# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from feaTools import parser from feaTools.writers.baseWriter import AbstractFeatureWriter class KernFeatureWriter(AbstractFeatureWriter): """Generates a kerning feature based on glyph class definitions. Uses the kerning rules contained in an RFont's kerning attribute, as well as glyph classes from parsed OTF text. Class-based rules are set based on the existing rules for their key glyphs. """ def __init__(self, font): self.kerning = font.kerning self.leftClasses = [] self.rightClasses = [] self.classSizes = {} def write(self, linesep="\n"): """Write kern feature.""" # maintain collections of different rule types leftClassKerning, rightClassKerning, classPairKerning = {}, {}, {} for leftName, leftContents in self.leftClasses: leftKey = leftContents[0] # collect rules with two classes for rightName, rightContents in self.rightClasses: rightKey = rightContents[0] pair = leftKey, rightKey kerningVal = self.kerning[pair] if kerningVal is None: continue classPairKerning[leftName, rightName] = kerningVal self.kerning.remove(pair) # collect rules with left class and right glyph for pair, kerningVal in self.kerning.getLeft(leftKey): leftClassKerning[leftName, pair[1]] = kerningVal self.kerning.remove(pair) # collect rules with left glyph and right class for rightName, rightContents in self.rightClasses: rightKey = rightContents[0] for pair, kerningVal in self.kerning.getRight(rightKey): rightClassKerning[pair[0], rightName] = kerningVal self.kerning.remove(pair) # write the feature self.ruleCount = 0 lines = ["feature kern {"] lines.append(self._writeKerning(self.kerning, linesep)) lines.append(self._writeKerning(leftClassKerning, linesep, True)) lines.append(self._writeKerning(rightClassKerning, linesep, True)) lines.append(self._writeKerning(classPairKerning, linesep)) lines.append("} kern;") return linesep.join(lines) def _writeKerning(self, kerning, linesep, enum=False): """Write kerning rules for a mapping of pairs to values.""" lines = [] enum = "enum " if enum else "" pairs = kerning.items() pairs.sort() for (left, right), val in pairs: if enum: rulesAdded = (self.classSizes.get(left, 1) * self.classSizes.get(right, 1)) else: rulesAdded = 1 self.ruleCount += rulesAdded if self.ruleCount > 1024: lines.append(" subtable;") self.ruleCount = rulesAdded lines.append(" %spos %s %s %d;" % (enum, left, right, val)) return linesep.join(lines) def classDefinition(self, name, contents): """Store a class definition as either a left- or right-hand class.""" if not name.startswith("@_"): return info = (name, contents) if name.endswith("_L"): self.leftClasses.append(info) elif name.endswith("_R"): self.rightClasses.append(info) self.classSizes[name] = len(contents) def makeKernFeature(font, text): """Add a kern feature to the font, using a KernFeatureWriter.""" writer = KernFeatureWriter(font) parser.parseFeatures(writer, text) font.features.text += writer.write()