Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
| * | Infer composite glyphs' unicode values from names.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-05-01
| * | Remove some checks when adding anchors.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-05-01
| * | Use anchors extracted from latest source delivery.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-05-01
| * | Set unicode values of generated glyphs earlier.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-30
| * | Fix bug causing inaccurate anchor coordinates.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-30
* | | Merge pull request #33 from google/featools-updateJames Godfrey-Kittle2015-05-08
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| * | Remove feaTools adaptions which are now upstream.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-29
* | | Merge pull request #32 from google/vertical-metricsRoozbeh Pournader2015-04-29
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| * | Add tests for vertical metrics of individual glyphs.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-29
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* | Remove Glass target.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-29
* | Make the output of a little smaller.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-29
* | Stop creating script-specific subsets for Google Fonts.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-29
* | Add IPA samples from the Noto repostory.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-29
* | Reference original feaTools repo in readme.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-29
* | Merge pull request #9 from google/anchor-fixJames Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-27
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| * | More descriptive variable names in Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-27
| * | Updated anchor data as output by script.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-27
| * | Output anchor json with two-space indentation.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-27
| * | Clean up kern feature generation a bit.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-22
| * | Clean up anchor addition code, include comments.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-22
| * | Add anchor extraction script and README note.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-22
| * | Rename anchor resources to .json.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-22
| * | Make glyph anchor info prettier.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-22
| * | Don't check for invalid mark lookups.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-20
| * | Re-add dropped anchors to glyphs during build.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-20
| * | Add external anchor data for composite glyphs.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-20
| * | Break up kerning subtable by actual rule counts.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-20
* | | Manually merge pull request #28 from google/smcp.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-27
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| * | | Fix typo in variable name.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-27
| * | | Add tests and requirements for the 'smcp' feature.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-27
* | | | Merge pull request #27 from google/st-ligaturesRoozbeh Pournader2015-04-27
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| * | | Add tests for s-t and longs-t discretionary ligatures.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-26
| * | | Test 'numr' and superscript digits to have the same width.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-25
| * | | Add parameters to to pass down to HarfBuzz.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-25
* | | | Merge pull request #19 from google/soft-dottedRoozbeh Pournader2015-04-27
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| * | | Refactor some common code in Pournader2015-04-24
| * | | Rename get_shapes to get_glyphs in Pournader2015-04-24
| * | | Look at actual shapes instead of advances.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-24
| * | | Add test for soft-dotted characters.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-24
* | | | Merge pull request #21 from google/readme-instructionsRoozbeh Pournader2015-04-25
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| * | | | Tweak formatting in readme.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-24
| * | | | Add alternative install directions to readme.James Godfrey-Kittle2015-04-24
* | | | | Merge pull request #20 from google/samplesRoozbeh Pournader2015-04-24
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| * | | | Minor: Change ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} to $0 in Pournader2015-04-24
| * | | | Make runnable from any directory.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-24
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* | | | Add sample texts for soft-dotted characters.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-24
* | | | Add several more sample texts based on internal bugs.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-23
* | | | Merge pull request #12 from google/samplesRoozbeh Pournader2015-04-23
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| * | | | Add samples for Latin small caps used in phonetics.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-23
| * | | | Add more sample texts for testing.Roozbeh Pournader2015-04-23