path: root/scripts/
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bb25041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Routines for checking character coverage of Roboto fonts.
+This scripts takes the name of the directory where the fonts are and checks
+that they cover all characters required in the Roboto extension contract.
+The data is in res/char_requirements.tsv.
+__author__ = (
+ " (Roozbeh Pournader) and "
+ " (Cibu Johny)")
+import sys
+import glob
+from fontTools import ttLib
+from nototools import coverage
+from nototools import font_data
+from nototools import unicode_data
+def load_fonts():
+ """Load all fonts built for Android."""
+ all_fonts = (glob.glob('out/RobotoTTF/*.ttf')
+ + glob.glob('out/RobotoCondensedTTF/*.ttf'))
+ all_fonts = [ttLib.TTFont(font) for font in all_fonts]
+ return all_fonts
+def _character_name(code):
+ """Returns the printable name of a character."""
+ return, '<Unassigned>')
+def _print_char(code, additional_info=None):
+ """Print a Unicode character as code and name and perhaps extra info."""
+ sys.stdout.write('U+%04X %s' % (code, _character_name(code)))
+ if additional_info is not None:
+ sys.stdout.write('\t' + additional_info)
+ sys.stdout.write('\n')
+def _range_string_to_set(range_str):
+ """Convert a range encoding in a string to a set."""
+ if '..' in range_str:
+ range_start, range_end = range_str.split('..')
+ range_start = int(range_start, 16)
+ range_end = int(range_end, 16)
+ return set(range(range_start, range_end+1))
+ else:
+ return {int(range_str, 16)}
+def _multiple_range_string_to_set(ranges_str):
+ """Convert a string of multiple ranges to a set."""
+ char_set = set()
+ for range_str in ranges_str.split(', '):
+ if range_str.startswith('and '):
+ range_str = range_str[4:] # drop the 'and '
+ char_set.update(_range_string_to_set(range_str))
+ return char_set
+def _defined_characters_in_range(range_str):
+ """Given a range string, returns defined Unicode characters in the range."""
+ characters = set()
+ for code in _range_string_to_set(range_str):
+ if unicode_data.is_defined(code):
+ characters.add(code)
+ return characters
+_EXCEPTION_STARTER = 'Everything except '
+def _find_required_chars(block_range, full_coverage_required, exceptions):
+ """Finds required coverage based on a row of the spreadsheet."""
+ chars_defined_in_block = _defined_characters_in_range(block_range)
+ if full_coverage_required:
+ return chars_defined_in_block
+ else:
+ if not exceptions:
+ return set()
+ if exceptions.startswith(_EXCEPTION_STARTER):
+ exceptions = exceptions[len(_EXCEPTION_STARTER):]
+ chars_to_exclude = _multiple_range_string_to_set(exceptions)
+ return chars_defined_in_block - chars_to_exclude
+ else:
+ chars_to_limit_to = _multiple_range_string_to_set(exceptions)
+ return chars_defined_in_block & chars_to_limit_to
+def main():
+ """Checkes the coverage of all Roboto fonts."""
+ with open('res/char_requirements.tsv') as char_reqs_file:
+ char_reqs_data =
+ # The format of the data to be parsed is like the following:
+ # General Punctuation\t2000..206F\t111\t35\t54\t0\tEverything except 2028..202E, 2060..2064, and 2066..206F
+ # Currency Symbols\t20A0..20CF\t29\t5\t24\t1\t
+ required_set = set()
+ for line in char_reqs_data.split('\n'):
+ if line.startswith('#'): # Skip comment lines
+ continue
+ line = line.split('\t')
+ if not line[0]:
+ continue # Skip the first line and empty lines
+ block_range = line[1]
+ full_coverage_required = (line[5] == '1')
+ exceptions = line[6]
+ required_set.update(
+ _find_required_chars(block_range,
+ full_coverage_required,
+ exceptions))
+ # Skip ASCII and C1 controls
+ required_set -= set(range(0, 0x20) + range(0x7F, 0xA0))
+ missing_char_found = False
+ for font in load_fonts():
+ font_coverage = coverage.character_set(font)
+ missing_chars = required_set - font_coverage
+ if missing_chars:
+ missing_char_found = True
+ font_name = font_data.font_name(font)
+ print 'Characters missing from %s:' % font_name
+ for char in sorted(missing_chars):
+ _print_char(char)
+ print
+ if missing_char_found:
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()