path: root/scripts/
diff options
authorRoozbeh Pournader <>2014-07-02 17:29:09 -0700
committerRoozbeh Pournader <>2014-07-02 17:29:09 -0700
commitf61afcb339de59c70645c662fb4b72482b02920d (patch)
tree8ad5f891fa70e58e6ddbc999c962b2440a1f84f9 /scripts/
parentdca621880ec171d831bf1ed2ce928470ecee849e (diff)
Cleanup Android build mechanism and pass Android target through subsetter.
The touchup tool is now Android-specific and reads the data from the build number file directly. It also lists all glyph going outside the Android boundaries. Makefile also has a new 'android' target.
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8bcfc14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+"""Post-build changes for Roboto for Android."""
+import os
+from os import path
+import sys
+from fontTools import ttLib
+from nototools import font_data
+def output_protruding_glyphs(font, ymin, ymax, file_name):
+ protruding_glyphs = []
+ glyph_dict = font['glyf'].glyphs
+ for glyph_name, glyph in glyph_dict.items():
+ if glyph.numberOfContours == 0:
+ continue
+ if glyph.yMin < ymin or glyph.yMax > ymax:
+ protruding_glyphs.append(glyph_name)
+ if protruding_glyphs:
+ print "Protruding glyphs in %s:" % file_name,
+ print ', '.join(sorted(protruding_glyphs))
+def drop_lookup(table, lookup_number):
+ """Drop a lookup from an OpenType table by number.
+ Actually remove pointers from features to the lookup, which should be less
+ intrusive.
+ """
+ for feature in table.table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord:
+ if lookup_number in feature.Feature.LookupListIndex:
+ feature.Feature.LookupListIndex.remove(lookup_number)
+ feature.Feature.LookupCount -= 1
+def apply_temporary_fixes(font):
+ """Apply some temporary fixes needed for Android."""
+ # Remove tab, combining keycap, and the arrows from the cmap table
+ font_data.delete_from_cmap(font, [0x0009, 0x20E3, 0x2191, 0x2193])
+ # Drop the lookup forming the ff ligature
+ drop_lookup(font['GSUB'], 5)
+ # Drop tables not useful on Android
+ for table in ['LTSH', 'hdmx', 'VDMX', 'gasp']:
+ if table in font:
+ del font[table]
+ # Fix version number from buildnumber.txt
+ from datetime import date
+ build_number_txt = path.join(
+ path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'res', 'buildnumber.txt')
+ build_number = open(build_number_txt).read().strip()
+ version_record = 'Version 2.0%s; %d' % (build_number,
+ for record in font['name'].names:
+ if record.nameID == 5:
+ if record.platformID == 1 and record.platEncID == 0: # MacRoman
+ record.string = version_record
+ elif record.platformID == 3 and record.platEncID == 1:
+ # Windows UCS-2
+ record.string = version_record.encode('UTF-16BE')
+ else:
+ assert False
+def correct_font(source_font_name, target_font_name):
+ """Corrects metrics and other meta information."""
+ font = ttLib.TTFont(source_font_name)
+ YMAX = 2163
+ YMIN = -555
+ head = font['head']
+ head.yMax = YMAX
+ head.yMin = YMIN
+ output_protruding_glyphs(font, YMIN, YMAX, source_font_name)
+ hhea = font['hhea']
+ hhea.ascent = 1900
+ hhea.descent = -500
+ hhea.lineGap = 0
+ basename = path.basename(source_font_name)
+ bold = ('Bold' in basename) or ('Black' in basename)
+ italic = 'Italic' in basename
+ head.macStyle = (italic << 1) | bold
+ os2 = font['OS/2']
+ os2.fsType = 0
+ os2.achVendID = 'GOOG'
+ apply_temporary_fixes(font)
+def main(argv):
+ """Correct the font specified in the command line."""
+ correct_font(argv[1], argv[2])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv)