bjc800 gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=bjc800%A%Z -sOutputFile=- - Ghostscript's built-in standard driver for Canon's inkjet printers.<p> NOTE: Due to a <a href="">bug</a> GPL Ghostscript 8.63 crashes when using this driver with PDF input data. With PostScript the driver works just fine.<p> The bug is fixed in Ghostscript 8.64 and later. For Ghostscript 8.63 (and older) there is a <a href="">patch</a> available.<p> The PPDs from this site need Ghostscript 8.64 or newer or the patch to work correctly with PDF input.<p> printer/Canon-BJC-4550 printer/Canon-BJC-7000 This driver probably does not work, because the printer only supports 300/600/1200 dpi. We use this driver and it seems to work. Change dpi to 600, 1200 doesnt work. Anyway, it prints very slow! printer/Canon-BJC-7004 This driver probably does not work, because the printer only supports 300/600/1200 dpi. printer/Canon-BJC-7100 printer/Canon-BJC-800 printer/Canon-i450