"""Mitre Glyph: mitreSize : Length of the segment created by the mitre. The default is 4. maxAngle : Maximum angle in radians at which nodes will be mitred. The default is .9 (about 50 degrees). Works for both inside and outside angles """ from FL import * import math def getContours(g): nLength = len(g.nodes) contours = [] cid = -1 for i in range(nLength): n = g.nodes[i] if n.type == nMOVE: cid += 1 contours.append([]) contours[cid].append(n) return contours def getTangents(contours): tmap = [] for c in contours: clen = len(c) for i in range(clen): n = c[i] p = Point(n.x, n.y) nn = c[(i + 1) % clen] pn = c[(clen + i - 1) % clen] if nn.type == nCURVE: np = Point(nn[1].x,nn[1].y) else: np = Point(nn.x,nn.y) if n.type == nCURVE: pp = Point(n[2].x,n[2].y) else: pp = Point(pn.x,pn.y) nVect = Point(-p.x + np.x, -p.y + np.y) pVect = Point(-p.x + pp.x, -p.y + pp.y) tmap.append((pVect,nVect)) return tmap def normalizeVector(p): m = getMagnitude(p); if m != 0: return p*(1/m) else: return Point(0,0) def getMagnitude(p): return math.sqrt(p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y) def getDistance(v1,v2): return getMagnitude(Point(v1.x - v2.x, v1.y - v2.y)) def getAngle(v1,v2): angle = math.atan2(v1.y,v1.x) - math.atan2(v2.y,v2.x) return (angle + (2*math.pi)) % (2*math.pi) def angleDiff(a,b): return math.pi - abs((abs(a - b) % (math.pi*2)) - math.pi) def getAngle2(v1,v2): return abs(angleDiff(math.atan2(v1.y, v1.x), math.atan2(v2.y, v2.x))) def getMitreOffset(n,v1,v2,mitreSize=4,maxAngle=.9): # dont mitre if segment is too short if abs(getMagnitude(v1)) < mitreSize * 2 or abs(getMagnitude(v2)) < mitreSize * 2: return angle = getAngle2(v2,v1) v1 = normalizeVector(v1) v2 = normalizeVector(v2) if v1.x == v2.x and v1.y == v2.y: return # only mitre corners sharper than maxAngle if angle > maxAngle: return radius = mitreSize / abs(getDistance(v1,v2)) offset1 = Point(round(v1.x * radius), round(v1.y * radius)) offset2 = Point(round(v2.x * radius), round(v2.y * radius)) return offset1, offset2 def mitreGlyph(g,mitreSize,maxAngle): if g == None: return contours = getContours(g) tangents = getTangents(contours) nodes = [] needsMitring = False nid = -1 for c in contours: for n in c: nid += 1 v1, v2 = tangents[nid] off = getMitreOffset(n,v1,v2,mitreSize,maxAngle) n1 = Node(n) if off != None: offset1, offset2 = off n2 = Node(nLINE, Point(n.x + offset2.x, n.y + offset2.y)) n1[0].x += offset1.x n1[0].y += offset1.y nodes.append(n1) nodes.append(n2) needsMitring = True else: nodes.append(n1) if needsMitring: g.Clear() g.Insert(nodes) fl.SetUndo() mitreGlyph(fl.glyph,8.,.9) fl.UpdateGlyph()