// // "$Id: Fl_Pixmap.cxx,v 2004/04/11 04:38:58 easysw Exp $" // // Pixmap drawing code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2004 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems to "fltk-bugs@fltk.org". // // Draws X pixmap data, keeping it stashed in a server pixmap so it // redraws fast. // See fl_draw_pixmap.cxx for code used to get the actual data into pixmap. // Implemented without using the xpm library (which I can't use because // it interferes with the color cube used by fl_draw_image). #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "flstring.h" #include extern uchar **fl_mask_bitmap; // used by fl_draw_pixmap.cxx to store mask void fl_restore_clip(); // in fl_rect.cxx void Fl_Pixmap::measure() { int W, H; // ignore empty or bad pixmap data: if (w()<0 && data()) { fl_measure_pixmap(data(), W, H); w(W); h(H); } } void Fl_Pixmap::draw(int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy) { // ignore empty or bad pixmap data: if (!data()) { draw_empty(XP, YP); return; } if (w()<0) measure(); if (WP==-1) { WP = w(); HP = h(); } if (!w()) { draw_empty(XP, YP); return; } // account for current clip region (faster on Irix): int X,Y,W,H; fl_clip_box(XP,YP,WP,HP,X,Y,W,H); cx += X-XP; cy += Y-YP; // clip the box down to the size of image, quit if empty: if (cx < 0) {W += cx; X -= cx; cx = 0;} if (cx+W > w()) W = w()-cx; if (W <= 0) return; if (cy < 0) {H += cy; Y -= cy; cy = 0;} if (cy+H > h()) H = h()-cy; if (H <= 0) return; if (!id) { id = fl_create_offscreen(w(), h()); fl_begin_offscreen((Fl_Offscreen)id); uchar *bitmap = 0; fl_mask_bitmap = &bitmap; fl_draw_pixmap(data(), 0, 0, FL_BLACK); fl_mask_bitmap = 0; if (bitmap) { mask = fl_create_bitmask(w(), h(), bitmap); delete[] bitmap; } fl_end_offscreen(); } #ifdef WIN32 if (mask) { HDC new_gc = CreateCompatibleDC(fl_gc); SelectObject(new_gc, (void*)mask); BitBlt(fl_gc, X, Y, W, H, new_gc, cx, cy, SRCAND); SelectObject(new_gc, (void*)id); BitBlt(fl_gc, X, Y, W, H, new_gc, cx, cy, SRCPAINT); DeleteDC(new_gc); } else { fl_copy_offscreen(X, Y, W, H, (Fl_Offscreen)id, cx, cy); } #elif defined(__APPLE__) if (mask) { Rect src, dst; src.left = cx; src.right = cx+W; src.top = cy; src.bottom = cy+H; dst.left = X; dst.right = X+W; dst.top = Y; dst.bottom = Y+H; RGBColor rgb; rgb.red = 0xffff; rgb.green = 0xffff; rgb.blue = 0xffff; RGBBackColor(&rgb); rgb.red = 0x0000; rgb.green = 0x0000; rgb.blue = 0x0000; RGBForeColor(&rgb); CopyMask(GetPortBitMapForCopyBits((GrafPtr)id), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits((GrafPtr)mask), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(fl_window)), &src, &src, &dst); } else { fl_copy_offscreen(X, Y, W, H, (Fl_Offscreen)id, cx, cy); } #else if (mask) { // I can't figure out how to combine a mask with existing region, // so cut the image down to a clipped rectangle: int nx, ny; fl_clip_box(X,Y,W,H,nx,ny,W,H); cx += nx-X; X = nx; cy += ny-Y; Y = ny; // make X use the bitmap as a mask: XSetClipMask(fl_display, fl_gc, mask); int ox = X-cx; if (ox < 0) ox += w(); int oy = Y-cy; if (oy < 0) oy += h(); XSetClipOrigin(fl_display, fl_gc, X-cx, Y-cy); } fl_copy_offscreen(X, Y, W, H, id, cx, cy); if (mask) { // put the old clip region back XSetClipOrigin(fl_display, fl_gc, 0, 0); fl_restore_clip(); } #endif } Fl_Pixmap::~Fl_Pixmap() { uncache(); delete_data(); } void Fl_Pixmap::uncache() { if (id) { fl_delete_offscreen((Fl_Offscreen)id); id = 0; } if (mask) { fl_delete_bitmask((Fl_Bitmask)mask); mask = 0; } } void Fl_Pixmap::label(Fl_Widget* widget) { widget->image(this); } void Fl_Pixmap::label(Fl_Menu_Item* m) { Fl::set_labeltype(_FL_IMAGE_LABEL, labeltype, Fl_Image::measure); m->label(_FL_IMAGE_LABEL, (const char*)this); } void Fl_Pixmap::copy_data() { if (alloc_data) return; char **new_data, // New data array **new_row; // Current row in image int i, // Looping var ncolors, // Number of colors in image chars_per_pixel,// Characters per color chars_per_line; // Characters per line // Figure out how many colors there are, and how big they are... sscanf(data()[0],"%*d%*d%d%d", &ncolors, &chars_per_pixel); chars_per_line = chars_per_pixel * w() + 1; // Allocate memory for the new array... if (ncolors < 0) new_data = new char *[h() + 2]; else new_data = new char *[h() + ncolors + 1]; new_data[0] = new char[strlen(data()[0]) + 1]; strcpy(new_data[0], data()[0]); // Copy colors... if (ncolors < 0) { // Copy FLTK colormap values... ncolors = -ncolors; new_row = new_data + 1; *new_row = new char[ncolors * 4]; memcpy(*new_row, data()[1], ncolors * 4); ncolors = 1; new_row ++; } else { // Copy standard XPM colormap values... for (i = 0, new_row = new_data + 1; i < ncolors; i ++, new_row ++) { *new_row = new char[strlen(data()[i + 1]) + 1]; strcpy(*new_row, data()[i + 1]); } } // Copy image data... for (i = 0; i < h(); i ++, new_row ++) { *new_row = new char[chars_per_line]; memcpy(*new_row, data()[i + ncolors + 1], chars_per_line); } // Update pointers... data((const char **)new_data, h() + ncolors + 1); alloc_data = 1; } Fl_Image *Fl_Pixmap::copy(int W, int H) { // Optimize the simple copy where the width and height are the same... if (W == w() && H == h()) return new Fl_Pixmap(data()); if (W <= 0 || H <= 0) return 0; // OK, need to resize the image data; allocate memory and Fl_Pixmap *new_image; // New pixmap char **new_data, // New array for image data **new_row, // Pointer to row in image data *new_ptr, // Pointer into new array new_info[255]; // New information line const char *old_ptr; // Pointer into old array int i, // Looping var c, // Channel number sy, // Source coordinate dx, dy, // Destination coordinates xerr, yerr, // X & Y errors xmod, ymod, // X & Y moduli xstep, ystep; // X & Y step increments int ncolors, // Number of colors in image chars_per_pixel,// Characters per color chars_per_line; // Characters per line // Figure out how many colors there are, and how big they are... sscanf(data()[0],"%*d%*d%d%d", &ncolors, &chars_per_pixel); chars_per_line = chars_per_pixel * W + 1; sprintf(new_info, "%d %d %d %d", W, H, ncolors, chars_per_pixel); // Figure out Bresenheim step/modulus values... xmod = w() % W; xstep = (w() / W) * chars_per_pixel; ymod = h() % H; ystep = h() / H; // Allocate memory for the new array... if (ncolors < 0) new_data = new char *[H + 2]; else new_data = new char *[H + ncolors + 1]; new_data[0] = new char[strlen(new_info) + 1]; strcpy(new_data[0], new_info); // Copy colors... if (ncolors < 0) { // Copy FLTK colormap values... ncolors = -ncolors; new_row = new_data + 1; *new_row = new char[ncolors * 4]; memcpy(*new_row, data()[1], ncolors * 4); ncolors = 1; new_row ++; } else { // Copy standard XPM colormap values... for (i = 0, new_row = new_data + 1; i < ncolors; i ++, new_row ++) { *new_row = new char[strlen(data()[i + 1]) + 1]; strcpy(*new_row, data()[i + 1]); } } // Scale the image using a nearest-neighbor algorithm... for (dy = H, sy = 0, yerr = H; dy > 0; dy --, new_row ++) { *new_row = new char[chars_per_line]; new_ptr = *new_row; for (dx = W, xerr = W, old_ptr = data()[sy + ncolors + 1]; dx > 0; dx --) { for (c = 0; c < chars_per_pixel; c ++) *new_ptr++ = old_ptr[c]; old_ptr += xstep; xerr -= xmod; if (xerr <= 0) { xerr += W; old_ptr += chars_per_pixel; } } *new_ptr = '\0'; sy += ystep; yerr -= ymod; if (yerr <= 0) { yerr += H; sy ++; } } new_image = new Fl_Pixmap((char*const*)new_data); new_image->alloc_data = 1; return new_image; } void Fl_Pixmap::color_average(Fl_Color c, float i) { // Delete any existing pixmap/mask objects... uncache(); // Allocate memory as needed... copy_data(); // Get the color to blend with... uchar r, g, b; unsigned ia, ir, ig, ib; Fl::get_color(c, r, g, b); if (i < 0.0f) i = 0.0f; else if (i > 1.0f) i = 1.0f; ia = (unsigned)(256 * i); ir = r * (256 - ia); ig = g * (256 - ia); ib = b * (256 - ia); // Update the colormap to do the blend... char line[255]; // New colormap line int color, // Looping var ncolors, // Number of colors in image chars_per_pixel;// Characters per color sscanf(data()[0],"%*d%*d%d%d", &ncolors, &chars_per_pixel); if (ncolors < 0) { // Update FLTK colormap... ncolors = -ncolors; uchar *cmap = (uchar *)(data()[1]); for (color = 0; color < ncolors; color ++, cmap += 4) { cmap[1] = (ia * cmap[1] + ir) >> 8; cmap[2] = (ia * cmap[2] + ig) >> 8; cmap[3] = (ia * cmap[3] + ib) >> 8; } } else { // Update standard XPM colormap... for (color = 0; color < ncolors; color ++) { // look for "c word", or last word if none: const char *p = data()[color + 1] + chars_per_pixel + 1; const char *previous_word = p; for (;;) { while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; char what = *p++; while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++; while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; if (!*p) {p = previous_word; break;} if (what == 'c') break; previous_word = p; while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++; } if (fl_parse_color(p, r, g, b)) { r = (ia * r + ir) >> 8; g = (ia * g + ig) >> 8; b = (ia * b + ib) >> 8; if (chars_per_pixel > 1) sprintf(line, "%c%c c #%02X%02X%02X", data()[color + 1][0], data()[color + 1][1], r, g, b); else sprintf(line, "%c c #%02X%02X%02X", data()[color + 1][0], r, g, b); delete[] (char *)data()[color + 1]; ((char **)data())[color + 1] = new char[strlen(line) + 1]; strcpy((char *)data()[color + 1], line); } } } } void Fl_Pixmap::delete_data() { if (alloc_data) { for (int i = 0; i < count(); i ++) delete[] (char *)data()[i]; delete[] (char **)data(); } } void Fl_Pixmap::set_data(const char * const * p) { int height, // Number of lines in image ncolors; // Number of colors in image if (p) { sscanf(p[0],"%*d%d%d", &height, &ncolors); if (ncolors < 0) data(p, height + 2); else data(p, height + ncolors + 1); } } void Fl_Pixmap::desaturate() { // Delete any existing pixmap/mask objects... uncache(); // Allocate memory as needed... copy_data(); // Update the colormap to grayscale... char line[255]; // New colormap line int i, // Looping var ncolors, // Number of colors in image chars_per_pixel;// Characters per color uchar r, g, b; sscanf(data()[0],"%*d%*d%d%d", &ncolors, &chars_per_pixel); if (ncolors < 0) { // Update FLTK colormap... ncolors = -ncolors; uchar *cmap = (uchar *)(data()[1]); for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i ++, cmap += 4) { g = (uchar)((cmap[1] * 31 + cmap[2] * 61 + cmap[3] * 8) / 100); cmap[1] = cmap[2] = cmap[3] = g; } } else { // Update standard XPM colormap... for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i ++) { // look for "c word", or last word if none: const char *p = data()[i + 1] + chars_per_pixel + 1; const char *previous_word = p; for (;;) { while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; char what = *p++; while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++; while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; if (!*p) {p = previous_word; break;} if (what == 'c') break; previous_word = p; while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++; } if (fl_parse_color(p, r, g, b)) { g = (uchar)((r * 31 + g * 61 + b * 8) / 100); if (chars_per_pixel > 1) sprintf(line, "%c%c c #%02X%02X%02X", data()[i + 1][0], data()[i + 1][1], g, g, g); else sprintf(line, "%c c #%02X%02X%02X", data()[i + 1][0], g, g, g); delete[] (char *)data()[i + 1]; ((char **)data())[i + 1] = new char[strlen(line) + 1]; strcpy((char *)data()[i + 1], line); } } } } // // End of "$Id: Fl_Pixmap.cxx,v 2004/04/11 04:38:58 easysw Exp $". //