import re from fontTools.ttLib import newTable from fontTools.ttLib.tables._c_m_a_p import cmap_format_12 from ufo2fdk import OTFCompiler from ufo2fdk.makeotfParts import MakeOTFPartsCompiler from ufo2fdk.outlineOTF import OutlineOTFCompiler def saveOTF(font, destFile, checkOutlines=False, autohint=False): """Save a RoboFab font as an OTF binary using ufo2fdk.""" compiler = OTFCompiler(partsCompilerClass=_PartsCompilerCustomGlyphOrder, outlineCompilerClass=_OutlineCompilerFormat12) reports = compiler.compile(font, destFile, checkOutlines=checkOutlines, autohint=autohint) if checkOutlines: print reports["checkOutlines"] if autohint: print reports["autohint"] print reports["makeotf"] def conformToAGL(font, glyphList): """Ensure a font's glyph names conform to the AGL specification. The spec is described at This function only checks for some Roboto-specific problems. """ ligaNameChanges = {} for glyph in font: if in glyphList: continue # if a ligature name (without underscores) is in the AGL, remove the # underscores so AFDKO will keep the glyph in the font during conversion #TODO(jamesgk) figure out why AFDKO throws out names with underscores if re.match("([a-z]_)+[a-z]", ligaName ="_", "") if ligaName in glyphList: ligaNameChanges[] = ligaName = ligaName continue # names of glyphs outside the BMP must have prefix "u" and not "uni" = re.sub(r"^uni([\dA-F]{5,})$", r"u\1", # references to altered ligature names must be updated in the font features #TODO(jamesgk) use a more robust system for parsing through RFont features for oldName, newName in ligaNameChanges.iteritems(): font.features.text = font.features.text.replace(oldName, newName) class _PartsCompilerCustomGlyphOrder(MakeOTFPartsCompiler): """OTF parts compiler that produces a custom glyph order file.""" def setupFile_glyphOrder(self, path): # just create a blank file -- this seems necessary for now because # AFDKO's makeotf function produces Roboto OTFs without ASCII mappings # when called with ufo2fdk's default glyph order file #TODO(jamesgk) figure out why this is necessary f = open(path, "w") f.close() class _OutlineCompilerFormat12(OutlineOTFCompiler): """OTF outline compiler to work with format 12 cmaps.""" def setupTable_cmap(self): """Set up cmap exactly like ufo2fdk, switching format 4 for 12.""" # set up a mac-compatible table cmap12_0_3 = cmap_format_12(12) cmap12_0_3.platformID = 0 cmap12_0_3.platEncID = 3 cmap12_0_3.language = 0 cmap12_0_3.cmap = dict(self.unicodeToGlyphNameMapping) # set up a windows-compatible table cmap12_3_1 = cmap_format_12(12) cmap12_3_1.platformID = 3 cmap12_3_1.platEncID = 1 cmap12_3_1.language = 0 cmap12_3_1.cmap = dict(self.unicodeToGlyphNameMapping) # store the tables in the cmap self.otf["cmap"] = cmap = newTable("cmap") cmap.tableVersion = 0 cmap.tables = [cmap12_0_3, cmap12_3_1]