*PPD-Adobe: "4.3" *% *% Printer Description file *% for "Infotec IS 3135 PS" *% *% CreationDate: 2005/05/11 *% Modified: 2009/05/04 *% *% COPYRIGHT (C) 2005-2009 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. *% *% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining *% a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *% "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *% without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *% distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to *% permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to *% the following conditions: *% *% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be *% included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *% *% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, *% EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF *% MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND *% NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE *% LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION *% OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION *% WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *% *% [this is the MIT open source license -- please see www.opensource.org] *% *FileVersion: "1.1" *FormatVersion: "4.3" *LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1 *LanguageVersion: English *ModelName: "Infotec IS 3135" *PCFileName: "INI31353.PPD" *Manufacturer: "Infotec" *Product: "(infotec IS 3135 PS3)" *PSVersion: "(3015.102) 2" *ShortNickName: "Infotec IS 3135 PS" *NickName: "Infotec IS 3135 PS" *%========== Basic Device Capabilities ========== *LanguageLevel: "3" *ColorDevice: False *DefaultColorSpace: Gray *TTRasterizer: Type42 *?TTRasterizer: " save 42 /FontType resourcestatus { pop pop (Type42)} {pop pop (None)} ifelse = flush restore " *End *FileSystem: True *?FileSystem: " save statusdict /diskonline get exec {(True)}{(False)}ifelse = flush restore " *End *Throughput: "135" *%========== Installable Options ========== *%========== & System Management ========== *OpenGroup: InstallableOptions/Installable Options *OpenUI *Option2/Large Capacity Tray: PickOne *DefaultOption2: False *Option2 False/Not Installed: "" *Option2 True/Installed: "" *?Option2: " save mark (False) userdict /86f6369627 known { userdict /86f6369627 get /perifdict get /inslot get dup type /arraytype eq { { dup 7 eq {(True) exit} if dup 13 eq {(True) exit} if pop } forall }{pop} ifelse }if = flush cleartomark restore " *End *CloseUI: *Option2 *OpenUI *Option3/Tray 7: PickOne *DefaultOption3: False *Option3 False/Not Installed: "" *Option3 True/Installed: "" *?Option3: " save mark (False) userdict /86f6369627 known { userdict /86f6369627 get /perifdict get /inslot get dup type /arraytype eq { { dup 0 eq {(True) exit} if pop } forall }{pop} ifelse }if = flush cleartomark restore " *End *CloseUI: *Option3 *OpenUI *Option30/Finisher SR5000: PickOne *DefaultOption30: True *Option30 True/Installed: "" *Option30 False/Not Installed: "" *?Option30: " save mark (False) userdict /86f6369627 known { userdict /86f6369627 get /perifdict get /outslot get dup type /arraytype eq { { dup 15 eq {(True) exit} if pop } forall }{pop} ifelse } if = flush cleartomark restore " *End *CloseUI: *Option30 *OpenUI *Option32/Output Option: PickOne *DefaultOption32: None *Option32 None/Not Installed: "" *Option32 Karun/Finisher BK5000: "" *Option32 Plockmatic/Booklet Processor: "" *?Option32: " save mark (None) userdict /86f6369627 known { userdict /86f6369627 get /perifdict get /outslot get dup type /arraytype eq { { dup 25 eq {(Karun) exit} if dup 19 eq {(Plockmatic) exit} if pop } forall }{pop} ifelse } if = flush cleartomark restore " *End *CloseUI: *Option32 *OpenUI *Option50/Z-folding unit: PickOne *DefaultOption50: False *Option50 False/Not Installed: "" *Option50 True/Installed: "" *?Option50: " save mark (False) userdict /86f6369627 known { userdict /86f6369627 get /perifdict get /outslot get dup type /arraytype eq { { dup 20 eq {(True) exit} if pop } forall }{pop} ifelse } if = flush cleartomark restore " *End *CloseUI: *Option50 *OpenUI *Option100/Multi-hole Punch Unit: PickOne *DefaultOption100: False *Option100 False/Not Installed: "" *Option100 True/Installed: "" *?Option100: " save mark (False) userdict /86f6369627 known { userdict /86f6369627 get /perifdict get /outslot get dup type /arraytype eq { { dup 26 eq {(True) exit} if pop } forall }{pop} ifelse } if = flush cleartomark restore " *End *CloseUI: *Option100 *CloseGroup: InstallableOptions *%========== Large Capacity Tray / Tray 7 ========== *UIConstraints: *Option2 False *Option3 True *UIConstraints: *Option3 True *Option2 False *%========== InputSlot / Large Capacity Tray ========== *UIConstraints: *InputSlot 4Tray *Option2 False *UIConstraints: *Option2 False *InputSlot 4Tray *UIConstraints: *InputSlot 5Tray *Option2 False *UIConstraints: *Option2 False *InputSlot 5Tray *UIConstraints: *InputSlot 6Tray *Option2 False *UIConstraints: *Option2 False *InputSlot 6Tray *%========== InputSlot / Tray 7 ========== *UIConstraints: *InputSlot 7Tray *Option3 False *UIConstraints: *Option3 False *InputSlot 7Tray *%========== Output Option / Finisher SR5000 ========== *UIConstraints: *Option32 Karun *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *Option32 Karun *UIConstraints: *Option32 Plockmatic *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *Option32 Plockmatic *%========== Finisher SR5000 / Z-folding unit ========== *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *Option50 True *UIConstraints: *Option50 True *Option30 False *%========== Finisher SR5000 / Multi-hole Punch Unit ========== *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *Option100 True *UIConstraints: *Option100 True *Option30 False *%========== Destination / Finisher SR5000 ========== *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinProof *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *OutputBin FinProof *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinShift *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *OutputBin FinShift *%========== Staple / Finisher SR5000 ========== *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperLeft *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *StapleLocation UpperLeft *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperRight *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *StapleLocation UpperRight *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerLeft *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *StapleLocation LowerLeft *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerRight *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *StapleLocation LowerRight *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LeftW *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *StapleLocation LeftW *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation RightW *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *StapleLocation RightW *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperW *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *StapleLocation UpperW *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerW *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *StapleLocation LowerW *%========== Punch / Finisher SR5000 ========== *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Left2 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Left2 *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Left3 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Left3 *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Left4 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Left4 *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Right2 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Right2 *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Right3 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Right3 *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Right4 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Right4 *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Upper2 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Upper2 *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Upper3 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Upper3 *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Upper4 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Upper4 *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Lower2 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Lower2 *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Lower3 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Lower3 *UIConstraints: *RIPunch Lower4 *Option30 False *UIConstraints: *Option30 False *RIPunch Lower4 *%========== Destination / Output Option ========== *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinShift *Option32 Plockmatic *UIConstraints: *Option32 Plockmatic *OutputBin FinShift *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *Option32 None *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *Option32 Karun *UIConstraints: *Option32 None *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *Option32 Karun *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *Option32 None *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *Option32 Plockmatic *UIConstraints: *Option32 None *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *Option32 Plockmatic *OutputBin FinBooklet *%========== Staple / Output Option ========== *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperLeft *Option32 Plockmatic *UIConstraints: *Option32 Plockmatic *StapleLocation UpperLeft *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperRight *Option32 Plockmatic *UIConstraints: *Option32 Plockmatic *StapleLocation UpperRight *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerLeft *Option32 Plockmatic *UIConstraints: *Option32 Plockmatic *StapleLocation LowerLeft *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerRight *Option32 Plockmatic *UIConstraints: *Option32 Plockmatic *StapleLocation LowerRight *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LeftW *Option32 Plockmatic *UIConstraints: *Option32 Plockmatic *StapleLocation LeftW *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation RightW *Option32 Plockmatic *UIConstraints: *Option32 Plockmatic *StapleLocation RightW *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperW *Option32 Plockmatic *UIConstraints: *Option32 Plockmatic *StapleLocation UpperW *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerW *Option32 Plockmatic *UIConstraints: *Option32 Plockmatic *StapleLocation LowerW *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation CenterW *Option32 None *UIConstraints: *Option32 None *StapleLocation CenterW *%========== Z-fold / Z-folding unit ========== *UIConstraints: *RIZfold Bottom *Option50 False *UIConstraints: *Option50 False *RIZfold Bottom *UIConstraints: *RIZfold Right *Option50 False *UIConstraints: *Option50 False *RIZfold Right *UIConstraints: *RIZfold Left *Option50 False *UIConstraints: *Option50 False *RIZfold Left *%========== Punch / Multi-hole Punch Unit ========== *UIConstraints: *RIPunch GBCLeft *Option100 False *UIConstraints: *Option100 False *RIPunch GBCLeft *UIConstraints: *RIPunch GBCRight *Option100 False *UIConstraints: *Option100 False *RIPunch GBCRight *UIConstraints: *RIPunch GBCTop *Option100 False *UIConstraints: *Option100 False *RIPunch GBCTop *UIConstraints: *RIPunch GBCBottom *Option100 False *UIConstraints: *Option100 False *RIPunch GBCBottom *%========== Paper Type / Fit to Paper ========== *UIConstraints: *MediaType None *RIPaperPolicy PromptUser *UIConstraints: *RIPaperPolicy PromptUser 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HalfLetter.FullBleed *InputSlot 1Tray *UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1Tray *PageSize HalfLetter.FullBleed *UIConstraints: *PageSize F.FullBleed *InputSlot 1Tray *UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1Tray *PageSize F.FullBleed *UIConstraints: *PageSize Folio.FullBleed *InputSlot 1Tray *UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1Tray *PageSize Folio.FullBleed *UIConstraints: *PageSize FanFoldGermanLegal.FullBleed *InputSlot 1Tray *UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1Tray *PageSize FanFoldGermanLegal.FullBleed *UIConstraints: *PageSize 8Kai.FullBleed *InputSlot 1Tray *UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1Tray *PageSize 8Kai.FullBleed *UIConstraints: *PageSize 16Kai.FullBleed *InputSlot 1Tray *UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1Tray *PageSize 16Kai.FullBleed *%========== PageRegion / InputSlot ========== *UIConstraints: *PageRegion A5 *InputSlot 1Tray *UIConstraints: *InputSlot 1Tray *PageRegion A5 *UIConstraints: *PageRegion A6 *InputSlot 1Tray *UIConstraints: *PageRegion A6 *InputSlot 2Tray *UIConstraints: *PageRegion A6 *InputSlot 3Tray 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*UIConstraints: *MediaType Labels *Duplex DuplexTumble *UIConstraints: *MediaType Labels *Duplex DuplexNoTumble *UIConstraints: *Duplex DuplexTumble *MediaType Labels *UIConstraints: *Duplex DuplexNoTumble *MediaType Labels *UIConstraints: *MediaType OHP *Duplex DuplexTumble *UIConstraints: *MediaType OHP *Duplex DuplexNoTumble *UIConstraints: *Duplex DuplexTumble *MediaType OHP *UIConstraints: *Duplex DuplexNoTumble *MediaType OHP *UIConstraints: *MediaType Index *Duplex DuplexTumble *UIConstraints: *MediaType Index *Duplex DuplexNoTumble *UIConstraints: *Duplex DuplexTumble *MediaType Index *UIConstraints: *Duplex DuplexNoTumble *MediaType Index *%========== Paper Type / Destination ========== *UIConstraints: *MediaType Translucent *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *MediaType Translucent *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *MediaType Translucent *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *MediaType Translucent *UIConstraints: *MediaType Prepunched *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *MediaType Prepunched *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *MediaType Prepunched *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *MediaType Prepunched *UIConstraints: *MediaType Labels *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *MediaType Labels *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *MediaType Labels *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *MediaType Labels *UIConstraints: *MediaType OHP *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *MediaType OHP *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *MediaType OHP *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *MediaType OHP *UIConstraints: *MediaType Index *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *MediaType Index *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *MediaType Index *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *MediaType Index *%========== Staple / Destination ========== *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation None *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation None *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *StapleLocation None *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *StapleLocation None *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperLeft *OutputBin FinProof *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperLeft *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperLeft *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinProof *StapleLocation UpperLeft *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *StapleLocation UpperLeft *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *StapleLocation UpperLeft *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperRight *OutputBin FinProof *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperRight *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperRight *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinProof *StapleLocation UpperRight *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *StapleLocation UpperRight *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *StapleLocation UpperRight *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerLeft *OutputBin FinProof *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerLeft *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerLeft *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinProof *StapleLocation LowerLeft *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *StapleLocation LowerLeft *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *StapleLocation LowerLeft *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerRight *OutputBin FinProof *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerRight *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerRight *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinProof *StapleLocation LowerRight *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *StapleLocation LowerRight *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *StapleLocation LowerRight *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LeftW *OutputBin FinProof *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LeftW *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LeftW *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinProof *StapleLocation LeftW *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *StapleLocation LeftW *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *StapleLocation LeftW *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation RightW *OutputBin FinProof *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation RightW *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation RightW *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinProof *StapleLocation RightW *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *StapleLocation RightW *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *StapleLocation RightW *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperW *OutputBin FinProof *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperW *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation UpperW *OutputBin FinBooklet *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinProof *StapleLocation UpperW *UIConstraints: *OutputBin PlockmaticTray *StapleLocation UpperW *UIConstraints: *OutputBin FinBooklet *StapleLocation UpperW *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerW *OutputBin FinProof *UIConstraints: *StapleLocation LowerW *OutputBin PlockmaticTray 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= flush quit }if " *End *Reset: " count 0 eq {false}{true exch startjob}ifelse not {(WARNING: Cannot reset printer.) = (Missing or invalid Password.) = (Please contact the author.) = flush quit }if systemdict /quit get exec (WARNING: Printer Reset Failed.) = flush " *End *DefaultResolution: 600dpi *?Resolution: " save currentpagedevice /HWResolution get 0 get ( ) cvs print (dpi) = flush restore " *End *SuggestedJobTimeout: "0" *SuggestedWaitTimeout: "300" *PrintPSErrors: True *%DeviceAdjustMatrix: "[1 0 0 1 0 0]" *%========== Media Selection ========== *LandscapeOrientation: Minus90 *OpenUI *RIPaperPolicy/Fit to Paper: PickOne *OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *RIPaperPolicy *DefaultRIPaperPolicy: PromptUser *RIPaperPolicy PromptUser/Prompt User: " <> setpagedevice <> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPaperPolicy NearestSizeAdjust/Nearest Size and Scale: " <> setpagedevice <> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPaperPolicy NearestSizeNoAdjust/Nearest Size and Crop: " <> setpagedevice <> >> setpagedevice" 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true setedgetoedge" *End *PageSize FanFoldGermanLegal.FullBleed/8.5x13 (Full Bleed): "<< /PageSize [612 936] /ImagingBBox null>> setpagedevice true setedgetoedge" *End *PageSize 8Kai.FullBleed/8K (Full Bleed): "<< /PageSize [757 1106] /ImagingBBox null>> setpagedevice true setedgetoedge" *End *PageSize 16Kai.FullBleed/16K (Full Bleed): "<< /PageSize [553 757] /ImagingBBox null>> setpagedevice true setedgetoedge" *End *?PageSize: " save currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop 2 copy gt {exch}if (Unknown) 36 dict dup [842 1191] (A3) put dup [595 842] (A4) put dup [420 595] (A5) put dup [298 420] (A6) put dup [729 1032] (B4) put dup [516 729] (B5) put dup [363 516] (B6) put dup [792 1224] (11x17) put dup [864 1296] (12x18) put dup [612 1008] (Legal) put dup [612 792] (Letter) put dup [522 756] (Executive) put dup [396 612] (HalfLetter) put dup [576 936] (F) put dup [595 935] (Folio) put dup [612 936] (FanFoldGermanLegal) put dup [757 1106] (8Kai) put dup [553 757] (16Kai) put dup [842 1191] (A3.FullBleed) put dup [595 842] (A4.FullBleed) put dup [420 595] (A5.FullBleed) put dup [298 420] (A6.FullBleed) put dup [729 1032] (B4.FullBleed) put dup [516 729] (B5.FullBleed) put dup [363 516] (B6.FullBleed) put dup [792 1224] (11x17.FullBleed) put dup [864 1296] (12x18.FullBleed) put dup [612 1008] (Legal.FullBleed) put dup [612 792] (Letter.FullBleed) put dup [522 756] (Executive.FullBleed) put dup [396 612] (HalfLetter.FullBleed) put dup [576 936] (F.FullBleed) put dup [595 935] (Folio.FullBleed) put dup [612 936] (FanFoldGermanLegal.FullBleed) put dup [757 1106] (8Kai.FullBleed) put dup [553 757] (16Kai.FullBleed) put {exch aload pop 4 index sub abs 5 le exch 5 index sub abs 5 le and {exch pop exit}{pop}ifelse }bind forall = flush pop pop restore " *End *CloseUI: *PageSize *OpenUI *PageRegion: PickOne *OrderDependency: 25 AnySetup *PageRegion *DefaultPageRegion: Letter *PageRegion A3/A3: "<< /PageSize [842 1191] /ImagingBBox null >> setpagedevice false setedgetoedge" 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True *OpenUI *Duplex/Duplex: PickOne *OrderDependency: 50 AnySetup *Duplex *DefaultDuplex: None *Duplex None/Off: "<>setpagedevice" *Duplex DuplexNoTumble/Long Edge: "<>setpagedevice" *Duplex DuplexTumble/Short Edge: "<>setpagedevice" *?Duplex: " save currentpagedevice /Duplex get {currentpagedevice /Tumble get {(DuplexTumble)}{(DuplexNoTumble)}ifelse }{(None)}ifelse = flush restore " *End *CloseUI: *Duplex *%========== Resolution and Appearance Control ========== *OpenUI *Resolution/Resolution: PickOne *OrderDependency: 40 AnySetup *Resolution *DefaultResolution: 600dpi *Resolution 600dpi/600 dpi: "<>setpagedevice" *End *Resolution 1200dpi/1200 dpi: "<>setpagedevice" *End *?Resolution: " save currentpagedevice /HWResolution get 0 get ( ) cvs print (dpi) = flush restore " *End *CloseUI: *Resolution *OpenUI *Collate/Collate: PickOne *OrderDependency: 200 AnySetup *Collate *DefaultCollate: False *Collate False/Off: "<>setpagedevice" *Collate True/On: "<> >>setpagedevice" *End *?Collate: " save currentpagedevice /Collate get {{(True)}{(False)}ifelse }stopped {(Unknown)}if = flush restore " *End *CloseUI: *Collate *OpenUI *RIPrintMode/Print Mode: PickOne *OrderDependency: 45 AnySetup *RIPrintMode *DefaultRIPrintMode: 0rhit *RIPrintMode 0rhit/Through: " <> setpagedevice" *End *RIPrintMode 1rhit/Edge Smoothing: "<> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPrintMode 3rhit/Toner Saving: "<> >> setpagedevice" *End *?RIPrintMode: " save /UK (Unknown) def { currentpagedevice dup /PostRenderingEnhance 2 copy known not { UK exit } if get dup false eq {pop (0rhit) exit } {pop /PostRenderingEnhanceDetails get dup /OutputMode get dup 0 eq {pop (1rhit) exit} if dup 3 eq {pop (3rhit) exit} if UK exit } ifelse } bind loop mark count 1 sub 2 roll cleartomark = flush restore " *End *CloseUI: *RIPrintMode *OpenUI *RPSDitherType/Dithering: PickOne *OrderDependency: 130 AnySetup *RPSDitherType *DefaultRPSDitherType: Auto *RPSDitherType Auto/Auto: "(auto) RCsethalftonetype" *RPSDitherType 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" *End *CloseUI: *MediaType *OpenUI *OutputBin/Destination: PickOne *OrderDependency: 210 AnySetup *OutputBin *DefaultOutputBin: Default *OutputBin Default/Printer Default: "<>setpagedevice" *OutputBin FinProof/Finisher SR5000 Upper Tray: "<>setpagedevice" *OutputBin FinShift/Finisher SR5000 Shift Tray: "<>setpagedevice" *OutputBin PlockmaticTray/Booklet Processor Tray: "<>setpagedevice" *OutputBin FinBooklet/Finisher BK5000 Booklet Tray: "<>setpagedevice" *?OutputBin: " save currentpagedevice /OutputType get = flush restore " *End *CloseUI: *OutputBin *OpenUI *StapleLocation/Staple: PickOne *OrderDependency: 220 AnySetup *StapleLocation *DefaultStapleLocation: None *StapleLocation None/Off: "<< /Staple 0 >> setpagedevice" *StapleLocation UpperLeft/Top left: "<< /Collate true /CollateDetails <> /Staple 2 /StapleDetails << /Type 14 /Angle 0 /Position 0 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *StapleLocation UpperRight/Top right: "<< /Collate true /CollateDetails <> /Staple 2 /StapleDetails << /Type 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*OrderDependency: 230 AnySetup *RIPunch *DefaultRIPunch: None *RIPunch None/Off: "<< /Punch 0 >> setpagedevice" *RIPunch Left2/2 at left: "<< /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 0 /NumHoles 2 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch Left3/3 at left: "<< /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 0 /NumHoles 3 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch Left4/4 at left: "<< /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 0 /NumHoles 4 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch Right2/2 at right: "<< /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 2 /NumHoles 2 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch Right3/3 at right: "<< /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 2 /NumHoles 3 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch Right4/4 at right: "<< /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 2 /NumHoles 4 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch Upper2/2 at top: "<< /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 3 /NumHoles 2 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch Upper3/3 at top: "<< /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 3 /NumHoles 3 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch Upper4/4 at top: "<< /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 3 /NumHoles 4 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch Lower2/2 at bottom: " 1 /RDeviceProcSet /ProcSet findresource /SetImageRotation get exec << /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 3 /NumHoles 2 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch Lower3/3 at bottom: " 1 /RDeviceProcSet /ProcSet findresource /SetImageRotation get exec << /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 3 /NumHoles 3 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch Lower4/4 at bottom: " 1 /RDeviceProcSet /ProcSet findresource /SetImageRotation get exec << /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 4 /Position 3 /NumHoles 4 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch GBCLeft/Multiple at left: " << /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 3 /Position 0>> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch GBCRight/Multiple at right: " << /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 3 /Position 2>> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch GBCTop/Multiple at top: " << /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 3 /Position 3>> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIPunch GBCBottom/Multiple at bottom: " 1 /RDeviceProcSet /ProcSet findresource /SetImageRotation get exec << /Punch 2 /PunchDetails << /Type 3 /Position 3>> >> setpagedevice" *End *?RIPunch: " save /UK (Unknown) def { currentpagedevice dup /Punch 2 copy known not { UK exit } if get dup 0 eq {pop (None) exit } {pop /PunchDetails get dup /Position get dup 0 eq {pop (Left2) exit} if dup 2 eq {pop (Right2) exit} if dup 3 eq {pop (Upper2) exit} if dup 1 eq {pop (Lower2) exit} if UK exit } ifelse } bind loop mark count 1 sub 2 roll cleartomark = flush restore " *End *CloseUI: *RIPunch *OpenUI *RIZfold/Z-fold: PickOne *OrderDependency: 250 AnySetup *RIZfold *DefaultRIZfold: None *RIZfold None/Off: "<< /Fold 0 >> setpagedevice" *RIZfold Bottom/Bottom Fold: "<< /Fold 1 /FoldDetails << /Type 7 /FoldType 0 /ImageRotation 2 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIZfold Right/Right Fold: "<< /Fold 1 /FoldDetails << /Type 7 /FoldType 0 /ImageRotation 1 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *RIZfold Left/Left Fold: "<< /Fold 1 /FoldDetails << /Type 7 /FoldType 0 /ImageRotation 3 >> >> setpagedevice" *End *?RIZfold: " " *End *CloseUI: *RIZfold *OpenUI *RIOrientOvr/Orientation Override: PickOne *OrderDependency: 170 AnySetup *RIOrientOvr *DefaultRIOrientOvr: Off *RIOrientOvr Off/Off: "" *RIOrientOvr Landscape/Landscape: " 1 /RDeviceProcSet /ProcSet findresource /SetOrientationOverride get exec" *End *RIOrientOvr Portrait/Portrait: " 0 /RDeviceProcSet /ProcSet findresource /SetOrientationOverride get exec" *End *CloseUI: *RIOrientOvr *%=== Watermark ======== *OpenUI *RIWatermark/Watermark: PickOne *OrderDependency: 300 AnySetup *RIWatermark *DefaultRIWatermark: Off *RIWatermark Off/Off: "" *RIWatermark On/On: " userdict /RPS_WMdict 10 dict put userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM true def /RPS_WM_adjangle { 1.0 mul } bind def %% Portrait, Portrait(4up) /RPS_WM_adjust 0.5 def /RPS_WM_position { %% center currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop exch 2.0 div exch 2.0 div translate RPS_WM_angle RPS_WM_adjangle rotate RPS_WM_font findfont RPS_WM_size scalefont setfont RPS_WM_str stringwidth pop 2.0 div neg RPS_WM_size 2.0 div moveto } bind def end << /EndPage { 2 eq { pop false }{ userdict /RPS_WMdict 2 copy known { get begin RPS_WM { gsave initgraphics RPS_WM_color RPS_WM_Pattern RPS_WM_position RPS_WM_draw grestore } if end }{ pop pop } ifelse pop true } ifelse } bind >> setpagedevice" *End *CloseUI: *RIWatermark *%=== Watermark Text ======== *OpenUI *RIWMText/Watermark Text: PickOne *OrderDependency: 310 AnySetup *RIWMText *DefaultRIWMText: Confidential *RIWMText Confidential/CONFIDENTIAL: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_str (CONFIDENTIAL) def end" *End *RIWMText Copy/COPY: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_str (COPY) def end" *End *RIWMText Copyright/DRAFT: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_str (DRAFT) def end" *End *RIWMText Final/FINAL: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_str (FINAL) def end" *End *RIWMText FileCopy/FILE COPY: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_str (FILE COPY) def end" *End *RIWMText Proof/PROOF: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_str (PROOF) def end" *End *RIWMText TopSecret/TOP SECRET: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_str (TOP SECRET) def end" *End *CloseUI: *RIWMText *%=== WaterMark Font ======== *OpenUI *RIwmFont/Watermark Font: PickOne *OrderDependency: 320 AnySetup *RIwmFont *DefaultRIwmFont: HelveticaB *RIwmFont CourierB/Courier Bold: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_font /Courier-Bold def end" *End *RIwmFont TimesB/Times Bold: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_font /Times-Bold def end" *End *RIwmFont HelveticaB/Helvetica Bold: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_font /Helvetica-Bold def end" *End *CloseUI: *RIwmFont *%=== WaterMark Font Size======== *OpenUI *RIwmSize/Watermark Size: PickOne *OrderDependency: 325 AnySetup *RIwmSize *DefaultRIwmSize: 36 *RIwmSize 24/24 Point: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_size 24 def end" *End *RIwmSize 36/36 Point: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_size 36 def end" *End *RIwmSize 48/48 Point: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_size 48 def end" *End *RIwmSize 60/60 Point: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_size 60 def end" *End *RIwmSize 72/72 Point: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_size 72 def end" *End *CloseUI: *RIwmSize *%=== WaterMark Angle ======== *OpenUI *RIwmAngle/Watermark Angle: PickOne *OrderDependency: 330 AnySetup *RIwmAngle *DefaultRIwmAngle: 45Deg *RIwmAngle 180Deg/180 Degrees: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_angle 180 def end" *End *RIwmAngle 135Deg/135 Degrees: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_angle 135 def end" *End *RIwmAngle 90Deg/90 Degrees: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_angle 90 def end" *End *RIwmAngle 45Deg/45 Degrees: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_angle 45 def end" *End *RIwmAngle 0Deg/0 Degrees: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_angle 0 def end" *End *RIwmAngle M45Deg/-45 Degrees: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_angle -45 def end" *End *RIwmAngle M90Deg/-90 Degrees: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_angle -90 def end" *End *RIwmAngle M135Deg/-135 Degrees: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_angle -135 def end" *End *RIwmAngle M180Deg/-180 Degrees: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_angle -180 def end" *End *CloseUI: *RIwmAngle *%=== WaterMark Style ======== *OpenUI *RIwmTextStyle/Watermark Style: PickOne *OrderDependency: 340 AnySetup *RIwmTextStyle *DefaultRIwmTextStyle: Gray *RIwmTextStyle Gray/Gray: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_color { 0 setgray } bind def /RPS_WM_Pattern { << /PatternType 1 /PaintType 1 /TilingType 3 /BBox [ 0 0 1 1 ] /XStep 1 /YStep 1 /PaintProc { begin RPS_WM_color 8 8 true [ 8 0 0 -8 0 8 ] <88002200 88002200> imagemask end } >> [ 1 0 0 -1 0 1 ] makepattern setpattern } bind def /RPS_WM_draw { %% RPS_WM_mask RPS_WM_str false charpath fill } bind def end" *End *RIwmTextStyle Outline/Outlined: "userdict /RPS_WMdict get begin /RPS_WM_color { 0 setgray } bind def /RPS_WM_Pattern {} def /RPS_WM_draw { %% RPS_WM_outline 0 setlinewidth RPS_WM_str false charpath stroke } bind def end" *End *CloseUI: *RIwmTextStyle *%========== Gray Levels and Halftoning ========== *AccurateScreensSupport: True *ScreenFreq: "85.0" *ScreenAngle: "45.0" *DefaultScreenProc: Dot *ScreenProc Dot: " {abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt {1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub} {dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub} ifelse} " *End *ScreenProc Line: "{pop}" *ScreenProc Ellipse: " {dup 5 mul 8 div mul exch dup mul exch add sqrt 1 exch sub} " *End *%========== Font ========== *DefaultFont: Courier *Font AlbertusMT: Standard "(001.000)" Standard ROM *Font AlbertusMT-Italic: Standard "(001.000)" Standard ROM *Font AlbertusMT-Light: Standard "(001.000)" Standard ROM *Font AntiqueOlive-Bold: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font AntiqueOlive-Compact: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font AntiqueOlive-Italic: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font AntiqueOlive-Roman: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Apple-Chancery: Standard "(001.001)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font ArialMT: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Arial-BoldMT: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Arial-BoldItalicMT: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Arial-ItalicMT: Standard "(501.012)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font AvantGarde-Book: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font AvantGarde-BookOblique: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font AvantGarde-Demi: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font AvantGarde-DemiOblique: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Bodoni: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Bodoni-Bold: Standard "(501.006)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Bodoni-BoldItalic: Standard "(501.007)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Bodoni-Italic: Standard "(501.007)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Bodoni-Poster: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Bodoni-PosterCompressed: Standard "(501.007)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Bookman-Demi: Standard "(501.007)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Bookman-DemiItalic: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Bookman-Light: Standard "(501.006)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Bookman-LightItalic: Standard "(501.007)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Carta: Special "(001.001)" Special ROM *Font Chicago: Standard "(501.011)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Clarendon-Bold: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Clarendon-Light: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Clarendon: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font CooperBlack-Italic: Standard "(001.003)" Standard ROM *Font CooperBlack: Standard "(001.003)" Standard ROM *Font Copperplate-ThirtyThreeBC: Standard "(001.002)" Standard ROM *Font Copperplate-ThirtyTwoBC: Standard "(001.002)" Standard ROM *Font Coronet-Regular: Standard "(001.000)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Courier-Bold: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Courier-BoldOblique: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Courier-Oblique: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Courier: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Eurostile-Bold: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Eurostile-BoldExtendedTwo: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Eurostile-ExtendedTwo: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Eurostile: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Geneva: Standard "(501.007)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font GillSans: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font GillSans-Bold: Standard "(501.007)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font GillSans-BoldCondensed: Standard "(501.006)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font GillSans-BoldItalic: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font GillSans-Condensed: Standard "(501.007)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font GillSans-ExtraBold: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font GillSans-Italic: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font GillSans-Light: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font GillSans-LightItalic: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Goudy: Standard "(001.003)" Standard ROM *Font Goudy-Bold: Standard "(001.002)" Standard ROM *Font Goudy-BoldItalic: Standard "(001.002)" Standard ROM *Font Goudy-ExtraBold: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM *Font Goudy-Italic: Standard "(001.002)" Standard ROM *Font Helvetica: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Helvetica-Bold: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Helvetica-BoldOblique: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Helvetica-Condensed-Bold: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Helvetica-Condensed-BoldObl: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Helvetica-Condensed-Oblique: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Helvetica-Condensed: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Helvetica-Narrow-Bold: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Helvetica-Narrow: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Helvetica-Oblique: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font HoeflerText-Black: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font HoeflerText-BlackItalic: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font HoeflerText-Italic: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font HoeflerText-Ornaments: Special "(001.001)" Special ROM *Font HoeflerText-Regular: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font JoannaMT: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font JoannaMT-Bold: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font JoannaMT-BoldItalic: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font JoannaMT-Italic: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font LetterGothic: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font LetterGothic-Bold: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font LetterGothic-BoldSlanted: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font LetterGothic-Slanted: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font LubalinGraph-Book: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font LubalinGraph-BookOblique: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font LubalinGraph-Demi: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font LubalinGraph-DemiOblique: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Marigold: Standard "(001.000)" Standard ROM *Font MonaLisa-Recut: Standard "(001.000)" Standard ROM *Font Monaco: Standard "(501.012)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font NewCenturySchlbk-Bold: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font NewCenturySchlbk-Italic: Standard "(501.011)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font NewCenturySchlbk-Roman: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font NewYork: Standard "(501.013)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Optima-Bold: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Optima-BoldItalic: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Optima-Italic: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Optima: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Oxford: Standard "(001.000)" Standard ROM *Font Palatino-Bold: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Palatino-BoldItalic: Standard "(501.007)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Palatino-Italic: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Palatino-Roman: Standard "(501.006)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font StempelGaramond-Bold: Standard "(501.007)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font StempelGaramond-BoldItalic: Standard "(501.012)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font StempelGaramond-Italic: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font StempelGaramond-Roman: Standard "(501.011)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Symbol: Special "(001.008)" Special ROM *Font Tekton: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM *Font Times-Bold: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Times-BoldItalic: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Times-Italic: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Times-Roman: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT: Standard "(501.011)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT: Standard "(501.011)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font TimesNewRomanPSMT: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-Bold: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-BoldExt: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-BoldExtObl: Standard "(501.010)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-BoldOblique: Standard "(501.008)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-Condensed: Standard "(501.011)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-CondensedBold: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-CondensedBoldOblique: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-CondensedOblique: Standard "(501.011)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-Extended: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-ExtendedObl: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-Light: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-LightOblique: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Univers-Oblique: Standard "(501.009)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font Wingdings-Regular: Special "(001.001)" Special ROM *Font ZapfChancery-MediumItalic: Standard "(002.000)" ExtendedRoman ROM *Font ZapfDingbats: Special "(001.005S)" Special ROM *?FontQuery: " save {count 1 gt { exch dup 127 string cvs (/) print print (:) print /Font resourcestatus {pop pop (Yes)}{(NO)}ifelse = }{exit}ifelse }bind loop (*) = flush restore " *End *?FontList: " save (*) {cvn ==} 128 string /Font resourceforall (*) = flush restore " *End *Status: "initializing" *Status: "holding" *Status: "idle" *Status: "busy" *Status: "waiting" *Status: "printing" *Status: "print test page" *Source: "Parallel" *Source: "TCP/IP" *Source: "EtherTalk" *Source: "SPX/IPX" *Source: "NetBEUI" *Source: "IEEE1394" *Message: "%%[ exitserver: permanent state may be changed ]%%" *Message: "%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%" *Message: "\FontName\ not found, using Courier" *%========== Color Separation ========== *DefaultColorSep: ProcessBlack.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi *%===== For 106 lpi & 600 dpi ===== *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessBlack.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0" *ColorSepScreenAngle CustomColor.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0" *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessCyan.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0" *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessMagenta.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0" *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessYellow.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "45.0" *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessBlack.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "106" *ColorSepScreenFreq CustomColor.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "106" *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessCyan.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "106" *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessMagenta.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "106" *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessYellow.106lpi.600dpi/106 lpi / 600 dpi: "106" *%===== For 140 lpi & 1200 dpi ===== *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessBlack.140lpi.1200dpi/140 lpi / 1200 dpi: "45.0" *ColorSepScreenAngle CustomColor.140lpi.1200dpi/140 lpi / 1200 dpi: "45.0" *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessCyan.140lpi.1200dpi/140 lpi / 1200 dpi: "45.0" *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessMagenta.140lpi.1200dpi/140 lpi / 1200 dpi: "45.0" *ColorSepScreenAngle ProcessYellow.140lpi.1200dpi/140 lpi / 1200 dpi: "45.0" *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessBlack.140lpi.1200dpi/140 lpi / 1200 dpi: "140" *ColorSepScreenFreq CustomColor.140lpi.1200dpi/140 lpi / 1200 dpi: "140" *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessCyan.140lpi.1200dpi/140 lpi / 1200 dpi: "140" *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessMagenta.140lpi.1200dpi/140 lpi / 1200 dpi: "140" *ColorSepScreenFreq ProcessYellow.140lpi.1200dpi/140 lpi / 1200 dpi: "140" *% END OF PRINTER DESCRIPTION FILE *%========== Enable Ricoh JobLog Feature========== *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip" *FoomaticRIPCommandLine: "printf "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%%% %%&& %%\n%B%C%D%A"%%%%; cat;" *End *OpenGroup: JobLog/Job Log *OpenUI *JobType/JobType: PickOne *FoomaticRIPOption JobType: enum CmdLine B *OrderDependency: 255 AnySetup *JobType *DefaultJobType: Normal *JobType Normal/Normal: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: JobType=Normal" *FoomaticRIPOptionSetting JobType=Normal: "mark\n&& () () (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) {setuserinfo} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *JobType SamplePrint/Sample Print: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: JobType=SamplePrint" *FoomaticRIPOptionSetting JobType=SamplePrint: "mark\n&& (&user;) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) {proofprint} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *JobType LockedPrint/Locked Print: "" *JobType DocServer/Document Server: "" *CloseUI: *JobType *OpenUI *LockedPrintPassword/Locked Print Password (4-8 digits): PickOne *FoomaticRIPOption LockedPrintPassword: password CmdLine C *FoomaticRIPOptionMaxLength LockedPrintPassword:8 *FoomaticRIPOptionAllowedChars LockedPrintPassword: "0-9" *OrderDependency: 255 AnySetup *LockedPrintPassword *FoomaticRIPOptionPrototype LockedPrintPassword: "mark\n&& (&user;) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) (%s) {secureprint} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *DefaultLockedPrintPassword: None *LockedPrintPassword None/None: "" *LockedPrintPassword 4001/4001: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: LockedPrintPassword=4001" *FoomaticRIPOptionSetting LockedPrintPassword=4001: "mark\n&& (&user;) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) (4001) {secureprint} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *LockedPrintPassword 4002/4002: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: LockedPrintPassword=4002" *FoomaticRIPOptionSetting LockedPrintPassword=4002: "mark\n&& (&user;) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) (4002) {secureprint} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *LockedPrintPassword 4003/4003: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: LockedPrintPassword=4003" *FoomaticRIPOptionSetting LockedPrintPassword=4003: "mark\n&& (&user;) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) (4003) {secureprint} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *CloseUI: *LockedPrintPassword *CustomLockedPrintPassword True/Custom Password: "" *ParamCustomLockedPrintPassword Password: 1 passcode 4 8 *OpenUI *DocServerPassword/Document Server Password (4-8 digits): PickOne *FoomaticRIPOption DocServerPassword: password CmdLine D *FoomaticRIPOptionMaxLength DocServerPassword:8 *FoomaticRIPOptionAllowedChars DocServerPassword: "0-9" *OrderDependency: 255 AnySetup *DocServerPassword *FoomaticRIPOptionPrototype DocServerPassword: "mark\n&& (&user;) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) (%s) (&title;) {storedprint} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *DefaultDocServerPassword: None *DocServerPassword None/None: "" *DocServerPassword 3001/3001: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: DocServerPassword=3001" *FoomaticRIPOptionSetting DocServerPassword=3001: "mark\n&& (&user;) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) (3001) (&title;) {storedprint} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *DocServerPassword 3002/3002: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: DocServerPassword=3002" *FoomaticRIPOptionSetting DocServerPassword=3002: "mark\n&& (&user;) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) (3002) (&title;) {storedprint} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *DocServerPassword 3003/3003: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: DocServerPassword=3003" *FoomaticRIPOptionSetting DocServerPassword=3003: "mark\n&& (&user;) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) (3003) (&title;) {storedprint} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *CloseUI: *DocServerPassword *CustomDocServerPassword True/Custom Password: "" *ParamCustomDocServerPassword Password: 1 passcode 4 8 *OpenUI *UserCode/User Code (up to 8 digits): PickOne *FoomaticRIPOption UserCode: string CmdLine A *FoomaticRIPOptionMaxLength UserCode:8 *FoomaticRIPOptionAllowedChars UserCode: "0-9" *OrderDependency: 255 AnySetup *UserCode *FoomaticRIPOptionPrototype UserCode: "mark\n&& () (%s) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) {setuserinfo} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *DefaultUserCode: None *UserCode None/None: "" *UserCode 1001/1001: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: UserCode=1001" *FoomaticRIPOptionSetting UserCode=1001: "mark\n&& () (1001) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) {setuserinfo} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *UserCode 1002/1002: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: UserCode=1002" *FoomaticRIPOptionSetting UserCode=1002: "mark\n&& () (1002) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) {setuserinfo} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *UserCode 1003/1003: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: UserCode=1003" *FoomaticRIPOptionSetting UserCode=1003: "mark\n&& () (1003) (20`date +%y%m%d%R | sed 's/://'`) {setuserinfo} stopped\n&& cleartomark\n" *End *CloseUI: *UserCode *CustomUserCode True/Custom UserCode: "" *ParamCustomUserCode UserCode: 1 passcode 1 8 *CloseGroup: JobLog/Job Log *% end of Printer Description file