path: root/third_party/freetype-py/freetype/ft_enums/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/freetype-py/freetype/ft_enums/')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/freetype-py/freetype/ft_enums/ b/third_party/freetype-py/freetype/ft_enums/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c5db6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/freetype-py/freetype/ft_enums/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# FreeType high-level python API - Copyright 2011-2012 Nicolas P. Rougier
+# Distributed under the terms of the new BSD license.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+An enumeration used to specify character sets supported by charmaps. Used in
+the FT_Select_Charmap API function.
+ The encoding value 0 is reserved.
+ Corresponds to the Unicode character set. This value covers all versions of
+ the Unicode repertoire, including ASCII and Latin-1. Most fonts include a
+ Unicode charmap, but not all of them.
+ For example, if you want to access Unicode value U+1F028 (and the font
+ contains it), use value 0x1F028 as the input value for FT_Get_Char_Index.
+ Corresponds to the Microsoft Symbol encoding, used to encode mathematical
+ symbols in the 32..255 character code range. For more information, see
+ ''.
+ Corresponds to Japanese SJIS encoding. More info at at
+ ''. See note on
+ multi-byte encodings below.
+ Corresponds to an encoding system for Simplified Chinese as used used in
+ mainland China.
+ Corresponds to an encoding system for Traditional Chinese as used in Taiwan
+ and Hong Kong.
+ Corresponds to the Korean encoding system known as Wansung. For more
+ information see ''.
+ The Korean standard character set (KS C 5601-1992), which corresponds to MS
+ Windows code page 1361. This character set includes all possible Hangeul
+ character combinations.
+ Corresponds to a Latin-1 encoding as defined in a Type 1 PostScript font. It
+ is limited to 256 character codes.
+ Corresponds to the Adobe Standard encoding, as found in Type 1, CFF, and
+ OpenType/CFF fonts. It is limited to 256 character codes.
+ Corresponds to the Adobe Expert encoding, as found in Type 1, CFF, and
+ OpenType/CFF fonts. It is limited to 256 character codes.
+ Corresponds to a custom encoding, as found in Type 1, CFF, and OpenType/CFF
+ fonts. It is limited to 256 character codes.
+ Corresponds to the 8-bit Apple roman encoding. Many TrueType and OpenType
+ fonts contain a charmap for this encoding, since older versions of Mac OS are
+ able to use it.
+ This value is deprecated and was never used nor reported by FreeType. Don't
+ use or test for it.
+def _FT_ENC_TAG(a,b,c,d):
+ return ( ord(a) << 24 | ord(b) << 16 | ord(c) << 8 | ord(d) )
+FT_ENCODINGS = {'FT_ENCODING_NONE' : _FT_ENC_TAG('\0','\0','\0','\0'),
+ 'FT_ENCODING_MS_SYMBOL' : _FT_ENC_TAG( 's','y','m','b' ),
+ 'FT_ENCODING_UNICODE' : _FT_ENC_TAG( 'u','n','i','c' ),
+ 'FT_ENCODING_SJIS' : _FT_ENC_TAG( 's','j','i','s' ),
+ 'FT_ENCODING_GB2312' : _FT_ENC_TAG( 'g','b',' ',' ' ),
+ 'FT_ENCODING_BIG5' : _FT_ENC_TAG( 'b','i','g','5' ),
+ 'FT_ENCODING_WANSUNG' : _FT_ENC_TAG( 'w','a','n','s' ),
+ 'FT_ENCODING_JOHAB' : _FT_ENC_TAG( 'j','o','h','a' ),
+ 'FT_ENCODING_ADOBE_LATIN1' : _FT_ENC_TAG( 'l','a','t','1' ),
+ 'FT_ENCODING_OLD_LATIN2' : _FT_ENC_TAG( 'l','a','t','2' ),
+ 'FT_ENCODING_APPLE_ROMAN' : _FT_ENC_TAG( 'a','r','m','n' ) }