIT,0}, {"-t", OPT_STDOUT,0}, {"--stdout", OPT_STDOUT,0},/* Write generated scanner to stdout. */ {"-T", OPT_TRACE,0}, {"--trace", OPT_TRACE,0},/* Flex should run in trace mode. */ {"--nounistd", OPT_NO_UNISTD_H,0}, /* Do not include unistd.h */ {"-v", OPT_VERBOSE,0}, {"--verbose", OPT_VERBOSE,0},/* Write summary of scanner statistics to stdout. */ {"-V", OPT_VERSION,0}, {"--version", OPT_VERSION,0},/* Report flex version. */ {"--warn", OPT_WARN,0}, {"-w", OPT_NO_WARN,0}, {"--nowarn", OPT_NO_WARN,0},/* Suppress warning messages. */ {"--yyclass=NAME", OPT_YYCLASS,0}, {"--yylineno", OPT_YYLINENO,0}, {"--noyylineno", OPT_NO_YYLINENO,0}, {"--yymore", OPT_YYMORE,0}, {"--noyymore", OPT_NO_YYMORE,0}, {"--noyywrap", OPT_NO_YYWRAP,0}, {"--yywrap" , OPT_YYWRAP,0}, {"--nounput", OPT_NO_UNPUT,0}, {"--noyy_push_state", OPT_NO_YY_PUSH_STATE,0}, {"--noyy_pop_state", OPT_NO_YY_POP_STATE,0}, {"--noyy_top_state", OPT_NO_YY_TOP_STATE,0}, {"--noyy_scan_buffer", OPT_NO_YY_SCAN_BUFFER,0}, {"--noyy_scan_bytes", OPT_NO_YY_SCAN_BYTES,0}, {"--noyy_scan_string", OPT_NO_YY_SCAN_STRING,0}, {"--noyyget_extra", OPT_NO_YYGET_EXTRA,0}, {"--noyyset_extra", OPT_NO_YYSET_EXTRA,0}, {"--noyyget_leng", OPT_NO_YYGET_LENG,0}, {"--noyyget_text", OPT_NO_YYGET_TEXT,0}, {"--noyyget_lineno", OPT_NO_YYGET_LINENO,0}, {"--noyyset_lineno", OPT_NO_YYSET_LINENO,0}, {"--noyyget_in", OPT_NO_YYGET_IN,0}, {"--noyyset_in", OPT_NO_YYSET_IN,0}, {"--noyyget_out", OPT_NO_YYGET_OUT,0}, {"--noyyset_out", OPT_NO_YYSET_OUT,0}, {"--noyyget_lval", OPT_NO_YYGET_LVAL,0}, {"--noyyset_lval", OPT_NO_YYSET_LVAL,0}, {"--noyyget_lloc", OPT_NO_YYGET_LLOC,0}, {"--noyyset_lloc", OPT_NO_YYSET_LLOC,0}, {0,0,0} /* required final NULL entry.*/ }; /* vim:set tabstop=8 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */