=========== Screenshots =========== Screenshot below comes from the wordle.py example. No clever tricks here, just brute force. .. image:: _static/wordle.png Screenshots below comes from the glyph-vector.py and glyph-vectopr-2.py examples showing how to access a glyph outline information and use it to draw the glyph. Rendering (with Bézier curves) is done using matplotlib. .. image:: _static/S.png .. image:: _static/G.png Screenshot below comes from the glyph-color.py showing how to draw and combine a glyph outline with the regular glyph. .. image:: _static/outline.png The screenshot below comes from the hello-world.py example showing how to draw text in a bitmap (that has been zoomed in to show antialiasing). .. image:: _static/hello-world.png The screenshot below comes from the agg-trick.py example showing an implementation of ideas from the `Texts Rasterization Exposures `_ by Maxim Shemarev. .. image:: _static/agg-trick.png