#! /usr/bin/env python """ Converts a cubic bezier curve to a quadratic spline with exactly two off curve points. """ import numpy from numpy import array,cross,dot from fontTools.misc import bezierTools from robofab.objects.objectsRF import RSegment def replaceSegments(contour, segments): while len(contour): contour.removeSegment(0) for s in segments: contour.appendSegment(s.type, [(p.x, p.y) for p in s.points], s.smooth) def calcIntersect(a,b,c,d): numpy.seterr(all='raise') e = b-a f = d-c p = array([-e[1], e[0]]) try: h = dot((a-c),p) / dot(f,p) except: print a,b,c,d raise return c + dot(f,h) def simpleConvertToQuadratic(p0,p1,p2,p3): p = [array(i.x,i.y) for i in [p0,p1,p2,p3]] off = calcIntersect(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]) # OFFCURVE_VECTOR_CORRECTION = -.015 OFFCURVE_VECTOR_CORRECTION = 0 def convertToQuadratic(p0,p1,p2,p3): # TODO: test for accuracy and subdivide further if needed p = [(i.x,i.y) for i in [p0,p1,p2,p3]] # if p[0][0] == p[1][0] and p[0][0] == p[2][0] and p[0][0] == p[2][0] and p[0][0] == p[3][0]: # return (p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]) # if p[0][1] == p[1][1] and p[0][1] == p[2][1] and p[0][1] == p[2][1] and p[0][1] == p[3][1]: # return (p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]) seg1,seg2 = bezierTools.splitCubicAtT(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], .5) pts1 = [array([i[0], i[1]]) for i in seg1] pts2 = [array([i[0], i[1]]) for i in seg2] on1 = seg1[0] on2 = seg2[3] try: off1 = calcIntersect(pts1[0], pts1[1], pts1[2], pts1[3]) off2 = calcIntersect(pts2[0], pts2[1], pts2[2], pts2[3]) except: return (p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]) off1 = (on1 - off1) * OFFCURVE_VECTOR_CORRECTION + off1 off2 = (on2 - off2) * OFFCURVE_VECTOR_CORRECTION + off2 return (on1,off1,off2,on2) def cubicSegmentToQuadratic(c,sid): segment = c[sid] if (segment.type != "curve"): print "Segment type not curve" return #pSegment,junk = getPrevAnchor(c,sid) pSegment = c[sid-1] #assumes that a curve type will always be proceeded by another point on the same contour points = convertToQuadratic(pSegment.points[-1],segment.points[0], segment.points[1],segment.points[2]) return RSegment( 'qcurve', [[int(i) for i in p] for p in points[1:]], segment.smooth) def glyphCurvesToQuadratic(g): for c in g: segments = [] for i in range(len(c)): s = c[i] if s.type == "curve": try: segments.append(cubicSegmentToQuadratic(c, i)) except Exception: print g.name, i raise else: segments.append(s) replaceSegments(c, segments)