#!/usr/bin/python """Post-build changes for Roboto for Android.""" import collections import os from os import path import sys from fontTools import ttLib from nototools import font_data def drop_lookup(table, lookup_number): """Drop a lookup from an OpenType table by number. Actually remove pointers from features to the lookup, which should be less intrusive. """ for feature in table.table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord: if lookup_number in feature.Feature.LookupListIndex: feature.Feature.LookupListIndex.remove(lookup_number) feature.Feature.LookupCount -= 1 def get_font_name(font): """Gets the name of the font from the name table.""" return font_data.get_name_records(font)[4] DIGITS = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'] def fix_digit_widths(font): """Change all digit widths in the font to be the same.""" hmtx_table = font['hmtx'] widths = [hmtx_table[digit][0] for digit in DIGITS] if len(set(widths)) > 1: width_counter = collections.Counter(widths) most_common_width = width_counter.most_common(1)[0][0] print 'Digit widths were %s.' % repr(widths) print 'Setting all glyph widths to %d.' % most_common_width for digit in DIGITS: assert abs(hmtx_table[digit][0] - most_common_width) <= 1 hmtx_table[digit][0] = most_common_width def apply_temporary_fixes(font): """Apply some temporary fixes.""" # Make sure macStyle is correct font_name = get_font_name(font) bold = ('Bold' in font_name) or ('Black' in font_name) italic = 'Italic' in font_name font['head'].macStyle = (italic << 1) | bold # Mark the font free for installation, embedding, etc. os2 = font['OS/2'] os2.fsType = 0 # Set the font vendor to Google os2.achVendID = 'GOOG' # Drop the lookup forming the ff ligature drop_lookup(font['GSUB'], 5) # Fix the digit widths fix_digit_widths(font) # Add cmap for U+2117 SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHT font_data.add_to_cmap(font, {0x2117: 'published'}) # Fix version number from buildnumber.txt from datetime import date build_number_txt = path.join( path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'res', 'buildnumber.txt') build_number = open(build_number_txt).read().strip() version_record = 'Version 2.0%s; %d' % (build_number, date.today().year) for record in font['name'].names: if record.nameID == 5: if record.platformID == 1 and record.platEncID == 0: # MacRoman record.string = version_record elif record.platformID == 3 and record.platEncID == 1: # Windows UCS-2 record.string = version_record.encode('UTF-16BE') else: assert False def apply_android_specific_fixes(font): """Apply fixes needed for Android.""" # Set ascent, descent, and lineGap values to Android K values hhea = font['hhea'] hhea.ascent = 1900 hhea.descent = -500 hhea.lineGap = 0 # Remove tab, combining keycap, and the arrows from the cmap table font_data.delete_from_cmap(font, [0x0009, 0x20E3, 0x2191, 0x2193]) # Drop tables not useful on Android for table in ['LTSH', 'hdmx', 'VDMX', 'gasp']: if table in font: del font[table] def correct_font(source_font_name, target_font_name): """Corrects metrics and other meta information.""" font = ttLib.TTFont(source_font_name) apply_temporary_fixes(font) apply_android_specific_fixes(font) font.save(target_font_name) def main(argv): """Correct the font specified in the command line.""" correct_font(argv[1], argv[2]) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)