# Roboto V2 Sources This directory contains the current masters used to generate the Roboto Sans and Roboto Condensed families. ### Updating Sources When replacing the source VFBs, the source UFOs should be synced using FontLab's vfb2ufo converter: http://blog.fontlab.com/font-utility/vfb2ufo/ Windows and Mac OS downloads are provided. The Windows download runs on Linux via wine: ``` wine [path-to-vfb2ufo]/exe/vfb2ufo.exe [roboto]/src/v2/Roboto_Thin.vfb wine [path-to-vfb2ufo]/exe/vfb2ufo.exe [roboto]/src/v2/Roboto_Regular.vfb wine [path-to-vfb2ufo]/exe/vfb2ufo.exe [roboto]/src/v2/Roboto_Bold.vfb ``` The converter should work both ways, so it is possible to convert altered UFOs back into VFBs which can be opened in FontLab. ### Notes There is currently an issue when converting via vfb2ufo, in which some anchors are dropped from glyphs. For now it is also necessary to run the script `get_dropped_anchors.py` through FontLab after updating the VFBs, in order to extract these dropped anchors into an external resource which is then re-incorporated into the masters during the build. vfb2ufo may output UFOs with bogus timestamps. Verify the openTypeNameCreated field in the output `fontinfo.plist` files.