#!/usr/bin/python """Post-subset changes for Roboto for Android.""" import sys from fontTools import ttLib from nototools import font_data def output_protruding_glyphs(font, ymin, ymax): """Outputs all glyphs going outside the specified vertical range.""" protruding_glyphs = [] glyf_table = font['glyf'] for glyph_name in glyf_table.keys(): glyph = glyf_table[glyph_name] if glyph.numberOfContours == 0: continue if glyph.yMin < ymin or glyph.yMax > ymax: protruding_glyphs.append(glyph_name) if protruding_glyphs: print "Protruding glyphs in %s:" % font_data.font_name(font), print ', '.join(sorted(protruding_glyphs)) YMIN = -555 YMAX = 2163 def main(argv): """Forces yMin/yMax values and generates a new font.""" source_font_name = argv[1] target_font_name = argv[2] font = ttLib.TTFont(source_font_name, recalcBBoxes=False) head = font['head'] head.yMin = YMIN head.yMax = YMAX output_protruding_glyphs(font, YMIN, YMAX) font.save(target_font_name) # Make sure the values are set correctly font = ttLib.TTFont(target_font_name, recalcBBoxes=False) head = font['head'] assert head.yMin == YMIN and head.yMax == YMAX if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)