path: root/third_party/spiro/x3/x3common.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/spiro/x3/x3common.c')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/spiro/x3/x3common.c b/third_party/spiro/x3/x3common.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4845ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/spiro/x3/x3common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+/* Functions common to more than one platform. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "x3.h"
+#include "x3common.h"
+int n_x3needshow = 0;
+int n_x3needshow_max = 0;
+x3widget **x3needshow = NULL;
+#if defined(X3_GTK) || defined(X3_WIN32)
+int x3n_winopen = 0;
+#if defined(X3_CARBON) || defined(X3_WIN32)
+int n_x3needsizereqs = 0;
+int n_x3needsizereqs_max = 0;
+x3widget **x3needsizereqs = NULL;
+int n_x3needsizeallocs = 0;
+int n_x3needsizeallocs_max = 0;
+x3widget **x3needsizeallocs = NULL;
+void x3qsizereq(x3widget *w)
+ if (w && !(w->flags & x3flag_needsizereq)) {
+ x3qsizereq(w->parent);
+ if (n_x3needsizereqs == n_x3needsizereqs_max)
+ x3needsizereqs = (x3widget **)realloc(x3needsizereqs,
+ sizeof(x3widget *) *
+ (n_x3needsizereqs_max <<= 1));
+ x3needsizereqs[n_x3needsizereqs++] = w;
+ w->flags |= x3flag_needsizereq;
+ }
+void x3add_default(x3widget *parent, x3widget *child)
+ const int n_children_init = 4;
+ child->parent = parent;
+ if (parent->n_children == 0)
+ parent->children = (x3widget **)malloc(sizeof(x3widget *) *
+ n_children_init);
+ else if (parent->n_children >= n_children_init &&
+ !(parent->n_children & (parent->n_children - 1)))
+ parent->children = (x3widget **)realloc(parent->children,
+ sizeof(x3widget *) *
+ (parent->n_children << 1));
+ parent->children[parent->n_children++] = child;
+void x3add(x3widget *parent, x3widget *child)
+ parent->type->add(parent, child);
+/* Widgets common to carbon and win32 platforms */
+typedef struct {
+ x3widget base;
+ int homogeneous;
+ int spacing;
+ int cur_child_prop;
+ int *child_props; /* bit 0=expand, bit 1=fill, bits 2:31=padding */
+} x3widget_box;
+void x3vbox_sizereq(x3widget *w)
+ x3widget_box *wb = (x3widget_box *)w;
+ int i;
+ int spacing = wb->spacing;
+ w->sizerequest.x0 = 0;
+ w->sizerequest.y0 = 0;
+ w->sizerequest.x1 = 0;
+ w->sizerequest.y1 = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < w->n_children; i++) {
+ x3widget *child = w->children[i];
+ int childw = child->sizerequest.x1 - child->sizerequest.x0;
+ int childh = child->sizerequest.y1 - child->sizerequest.y0;
+ int padding = wb->child_props[i] >> 2;
+ if (i < w->n_children - 1)
+ childh += spacing;
+ w->sizerequest.y1 += childh + 2 * padding;
+ if (childw > w->sizerequest.x1)
+ w->sizerequest.x1 = childw;
+ }
+void x3vbox_sizealloc(x3widget *w, x3rect *r)
+ x3widget_box *wb = (x3widget_box *)w;
+ int i;
+ x3rect child_r = *r;
+ int spacing = wb->spacing;
+ int n_extend = 0;
+ int n_stretch, i_stretch = 0;
+ int extra;
+ /* todo: impl padding & homog, factor hbox/vbox common */
+ printf("vbox sizealloc = (%g, %g) - (%g, %g), req was %g x %g\n",
+ r->x0, r->y0, r->x1, r->y1,
+ w->sizerequest.x1, w->sizerequest.y1);
+ extra = r->y1 - r->y0 - w->sizerequest.y1;
+ for (i = 0; i < w->n_children; i++)
+ if (wb->child_props[i] & 1)
+ n_extend++;
+ n_stretch = n_extend ? n_extend : w->n_children;
+ printf("extra = %d, n_stretch = %d\n", extra, n_stretch);
+ for (i = 0; i < w->n_children; i++) {
+ x3widget *child = w->children[i];
+ int childh = child->sizerequest.y1 - child->sizerequest.y0;
+ int my_extra;
+ int next_top;
+ if (n_extend == 0 || (wb->child_props[i] & 1)) {
+ my_extra = (extra * (i_stretch + 1)) / n_stretch -
+ (extra * i_stretch) / n_stretch;
+ i_stretch++;
+ } else
+ my_extra = 0;
+ next_top = child_r.y0 + childh + spacing + my_extra;
+ if (wb->child_props[i] & 2) {
+ childh += my_extra;
+ } else {
+ child_r.y0 += my_extra >> 1;
+ }
+ child_r.y1 = child_r.y0 + childh;
+ child->type->sizealloc(child, &child_r);
+ child->flags &= ~x3flag_needsizealloc;
+ child_r.y0 = next_top;
+ }
+void x3vbox_add(x3widget *w, x3widget *child)
+ x3widget_box *wb = (x3widget_box *)w;
+ const int n_children_init = 4;
+ if (w->n_children == 0)
+ wb->child_props = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n_children_init);
+ else if (w->n_children >= n_children_init &&
+ !(w->n_children & (w->n_children - 1)))
+ wb->child_props = (int *)realloc(wb->child_props,
+ sizeof(int) * (w->n_children << 1));
+ wb->child_props[w->n_children] = wb->cur_child_prop;
+ x3add_default(w, child);
+x3type x3vboxtype = { x3vbox_sizereq,
+ x3vbox_sizealloc,
+ x3vbox_add };
+x3widget *x3vbox(x3widget *parent, int homogeneous, int spacing)
+ x3widget_box *result = (x3widget_box *)malloc(sizeof(x3widget_box));
+ x3widget_init(&result->base, &x3vboxtype);
+ x3add(parent, &result->base);
+ result->homogeneous = homogeneous;
+ result->spacing = spacing;
+ result->cur_child_prop = 3;
+ x3qsizereq(&result->base);
+ return &result->base;
+void x3setpacking(x3widget *w, int fill, int expand, int padding)
+ if (w->type == &x3vboxtype) {
+ x3widget_box *wb = (x3widget_box *)w;
+ int child_props = padding << 2;
+ if (fill) child_props |= 1;
+ if (expand) child_props |= 2;
+ wb->cur_child_prop = child_props;
+ }
+typedef struct {
+ x3widget base;
+ x3alignment alignment;
+} x3widget_align;
+void x3align_sizereq(x3widget *w)
+ w->sizerequest.x0 = 0;
+ w->sizerequest.y0 = 0;
+ w->sizerequest.x1 = 0;
+ w->sizerequest.y1 = 0;
+ if (w->n_children) {
+ x3widget *child = w->children[0];
+ int childw = child->sizerequest.x1 - child->sizerequest.x0;
+ int childh = child->sizerequest.y1 - child->sizerequest.y0;
+ w->sizerequest.x1 = childw;
+ w->sizerequest.y1 = childh;
+ }
+void x3align_sizealloc(x3widget *w, x3rect *r)
+ x3widget_align *z = (x3widget_align *)w;
+ x3alignment a = z->alignment;
+ int xa = a & 3;
+ int ya = (a >> 2) & 3;
+ x3rect child_r = *r;
+ printf("align sizealloc = (%g, %g) - (%g, %g)\n",
+ r->x0, r->y0, r->x1, r->y1);
+ if (w->n_children) {
+ x3widget *child = w->children[0];
+ if (xa < 3) {
+ int childw = child->sizerequest.x1 - child->sizerequest.x0;
+ int pad = r->x1 - r->x0 - childw;
+ child_r.x0 += (pad * (1 + (xa >> 1) - (xa & 1)) + 1) >> 1;
+ child_r.x1 = child_r.x0 + childw;
+ }
+ if (ya < 3) {
+ int childh = child->sizerequest.y1 - child->sizerequest.y0;
+ int pad = r->y1 - r->y0 - childh;
+ child_r.y0 += (pad * (1 + (ya >> 1) - (ya & 1)) + 1) >> 1;
+ child_r.y1 = child_r.y0 + childh;
+ }
+ child->type->sizealloc(child, &child_r);
+ child->flags &= ~x3flag_needsizealloc;
+ }
+x3type x3aligntype = { x3align_sizereq,
+ x3align_sizealloc,
+ x3add_default };
+x3widget *x3align(x3widget *parent, x3alignment alignment)
+ x3widget *result = (x3widget *)malloc(sizeof(x3widget_align));
+ x3widget_init(result, &x3aligntype);
+ x3add(parent, result);
+ x3qsizereq(result);
+ ((x3widget_align *)result)->alignment = alignment;
+ return result;
+typedef struct {
+ x3widget base;
+ int t, b, l, r;
+} x3widget_pad;
+void x3pad_sizereq(x3widget *w)
+ x3widget_pad *z = (x3widget_pad *)w;
+ w->sizerequest.x0 = 0;
+ w->sizerequest.y0 = 0;
+ w->sizerequest.x1 = 0;
+ w->sizerequest.y1 = 0;
+ if (w->n_children) {
+ x3widget *child = w->children[0];
+ int childw = child->sizerequest.x1 - child->sizerequest.x0;
+ int childh = child->sizerequest.y1 - child->sizerequest.y0;
+ w->sizerequest.x1 = childw + z->l + z->r;
+ w->sizerequest.y1 = childh + z->t + z->b;
+ }
+void x3pad_sizealloc(x3widget *w, x3rect *r)
+ x3widget_pad *z = (x3widget_pad *)w;
+ x3rect child_r = *r;
+ printf("pad sizealloc = (%g, %g) - (%g, %g)\n",
+ r->x0, r->y0, r->x1, r->y1);
+ if (w->n_children) {
+ x3widget *child = w->children[0];
+ child_r.x0 += z->l;
+ child_r.x1 -= z->r;
+ child_r.y0 += z->t;
+ child_r.y1 -= z->b;
+ child->type->sizealloc(child, &child_r);
+ child->flags &= ~x3flag_needsizealloc;
+ }
+x3type x3padtype = { x3pad_sizereq,
+ x3pad_sizealloc,
+ x3add_default };
+x3widget *x3pad(x3widget *parent, int t, int b, int l, int r)
+ x3widget *result = (x3widget *)malloc(sizeof(x3widget_pad));
+ x3widget_init(result, &x3padtype);
+ x3add(parent, result);
+ x3qsizereq(result);
+ ((x3widget_pad *)result)->t = t;
+ ((x3widget_pad *)result)->b = b;
+ ((x3widget_pad *)result)->l = l;
+ ((x3widget_pad *)result)->r = r;
+ return result;
+void x3initqs(void)
+ n_x3needshow = 0;
+ x3needshow = (x3widget **)malloc(sizeof(x3widget *) *
+ (n_x3needshow_max = 16));
+#if defined(X3_CARBON) || defined(X3_WIN32)
+ n_x3needsizereqs = 0;
+ x3needsizereqs = (x3widget **)malloc(sizeof(x3widget *) *
+ (n_x3needsizereqs_max = 16));
+ n_x3needsizeallocs = 0;
+ x3needsizeallocs = (x3widget **)malloc(sizeof(x3widget *) *
+ (n_x3needsizeallocs_max = 16));
+void x3qshow(x3widget *w)
+ if (n_x3needshow == n_x3needshow_max)
+ x3needshow = (x3widget **)realloc(x3needshow,
+ sizeof(x3widget *) *
+ (n_x3needshow_max <<= 1));
+ x3needshow[n_x3needshow++] = w;
+void x3sync(void)
+ int i;
+#if defined(X3_CARBON) || defined(X3_WIN32)
+ for (i = n_x3needsizereqs - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ x3widget *w = x3needsizereqs[i];
+ w->type->sizereq(w);
+ w->flags &= ~x3flag_needsizereq;
+ w->flags |= x3flag_needsizealloc;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n_x3needsizereqs; i++) {
+ x3widget *w = x3needsizereqs[i];
+ if (w->flags & x3flag_needsizealloc) {
+ w->type->sizealloc(w, NULL);
+ w->flags &= ~x3flag_needsizealloc;
+ }
+ }
+ n_x3needsizereqs = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n_x3needshow; i++)
+ x3_window_show(x3needshow[i]);
+ n_x3needshow = 0;